Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / verilog / debug / debug3.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: debug3.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
module debug3;
reg [7:0] parkedState;
reg [7:0] parkTrans;
reg [7:0] stepDone; // these tids have stepped
reg [7:0] stepAllowed; // these tids will be stepping/active
reg [7:0] stepActive;
reg [7:0] virtualPark; // tid is "virtually parked"
reg [7:0] watchStepFlush;
reg [7:0] watchStepMMU;
//reg [7:0] spuActive;
reg doMode;
reg ssMode;
reg enabled;
reg wasEnabled;
reg noCmtCheck;
integer stepWaitTime;
integer redirectWait;
integer parkWait;
integer tmp;
//integer spuTimeout;
integer stepCount;
//reg [63:0] threadEnable;
integer flushCount0;
integer flushCount1;
integer flushCount2;
integer flushCount3;
integer flushCount4;
integer flushCount5;
integer flushCount6;
integer flushCount7;
integer redirectCount0;
integer redirectCount1;
integer redirectCount2;
integer redirectCount3;
integer redirectCount4;
integer redirectCount5;
integer redirectCount6;
integer redirectCount7;
integer pipelineCount0;
integer pipelineCount1;
integer pipelineCount2;
integer pipelineCount3;
integer pipelineCount4;
integer pipelineCount5;
integer pipelineCount6;
integer pipelineCount7;
integer junk;
reg [1:0] cmtValid0;
reg [1:0] cmtValid1;
integer cmtCount0;
integer cmtCount1;
integer lastActiveVal;
integer cmtCountT0;
integer cmtCountT1;
integer cmtCountT2;
integer cmtCountT3;
integer count0;
integer count1;
integer count2;
integer count3;
integer count4;
integer count5;
integer count6;
integer count7;
initial begin
parkedState = 8'hff;
parkTrans = 8'h0;
doMode = 0;
ssMode = 0;
stepDone = 0; // when stepDone = ~parked, all threads have steped
stepAllowed = 0;
stepActive = 0;
virtualPark = 0;
watchStepFlush = 0;
watchStepMMU = 0;
enabled = 0; // start out 0!
wasEnabled = 0;
noCmtCheck = 0;
stepCount = 0;
// threadEnable = 0;
flushCount0 = 0;
flushCount1 = 0;
flushCount2 = 0;
flushCount3 = 0;
flushCount4 = 0;
flushCount5 = 0;
flushCount6 = 0;
flushCount7 = 0;
redirectCount0 = 0;
redirectCount1 = 0;
redirectCount2 = 0;
redirectCount3 = 0;
redirectCount4 = 0;
redirectCount5 = 0;
redirectCount6 = 0;
redirectCount7 = 0;
cmtValid0 = 0;
cmtValid1 = 0;
//spuActive = 0;
cmtCount0 = 0;
cmtCount1 = 0;
lastActiveVal = 0;
cmtCountT0 = 0;
cmtCountT1 = 0;
cmtCountT2 = 0;
cmtCountT3 = 0;
// tunable paramaters
`ifdef SPC_BENCH
stepWaitTime = 1000; // From ss_start to ss_done, unless SPU
redirectWait = 30; // From core_running_status to redirect
parkWait = 600; // How long until core_running_status gets asserted/deasserted
//spuTimeout = 10000000; // How long until we give up on waiting for possible SPU activity
stepWaitTime = 2000; // From ss_start to ss_done, unless SPU
redirectWait = 60; // From core_running_status to redirect
//spuTimeout = 15000000; // How long until we give up on waiting for possible SPU activity
// How long until core_running_status gets asserted/deasserted
parkWait = `PARGS.th_timeout-100;
initial begin
//while (`TOP.core_cycle_cnt !== 5) #10;
@(negedge `TOP.in_reset);
`ifdef FC_BENCH
@(posedge `TOP.flush_reset_complete);
@(posedge `SPC0.l2clk);
if (! $test$plusargs("noDebugChecks")) enabled = 1;
if (enabled) `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Core 3 Debug Logic Checker debug3.v is alive and enabled.");
else `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "!!!Core 3 Debug Logic Checker NOT enabled!!!");
if ($test$plusargs("noCmtCheck")) noCmtCheck = 1;
if (noCmtCheck) `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "!!!Core 3 Debug Logic Commit Checker NOT enabled!!!");
if ($value$plusargs("stepWaitTime=%d", tmp)) stepWaitTime = tmp;
if ($value$plusargs("redirectWait=%d", tmp)) redirectWait = tmp;
if ($value$plusargs("parkWait=%d", tmp)) parkWait = tmp;
//if ($value$plusargs("spuTimeout=%d", tmp)) spuTimeout = tmp;
//if (enabled) `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Using stepWaitTime/redirectWait/parkWait/spuTimeout = %0d/%0d/%0d/%0d",stepWaitTime,redirectWait,parkWait,spuTimeout);
//threadEnable = `PARGS.finish_mask;
//if (enabled) `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Assuming active threads are (%h)", threadEnable);
// look for some reset change
always @(`TOP.flush_reset_complete) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("debugChecker", `ALWAYS, "flush_reset_complete changed to %0d. checker enabled=%0d",`TOP.flush_reset_complete,enabled);
// going into some kind of reset
if (enabled && !`TOP.flush_reset_complete) begin
wasEnabled = 1;
enabled = 0;
disable parkingCheck0;
disable parkedCheck0;
disable unparkCheck0;
disable watchStep0;
disable parkingCheck1;
disable parkedCheck1;
disable unparkCheck1;
disable watchStep1;
disable parkingCheck2;
disable parkedCheck2;
disable unparkCheck2;
disable watchStep2;
disable parkingCheck3;
disable parkedCheck3;
disable unparkCheck3;
disable watchStep3;
disable parkingCheck4;
disable parkedCheck4;
disable unparkCheck4;
disable watchStep4;
disable parkingCheck5;
disable parkedCheck5;
disable unparkCheck5;
disable watchStep5;
disable parkingCheck6;
disable parkedCheck6;
disable unparkCheck6;
disable watchStep6;
disable parkingCheck7;
disable parkedCheck7;
disable unparkCheck7;
disable watchStep7;
disable DOMODE;
disable SSMODE;
parkedState = 8'hff;
cmtValid0 = 0;
cmtValid1 = 0;
// coming out of reset
if (wasEnabled && `TOP.flush_reset_complete) begin
parkTrans = 8'b0;
enabled = 1;
wasEnabled = 0;
cmtValid0 = 0;
cmtValid1 = 0;
`ifdef FC_BENCH
if (`TOP.flush_reset_complete !== 1) @(posedge `TOP.flush_reset_complete);
`PR_ALWAYS ("debugChecker", `ALWAYS, "flush_reset_complete/rst_wmr_protect transition complete. checker enabled=%0d",enabled);
// got park request. transition into parking. parking check.
always @(negedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[0]) begin: GOTPARK0
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 0 calling parkingCheck");
if (enabled) parkingCheck0();
// got unpark request. transition into running. unparking check.
always @(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[0]) begin: UNPARKCHECK0
if (enabled && !ssMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 0 calling unparkCheck.");
// while parked check
always @(posedge parkedState[0] or posedge virtualPark[0]) begin: PARKCHECK0
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 0 calling parkedCheck");
if (enabled) parkedCheck0();
// check for unexpected running transition
always @(`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[0]) begin: UNEXPECTED0
if (!parkTrans[0] && enabled && ! doMode && ! ssMode) // review? to remove ! doMode
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 0 spc_core_running_status changed w/o request to park/unpark (trans=%0d)!",parkTrans[0]);
////////////// tasks for tid 0 ////////////////////
// check the entering into parked state
task parkingCheck0;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 0 got park request!");
if (parkTrans[0] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 0 got park request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict (multiple parkers)! (enabled=%0d)",enabled);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +noDebugChecks to disable all debug checkes!");
disable parkingCheck0;
parkTrans[0] = 1;
// wait before checking signals
repeat (2) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// need to see at least one assertion of flush
// if (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[0] !== 1)
// @(posedge `SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[0]); // has glitches
if (`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[0] !== 1)
@(posedge `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[0]);
// need to see all of these go idle
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[0] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[0] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[0] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // need to see all of these go idle
// while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[0] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[0] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[0] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.tlu.fls0.idl_request == 0)
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
parkedState[0] <= 1;
parkTrans[0] <= 0;
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "INFO: TID %0d has parked!", 0);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "INFO: TID 0 has parked!");
// in parked state.
// also called between single steps.
task parkedCheck0;
reg notified;
begin //{
notified = 0;
// loop while not transitioning out of park if not SS mode.
// loop while in SS virtualPark if SS mode.
while ((parkTrans[0] == 0 && ssMode == 0) ||
(virtualPark[0] == 1 && ssMode == 1 &&
`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3] == 0)) begin //{
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 0 watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[0],virtualPark[0],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if in SS mode and core_running goes to zero for that thread, the thread
// will self step once and flush in order to change to a parked state
// (core_running_status=0). This looks like an un-asked for step so it
// has to be detected and ignored. Try stalling here during it.
while (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[0] == 0 &&
`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[0] == 1)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// watch for instructions sneaking in
// dec_inst_valid_m[1:0], one bit per group
if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 0 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 0 had tlu_trap_pc_0_valid activity while parked/between steps!");
if (`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 0 had dec_inst_valid_m activity while parked/between steps!");
end //} while
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 0 STOP watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[0],virtualPark[0],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
end //}
// leaving parked state
task unparkCheck0;
integer count;
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 0 got unpark request!");
if (parkTrans[0] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 0 got unpark request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict! (trans=%0h)",parkTrans);
disable unparkCheck0;
parkTrans[0] = 1;
// must see `SPC3.tlu.core_running_status[0] w/in count clocks
count0 = 0;
while (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[0] == 0) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count0 > parkWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 0 did not assert spc_core_running_status as soon as it should have (%0d clocks)!", count0);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +parkWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",parkWait);
count0 = count0 + 1;
if (!doMode && !ssMode) begin
// need to see re-direct w/in "redirectWait" more clocks
count0 = 0;
// if this is true, the redirect and the assertion of core_running_status
// happened at once so while loop can be skipped.
while (! (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid &&
`SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 0)) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count0 > redirectWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 0 did not redirect within %d clocks after core_running_status assert!", redirectWait);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +redirectWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",redirectWait);
count0 = count0 + 1;
parkedState[0] <= 0;
parkTrans[0] <= 0;
count0 <= 0;
// watch this tid step correctly. Should step 1 instruction
// and then "virtual park".
// for SS and DO modes.
task watchStep0;
watchStepFlush[0] = 0; // set if we got a flush
watchStepMMU[0] = 0; // set if we got a mmu reload
stepDone[0] = 0;
stepActive[0] = 1;
if (flushCount0) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 repeating watchStep task due to flush (flushCount=%0d, redirectCount=%0d)!",flushCount0,redirectCount0);
// timeout fork
begin : FORK10_0
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep0: TID 0 did not see valid PC retry (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// // look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK11_0
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 0)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 see SPU active!");
// spuActive[0] = 1;
// end
// might get ss_complete due to not knowing if there are 1 or 2 or more flushes.
// this task gets called w/o knowing in advance if there will be one more
// assertion of tlu_trap_pc_0/1_valid or not.
begin : FORK8_0
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount0, redirectCount0);
stepDone[0] = 1;
stepActive[0] = 0;
disable watchStep0; // return
// valid PC / retry
begin : FORK9_0
// start step. tid wakes up/redirects and does "one instruction"
while (!(`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 0 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1)) begin
// might see `SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[0] here if previous
// redirect was due to a MMU miss. If so, decrement flush count because
// the previous flush on prev pc_valid "does not count" and there can be
// any number of them w/ no way to predict quantity.
if (`SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[0] && ssMode) begin
flushCount0 = flushCount0-1;
redirectCount0 = redirectCount0-1;
watchStepMMU[0] = 1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 saw mmu_reload_done (hwtw)! flushCount/redirectCount decremented to %0d/%0d", flushCount0, redirectCount0);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
redirectCount0 = redirectCount0+1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 got valid retry, step waiting on negedge pku_quiesce (redirectCount=%0d)!",redirectCount0);
disable FORK8_0; // kill sync on spc_ss_complete
@(negedge `SPC3.pku_quiesce[0]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 got negedge pku_quiesce, step waiting on dec_inst_valid_m!");
while (!(`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 0)) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 valid step starting!");
disable FORK10_0; // kill timeout
//disable FORK11_0;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 0)) spuActive[0] = 0;
// finish step
// timeout fork
begin : FORK4_0
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// may need to adjust. If a tid is doing a SPU sync ctl reg sync read,
// it could stay "busy" for a REAL long time!!! Need delayed check of busy
// since it can assert after the step has started.
