Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / vera / niu_intr / niu_int_ldg.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: niu_int_ldg.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include <vera_defines.vrh>
#include <ListMacros.vrh>
#include "pio_memory_map.vri"
#include "niu_int_dev.vrh"
#include "pio_driver.vrh"
#include "niu_int_qmgr.vrh"
extern niu_gen_pio gen_pio_drv;
extern Mesg be_msg;
class CNiuLdg {
bit[6:0] sid;
integer test_controlled_isr = 0;
integer function_no=0;
integer dis_pio_virt=1; // This needs to be set correctly
integer device68_already_bound=0;
integer multi_device_68bound = 0;
integer gid;
integer rearm = 0;
integer pending_flag = 0;
integer no_of_isrs_spawned;
integer REARM_TIMEOUT = 1000;
local bit ArmStatus;
local bit [5:0] timerStatus;
local bit [8:0] error_mask;
bit[68:0] active_devices;
bit[15:0] error_devices_bound;
CNiuIntrDev IntrDev[69];
CNiuIntrDev IntrErrDev[16]; // 16 extra devices for error
bit[63:0] lastreadLDSV0,lastreadLDSV1,lastreadLDSV2;
task new(integer i);
task ldgbind( CNiuIntrDev dev, (integer active = 1)) ;
task setSid(bit[6:0] s) ;
task SetIntrMgm(bit arm, bit[5:0] timer ) ;
task ReArmIntrMgm( (integer rearm_wait=100) , (integer rearm_timeout=1000) ) ;
virtual task ldgIsr((integer blanket_int=0),(CniuGenIntrMsg IntrMsg=null) );
task CheckIntrDev((integer blanket_int=0),(CniuGenIntrMsg IntrMsg=null) );
function bit[63:0] PioReadLDSV0() ;
function bit[63:0] PioReadLDSV1() ;
function bit[63:0] PioReadLDSV2() ;
local function bit [63:0] getPIOAddress(bit[63:0] orig_address,(integer pass_through=1));
function integer LaunchDev68Isr(bit [15:0] error_state,bit[1:0] ldf_flags);
task clrArm((integer check= 0)) ;
task incIsrCnt() { no_of_isrs_spawned++;
printf("CNiuLdg:incIsrCnt cnt - %d \n",no_of_isrs_spawned);
function integer getIsrCnt() { getIsrCnt = no_of_isrs_spawned; }
task SetPendingFlag() {pending_flag=1;}
task ClrPendingFlag() {pending_flag=0;}
function integer isPending();
function integer getDevIsrCnt(integer id ) ;
task setDevIsrCnt(integer id);
function integer isISRDone(integer id) ;
task resetISRDone(integer id) ;
task SetErrMask ( bit [8:0] mask ) ;
function bit[31:0] PioReadErrState () ;
function bit[31:0] getErrState() ;
task mask_all_devices();
task unmask_all_devices();
task ldgunbind( integer dev_id) ;
task CNiuLdg::SetErrMask ( bit [8:0] mask ) {
// Applicable for device #68 only
bit [63:0] address, wdata;
if(active_devices[68]) {
address = SYS_ERR_MASK;
wdata = {55'h0,mask};
error_mask = mask;
function bit[31:0] CNiuLdg::PioReadErrState () {
bit [63:0] address, rdata;
address = SYS_ERR_STAT;
PioReadErrState = rdata[31:0];
task CNiuLdg::new(integer i) {
gid = i;
active_devices = 0;
lastreadLDSV0 = 0;
lastreadLDSV1 = 0;
lastreadLDSV2 = 0;
error_mask = 9'h1ff;
no_of_isrs_spawned = 0;
task CNiuLdg::ldgunbind( integer dev_id) {
if(dev_id==68) {
// Not supported yet
printf("CNiuLdg::ldgunbind ERROR Not Supported for device #68!!! \n");
} else {
if(active_devices[dev_id]) {
IntrDev[dev_id].setGid(0); // remove the old group association
IntrDev[dev_id] = null;
active_devices[dev_id]= 0;
} else {
printf("CNiuLdg::ldgunbind ERROR Device %d Not bound!!! \n",dev_id);
task CNiuLdg::ldgbind( CNiuIntrDev dev, (integer active = 1)) {
integer ii;
/* Need to do differnetly for device 68
There can be multiple of these therefore we cannot overwrite the previous one*/
if(device68_already_bound & (dev.dev_id==68) ) {
if(dev.getErrId()==-1) {
printf("ERROR Test seems to be binding multiple device 68 without setting proper id. Cannot bind!! FIX IT\n");
} else {
IntrErrDev[dev.getErrId()] = dev;
error_devices_bound[dev.getErrId()] = 1;
// remove the old one..
