Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / verilog / checkers / siudmu / dmu_siu_chkr.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: dmu_siu_chkr.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
`ifdef SIU
`define TOP siu_top
`define TOP tb_top
module dmu_siu_chkr();
// set this to -constraint to constrain input signals to SIU
// set this to -constraint to constrain input signals to DMU
`define WRI_ORD_PST 7'b0100100
`define WRM_ORD_PST 7'b0101100
`define RDD_ORD_NPT 7'b0010100
`define INT_ORD_NPT 7'b0000010
`define PIO_BYP_NPT 7'b1x1x011
`ifdef FC_BENCH
`ifdef IOS
// 0in set_clock iol2clk -default -module dmu
// 0in set_clock ccu_io_out -default -module cpu
`ifdef FC_BENCH
`ifdef FC_BENCH
reg bid_chk_off;
initial begin // {
@(posedge tb_top.cpu.ncu.iol2clk) ;
if ($test$plusargs("dmusiu_bid_chk_off"))
bid_chk_off <= 1;
bid_chk_off <= 0;
end //}
// 0in disable_checker bid_chk_off -name *dmu_bus_id*
// Check that all interface signals are not X or Z. This check can be disabled
// by not including the +define+X_GUARD arg on the command line.
`ifdef X_GUARD
// 0in known_driven -var dmu_sii_hdr_vld -name dmu_sii_hdr_vld_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var dmu_sii_reqbypass -name dmu_sii_reqbypass_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var dmu_sii_datareq -name dmu_sii_datareq_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var dmu_sii_datareq16 -name dmu_sii_datareq16_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var dmu_sii_data -name dmu_sii_data_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var dmu_sii_parity -name dmu_sii_parity_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var dmu_sii_be -name dmu_sii_be_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var sii_dmu_wrack_vld -name sii_dmu_wrack_vld_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var sii_dmu_wrack_tag -name sii_dmu_wrack_tag_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var sio_dmu_hdr_vld -name sio_dmu_hdr_vld_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var sio_dmu_data -name sio_dmu_data_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
// 0in known_driven -var sio_dmu_parity -name sio_dmu_parity_x_guard -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
`define DMU_SII_COMMAND {dmu_sii_data[127:122], dmu_sii_reqbypass}
`define DMC_TAG dmu_sii_data[79:64]
// Check for valid commands from DMU to SIU
/* 0in value -var `DMU_SII_COMMAND -casex
-active dmu_sii_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_hdr_cmd_vld
-message "Bad value for dmu_siu header"
// check for reserved bits of header
/* 0in value
-var {dmu_sii_data[121:85],dmu_sii_data[63], dmu_sii_data[55:40], dmu_sii_data[5:0]}
-val 0
-active dmu_sii_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_hdr_rsrvd_bits
-message "reserved bits in header are not all zero"
// Check for no overlap of transactions:
// 1. After dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq16,
// dmu_sii_hdr_vld and datareq signals are 0 for 1 cycle.
// 2. After dmu_sii_datareq and not dmu_sii_datareq16,
// dmu_sii_hdr_vld and datareq signals are 0 for 4 cycles.
/* 0in assert_window
-start (dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq16)
-start_count 0
-stop_count 1
-not_in dmu_sii_hdr_vld dmu_sii_datareq16 dmu_sii_datareq
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_siu_no_overlap_chk1 `SIU_CONSTRAINT
/* 0in assert_window
-start (dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & !dmu_sii_datareq16)
-start_count 0
-stop_count 4
-not_in dmu_sii_hdr_vld dmu_sii_datareq16 dmu_sii_datareq
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_siu_no_overlap_chk2 `SIU_CONSTRAINT
// Check for good parity on header
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:64], dmu_sii_parity[1]}
-active dmu_sii_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-name dmu_sii_hdr_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]}
-active dmu_sii_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-name dmu_sii_hdr_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:96], dmu_sii_parity[3]}
-active dmu_sii_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-name dmu_sii_hdr_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 95:64], dmu_sii_parity[2]}
-active dmu_sii_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-name dmu_sii_hdr_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63:32], dmu_sii_parity[1]}
-active dmu_sii_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-name dmu_sii_hdr_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 31: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]}
-active dmu_sii_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-name dmu_sii_hdr_parity0
// Check for good parity on data0, data1, data2, and data3
// - DSN spec says that there are 4 parity bits, but sii rtl only has 2.