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep0: TID 0 did not quiesce/complete after step (SS or DO) as it should have. not SPU busy (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK12_0
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy ||
// ((`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 0 && doMode) || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && ssMode))))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// spuActive[0] = 1;
// end
// look for flush_ifu (w/o lsu_trap_flush (aka ptrap_flush) if SS)
// and end this task if seen. tlu_flush_ifu assertion always means
// this "instruction" is done, but may repeat (tlb miss, etc) w/in the SS.
begin : FORK6_0
// checking ptrap_flush to make sure that flush is not caused by lsu_trap_flush
while (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[0] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // debug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// if (`SPC3.tlu.fls0.ptrap_flush[0] == 1) begin
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep0: TID 0 have tlu_flush_ifu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// end
if ((ssMode && `SPC3.tlu.fls0.ptrap_flush[0] == 0) || doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 have tlu_flush_ifu (flushCount=%0d)!",flushCount0);
watchStepFlush[0] = 1;
flushCount0 = flushCount0+1;
stepActive[0] = 0;
disable watchStep0; // return
// are we done fork, DO mode quiesce
begin : FORK5_0
if (doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 watching for quiesce (only matters fo DO mode)!");
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[0] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[0] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[0] == 0) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 have quiesce (only matters for DO mode)!");
if (doMode) begin
disable FORK4_0; // TO
disable FORK6_0; // flush check
//disable FORK12_0;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 0)) spuActive[0] = 0;
// are we done fork, SS mode only
begin : FORK7_0
// wait for SS complete
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount0,redirectCount0);
stepDone[0] = 1;
// while (ssMode && !`SPC3.spc_ss_complete) begin
// // detect a second inst valid w/o a flush between
// if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 0 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1) begin
// // delay error so flush thread can kill this in the "got flush" case
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep0: TID 0 had another inst start before SS done was asserted!");
// end
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// end // while
if (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[0] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[0] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[0] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep0: TID 0 was not quiesce at ss_complete assertion!");
disable FORK4_0; // TO
disable FORK6_0; // flush check
//disable FORK12_0;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 0)) spuActive[0] = 0;
if (flushCount0 == 0) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 watchStep end!");
else `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep0: TID 0 repeated watchStep end!");
stepActive[0] = 0;
// check that thread does DO mode correctly
task watchDOsteps0;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps0: TID 0 watchDOsteps starting!");
if (! `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) disable watchDOsteps0;
// now wait for a thread to start. TCU internal signal.
if (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[0] == 0)
@(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[0]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps0 TID 0 unparked and running in DO mode!");
// loop on step checking. DO mode is self stepping
while (doMode) begin : watchDOsteps0loop// && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7:0] != 0) begin
stepDone[0] = 0;
watchStepFlush[0] = 0;
watchStepMMU[0] = 0;
// are we starting to park in middle of DO mode (or end)?
// wait here until unparked again
if (parkTrans[0]) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps0 TID 0 getting parked, will delay");
@(negedge parkTrans[0]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps0loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// wait to be unparked or !doMode
if (parkedState[0]) begin
@(negedge doMode or negedge parkedState[0]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps0loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// an unparked thread does one instruction to completion before thread starts
// the next instruction.
// timeout fork
begin : FORKDO10
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchDOsteps0: DO mode, TID 0 timeout waiting for watchStep call to return, not SPU busy (+stepWaitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORKDO20
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 0)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "watchDOsteps0: DO mode, TID 0 sees SPU busy!");
// spuActive[0] = 1;
// end
// watch step
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps0: TID 0 calling watchStep0 in DO mode!");
watchStep0; // returns when step is done or flushed
if (watchStepFlush[0])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 0 in DO mode had flush!");
if (watchStepMMU[0])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 0 in DO mode had mmu reload!");
// calling flush as a done in DO mode
disable FORKDO10; // TO
//disable FORKDO20; // SPU going active
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps0: TID 0 DO mode watchDOsteps step done!");
stepDone[0] = 1;
flushCount0 = 0;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 0)) spuActive[0] = 0;
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
end // while
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps0: TID 0 DO mode watchDOsteps task ending!");
////////////////////////// end tid 0 ///////////////////////////////////////
// got park request. transition into parking. parking check.
always @(negedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[1]) begin: GOTPARK1
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 1 calling parkingCheck");
if (enabled) parkingCheck1();
// got unpark request. transition into running. unparking check.
always @(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[1]) begin: UNPARKCHECK1
if (enabled && !ssMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 1 calling unparkCheck.");
// while parked check
always @(posedge parkedState[1] or posedge virtualPark[1]) begin: PARKCHECK1
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 1 calling parkedCheck");
if (enabled) parkedCheck1();
// check for unexpected running transition
always @(`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[1]) begin: UNEXPECTED1
if (!parkTrans[1] && enabled && ! doMode && ! ssMode) // review? to remove ! doMode
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 1 spc_core_running_status changed w/o request to park/unpark (trans=%0d)!",parkTrans[1]);
////////////// tasks for tid 1 ////////////////////
// check the entering into parked state
task parkingCheck1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 1 got park request!");
if (parkTrans[1] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 1 got park request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict (multiple parkers)! (enabled=%0d)",enabled);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +noDebugChecks to disable all debug checkes!");
disable parkingCheck1;
parkTrans[1] = 1;
// wait before checking signals
repeat (2) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// need to see at least one assertion of flush
// if (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[1] !== 1)
// @(posedge `SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[1]); // has glitches
if (`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[1] !== 1)
@(posedge `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[1]);
// need to see all of these go idle
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[1] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[1] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[1] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // need to see all of these go idle
// while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[1] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[1] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[1] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.tlu.fls0.idl_request == 0)
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
parkedState[1] <= 1;
parkTrans[1] <= 0;
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "INFO: TID %0d has parked!", 1);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "INFO: TID 1 has parked!");
// in parked state.
// also called between single steps.
task parkedCheck1;
reg notified;
begin //{
notified = 0;
// loop while not transitioning out of park if not SS mode.
// loop while in SS virtualPark if SS mode.
while ((parkTrans[1] == 0 && ssMode == 0) ||
(virtualPark[1] == 1 && ssMode == 1 &&
`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3] == 0)) begin //{
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 1 watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[1],virtualPark[1],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if in SS mode and core_running goes to zero for that thread, the thread
// will self step once and flush in order to change to a parked state
// (core_running_status=0). This looks like an un-asked for step so it
// has to be detected and ignored. Try stalling here during it.
while (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[1] == 0 &&
`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[1] == 1)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// watch for instructions sneaking in
// dec_inst_valid_m[1:0], one bit per group
if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 1 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 1 had tlu_trap_pc_0_valid activity while parked/between steps!");
if (`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 1 had dec_inst_valid_m activity while parked/between steps!");
end //} while
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 1 STOP watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[1],virtualPark[1],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
end //}
// leaving parked state
task unparkCheck1;
integer count;
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 1 got unpark request!");
if (parkTrans[1] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 1 got unpark request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict! (trans=%0h)",parkTrans);
disable unparkCheck1;
parkTrans[1] = 1;
// must see `SPC3.tlu.core_running_status[1] w/in count clocks
count1 = 0;
while (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[1] == 0) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count1 > parkWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 1 did not assert spc_core_running_status as soon as it should have (%0d clocks)!", count1);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +parkWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",parkWait);
count1 = count1 + 1;
if (!doMode && !ssMode) begin
// need to see re-direct w/in "redirectWait" more clocks
count1 = 0;
// if this is true, the redirect and the assertion of core_running_status
// happened at once so while loop can be skipped.
while (! (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid &&
`SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 1)) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count1 > redirectWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 1 did not redirect within %d clocks after core_running_status assert!", redirectWait);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +redirectWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",redirectWait);
count1 = count1 + 1;
parkedState[1] <= 0;
parkTrans[1] <= 0;
count1 <= 0;
// watch this tid step correctly. Should step 1 instruction
// and then "virtual park".
// for SS and DO modes.
task watchStep1;
watchStepFlush[1] = 0; // set if we got a flush
watchStepMMU[1] = 0; // set if we got a mmu reload
stepDone[1] = 0;
stepActive[1] = 1;
if (flushCount1) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 repeating watchStep task due to flush (flushCount=%0d, redirectCount=%0d)!",flushCount1,redirectCount1);
// timeout fork
begin : FORK10_1
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep1: TID 1 did not see valid PC retry (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// // look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK11_1
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 1)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 see SPU active!");
// spuActive[1] = 1;
// end
// might get ss_complete due to not knowing if there are 1 or 2 or more flushes.
// this task gets called w/o knowing in advance if there will be one more
// assertion of tlu_trap_pc_0/1_valid or not.
begin : FORK8_1
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount1, redirectCount1);
stepDone[1] = 1;
stepActive[1] = 0;
disable watchStep1; // return
// valid PC / retry
begin : FORK9_1
// start step. tid wakes up/redirects and does "one instruction"
while (!(`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 1 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1)) begin
// might see `SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[1] here if previous
// redirect was due to a MMU miss. If so, decrement flush count because
// the previous flush on prev pc_valid "does not count" and there can be
// any number of them w/ no way to predict quantity.
if (`SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[1] && ssMode) begin
flushCount1 = flushCount1-1;
redirectCount1 = redirectCount1-1;
watchStepMMU[1] = 1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 saw mmu_reload_done (hwtw)! flushCount/redirectCount decremented to %0d/%0d", flushCount1, redirectCount1);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
redirectCount1 = redirectCount1+1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 got valid retry, step waiting on negedge pku_quiesce (redirectCount=%0d)!",redirectCount1);
disable FORK8_1; // kill sync on spc_ss_complete
@(negedge `SPC3.pku_quiesce[1]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 got negedge pku_quiesce, step waiting on dec_inst_valid_m!");
while (!(`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 1)) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 valid step starting!");
disable FORK10_1; // kill timeout
//disable FORK11_1;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 1)) spuActive[1] = 0;
// finish step
// timeout fork
begin : FORK4_1
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// may need to adjust. If a tid is doing a SPU sync ctl reg sync read,
// it could stay "busy" for a REAL long time!!! Need delayed check of busy
// since it can assert after the step has started.
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep1: TID 1 did not quiesce/complete after step (SS or DO) as it should have. not SPU busy (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK12_1
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy ||
// ((`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 1 && doMode) || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && ssMode))))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// spuActive[1] = 1;
// end
// look for flush_ifu (w/o lsu_trap_flush (aka ptrap_flush) if SS)
// and end this task if seen. tlu_flush_ifu assertion always means
// this "instruction" is done, but may repeat (tlb miss, etc) w/in the SS.
begin : FORK6_1
// checking ptrap_flush to make sure that flush is not caused by lsu_trap_flush
while (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[1] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // debug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// if (`SPC3.tlu.fls0.ptrap_flush[1] == 1) begin
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep1: TID 1 have tlu_flush_ifu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// end
if ((ssMode && `SPC3.tlu.fls0.ptrap_flush[1] == 0) || doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 have tlu_flush_ifu (flushCount=%0d)!",flushCount1);
watchStepFlush[1] = 1;
flushCount1 = flushCount1+1;
stepActive[1] = 0;
disable watchStep1; // return
// are we done fork, DO mode quiesce
begin : FORK5_1
if (doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 watching for quiesce (only matters fo DO mode)!");
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[1] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[1] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[1] == 0) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 have quiesce (only matters for DO mode)!");
if (doMode) begin
disable FORK4_1; // TO
disable FORK6_1; // flush check
//disable FORK12_1;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 1)) spuActive[1] = 0;
// are we done fork, SS mode only
begin : FORK7_1
// wait for SS complete
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount1,redirectCount1);
stepDone[1] = 1;
// while (ssMode && !`SPC3.spc_ss_complete) begin
// // detect a second inst valid w/o a flush between
// if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 1 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1) begin
// // delay error so flush thread can kill this in the "got flush" case
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep1: TID 1 had another inst start before SS done was asserted!");
// end
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// end // while
if (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[1] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[1] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[1] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep1: TID 1 was not quiesce at ss_complete assertion!");
disable FORK4_1; // TO
disable FORK6_1; // flush check
//disable FORK12_1;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 1)) spuActive[1] = 0;
if (flushCount1 == 0) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 watchStep end!");
else `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep1: TID 1 repeated watchStep end!");
stepActive[1] = 0;
// check that thread does DO mode correctly
task watchDOsteps1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps1: TID 1 watchDOsteps starting!");
if (! `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) disable watchDOsteps1;
// now wait for a thread to start. TCU internal signal.
if (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[1] == 0)
@(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[1]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps1 TID 1 unparked and running in DO mode!");
// loop on step checking. DO mode is self stepping
while (doMode) begin : watchDOsteps1loop// && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7:0] != 0) begin
stepDone[1] = 0;
watchStepFlush[1] = 0;
watchStepMMU[1] = 0;
// are we starting to park in middle of DO mode (or end)?