// This is done only to mainitain compatibility with some of the old testcases
if(IntrDev[68].getErrId()==-1) {
printf("ERROR Test seems to be binding multiple device 68 without setting proper id. Cannot bind!! FIX IT\n");
} else {
IntrErrDev[IntrDev[68].getErrId()] = IntrDev[68];
error_devices_bound[IntrDev[68].getErrId()] = 1;
multi_device_68bound = 1;
} else {
IntrDev[dev.getid()] = dev;
if(dev.dev_id==68) device68_already_bound=1;
if (dev.dev_id==68) {
if(dev.getErrId()==-1) {
// old testcases
if (get_plus_arg (CHECK,"NIU_INTR_COPY"))
IntrDev[dev.getid()] = dev.object_copy();
IntrDev[dev.getid()] = dev;
} else {
IntrErrDev[dev.getErrId()] = dev;
error_devices_bound[dev.getErrId()] = 1;
multi_device_68bound = 1;
printf("CNiuLdg::ldgbind DEBUG: Binding device error id - %d to group - %d \n",dev.getErrId(),gid);
} else {
IntrDev[dev.getid()] = dev;
if(active) {
active_devices[dev.getid()] = 1;
// Check for correctness of function no
task CNiuLdg::setSid(bit[6:0] s) {
sid = s;
function_no = sid[6:5];
printf(" CNiuLdg::setSid LDG - %d Bound to function - %d \n",gid,function_no);
task CNiuLdg::ReArmIntrMgm( (integer rearm_wait=100) , (integer rearm_timeout=1000) ) {
bit[63:0] address, wdata,rdata;
integer rearm_timeout_reached;
integer poll_cnt;
integer not_done;
bit[5:0] timer;
not_done = 0;
rearm_timeout_reached = 0;
timer = timerStatus; fork {
while(not_done==0) {
rdata = 0;
rdata[31] = 1'b1;
while( rdata[31] & (rearm_timeout_reached==0) ) {
repeat(rearm_wait) @(posedge CLOCK);
if(poll_cnt > rearm_timeout) {
printf("ERROR CNiuLdg::SetIntrMgm: ReArm Counter Timeout!! Exiting loop cnt - %d\n",poll_cnt);
rearm_timeout_reached = 1;
not_done = 1;
if(rearm_timeout==0) {
address = LDGIMGN + 8192*gid;
wdata = {32'h0,1'b1,25'h0,timer};
repeat(50) @(posedge CLOCK);
}join none // end fork
task CNiuLdg::SetIntrMgm(bit arm, bit[5:0] timer ) {
bit[63:0] address, wdata,rdata;
integer rearm_timeout;
integer poll_cnt;
integer not_done;
ArmStatus = arm;
timerStatus = timer;
address = LDGIMGN + 8192*gid;
wdata = {32'h0,arm,25'h0,timer};
/* TBD */
/* Function to expect an interrupt based upon the arm bit , timer*/
function bit [63:0] CNiuLdg::getPIOAddress(bit[63:0] orig_address, (integer pass_through=1)) {
integer func;
getPIOAddress = orig_address;
} else {
getPIOAddress = 64'h0;
getPIOAddress[4:0] = orig_address[4:0];
getPIOAddress[11:5] = gid & 7;
getPIOAddress[15:12] = ((gid/8)%2)? 4'h6:4'h2;
func = gid/16; // This needs to match with what has been programmed;
if(func!==function_no) {
printf("CNiuLdg::getPIOAddress TEST ERROR - Incorrect programming!!!\n");
getPIOAddress = 64'hx;
} else {
if(func==0) {
getPIOAddress = FUNC0_VIR + getPIOAddress;
} else if(func==1){
getPIOAddress = FUNC1_VIR + getPIOAddress;
} else if(func==2){
getPIOAddress = FUNC2_VIR + getPIOAddress;
} else if(func==3) {
getPIOAddress = FUNC3_VIR + getPIOAddress;
} else {
getPIOAddress = 64'hx;
function bit[63:0] CNiuLdg::PioReadLDSV0() {
bit[63:0] address, rdata;
address = getPIOAddress(LDSV0 + 8192*gid,dis_pio_virt);
/* Add functions here to check the correctness of rdata based upon various settings*/
/* Only devices bound to this group should be setting their bits */