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:64], dmu_sii_parity[1]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & (dmu_sii_datareq16|dmu_sii_datareq)), 1 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data0_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & (dmu_sii_datareq16|dmu_sii_datareq)), 1 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data0_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:64], dmu_sii_parity[1]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & !dmu_sii_datareq16), 2 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data1_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & !dmu_sii_datareq16), 2 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data1_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:64], dmu_sii_parity[1]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & !dmu_sii_datareq16), 3 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data2_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & !dmu_sii_datareq16), 3 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data2_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:64], dmu_sii_parity[1]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & !dmu_sii_datareq16), 4 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data3_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & !dmu_sii_datareq16), 4 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data3_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:96], dmu_sii_parity[3]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & (dmu_sii_datareq16|dmu_sii_datareq)), 1 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data0_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 95:64], dmu_sii_parity[2]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & (dmu_sii_datareq16|dmu_sii_datareq)), 1 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data0_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63:32], dmu_sii_parity[1]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & (dmu_sii_datareq16|dmu_sii_datareq)), 1 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data0_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 31: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]} `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & (dmu_sii_datareq16|dmu_sii_datareq)), 1 )
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data0_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:96], dmu_sii_parity[3]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 2 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data1_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 95:64], dmu_sii_parity[2]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 2 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data1_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63:32], dmu_sii_parity[1]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 2 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data1_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 31: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 2 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data1_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:96], dmu_sii_parity[3]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 3 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data2_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 95:64], dmu_sii_parity[2]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 3 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data2_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63:32], dmu_sii_parity[1]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 3 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data2_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 31: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 3 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data2_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[127:96], dmu_sii_parity[3]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 4 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data3_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 95:64], dmu_sii_parity[2]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 4 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data3_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 63:32], dmu_sii_parity[1]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 4 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data3_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {dmu_sii_data[ 31: 0], dmu_sii_parity[0]}
-active $0in_delay((dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq), 4 ) `SIU_CONSTRAINT
-module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF -name dmu_sii_data3_parity0
// Check for no overlap of transactions from sio to dmu:
// After dmu_sii_datareq and not dmu_sii_datareq16,
// dmu_sii_hdr_vld and datareq signals are 0 for 4 cycles.
`define SIO_DMU_COMMAND sio_dmu_data[127:122]
`define SIO_DMC_TAG sio_dmu_data[79:64]
`ifdef FC_BENCH
/* 0in
-start (sio_dmu_hdr_vld)
-start_count 0
-stop_count 4
-not_in sio_dmu_hdr_vld
-module cpu
-clock tb_top.cpu.dmu.iol2clk
-name sio_dmu_pkt_no_overlap `DMU_CONSTRAINT
/* 0in
-start (sio_dmu_hdr_vld)
-start_count 0
-stop_count 4
-not_in sio_dmu_hdr_vld
-name sio_dmu_pkt_no_overlap `DMU_CONSTRAINT
/* x0in value
-val 6'b101010
-active sio_dmu_hdr_vld
-name sio_dmu_cmd_chk
-message "Bad value for sio_dmu header"
// check for reserved bits of header
// UPDATE/check for the differences with RAS changes for RSVD bits
/* 0in assert
-var ( |{sio_dmu_data[121:82],sio_dmu_data[63:62], sio_dmu_data[55:40]} == 1'b0)
-active sio_dmu_hdr_vld
-name sio_dmu_hdr_rsrvd_bits
-message "reserved bits in header are not all zero"
`ifdef FC_BENCH
// RDD
/* 0in assert_together
-leader ((`SIO_DMU_COMMAND==6'b101010) & sio_dmu_hdr_vld)
-follower (sio_dmu_hdr_vld)
-module cpu
-clock tb_top.cpu.dmu.iol2clk
-name sio_dmu_cmd_rdd
/* 0in assert_together
-leader ((sio_dmu_data[127]==1'b1) & sio_dmu_hdr_vld)
-follower (sio_dmu_hdr_vld)
-name sio_dmu_cmd_rdd
// NO check for good parity on header in sio_dmu_data, since SIU does not
// generate parity during the header cycle.