// wait here until unparked again
if (parkTrans[1]) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps1 TID 1 getting parked, will delay");
@(negedge parkTrans[1]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps1loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// wait to be unparked or !doMode
if (parkedState[1]) begin
@(negedge doMode or negedge parkedState[1]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps1loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// an unparked thread does one instruction to completion before thread starts
// the next instruction.
// timeout fork
begin : FORKDO11
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchDOsteps1: DO mode, TID 1 timeout waiting for watchStep call to return, not SPU busy (+stepWaitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORKDO21
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 1)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "watchDOsteps1: DO mode, TID 1 sees SPU busy!");
// spuActive[1] = 1;
// end
// watch step
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps1: TID 1 calling watchStep1 in DO mode!");
watchStep1; // returns when step is done or flushed
if (watchStepFlush[1])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 1 in DO mode had flush!");
if (watchStepMMU[1])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 1 in DO mode had mmu reload!");
// calling flush as a done in DO mode
disable FORKDO11; // TO
//disable FORKDO21; // SPU going active
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps1: TID 1 DO mode watchDOsteps step done!");
stepDone[1] = 1;
flushCount1 = 0;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 1)) spuActive[1] = 0;
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
end // while
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps1: TID 1 DO mode watchDOsteps task ending!");
////////////////////////// end tid 1 ///////////////////////////////////////
// got park request. transition into parking. parking check.
always @(negedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[2]) begin: GOTPARK2
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 2 calling parkingCheck");
if (enabled) parkingCheck2();
// got unpark request. transition into running. unparking check.
always @(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[2]) begin: UNPARKCHECK2
if (enabled && !ssMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 2 calling unparkCheck.");
// while parked check
always @(posedge parkedState[2] or posedge virtualPark[2]) begin: PARKCHECK2
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 2 calling parkedCheck");
if (enabled) parkedCheck2();
// check for unexpected running transition
always @(`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[2]) begin: UNEXPECTED2
if (!parkTrans[2] && enabled && ! doMode && ! ssMode) // review? to remove ! doMode
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 2 spc_core_running_status changed w/o request to park/unpark (trans=%0d)!",parkTrans[2]);
////////////// tasks for tid 2 ////////////////////
// check the entering into parked state
task parkingCheck2;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 2 got park request!");
if (parkTrans[2] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 2 got park request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict (multiple parkers)! (enabled=%0d)",enabled);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +noDebugChecks to disable all debug checkes!");
disable parkingCheck2;
parkTrans[2] = 1;
// wait before checking signals
repeat (2) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// need to see at least one assertion of flush
// if (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[2] !== 1)
// @(posedge `SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[2]); // has glitches
if (`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[2] !== 1)
@(posedge `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[2]);
// need to see all of these go idle
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[2] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[2] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[2] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // need to see all of these go idle
// while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[2] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[2] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[2] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.tlu.fls0.idl_request == 0)
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
parkedState[2] <= 1;
parkTrans[2] <= 0;
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "INFO: TID %0d has parked!", 2);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "INFO: TID 2 has parked!");
// in parked state.
// also called between single steps.
task parkedCheck2;
reg notified;
begin //{
notified = 0;
// loop while not transitioning out of park if not SS mode.
// loop while in SS virtualPark if SS mode.
while ((parkTrans[2] == 0 && ssMode == 0) ||
(virtualPark[2] == 1 && ssMode == 1 &&
`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3] == 0)) begin //{
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 2 watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[2],virtualPark[2],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if in SS mode and core_running goes to zero for that thread, the thread
// will self step once and flush in order to change to a parked state
// (core_running_status=0). This looks like an un-asked for step so it
// has to be detected and ignored. Try stalling here during it.
while (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[2] == 0 &&
`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[2] == 1)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// watch for instructions sneaking in
// dec_inst_valid_m[1:0], one bit per group
if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 2 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 2 had tlu_trap_pc_0_valid activity while parked/between steps!");
if (`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 2 had dec_inst_valid_m activity while parked/between steps!");
end //} while
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 2 STOP watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[2],virtualPark[2],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
end //}
// leaving parked state
task unparkCheck2;
integer count;
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 2 got unpark request!");
if (parkTrans[2] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 2 got unpark request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict! (trans=%0h)",parkTrans);
disable unparkCheck2;
parkTrans[2] = 1;
// must see `SPC3.tlu.core_running_status[2] w/in count clocks
count2 = 0;
while (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[2] == 0) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count2 > parkWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 2 did not assert spc_core_running_status as soon as it should have (%0d clocks)!", count2);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +parkWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",parkWait);
count2 = count2 + 1;
if (!doMode && !ssMode) begin
// need to see re-direct w/in "redirectWait" more clocks
count2 = 0;
// if this is true, the redirect and the assertion of core_running_status
// happened at once so while loop can be skipped.
while (! (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid &&
`SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 2)) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count2 > redirectWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 2 did not redirect within %d clocks after core_running_status assert!", redirectWait);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +redirectWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",redirectWait);
count2 = count2 + 1;
parkedState[2] <= 0;
parkTrans[2] <= 0;
count2 <= 0;
// watch this tid step correctly. Should step 1 instruction
// and then "virtual park".
// for SS and DO modes.
task watchStep2;
watchStepFlush[2] = 0; // set if we got a flush
watchStepMMU[2] = 0; // set if we got a mmu reload
stepDone[2] = 0;
stepActive[2] = 1;
if (flushCount2) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 repeating watchStep task due to flush (flushCount=%0d, redirectCount=%0d)!",flushCount2,redirectCount2);
// timeout fork
begin : FORK10_2
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep2: TID 2 did not see valid PC retry (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// // look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK11_2
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 2)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 see SPU active!");
// spuActive[2] = 1;
// end
// might get ss_complete due to not knowing if there are 1 or 2 or more flushes.
// this task gets called w/o knowing in advance if there will be one more
// assertion of tlu_trap_pc_0/1_valid or not.
begin : FORK8_2
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount2, redirectCount2);
stepDone[2] = 1;
stepActive[2] = 0;
disable watchStep2; // return
// valid PC / retry
begin : FORK9_2
// start step. tid wakes up/redirects and does "one instruction"
while (!(`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 2 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1)) begin
// might see `SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[2] here if previous
// redirect was due to a MMU miss. If so, decrement flush count because
// the previous flush on prev pc_valid "does not count" and there can be
// any number of them w/ no way to predict quantity.
if (`SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[2] && ssMode) begin
flushCount2 = flushCount2-1;
redirectCount2 = redirectCount2-1;
watchStepMMU[2] = 1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 saw mmu_reload_done (hwtw)! flushCount/redirectCount decremented to %0d/%0d", flushCount2, redirectCount2);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
redirectCount2 = redirectCount2+1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 got valid retry, step waiting on negedge pku_quiesce (redirectCount=%0d)!",redirectCount2);
disable FORK8_2; // kill sync on spc_ss_complete
@(negedge `SPC3.pku_quiesce[2]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 got negedge pku_quiesce, step waiting on dec_inst_valid_m!");
while (!(`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 2)) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 valid step starting!");
disable FORK10_2; // kill timeout
//disable FORK11_2;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 2)) spuActive[2] = 0;
// finish step
// timeout fork
begin : FORK4_2
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// may need to adjust. If a tid is doing a SPU sync ctl reg sync read,
// it could stay "busy" for a REAL long time!!! Need delayed check of busy
// since it can assert after the step has started.
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep2: TID 2 did not quiesce/complete after step (SS or DO) as it should have. not SPU busy (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK12_2
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy ||
// ((`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 2 && doMode) || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && ssMode))))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// spuActive[2] = 1;
// end
// look for flush_ifu (w/o lsu_trap_flush (aka ptrap_flush) if SS)
// and end this task if seen. tlu_flush_ifu assertion always means
// this "instruction" is done, but may repeat (tlb miss, etc) w/in the SS.
begin : FORK6_2
// checking ptrap_flush to make sure that flush is not caused by lsu_trap_flush
while (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[2] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // debug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// if (`SPC3.tlu.fls0.ptrap_flush[2] == 1) begin
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep2: TID 2 have tlu_flush_ifu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// end
if ((ssMode && `SPC3.tlu.fls0.ptrap_flush[2] == 0) || doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 have tlu_flush_ifu (flushCount=%0d)!",flushCount2);
watchStepFlush[2] = 1;
flushCount2 = flushCount2+1;
stepActive[2] = 0;
disable watchStep2; // return
// are we done fork, DO mode quiesce
begin : FORK5_2
if (doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 watching for quiesce (only matters fo DO mode)!");
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[2] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[2] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[2] == 0) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 have quiesce (only matters for DO mode)!");
if (doMode) begin
disable FORK4_2; // TO
disable FORK6_2; // flush check
//disable FORK12_2;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 2)) spuActive[2] = 0;
// are we done fork, SS mode only
begin : FORK7_2
// wait for SS complete
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount2,redirectCount2);
stepDone[2] = 1;
// while (ssMode && !`SPC3.spc_ss_complete) begin
// // detect a second inst valid w/o a flush between
// if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 2 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1) begin
// // delay error so flush thread can kill this in the "got flush" case
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep2: TID 2 had another inst start before SS done was asserted!");
// end
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// end // while
if (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[2] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[2] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[2] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep2: TID 2 was not quiesce at ss_complete assertion!");
disable FORK4_2; // TO
disable FORK6_2; // flush check
//disable FORK12_2;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 2)) spuActive[2] = 0;
if (flushCount2 == 0) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 watchStep end!");
else `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep2: TID 2 repeated watchStep end!");
stepActive[2] = 0;
// check that thread does DO mode correctly
task watchDOsteps2;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps2: TID 2 watchDOsteps starting!");
if (! `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) disable watchDOsteps2;
// now wait for a thread to start. TCU internal signal.
if (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[2] == 0)
@(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[2]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps2 TID 2 unparked and running in DO mode!");
// loop on step checking. DO mode is self stepping
while (doMode) begin : watchDOsteps2loop// && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7:0] != 0) begin
stepDone[2] = 0;
watchStepFlush[2] = 0;
watchStepMMU[2] = 0;
// are we starting to park in middle of DO mode (or end)?
// wait here until unparked again
if (parkTrans[2]) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps2 TID 2 getting parked, will delay");
@(negedge parkTrans[2]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps2loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// wait to be unparked or !doMode
if (parkedState[2]) begin
@(negedge doMode or negedge parkedState[2]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps2loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// an unparked thread does one instruction to completion before thread starts
// the next instruction.