printf(" DEBUG CNiuLdg::PioReadLDSV0 Address - %x data - %x id - %d\n",address,rdata,gid);
PioReadLDSV0 = rdata;
lastreadLDSV0 = rdata;
function bit[63:0] CNiuLdg::PioReadLDSV1() {
bit[63:0] address, rdata;
address = getPIOAddress(LDSV1 + 8192*gid,dis_pio_virt);
/* Add functions here to check the correctness of rdata based upon various settings*/
printf(" DEBUG CNiuLdg::PioReadLDSV1 Address - %x data - %x id - %d\n",address,rdata,gid);
PioReadLDSV1 = rdata;
lastreadLDSV1 = rdata;
function bit[63:0] CNiuLdg::PioReadLDSV2() {
bit[63:0] address, rdata;
address = getPIOAddress(LDSV2 + 8192*gid,dis_pio_virt);
/* Add functions here to check the correctness of rdata based upon various settings*/
printf(" DEBUG CNiuLdg::PioReadLDSV2 Address - %x data - %x id - %d\n",address,rdata,gid);
PioReadLDSV2 = rdata;
lastreadLDSV2 = rdata;
task CNiuLdg::clrArm((integer check= 0)) {
bit [63:0] address,rdata;
ArmStatus = 0;
// Function to be called only after interrupt has been received
if(check) {
address = LDGIMGN + 8192*gid;
if(rdata[31]!==0) {
printf("ERROR - Arm bit expected tobe cleared !!! \n");
/* Function for Spawing off various ISRs */
task CNiuLdg::ldgIsr((integer blanket_int=0),(CniuGenIntrMsg IntrMsg=null) ) {
task CNiuLdg::CheckIntrDev((integer blanket_int=0),(CniuGenIntrMsg IntrMsg=null) ) {
bit[63:0] ldsv0,ldsv1,ldsv2;
bit [68:0] intr_dev_id_ldf0;
bit [68:0] intr_dev_id_ldf1;
bit [68:0] intr_dev_id;
bit [8:0] error_state;
shadow integer i;
shadow integer status;
integer isrs_active;
// get a list of all the interrupting devices
/* May need some modification here based upon s/w feedback*/
printf(" CNiuLdg::CheckIntrDev id - %d active_devices - %x \n",gid,active_devices);
// read state vector
ldsv0 = PioReadLDSV0();
ldsv1 = PioReadLDSV1();
ldsv2 = PioReadLDSV2();
// compare this against the set of active devices
// and spawns off the isrs
intr_dev_id_ldf0[63:0] = ldsv0 & active_devices[63:0];
intr_dev_id_ldf1[63:0] = ldsv1 & active_devices[63:0];
intr_dev_id_ldf0[68:64] = ldsv2[4:0] & active_devices[68:64];
intr_dev_id_ldf1[68:64] = ldsv2[9:5] & active_devices[68:64];
intr_dev_id = intr_dev_id_ldf0 | intr_dev_id_ldf1;
printf(" CNiuLdg::CheckIntrDev gid - %d ldsv0 - %x \n",gid,ldsv0);
printf(" CNiuLdg::CheckIntrDev gid - %d ldsv1 - %x \n",gid,ldsv1);
printf(" CNiuLdg::CheckIntrDev gid - %d ldsv2 - %x \n",gid,ldsv2);
printf(" CNiuLdg::CheckIntrDev gid - %d intr_dev_id - %x \n",gid,intr_dev_id);
if(active_devices[68] & intr_dev_id[68]) {
// For interrupts from device 68
// read the state and check with the mask
error_state = PioReadErrState();
if((error_state === 32'h0)) {
be_msg.print(e_mesg_error,"CNiuLdg","CheckIntrDev","ERROR Device #68 ERR_STAT Incorrect ! ERR_STAT - %x MASK - %x \n",error_state, error_mask);
isrs_active = 0;
for(i =0;i< 68;i++) { // handle only upto device 67
if(active_devices[i]) {
if(intr_dev_id[i]) {
printf(" Interrupt Received from DeviceId - %d Flags: ldf1-%b ldf0-%b \n",i,intr_dev_id_ldf1[i],intr_dev_id_ldf0[i]);
fork {
status = IntrDev[i].isr({intr_dev_id_ldf1[i],intr_dev_id_ldf0[i]});
}join none
// handle 68 seperately here
if(intr_dev_id[68]) {
// first check if 68 is bound to this group
if(active_devices[68]) {