/* x0inx
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[127:96], sio_dmu_parity[3]}
-active sio_dmu_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-name sio_dmu_hdr_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 95:64], sio_dmu_parity[2]}
-active sio_dmu_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-name sio_dmu_hdr_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 63:32], sio_dmu_parity[1]}
-active sio_dmu_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-name sio_dmu_hdr_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 31: 0], sio_dmu_parity[0]}
-active sio_dmu_hdr_vld -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-name sio_dmu_hdr_parity0
// Check for good parity in sio_dmu_data during data xfer cycles
/* x0in
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[127:96], sio_dmu_parity[3]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 1 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data0_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 95:64], sio_dmu_parity[2]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 1 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data0_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 63:32], sio_dmu_parity[1]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 1 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data0_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 31: 0], sio_dmu_parity[0]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 1 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data0_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[127:96], sio_dmu_parity[3]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 2 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data1_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 95:64], sio_dmu_parity[2]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 2 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data1_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 63:32], sio_dmu_parity[1]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 2 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data1_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 31: 0], sio_dmu_parity[0]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 2 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data1_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[127:96], sio_dmu_parity[3]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 3 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data2_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 95:64], sio_dmu_parity[2]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 3 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data2_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 63:32], sio_dmu_parity[1]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 3 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data2_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 31: 0], sio_dmu_parity[0]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 3 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data2_parity0
/* x0in
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[127:96], sio_dmu_parity[3]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 4 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data3_parity3 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 95:64], sio_dmu_parity[2]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 4 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data3_parity2 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 63:32], sio_dmu_parity[1]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 4 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data3_parity1 ;
even_parity -var {sio_dmu_data[ 31: 0], sio_dmu_parity[0]} `DMU_CONSTRAINT
-active $0in_delay((sio_dmu_hdr_vld & sio_dmu_datareq), 4 ) -module `TOP_DESIGN_DMU_INTF
-name sio_dmu_data3_parity0
/* 0in bus_id
-req (dmu_sii_hdr_vld & ~dmu_sii_data[126] & dmu_sii_data[123])
-ret sio_dmu_hdr_vld
-req_id dmu_sii_data[79:64]
-ret_id sio_dmu_data[79:64]
-max_ids 65536
-max_ids_check off
-name dmu_bus_id
// Each WRI and WRM Transaction to sii has to be followed by a sii_dmu_wrack_vld
// and the other way also
/* 0in assert_follower
-leader (dmu_sii_hdr_vld & ((`DMU_SII_COMMAND==`WRI_ORD_PST) || (`DMU_SII_COMMAND==`WRM_ORD_PST)))
-follower sii_dmu_wrack_vld
-min 2
-max 48000
-max_leader 16
-clock ccu_io_out
-name dmu_sii_wriack_assert_follower
/* 0in assert_leader
-leader (dmu_sii_hdr_vld & ((`DMU_SII_COMMAND==`WRI_ORD_PST) || (`DMU_SII_COMMAND==`WRM_ORD_PST)))
-follower sii_dmu_wrack_vld
-min 2
-max 48000
-max_leader 16
-clock ccu_io_out
-name dmu_sii_wriack_assert_leader
// Header and signals with Transactions from DMU to SII:
// RDD
/* 0in assert_together
-leader ((dmu_sii_data[127:122]==6'b001010) & dmu_sii_hdr_vld)
-follower (dmu_sii_hdr_vld & ~dmu_sii_datareq & ~dmu_sii_datareq16 & ~dmu_sii_reqbypass)
-name dmu_sii_cmd_rdd
// WRI or WRM
/* 0in assert_together
-leader ((dmu_sii_data[127:122]==6'b010x10) & dmu_sii_hdr_vld)
-follower (dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & ~dmu_sii_datareq16 & ~dmu_sii_reqbypass)
-name dmu_sii_cmd_wri_wrm
// INT
/* 0in assert_together
-leader ((dmu_sii_data[127:122]==6'b000001) & dmu_sii_hdr_vld)
-follower (dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & dmu_sii_datareq16 & ~dmu_sii_reqbypass)
-name dmu_sii_cmd_int
// PIO
/* 0in assert_together
-leader ((dmu_sii_data[127:122]==6'b1x1001) & dmu_sii_hdr_vld)
-follower (dmu_sii_hdr_vld & dmu_sii_datareq & dmu_sii_datareq16 & dmu_sii_reqbypass)
-name dmu_sii_cmd_pio
endmodule // dmu_siu_chkr