// timeout fork
begin : FORKDO12
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchDOsteps2: DO mode, TID 2 timeout waiting for watchStep call to return, not SPU busy (+stepWaitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORKDO22
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 2)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "watchDOsteps2: DO mode, TID 2 sees SPU busy!");
// spuActive[2] = 1;
// end
// watch step
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps2: TID 2 calling watchStep2 in DO mode!");
watchStep2; // returns when step is done or flushed
if (watchStepFlush[2])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 2 in DO mode had flush!");
if (watchStepMMU[2])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 2 in DO mode had mmu reload!");
// calling flush as a done in DO mode
disable FORKDO12; // TO
//disable FORKDO22; // SPU going active
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps2: TID 2 DO mode watchDOsteps step done!");
stepDone[2] = 1;
flushCount2 = 0;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 2)) spuActive[2] = 0;
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
end // while
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps2: TID 2 DO mode watchDOsteps task ending!");
////////////////////////// end tid 2 ///////////////////////////////////////
// got park request. transition into parking. parking check.
always @(negedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[3]) begin: GOTPARK3
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 3 calling parkingCheck");
if (enabled) parkingCheck3();
// got unpark request. transition into running. unparking check.
always @(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[3]) begin: UNPARKCHECK3
if (enabled && !ssMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 3 calling unparkCheck.");
// while parked check
always @(posedge parkedState[3] or posedge virtualPark[3]) begin: PARKCHECK3
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 3 calling parkedCheck");
if (enabled) parkedCheck3();
// check for unexpected running transition
always @(`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[3]) begin: UNEXPECTED3
if (!parkTrans[3] && enabled && ! doMode && ! ssMode) // review? to remove ! doMode
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 3 spc_core_running_status changed w/o request to park/unpark (trans=%0d)!",parkTrans[3]);
////////////// tasks for tid 3 ////////////////////
// check the entering into parked state
task parkingCheck3;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 3 got park request!");
if (parkTrans[3] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 3 got park request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict (multiple parkers)! (enabled=%0d)",enabled);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +noDebugChecks to disable all debug checkes!");
disable parkingCheck3;
parkTrans[3] = 1;
// wait before checking signals
repeat (2) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// need to see at least one assertion of flush
// if (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[3] !== 1)
// @(posedge `SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[3]); // has glitches
if (`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[3] !== 1)
@(posedge `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[3]);
// need to see all of these go idle
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[3] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[3] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[3] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // need to see all of these go idle
// while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[3] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[3] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[3] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.tlu.fls0.idl_request == 0)
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
parkedState[3] <= 1;
parkTrans[3] <= 0;
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "INFO: TID %0d has parked!", 3);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "INFO: TID 3 has parked!");
// in parked state.
// also called between single steps.
task parkedCheck3;
reg notified;
begin //{
notified = 0;
// loop while not transitioning out of park if not SS mode.
// loop while in SS virtualPark if SS mode.
while ((parkTrans[3] == 0 && ssMode == 0) ||
(virtualPark[3] == 1 && ssMode == 1 &&
`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3] == 0)) begin //{
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 3 watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[3],virtualPark[3],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if in SS mode and core_running goes to zero for that thread, the thread
// will self step once and flush in order to change to a parked state
// (core_running_status=0). This looks like an un-asked for step so it
// has to be detected and ignored. Try stalling here during it.
while (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[3] == 0 &&
`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[3] == 1)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// watch for instructions sneaking in
// dec_inst_valid_m[1:0], one bit per group
if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 3 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 3 had tlu_trap_pc_0_valid activity while parked/between steps!");
if (`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 3)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 3 had dec_inst_valid_m activity while parked/between steps!");
end //} while
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 3 STOP watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[3],virtualPark[3],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
end //}
// leaving parked state
task unparkCheck3;
integer count;
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 3 got unpark request!");
if (parkTrans[3] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 3 got unpark request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict! (trans=%0h)",parkTrans);
disable unparkCheck3;
parkTrans[3] = 1;
// must see `SPC3.tlu.core_running_status[3] w/in count clocks
count3 = 0;
while (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[3] == 0) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count3 > parkWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 3 did not assert spc_core_running_status as soon as it should have (%0d clocks)!", count3);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +parkWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",parkWait);
count3 = count3 + 1;
if (!doMode && !ssMode) begin
// need to see re-direct w/in "redirectWait" more clocks
count3 = 0;
// if this is true, the redirect and the assertion of core_running_status
// happened at once so while loop can be skipped.
while (! (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid &&
`SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 3)) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count3 > redirectWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 3 did not redirect within %d clocks after core_running_status assert!", redirectWait);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +redirectWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",redirectWait);
count3 = count3 + 1;
parkedState[3] <= 0;
parkTrans[3] <= 0;
count3 <= 0;
// watch this tid step correctly. Should step 1 instruction
// and then "virtual park".
// for SS and DO modes.
task watchStep3;
watchStepFlush[3] = 0; // set if we got a flush
watchStepMMU[3] = 0; // set if we got a mmu reload
stepDone[3] = 0;
stepActive[3] = 1;
if (flushCount3) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 repeating watchStep task due to flush (flushCount=%0d, redirectCount=%0d)!",flushCount3,redirectCount3);
// timeout fork
begin : FORK10_3
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep3: TID 3 did not see valid PC retry (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// // look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK11_3
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 3)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 see SPU active!");
// spuActive[3] = 1;
// end
// might get ss_complete due to not knowing if there are 1 or 2 or more flushes.
// this task gets called w/o knowing in advance if there will be one more
// assertion of tlu_trap_pc_0/1_valid or not.
begin : FORK8_3
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount3, redirectCount3);
stepDone[3] = 1;
stepActive[3] = 0;
disable watchStep3; // return
// valid PC / retry
begin : FORK9_3
// start step. tid wakes up/redirects and does "one instruction"
while (!(`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 3 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1)) begin
// might see `SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[3] here if previous
// redirect was due to a MMU miss. If so, decrement flush count because
// the previous flush on prev pc_valid "does not count" and there can be
// any number of them w/ no way to predict quantity.
if (`SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[3] && ssMode) begin
flushCount3 = flushCount3-1;
redirectCount3 = redirectCount3-1;
watchStepMMU[3] = 1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 saw mmu_reload_done (hwtw)! flushCount/redirectCount decremented to %0d/%0d", flushCount3, redirectCount3);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
redirectCount3 = redirectCount3+1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 got valid retry, step waiting on negedge pku_quiesce (redirectCount=%0d)!",redirectCount3);
disable FORK8_3; // kill sync on spc_ss_complete
@(negedge `SPC3.pku_quiesce[3]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 got negedge pku_quiesce, step waiting on dec_inst_valid_m!");
while (!(`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 3)) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 valid step starting!");
disable FORK10_3; // kill timeout
//disable FORK11_3;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 3)) spuActive[3] = 0;
// finish step
// timeout fork
begin : FORK4_3
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// may need to adjust. If a tid is doing a SPU sync ctl reg sync read,
// it could stay "busy" for a REAL long time!!! Need delayed check of busy
// since it can assert after the step has started.
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep3: TID 3 did not quiesce/complete after step (SS or DO) as it should have. not SPU busy (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK12_3
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy ||
// ((`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 3 && doMode) || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && ssMode))))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// spuActive[3] = 1;
// end
// look for flush_ifu (w/o lsu_trap_flush (aka ptrap_flush) if SS)
// and end this task if seen. tlu_flush_ifu assertion always means
// this "instruction" is done, but may repeat (tlb miss, etc) w/in the SS.
begin : FORK6_3
// checking ptrap_flush to make sure that flush is not caused by lsu_trap_flush
while (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[3] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // debug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// if (`SPC3.tlu.fls0.ptrap_flush[3] == 1) begin
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep3: TID 3 have tlu_flush_ifu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// end
if ((ssMode && `SPC3.tlu.fls0.ptrap_flush[3] == 0) || doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 have tlu_flush_ifu (flushCount=%0d)!",flushCount3);
watchStepFlush[3] = 1;
flushCount3 = flushCount3+1;
stepActive[3] = 0;
disable watchStep3; // return
// are we done fork, DO mode quiesce
begin : FORK5_3
if (doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 watching for quiesce (only matters fo DO mode)!");
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[3] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[3] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[3] == 0) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 have quiesce (only matters for DO mode)!");
if (doMode) begin
disable FORK4_3; // TO
disable FORK6_3; // flush check
//disable FORK12_3;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 3)) spuActive[3] = 0;
// are we done fork, SS mode only
begin : FORK7_3
// wait for SS complete
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount3,redirectCount3);
stepDone[3] = 1;
// while (ssMode && !`SPC3.spc_ss_complete) begin
// // detect a second inst valid w/o a flush between
// if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_0_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_0_tid[1:0] == 3 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[0] == 1) begin
// // delay error so flush thread can kill this in the "got flush" case
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep3: TID 3 had another inst start before SS done was asserted!");
// end
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// end // while
if (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[3] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[3] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[3] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep3: TID 3 was not quiesce at ss_complete assertion!");
disable FORK4_3; // TO
disable FORK6_3; // flush check
//disable FORK12_3;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 3)) spuActive[3] = 0;
if (flushCount3 == 0) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 watchStep end!");
else `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep3: TID 3 repeated watchStep end!");
stepActive[3] = 0;
// check that thread does DO mode correctly
task watchDOsteps3;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps3: TID 3 watchDOsteps starting!");
if (! `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) disable watchDOsteps3;
// now wait for a thread to start. TCU internal signal.
if (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[3] == 0)
@(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[3]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps3 TID 3 unparked and running in DO mode!");
// loop on step checking. DO mode is self stepping
while (doMode) begin : watchDOsteps3loop// && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7:0] != 0) begin
stepDone[3] = 0;
watchStepFlush[3] = 0;
watchStepMMU[3] = 0;
// are we starting to park in middle of DO mode (or end)?
// wait here until unparked again
if (parkTrans[3]) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps3 TID 3 getting parked, will delay");
@(negedge parkTrans[3]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps3loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// wait to be unparked or !doMode
if (parkedState[3]) begin
@(negedge doMode or negedge parkedState[3]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps3loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// an unparked thread does one instruction to completion before thread starts
// the next instruction.
// timeout fork
begin : FORKDO13
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchDOsteps3: DO mode, TID 3 timeout waiting for watchStep call to return, not SPU busy (+stepWaitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORKDO23
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 3)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "watchDOsteps3: DO mode, TID 3 sees SPU busy!");
// spuActive[3] = 1;
// end
// watch step
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps3: TID 3 calling watchStep3 in DO mode!");
watchStep3; // returns when step is done or flushed
if (watchStepFlush[3])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 3 in DO mode had flush!");
if (watchStepMMU[3])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 3 in DO mode had mmu reload!");
// calling flush as a done in DO mode
disable FORKDO13; // TO
//disable FORKDO23; // SPU going active
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps3: TID 3 DO mode watchDOsteps step done!");
stepDone[3] = 1;
flushCount3 = 0;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 3)) spuActive[3] = 0;
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
end // while
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps3: TID 3 DO mode watchDOsteps task ending!");
////////////////////////// end tid 3 ///////////////////////////////////////
// got park request. transition into parking. parking check.
always @(negedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[4]) begin: GOTPARK4
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 4 calling parkingCheck");
if (enabled) parkingCheck4();
// got unpark request. transition into running. unparking check.
always @(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[4]) begin: UNPARKCHECK4
if (enabled && !ssMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 4 calling unparkCheck.");
// while parked check
always @(posedge parkedState[4] or posedge virtualPark[4]) begin: PARKCHECK4
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 4 calling parkedCheck");
if (enabled) parkedCheck4();
// check for unexpected running transition
always @(`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[4]) begin: UNEXPECTED4
if (!parkTrans[4] && enabled && ! doMode && ! ssMode) // review? to remove ! doMode
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 4 spc_core_running_status changed w/o request to park/unpark (trans=%0d)!",parkTrans[4]);
////////////// tasks for tid 4 ////////////////////
// check the entering into parked state
task parkingCheck4;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 4 got park request!");
if (parkTrans[4] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 4 got park request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict (multiple parkers)! (enabled=%0d)",enabled);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +noDebugChecks to disable all debug checkes!");
disable parkingCheck4;
parkTrans[4] = 1;
// wait before checking signals
repeat (2) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// need to see at least one assertion of flush
// if (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[4] !== 1)
// @(posedge `SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[4]); // has glitches
if (`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[4] !== 1)
@(posedge `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[4]);
// need to see all of these go idle
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[4] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[4] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[4] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // need to see all of these go idle
// while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[4] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[4] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[4] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.tlu.fls1.idl_request == 0)
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
parkedState[4] <= 1;
parkTrans[4] <= 0;
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "INFO: TID %0d has parked!", 4);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "INFO: TID 4 has parked!");
// in parked state.
// also called between single steps.
task parkedCheck4;
reg notified;
begin //{
notified = 0;
// loop while not transitioning out of park if not SS mode.