isrs_active = isrs_active + LaunchDev68Isr(error_state,{intr_dev_id_ldf1[i],intr_dev_id_ldf0[i]});
} else {
be_msg.print(e_mesg_error,"CNiuLdg","CheckIntrDev","ERROR Device #68 Interorted in wrong LDG - %d! \n",gid);
} // endif active_devices
} // endif intr_dev_id
if(blanket_int) {
} else {
// printf("ERROR - Incorrect Message Received from Hardware !\n");
be_msg.print(e_mesg_error,"CNiuLdg","CheckIntrDev","ERROR - Incorrect Message Received from Hardware !\n");
if(rearm & (isrs_active!=0)) {
SetIntrMgm(ArmStatus , timerStatus);
function integer CNiuLdg::LaunchDev68Isr(bit [15:0] error_state,bit[1:0] ldf_flags) {
shadow integer i;
integer status;
LaunchDev68Isr =0;
if(multi_device_68bound) {
for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
if(error_state[i]) {
if(error_devices_bound[i]==0) {
printf("CNiuLdg::LaunchDev68Isr:: ERROR ERR_STAT- Set for devices not bound!! ERR_STAT - %x group = %d \n",error_state,gid);
LaunchDev68Isr = -1;
for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
if(error_state[i]) {
fork {
printf("CNiuLdg::LaunchDev68Isr::DEBUG Launching ISR for error id - %d \n",i);
status = IntrErrDev[i].isr(ldf_flags);
}join none
} // end if error_state
} // end for
} else {
fork {
status = IntrDev[68].isr(ldf_flags);
}join none
LaunchDev68Isr = 1;
function integer CNiuLdg::getDevIsrCnt(integer id ) {
getDevIsrCnt = IntrDev[id].getIsrCnt();
else getDevIsrCnt = -1;
task CNiuLdg::setDevIsrCnt(integer id) {
function integer CNiuLdg::isISRDone(integer id) {
isISRDone= IntrDev[id].isr_done;
} else {
isISRDone = 0;
task CNiuLdg::resetISRDone(integer id) {
IntrDev[id].isr_done = 0;
//active_devices[id] = 0;
function bit[31:0] CNiuLdg::getErrState() {
getErrState = IntrDev[68].getErrState();
else getErrState = 0;
function integer CNiuLdg::isPending() {
bit [68:0] flags;
bit [15:0] error_dev_flags;
bit done;
integer i;
integer count;
bit flags_set;
// check pending flags all the devices bound to this group
// Also check the local pending flag
flags = 0;
error_dev_flags = 0;
for(i=0;i<69;i++) {
if(active_devices[i]) flags[i] = 1;
else flags[i] = 0;
if(multi_device_68bound ) {
for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
if(error_devices_bound[i]) error_dev_flags[i] = 1;
else error_dev_flags[i] = 0;
count =0;
isPending = 1;
done = 0;
while(done==0) {
for(i=0;i<68;i++) {
if(active_devices[i] & (flags[i]==1) )
flags[i] = IntrDev[i].isPending() ;
if(multi_device_68bound & active_devices[68]) {
for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
if(error_devices_bound[i] & error_dev_flags[i] )
error_dev_flags[i] = IntrErrDev[i].isPending();
flags[68] = 0;
} else {
// for backward compatibility
if(active_devices[68] & (flags[68]==1) )
flags[68] = IntrDev[68].isPending() ;
if((flags==0)&&(error_dev_flags==0)) done = 1;
isPending = 0;
if(count>100) {
printf("CNiuLdg::isPending!! ERROR Pending flag not cleared for group - %d!! Count - %d \n",gid,count);
done = 1;
isPending = -1;
repeat(100) @(posedge CLOCK);
task CNiuLdg::mask_all_devices() {
integer i;
for(i=0;i<69;i++) {
IntrDev[i].pioSetMasks(3'h3); // may need to be enhanced!
task CNiuLdg::unmask_all_devices(){
integer i;
for(i=0;i<69;i++) {