// loop while in SS virtualPark if SS mode.
while ((parkTrans[4] == 0 && ssMode == 0) ||
(virtualPark[4] == 1 && ssMode == 1 &&
`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3] == 0)) begin //{
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 4 watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[4],virtualPark[4],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if in SS mode and core_running goes to zero for that thread, the thread
// will self step once and flush in order to change to a parked state
// (core_running_status=0). This looks like an un-asked for step so it
// has to be detected and ignored. Try stalling here during it.
while (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[4] == 0 &&
`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[4] == 1)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// watch for instructions sneaking in
// dec_inst_valid_m[1:0], one bit per group
if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 4 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 4 had tlu_trap_pc_1_valid activity while parked/between steps!");
if (`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 4 had dec_inst_valid_m activity while parked/between steps!");
end //} while
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 4 STOP watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[4],virtualPark[4],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
end //}
// leaving parked state
task unparkCheck4;
integer count;
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 4 got unpark request!");
if (parkTrans[4] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 4 got unpark request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict! (trans=%0h)",parkTrans);
disable unparkCheck4;
parkTrans[4] = 1;
// must see `SPC3.tlu.core_running_status[4] w/in count clocks
count4 = 0;
while (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[4] == 0) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count4 > parkWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 4 did not assert spc_core_running_status as soon as it should have (%0d clocks)!", count4);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +parkWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",parkWait);
count4 = count4 + 1;
if (!doMode && !ssMode) begin
// need to see re-direct w/in "redirectWait" more clocks
count4 = 0;
// if this is true, the redirect and the assertion of core_running_status
// happened at once so while loop can be skipped.
while (! (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid &&
`SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 0)) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count4 > redirectWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 4 did not redirect within %d clocks after core_running_status assert!", redirectWait);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +redirectWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",redirectWait);
count4 = count4 + 1;
parkedState[4] <= 0;
parkTrans[4] <= 0;
count4 <= 0;
// watch this tid step correctly. Should step 1 instruction
// and then "virtual park".
// for SS and DO modes.
task watchStep4;
watchStepFlush[4] = 0; // set if we got a flush
watchStepMMU[4] = 0; // set if we got a mmu reload
stepDone[4] = 0;
stepActive[4] = 1;
if (flushCount4) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 repeating watchStep task due to flush (flushCount=%0d, redirectCount=%0d)!",flushCount4,redirectCount4);
// timeout fork
begin : FORK10_4
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep4: TID 4 did not see valid PC retry (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// // look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK11_4
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 4)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 see SPU active!");
// spuActive[4] = 1;
// end
// might get ss_complete due to not knowing if there are 1 or 2 or more flushes.
// this task gets called w/o knowing in advance if there will be one more
// assertion of tlu_trap_pc_0/1_valid or not.
begin : FORK8_4
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount4, redirectCount4);
stepDone[4] = 1;
stepActive[4] = 0;
disable watchStep4; // return
// valid PC / retry
begin : FORK9_4
// start step. tid wakes up/redirects and does "one instruction"
while (!(`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 0 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1)) begin
// might see `SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[4] here if previous
// redirect was due to a MMU miss. If so, decrement flush count because
// the previous flush on prev pc_valid "does not count" and there can be
// any number of them w/ no way to predict quantity.
if (`SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[4] && ssMode) begin
flushCount4 = flushCount4-1;
redirectCount4 = redirectCount4-1;
watchStepMMU[4] = 1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 saw mmu_reload_done (hwtw)! flushCount/redirectCount decremented to %0d/%0d", flushCount4, redirectCount4);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
redirectCount4 = redirectCount4+1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 got valid retry, step waiting on negedge pku_quiesce (redirectCount=%0d)!",redirectCount4);
disable FORK8_4; // kill sync on spc_ss_complete
@(negedge `SPC3.pku_quiesce[4]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 got negedge pku_quiesce, step waiting on dec_inst_valid_m!");
while (!(`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 0)) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 valid step starting!");
disable FORK10_4; // kill timeout
//disable FORK11_4;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 4)) spuActive[4] = 0;
// finish step
// timeout fork
begin : FORK4_4
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// may need to adjust. If a tid is doing a SPU sync ctl reg sync read,
// it could stay "busy" for a REAL long time!!! Need delayed check of busy
// since it can assert after the step has started.
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep4: TID 4 did not quiesce/complete after step (SS or DO) as it should have. not SPU busy (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK12_4
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy ||
// ((`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 4 && doMode) || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && ssMode))))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// spuActive[4] = 1;
// end
// look for flush_ifu (w/o lsu_trap_flush (aka ptrap_flush) if SS)
// and end this task if seen. tlu_flush_ifu assertion always means
// this "instruction" is done, but may repeat (tlb miss, etc) w/in the SS.
begin : FORK6_4
// checking ptrap_flush to make sure that flush is not caused by lsu_trap_flush
while (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[4] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // debug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// if (`SPC3.tlu.fls1.ptrap_flush[0] == 1) begin
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep4: TID 4 have tlu_flush_ifu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// end
if ((ssMode && `SPC3.tlu.fls1.ptrap_flush[0] == 0) || doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 have tlu_flush_ifu (flushCount=%0d)!",flushCount4);
watchStepFlush[4] = 1;
flushCount4 = flushCount4+1;
stepActive[4] = 0;
disable watchStep4; // return
// are we done fork, DO mode quiesce
begin : FORK5_4
if (doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 watching for quiesce (only matters fo DO mode)!");
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[4] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[4] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[4] == 0) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 have quiesce (only matters for DO mode)!");
if (doMode) begin
disable FORK4_4; // TO
disable FORK6_4; // flush check
//disable FORK12_4;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 4)) spuActive[4] = 0;
// are we done fork, SS mode only
begin : FORK7_4
// wait for SS complete
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount4,redirectCount4);
stepDone[4] = 1;
// while (ssMode && !`SPC3.spc_ss_complete) begin
// // detect a second inst valid w/o a flush between
// if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 0 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1) begin
// // delay error so flush thread can kill this in the "got flush" case
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep4: TID 4 had another inst start before SS done was asserted!");
// end
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// end // while
if (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[4] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[4] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[4] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep4: TID 4 was not quiesce at ss_complete assertion!");
disable FORK4_4; // TO
disable FORK6_4; // flush check
//disable FORK12_4;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 4)) spuActive[4] = 0;
if (flushCount4 == 0) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 watchStep end!");
else `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep4: TID 4 repeated watchStep end!");
stepActive[4] = 0;
// check that thread does DO mode correctly
task watchDOsteps4;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps4: TID 4 watchDOsteps starting!");
if (! `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) disable watchDOsteps4;
// now wait for a thread to start. TCU internal signal.
if (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[4] == 0)
@(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[4]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps4 TID 4 unparked and running in DO mode!");
// loop on step checking. DO mode is self stepping
while (doMode) begin : watchDOsteps4loop// && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7:0] != 0) begin
stepDone[4] = 0;
watchStepFlush[4] = 0;
watchStepMMU[4] = 0;
// are we starting to park in middle of DO mode (or end)?
// wait here until unparked again
if (parkTrans[4]) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps4 TID 4 getting parked, will delay");
@(negedge parkTrans[4]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps4loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// wait to be unparked or !doMode
if (parkedState[4]) begin
@(negedge doMode or negedge parkedState[4]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps4loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// an unparked thread does one instruction to completion before thread starts
// the next instruction.
// timeout fork
begin : FORKDO14
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchDOsteps4: DO mode, TID 4 timeout waiting for watchStep call to return, not SPU busy (+stepWaitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORKDO24
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 4)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "watchDOsteps4: DO mode, TID 4 sees SPU busy!");
// spuActive[4] = 1;
// end
// watch step
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps4: TID 4 calling watchStep4 in DO mode!");
watchStep4; // returns when step is done or flushed
if (watchStepFlush[4])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 4 in DO mode had flush!");
if (watchStepMMU[4])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 4 in DO mode had mmu reload!");
// calling flush as a done in DO mode
disable FORKDO14; // TO
//disable FORKDO24; // SPU going active
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps4: TID 4 DO mode watchDOsteps step done!");
stepDone[4] = 1;
flushCount4 = 0;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 4)) spuActive[4] = 0;
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
end // while
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps4: TID 4 DO mode watchDOsteps task ending!");
////////////////////////// end tid 4 ///////////////////////////////////////
// got park request. transition into parking. parking check.
always @(negedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[5]) begin: GOTPARK5
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 5 calling parkingCheck");
if (enabled) parkingCheck5();
// got unpark request. transition into running. unparking check.
always @(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[5]) begin: UNPARKCHECK5
if (enabled && !ssMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 5 calling unparkCheck.");
// while parked check
always @(posedge parkedState[5] or posedge virtualPark[5]) begin: PARKCHECK5
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 5 calling parkedCheck");
if (enabled) parkedCheck5();
// check for unexpected running transition
always @(`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[5]) begin: UNEXPECTED5
if (!parkTrans[5] && enabled && ! doMode && ! ssMode) // review? to remove ! doMode
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 5 spc_core_running_status changed w/o request to park/unpark (trans=%0d)!",parkTrans[5]);
////////////// tasks for tid 5 ////////////////////
// check the entering into parked state
task parkingCheck5;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 5 got park request!");
if (parkTrans[5] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 5 got park request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict (multiple parkers)! (enabled=%0d)",enabled);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +noDebugChecks to disable all debug checkes!");
disable parkingCheck5;
parkTrans[5] = 1;
// wait before checking signals
repeat (2) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// need to see at least one assertion of flush
// if (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[5] !== 1)
// @(posedge `SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[5]); // has glitches
if (`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[5] !== 1)
@(posedge `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[5]);
// need to see all of these go idle
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[5] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[5] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[5] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // need to see all of these go idle
// while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[5] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[5] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[5] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.tlu.fls1.idl_request == 0)
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
parkedState[5] <= 1;
parkTrans[5] <= 0;
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "INFO: TID %0d has parked!", 5);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "INFO: TID 5 has parked!");
// in parked state.
// also called between single steps.
task parkedCheck5;
reg notified;
begin //{
notified = 0;
// loop while not transitioning out of park if not SS mode.
// loop while in SS virtualPark if SS mode.
while ((parkTrans[5] == 0 && ssMode == 0) ||
(virtualPark[5] == 1 && ssMode == 1 &&
`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3] == 0)) begin //{
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 5 watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[5],virtualPark[5],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if in SS mode and core_running goes to zero for that thread, the thread
// will self step once and flush in order to change to a parked state
// (core_running_status=0). This looks like an un-asked for step so it
// has to be detected and ignored. Try stalling here during it.
while (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[5] == 0 &&
`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[5] == 1)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// watch for instructions sneaking in
// dec_inst_valid_m[1:0], one bit per group
if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 5 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 5 had tlu_trap_pc_1_valid activity while parked/between steps!");
if (`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 5 had dec_inst_valid_m activity while parked/between steps!");
end //} while
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 5 STOP watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[5],virtualPark[5],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
end //}
// leaving parked state
task unparkCheck5;
integer count;
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 5 got unpark request!");
if (parkTrans[5] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 5 got unpark request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict! (trans=%0h)",parkTrans);
disable unparkCheck5;
parkTrans[5] = 1;
// must see `SPC3.tlu.core_running_status[5] w/in count clocks
count5 = 0;
while (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[5] == 0) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count5 > parkWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 5 did not assert spc_core_running_status as soon as it should have (%0d clocks)!", count5);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +parkWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",parkWait);
count5 = count5 + 1;
if (!doMode && !ssMode) begin
// need to see re-direct w/in "redirectWait" more clocks
count5 = 0;
// if this is true, the redirect and the assertion of core_running_status
// happened at once so while loop can be skipped.
while (! (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid &&
`SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 1)) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count5 > redirectWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 5 did not redirect within %d clocks after core_running_status assert!", redirectWait);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +redirectWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",redirectWait);
count5 = count5 + 1;
parkedState[5] <= 0;
parkTrans[5] <= 0;
count5 <= 0;
// watch this tid step correctly. Should step 1 instruction
// and then "virtual park".
// for SS and DO modes.
task watchStep5;
watchStepFlush[5] = 0; // set if we got a flush
watchStepMMU[5] = 0; // set if we got a mmu reload
stepDone[5] = 0;
stepActive[5] = 1;
if (flushCount5) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 repeating watchStep task due to flush (flushCount=%0d, redirectCount=%0d)!",flushCount5,redirectCount5);
// timeout fork
begin : FORK10_5
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep5: TID 5 did not see valid PC retry (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// // look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK11_5
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 5)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 see SPU active!");
// spuActive[5] = 1;
// end
// might get ss_complete due to not knowing if there are 1 or 2 or more flushes.
// this task gets called w/o knowing in advance if there will be one more
// assertion of tlu_trap_pc_0/1_valid or not.
begin : FORK8_5
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount5, redirectCount5);
stepDone[5] = 1;
stepActive[5] = 0;
disable watchStep5; // return
// valid PC / retry
begin : FORK9_5
// start step. tid wakes up/redirects and does "one instruction"
while (!(`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 1 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1)) begin
// might see `SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[5] here if previous
// redirect was due to a MMU miss. If so, decrement flush count because
// the previous flush on prev pc_valid "does not count" and there can be
// any number of them w/ no way to predict quantity.
if (`SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[5] && ssMode) begin
flushCount5 = flushCount5-1;
redirectCount5 = redirectCount5-1;
watchStepMMU[5] = 1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 saw mmu_reload_done (hwtw)! flushCount/redirectCount decremented to %0d/%0d", flushCount5, redirectCount5);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
redirectCount5 = redirectCount5+1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 got valid retry, step waiting on negedge pku_quiesce (redirectCount=%0d)!",redirectCount5);
disable FORK8_5; // kill sync on spc_ss_complete
@(negedge `SPC3.pku_quiesce[5]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 got negedge pku_quiesce, step waiting on dec_inst_valid_m!");
while (!(`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 1)) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 valid step starting!");
disable FORK10_5; // kill timeout
//disable FORK11_5;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 5)) spuActive[5] = 0;
// finish step
// timeout fork
begin : FORK4_5
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// may need to adjust. If a tid is doing a SPU sync ctl reg sync read,
// it could stay "busy" for a REAL long time!!! Need delayed check of busy
// since it can assert after the step has started.
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep5: TID 5 did not quiesce/complete after step (SS or DO) as it should have. not SPU busy (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK12_5
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy ||
// ((`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 5 && doMode) || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && ssMode))))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// spuActive[5] = 1;
// end
// look for flush_ifu (w/o lsu_trap_flush (aka ptrap_flush) if SS)
// and end this task if seen. tlu_flush_ifu assertion always means
// this "instruction" is done, but may repeat (tlb miss, etc) w/in the SS.
begin : FORK6_5
// checking ptrap_flush to make sure that flush is not caused by lsu_trap_flush
while (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[5] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // debug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// if (`SPC3.tlu.fls1.ptrap_flush[1] == 1) begin
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep5: TID 5 have tlu_flush_ifu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// end
if ((ssMode && `SPC3.tlu.fls1.ptrap_flush[1] == 0) || doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 have tlu_flush_ifu (flushCount=%0d)!",flushCount5);
watchStepFlush[5] = 1;
flushCount5 = flushCount5+1;
stepActive[5] = 0;
disable watchStep5; // return
// are we done fork, DO mode quiesce
begin : FORK5_5
if (doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 watching for quiesce (only matters fo DO mode)!");
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[5] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[5] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[5] == 0) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 have quiesce (only matters for DO mode)!");
if (doMode) begin
disable FORK4_5; // TO
disable FORK6_5; // flush check
//disable FORK12_5;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 5)) spuActive[5] = 0;
// are we done fork, SS mode only
begin : FORK7_5
// wait for SS complete
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount5,redirectCount5);
stepDone[5] = 1;
// while (ssMode && !`SPC3.spc_ss_complete) begin
// // detect a second inst valid w/o a flush between
// if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 1 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1) begin
// // delay error so flush thread can kill this in the "got flush" case
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep5: TID 5 had another inst start before SS done was asserted!");
// end
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// end // while
if (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[5] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[5] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[5] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep5: TID 5 was not quiesce at ss_complete assertion!");
disable FORK4_5; // TO
disable FORK6_5; // flush check
//disable FORK12_5;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 5)) spuActive[5] = 0;
if (flushCount5 == 0) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 watchStep end!");
else `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep5: TID 5 repeated watchStep end!");
stepActive[5] = 0;
// check that thread does DO mode correctly
task watchDOsteps5;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps5: TID 5 watchDOsteps starting!");
if (! `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) disable watchDOsteps5;
// now wait for a thread to start. TCU internal signal.
if (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[5] == 0)
@(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[5]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps5 TID 5 unparked and running in DO mode!");
// loop on step checking. DO mode is self stepping
while (doMode) begin : watchDOsteps5loop// && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7:0] != 0) begin
stepDone[5] = 0;
watchStepFlush[5] = 0;
watchStepMMU[5] = 0;
// are we starting to park in middle of DO mode (or end)?
// wait here until unparked again
if (parkTrans[5]) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps5 TID 5 getting parked, will delay");
@(negedge parkTrans[5]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps5loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// wait to be unparked or !doMode
if (parkedState[5]) begin
@(negedge doMode or negedge parkedState[5]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps5loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// an unparked thread does one instruction to completion before thread starts
// the next instruction.
// timeout fork
begin : FORKDO15
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchDOsteps5: DO mode, TID 5 timeout waiting for watchStep call to return, not SPU busy (+stepWaitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORKDO25
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 5)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "watchDOsteps5: DO mode, TID 5 sees SPU busy!");
// spuActive[5] = 1;
// end
// watch step
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps5: TID 5 calling watchStep5 in DO mode!");
watchStep5; // returns when step is done or flushed
if (watchStepFlush[5])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 5 in DO mode had flush!");
if (watchStepMMU[5])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 5 in DO mode had mmu reload!");
// calling flush as a done in DO mode
disable FORKDO15; // TO
//disable FORKDO25; // SPU going active
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps5: TID 5 DO mode watchDOsteps step done!");
stepDone[5] = 1;
flushCount5 = 0;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 5)) spuActive[5] = 0;
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
end // while
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps5: TID 5 DO mode watchDOsteps task ending!");
////////////////////////// end tid 5 ///////////////////////////////////////
// got park request. transition into parking. parking check.
always @(negedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[6]) begin: GOTPARK6
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 6 calling parkingCheck");
if (enabled) parkingCheck6();
// got unpark request. transition into running. unparking check.
always @(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[6]) begin: UNPARKCHECK6
if (enabled && !ssMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 6 calling unparkCheck.");
// while parked check
always @(posedge parkedState[6] or posedge virtualPark[6]) begin: PARKCHECK6
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 6 calling parkedCheck");
if (enabled) parkedCheck6();
// check for unexpected running transition
always @(`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[6]) begin: UNEXPECTED6
if (!parkTrans[6] && enabled && ! doMode && ! ssMode) // review? to remove ! doMode
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 6 spc_core_running_status changed w/o request to park/unpark (trans=%0d)!",parkTrans[6]);
////////////// tasks for tid 6 ////////////////////
// check the entering into parked state
task parkingCheck6;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 6 got park request!");
if (parkTrans[6] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 6 got park request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict (multiple parkers)! (enabled=%0d)",enabled);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +noDebugChecks to disable all debug checkes!");
disable parkingCheck6;
parkTrans[6] = 1;
// wait before checking signals
repeat (2) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// need to see at least one assertion of flush
// if (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[6] !== 1)
// @(posedge `SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[6]); // has glitches
if (`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[6] !== 1)
@(posedge `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[6]);
// need to see all of these go idle
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[6] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[6] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[6] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // need to see all of these go idle
// while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[6] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[6] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[6] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.tlu.fls1.idl_request == 0)
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
parkedState[6] <= 1;
parkTrans[6] <= 0;
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "INFO: TID %0d has parked!", 6);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "INFO: TID 6 has parked!");
// in parked state.
// also called between single steps.
task parkedCheck6;
reg notified;
begin //{
notified = 0;
// loop while not transitioning out of park if not SS mode.
// loop while in SS virtualPark if SS mode.
while ((parkTrans[6] == 0 && ssMode == 0) ||
(virtualPark[6] == 1 && ssMode == 1 &&
`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3] == 0)) begin //{
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 6 watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[6],virtualPark[6],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if in SS mode and core_running goes to zero for that thread, the thread
// will self step once and flush in order to change to a parked state
// (core_running_status=0). This looks like an un-asked for step so it
// has to be detected and ignored. Try stalling here during it.
while (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[6] == 0 &&
`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[6] == 1)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// watch for instructions sneaking in
// dec_inst_valid_m[1:0], one bit per group
if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 6 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 6 had tlu_trap_pc_1_valid activity while parked/between steps!");
if (`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 6 had dec_inst_valid_m activity while parked/between steps!");
end //} while
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 6 STOP watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[6],virtualPark[6],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
end //}
// leaving parked state
task unparkCheck6;
integer count;
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 6 got unpark request!");
if (parkTrans[6] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 6 got unpark request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict! (trans=%0h)",parkTrans);
disable unparkCheck6;
parkTrans[6] = 1;
// must see `SPC3.tlu.core_running_status[6] w/in count clocks
count6 = 0;
while (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[6] == 0) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count6 > parkWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 6 did not assert spc_core_running_status as soon as it should have (%0d clocks)!", count6);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +parkWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",parkWait);
count6 = count6 + 1;
if (!doMode && !ssMode) begin
// need to see re-direct w/in "redirectWait" more clocks
count6 = 0;
// if this is true, the redirect and the assertion of core_running_status
// happened at once so while loop can be skipped.
while (! (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid &&
`SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 2)) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count6 > redirectWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 6 did not redirect within %d clocks after core_running_status assert!", redirectWait);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +redirectWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",redirectWait);
count6 = count6 + 1;
parkedState[6] <= 0;
parkTrans[6] <= 0;
count6 <= 0;
// watch this tid step correctly. Should step 1 instruction
// and then "virtual park".
// for SS and DO modes.
task watchStep6;
watchStepFlush[6] = 0; // set if we got a flush
watchStepMMU[6] = 0; // set if we got a mmu reload
stepDone[6] = 0;
stepActive[6] = 1;
if (flushCount6) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 repeating watchStep task due to flush (flushCount=%0d, redirectCount=%0d)!",flushCount6,redirectCount6);
// timeout fork
begin : FORK10_6
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep6: TID 6 did not see valid PC retry (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// // look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK11_6
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 6)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 see SPU active!");
// spuActive[6] = 1;
// end
// might get ss_complete due to not knowing if there are 1 or 2 or more flushes.
// this task gets called w/o knowing in advance if there will be one more
// assertion of tlu_trap_pc_0/1_valid or not.
begin : FORK8_6
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount6, redirectCount6);
stepDone[6] = 1;
stepActive[6] = 0;
disable watchStep6; // return
// valid PC / retry
begin : FORK9_6
// start step. tid wakes up/redirects and does "one instruction"
while (!(`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 2 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1)) begin
// might see `SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[6] here if previous
// redirect was due to a MMU miss. If so, decrement flush count because
// the previous flush on prev pc_valid "does not count" and there can be
// any number of them w/ no way to predict quantity.
if (`SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[6] && ssMode) begin
flushCount6 = flushCount6-1;
redirectCount6 = redirectCount6-1;
watchStepMMU[6] = 1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 saw mmu_reload_done (hwtw)! flushCount/redirectCount decremented to %0d/%0d", flushCount6, redirectCount6);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
redirectCount6 = redirectCount6+1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 got valid retry, step waiting on negedge pku_quiesce (redirectCount=%0d)!",redirectCount6);
disable FORK8_6; // kill sync on spc_ss_complete
@(negedge `SPC3.pku_quiesce[6]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 got negedge pku_quiesce, step waiting on dec_inst_valid_m!");
while (!(`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 2)) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 valid step starting!");
disable FORK10_6; // kill timeout
//disable FORK11_6;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 6)) spuActive[6] = 0;
// finish step
// timeout fork
begin : FORK4_6
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// may need to adjust. If a tid is doing a SPU sync ctl reg sync read,
// it could stay "busy" for a REAL long time!!! Need delayed check of busy
// since it can assert after the step has started.
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep6: TID 6 did not quiesce/complete after step (SS or DO) as it should have. not SPU busy (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK12_6
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy ||
// ((`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 6 && doMode) || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && ssMode))))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// spuActive[6] = 1;
// end
// look for flush_ifu (w/o lsu_trap_flush (aka ptrap_flush) if SS)
// and end this task if seen. tlu_flush_ifu assertion always means
// this "instruction" is done, but may repeat (tlb miss, etc) w/in the SS.
begin : FORK6_6
// checking ptrap_flush to make sure that flush is not caused by lsu_trap_flush
while (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[6] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // debug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// if (`SPC3.tlu.fls1.ptrap_flush[2] == 1) begin
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep6: TID 6 have tlu_flush_ifu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// end
if ((ssMode && `SPC3.tlu.fls1.ptrap_flush[2] == 0) || doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 have tlu_flush_ifu (flushCount=%0d)!",flushCount6);
watchStepFlush[6] = 1;
flushCount6 = flushCount6+1;
stepActive[6] = 0;
disable watchStep6; // return
// are we done fork, DO mode quiesce
begin : FORK5_6
if (doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 watching for quiesce (only matters fo DO mode)!");
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[6] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[6] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[6] == 0) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 have quiesce (only matters for DO mode)!");
if (doMode) begin
disable FORK4_6; // TO
disable FORK6_6; // flush check
//disable FORK12_6;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 6)) spuActive[6] = 0;
// are we done fork, SS mode only
begin : FORK7_6
// wait for SS complete
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount6,redirectCount6);
stepDone[6] = 1;
// while (ssMode && !`SPC3.spc_ss_complete) begin
// // detect a second inst valid w/o a flush between
// if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 2 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1) begin
// // delay error so flush thread can kill this in the "got flush" case
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep6: TID 6 had another inst start before SS done was asserted!");
// end
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// end // while
if (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[6] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[6] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[6] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep6: TID 6 was not quiesce at ss_complete assertion!");
disable FORK4_6; // TO
disable FORK6_6; // flush check
//disable FORK12_6;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 6)) spuActive[6] = 0;
if (flushCount6 == 0) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 watchStep end!");
else `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep6: TID 6 repeated watchStep end!");
stepActive[6] = 0;
// check that thread does DO mode correctly
task watchDOsteps6;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps6: TID 6 watchDOsteps starting!");
if (! `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) disable watchDOsteps6;
// now wait for a thread to start. TCU internal signal.
if (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[6] == 0)
@(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[6]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps6 TID 6 unparked and running in DO mode!");
// loop on step checking. DO mode is self stepping
while (doMode) begin : watchDOsteps6loop// && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7:0] != 0) begin
stepDone[6] = 0;
watchStepFlush[6] = 0;
watchStepMMU[6] = 0;
// are we starting to park in middle of DO mode (or end)?
// wait here until unparked again
if (parkTrans[6]) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps6 TID 6 getting parked, will delay");
@(negedge parkTrans[6]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps6loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// wait to be unparked or !doMode
if (parkedState[6]) begin
@(negedge doMode or negedge parkedState[6]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps6loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// an unparked thread does one instruction to completion before thread starts
// the next instruction.
// timeout fork
begin : FORKDO16
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchDOsteps6: DO mode, TID 6 timeout waiting for watchStep call to return, not SPU busy (+stepWaitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORKDO26
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 6)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "watchDOsteps6: DO mode, TID 6 sees SPU busy!");
// spuActive[6] = 1;
// end
// watch step
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps6: TID 6 calling watchStep6 in DO mode!");
watchStep6; // returns when step is done or flushed
if (watchStepFlush[6])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 6 in DO mode had flush!");
if (watchStepMMU[6])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 6 in DO mode had mmu reload!");
// calling flush as a done in DO mode
disable FORKDO16; // TO
//disable FORKDO26; // SPU going active
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps6: TID 6 DO mode watchDOsteps step done!");
stepDone[6] = 1;
flushCount6 = 0;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 6)) spuActive[6] = 0;
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
end // while
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps6: TID 6 DO mode watchDOsteps task ending!");
////////////////////////// end tid 6 ///////////////////////////////////////
// got park request. transition into parking. parking check.
always @(negedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7]) begin: GOTPARK7
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 7 calling parkingCheck");
if (enabled) parkingCheck7();
// got unpark request. transition into running. unparking check.
always @(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7]) begin: UNPARKCHECK7
if (enabled && !ssMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 7 calling unparkCheck.");
// while parked check
always @(posedge parkedState[7] or posedge virtualPark[7]) begin: PARKCHECK7
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 7 calling parkedCheck");
if (enabled) parkedCheck7();
// check for unexpected running transition
always @(`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7]) begin: UNEXPECTED7
if (!parkTrans[7] && enabled && ! doMode && ! ssMode) // review? to remove ! doMode
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 7 spc_core_running_status changed w/o request to park/unpark (trans=%0d)!",parkTrans[7]);
////////////// tasks for tid 7 ////////////////////
// check the entering into parked state
task parkingCheck7;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 7 got park request!");
if (parkTrans[7] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 7 got park request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict (multiple parkers)! (enabled=%0d)",enabled);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +noDebugChecks to disable all debug checkes!");
disable parkingCheck7;
parkTrans[7] = 1;
// wait before checking signals
repeat (2) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// need to see at least one assertion of flush
// if (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[7] !== 1)
// @(posedge `SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[7]); // has glitches
if (`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[7] !== 1)
@(posedge `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_agc_ctl.tlu_flush_ifu_f[7]);
// need to see all of these go idle
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[7] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[7] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[7] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // need to see all of these go idle
// while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[7] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[7] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[7] == 0 ||
// `SPC3.tlu.fls1.idl_request == 0)
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
parkedState[7] <= 1;
parkTrans[7] <= 0;
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "INFO: TID %0d has parked!", 7);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "INFO: TID 7 has parked!");
// in parked state.
// also called between single steps.
task parkedCheck7;
reg notified;
begin //{
notified = 0;
// loop while not transitioning out of park if not SS mode.
// loop while in SS virtualPark if SS mode.
while ((parkTrans[7] == 0 && ssMode == 0) ||
(virtualPark[7] == 1 && ssMode == 1 &&
`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3] == 0)) begin //{
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 7 watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[7],virtualPark[7],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if in SS mode and core_running goes to zero for that thread, the thread
// will self step once and flush in order to change to a parked state
// (core_running_status=0). This looks like an un-asked for step so it
// has to be detected and ignored. Try stalling here during it.
while (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7] == 0 &&
`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7] == 1)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// watch for instructions sneaking in
// dec_inst_valid_m[1:0], one bit per group
if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 7 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 7 had tlu_trap_pc_1_valid activity while parked/between steps!");
if (`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 3)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 7 had dec_inst_valid_m activity while parked/between steps!");
end //} while
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 7 STOP watching for activity while parked/between steps. trans=%0h, virtualPark=%0h, tcu_ss_request=%0h",parkTrans[7],virtualPark[7],`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request[3]);
end //}
// leaving parked state
task unparkCheck7;
integer count;
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 7 got unpark request!");
if (parkTrans[7] == 1) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 7 got unpark request while park state is already transitioning! Possible diag conflict! (trans=%0h)",parkTrans);
disable unparkCheck7;
parkTrans[7] = 1;
// must see `SPC3.tlu.core_running_status[7] w/in count clocks
count7 = 0;
while (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7] == 0) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count7 > parkWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 7 did not assert spc_core_running_status as soon as it should have (%0d clocks)!", count7);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +parkWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",parkWait);
count7 = count7 + 1;
if (!doMode && !ssMode) begin
// need to see re-direct w/in "redirectWait" more clocks
count7 = 0;
// if this is true, the redirect and the assertion of core_running_status
// happened at once so while loop can be skipped.
while (! (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid &&
`SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 3)) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (count7 > redirectWait) begin // <--- may need to adjust
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: TID 7 did not redirect within %d clocks after core_running_status assert!", redirectWait);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "NOTICE: For unusual circumstances, use +redirectWait=n (currently %0d). +noDebugChecks disables all checks!",redirectWait);
count7 = count7 + 1;
parkedState[7] <= 0;
parkTrans[7] <= 0;
count7 <= 0;
// watch this tid step correctly. Should step 1 instruction
// and then "virtual park".
// for SS and DO modes.
task watchStep7;
watchStepFlush[7] = 0; // set if we got a flush
watchStepMMU[7] = 0; // set if we got a mmu reload
stepDone[7] = 0;
stepActive[7] = 1;
if (flushCount7) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 repeating watchStep task due to flush (flushCount=%0d, redirectCount=%0d)!",flushCount7,redirectCount7);
// timeout fork
begin : FORK10_7
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep7: TID 7 did not see valid PC retry (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// // look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK11_7
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 7)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 see SPU active!");
// spuActive[7] = 1;
// end
// might get ss_complete due to not knowing if there are 1 or 2 or more flushes.
// this task gets called w/o knowing in advance if there will be one more
// assertion of tlu_trap_pc_0/1_valid or not.
begin : FORK8_7
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount7, redirectCount7);
stepDone[7] = 1;
stepActive[7] = 0;
disable watchStep7; // return
// valid PC / retry
begin : FORK9_7
// start step. tid wakes up/redirects and does "one instruction"
while (!(`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 3 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1)) begin
// might see `SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[7] here if previous
// redirect was due to a MMU miss. If so, decrement flush count because
// the previous flush on prev pc_valid "does not count" and there can be
// any number of them w/ no way to predict quantity.
if (`SPC3.tlu.mmu_reload_done[7] && ssMode) begin
flushCount7 = flushCount7-1;
redirectCount7 = redirectCount7-1;
watchStepMMU[7] = 1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 saw mmu_reload_done (hwtw)! flushCount/redirectCount decremented to %0d/%0d", flushCount7, redirectCount7);
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
redirectCount7 = redirectCount7+1;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 got valid retry, step waiting on negedge pku_quiesce (redirectCount=%0d)!",redirectCount7);
disable FORK8_7; // kill sync on spc_ss_complete
@(negedge `SPC3.pku_quiesce[7]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 got negedge pku_quiesce, step waiting on dec_inst_valid_m!");
while (!(`SPC3.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 3)) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 valid step starting!");
disable FORK10_7; // kill timeout
//disable FORK11_7;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 7)) spuActive[7] = 0;
// finish step
// timeout fork
begin : FORK4_7
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// may need to adjust. If a tid is doing a SPU sync ctl reg sync read,
// it could stay "busy" for a REAL long time!!! Need delayed check of busy
// since it can assert after the step has started.
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep7: TID 7 did not quiesce/complete after step (SS or DO) as it should have. not SPU busy (waitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORK12_7
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy ||
// ((`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 7 && doMode) || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && ssMode))))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// spuActive[7] = 1;
// end
// look for flush_ifu (w/o lsu_trap_flush (aka ptrap_flush) if SS)
// and end this task if seen. tlu_flush_ifu assertion always means
// this "instruction" is done, but may repeat (tlb miss, etc) w/in the SS.
begin : FORK6_7
// checking ptrap_flush to make sure that flush is not caused by lsu_trap_flush
while (`SPC3.tlu_flush_ifu[7] == 0)
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// // debug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// if (`SPC3.tlu.fls1.ptrap_flush[3] == 1) begin
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep7: TID 7 have tlu_flush_ifu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// end
if ((ssMode && `SPC3.tlu.fls1.ptrap_flush[3] == 0) || doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 have tlu_flush_ifu (flushCount=%0d)!",flushCount7);
watchStepFlush[7] = 1;
flushCount7 = flushCount7+1;
stepActive[7] = 0;
disable watchStep7; // return
// are we done fork, DO mode quiesce
begin : FORK5_7
if (doMode) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 watching for quiesce (only matters fo DO mode)!");
while (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[7] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[7] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[7] == 0) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 have quiesce (only matters for DO mode)!");
if (doMode) begin
disable FORK4_7; // TO
disable FORK6_7; // flush check
//disable FORK12_7;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 7)) spuActive[7] = 0;
// are we done fork, SS mode only
begin : FORK7_7
// wait for SS complete
if (ssMode) begin
@(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 see spc_ss_complete, step done, bailing (flushCount=%0d/redirectCount=%0d)!", flushCount7,redirectCount7);
stepDone[7] = 1;
// while (ssMode && !`SPC3.spc_ss_complete) begin
// // detect a second inst valid w/o a flush between
// if (`SPC3.tlu_trap_pc_1_valid && `SPC3.tlu_trap_1_tid[1:0] == 3 && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_retry[1] == 1) begin
// // delay error so flush thread can kill this in the "got flush" case
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep7: TID 7 had another inst start before SS done was asserted!");
// end
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// end // while
if (`SPC3.pku_quiesce[7] == 0 ||
`SPC3.ftu_ifu_quiesce[7] == 0 ||
`SPC3.lsu_stb_empty[7] == 0)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchStep7: TID 7 was not quiesce at ss_complete assertion!");
disable FORK4_7; // TO
disable FORK6_7; // flush check
//disable FORK12_7;
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 7)) spuActive[7] = 0;
if (flushCount7 == 0) `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 watchStep end!");
else `PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchStep7: TID 7 repeated watchStep end!");
stepActive[7] = 0;
// check that thread does DO mode correctly
task watchDOsteps7;
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps7: TID 7 watchDOsteps starting!");
if (! `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) disable watchDOsteps7;
// now wait for a thread to start. TCU internal signal.
if (`SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7] == 0)
@(posedge `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7]);
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps7 TID 7 unparked and running in DO mode!");
// loop on step checking. DO mode is self stepping
while (doMode) begin : watchDOsteps7loop// && `SPC3.tlu.tlu_core_running_status[7:0] != 0) begin
stepDone[7] = 0;
watchStepFlush[7] = 0;
watchStepMMU[7] = 0;
// are we starting to park in middle of DO mode (or end)?
// wait here until unparked again
if (parkTrans[7]) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps7 TID 7 getting parked, will delay");
@(negedge parkTrans[7]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps7loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// wait to be unparked or !doMode
if (parkedState[7]) begin
@(negedge doMode or negedge parkedState[7]);
if (!doMode) disable watchDOsteps7loop; // no longer in DO mode, bail
// an unparked thread does one instruction to completion before thread starts
// the next instruction.
// timeout fork
begin : FORKDO17
repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "watchDOsteps7: DO mode, TID 7 timeout waiting for watchStep call to return, not SPU busy (+stepWaitTime=%0d)!", stepWaitTime);
// look for SPU going active
// begin : FORKDO27
// while (!(`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy || (`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] && `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 7)))
// @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ALWAYS("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "watchDOsteps7: DO mode, TID 7 sees SPU busy!");
// spuActive[7] = 1;
// end
// watch step
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps7: TID 7 calling watchStep7 in DO mode!");
watchStep7; // returns when step is done or flushed
if (watchStepFlush[7])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 7 in DO mode had flush!");
if (watchStepMMU[7])
`PR_DEBUG ("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "TID 7 in DO mode had mmu reload!");
// calling flush as a done in DO mode
disable FORKDO17; // TO
//disable FORKDO27; // SPU going active
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps7: TID 7 DO mode watchDOsteps step done!");
stepDone[7] = 1;
flushCount7 = 0;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 7)) spuActive[7] = 0;
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
end // while
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "watchDOsteps7: TID 7 DO mode watchDOsteps task ending!");
////////////////////////// end tid 7 ///////////////////////////////////////
////////////// DO mode checks ////////////////////
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin: DOMODE
if (enabled) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Entering Disable Overlap mode!");
if (parkedState !== 8'hff)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: All threads must be parked when enabling/disabling DO mode!");
doMode = 1;
stepDone = 0;
// wait for core_running to change (unparking) so DO steps can start
// Assumes (safely) a SINGLE change to this register!
if (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7:0] == 0)
stepAllowed[7:0] = `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7:0];
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "DO mode, ready to run in DO mode!");
// for each thread, call a task that checks DO mode.
// these return when DO mode ends
if (stepAllowed[0]) watchDOsteps0;
if (stepAllowed[1]) watchDOsteps1;
if (stepAllowed[2]) watchDOsteps2;
if (stepAllowed[3]) watchDOsteps3;
if (stepAllowed[4]) watchDOsteps4;
if (stepAllowed[5]) watchDOsteps5;
if (stepAllowed[6]) watchDOsteps6;
if (stepAllowed[7]) watchDOsteps7;
always @(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Ending Disable Overlap mode!");
doMode = 0;
if (parkedState !== 8'hff)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: All threads must be parked when enabling/disabling DO mode!");
if (stepAllowed[0]) disable watchStep0;
if (stepAllowed[1]) disable watchStep1;
if (stepAllowed[2]) disable watchStep2;
if (stepAllowed[3]) disable watchStep3;
if (stepAllowed[4]) disable watchStep4;
if (stepAllowed[5]) disable watchStep5;
if (stepAllowed[6]) disable watchStep6;
if (stepAllowed[7]) disable watchStep7;
stepAllowed[7:0] = 0;
////////////// SS mode checks ////////////////////
////////////// SS mode checks ////////////////////
////////////// SS mode checks ////////////////////
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3]) begin: SSMODE
if (enabled) begin
// initial value in case ss_mode and tcu_core_running change at once
stepAllowed[7:0] = `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7:0]; // need?
`PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Entering Single Step mode!");
if (parkedState !== 8'hff)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: All threads must be parked when enabling SS mode!");
stepDone = 0;
ssMode = 1;
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// use virtualPark for SS mode, not parkedState
//virtualPark = threadEnable;
virtualPark = `PARGS.th_check_enable; // th_check_enable is set dynamically
// wait for core_running to change so steps can start
if (`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7:0] == 0)
@(`SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7:0]) stepAllowed[7:0] = `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7:0];
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "SS mode, ready to run in SS mode!");
// loop on this step checking
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] === 1) begin
// wait for TCU to request a step or for SS mode to end
@(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_request or negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3]);
if (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] === 1) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
virtualPark = 0;
stepCount = stepCount+1;
stepDone = 0;
watchStepFlush = 0;
watchStepMMU = 0;
if (stepAllowed[0]) begin
flushCount0 = 0;
redirectCount0 = 0;
watchStep0; // returns when inst is done
// got a flush, will be more activity
if (flushCount0 != 0) begin
while (!stepDone[0]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
watchStep0; // returns when inst is done
if (flushCount0 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 0 too many flushes in SS mode (%0d)",flushCount0);
if (redirectCount0 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 0 too many redirects in SS mode (%0d)",redirectCount0);
if (redirectCount0 > 1 && watchStepMMU[0])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 0 too many redirects in SS mode when mmu_reload_done (%0d)",redirectCount0);
virtualPark[0] = 1; // should be in virtual park. starts parkedCheck0
stepDone[0] = 1;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 0)) spuActive[0] = 0;
if (stepAllowed[1]) begin
flushCount1 = 0;
redirectCount1 = 0;
watchStep1; // returns when inst is done
// got a flush, will be more activity
if (flushCount1 != 0) begin
while (!stepDone[1]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
watchStep1; // returns when inst is done
if (flushCount1 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 1 too many flushes in SS mode (%0d)",flushCount1);
if (redirectCount1 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 1 too many redirects in SS mode (%0d)",redirectCount1);
if (redirectCount1 > 1 && watchStepMMU[1])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 1 too many redirects in SS mode when mmu_reload_done (%0d)",redirectCount1);
virtualPark[1] = 1; // should be in virtual park. starts parkedCheck0
stepDone[1] = 1;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 1)) spuActive[1] = 0;
if (stepAllowed[2]) begin
flushCount2 = 0;
redirectCount2 = 0;
watchStep2; // returns when inst is done
// got a flush, will be more activity
if (flushCount2 != 0) begin
while (!stepDone[2]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
watchStep2; // returns when inst is done
if (flushCount2 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 2 too many flushes in SS mode (%0d)",flushCount2);
if (redirectCount2 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 2 too many redirects in SS mode (%0d)",redirectCount2);
if (redirectCount2 > 1 && watchStepMMU[2])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 2 too many redirects in SS mode when mmu_reload_done (%0d)",redirectCount2);
virtualPark[2] = 1; // should be in virtual park. starts parkedCheck0
stepDone[2] = 1;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 2)) spuActive[2] = 0;
if (stepAllowed[3]) begin
flushCount3 = 0;
redirectCount3 = 0;
watchStep3; // returns when inst is done
// got a flush, will be more activity
if (flushCount3 != 0) begin
while (!stepDone[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
watchStep3; // returns when inst is done
if (flushCount3 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 3 too many flushes in SS mode (%0d)",flushCount3);
if (redirectCount3 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 3 too many redirects in SS mode (%0d)",redirectCount3);
if (redirectCount3 > 1 && watchStepMMU[3])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 3 too many redirects in SS mode when mmu_reload_done (%0d)",redirectCount3);
virtualPark[3] = 1; // should be in virtual park. starts parkedCheck0
stepDone[3] = 1;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 3)) spuActive[3] = 0;
if (stepAllowed[4]) begin
flushCount4 = 0;
redirectCount4 = 0;
watchStep4; // returns when inst is done
// got a flush, will be more activity
if (flushCount4 != 0) begin
while (!stepDone[4]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
watchStep4; // returns when inst is done
if (flushCount4 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 4 too many flushes in SS mode (%0d)",flushCount4);
if (redirectCount4 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 4 too many redirects in SS mode (%0d)",redirectCount4);
if (redirectCount4 > 1 && watchStepMMU[4])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 4 too many redirects in SS mode when mmu_reload_done (%0d)",redirectCount4);
virtualPark[4] = 1; // should be in virtual park. starts parkedCheck0
stepDone[4] = 1;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 4)) spuActive[4] = 0;
if (stepAllowed[5]) begin
flushCount5 = 0;
redirectCount5 = 0;
watchStep5; // returns when inst is done
// got a flush, will be more activity
if (flushCount5 != 0) begin
while (!stepDone[5]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
watchStep5; // returns when inst is done
if (flushCount5 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 5 too many flushes in SS mode (%0d)",flushCount5);
if (redirectCount5 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 5 too many redirects in SS mode (%0d)",redirectCount5);
if (redirectCount5 > 1 && watchStepMMU[5])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 5 too many redirects in SS mode when mmu_reload_done (%0d)",redirectCount5);
virtualPark[5] = 1; // should be in virtual park. starts parkedCheck0
stepDone[5] = 1;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 5)) spuActive[5] = 0;
if (stepAllowed[6]) begin
flushCount6 = 0;
redirectCount6 = 0;
watchStep6; // returns when inst is done
// got a flush, will be more activity
if (flushCount6 != 0) begin
while (!stepDone[6]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
watchStep6; // returns when inst is done
if (flushCount6 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 6 too many flushes in SS mode (%0d)",flushCount6);
if (redirectCount6 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 6 too many redirects in SS mode (%0d)",redirectCount6);
if (redirectCount6 > 1 && watchStepMMU[6])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 6 too many redirects in SS mode when mmu_reload_done (%0d)",redirectCount6);
virtualPark[6] = 1; // should be in virtual park. starts parkedCheck0
stepDone[6] = 1;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 6)) spuActive[6] = 0;
if (stepAllowed[7]) begin
flushCount7 = 0;
redirectCount7 = 0;
watchStep7; // returns when inst is done
// got a flush, will be more activity
if (flushCount7 != 0) begin
while (!stepDone[7]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
watchStep7; // returns when inst is done
if (flushCount7 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 7 too many flushes in SS mode (%0d)",flushCount7);
if (redirectCount7 > 2)
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 7 too many redirects in SS mode (%0d)",redirectCount7);
if (redirectCount7 > 1 && watchStepMMU[7])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 7 too many redirects in SS mode when mmu_reload_done (%0d)",redirectCount7);
virtualPark[7] = 1; // should be in virtual park. starts parkedCheck0
stepDone[7] = 1;
// if (!`SPC3.spu_tlu_cwq_busy &&
// !(`SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[3] &&
// `SPC3.spu.mct.spu_pmu_ma_busy[2:0] == 7)) spuActive[7] = 0;
// redundant sanity check
if (stepDone[7:0] !== `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7:0])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: SS mode stepDone not correct (%b/%b/%b stepAllowed,stepDone,core_running)!",stepAllowed, stepDone, `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7:0]);
// DUT must assert ss_complete AND stay idle. timeout for ss_complete
// fork
// begin : FORK2
// repeat (stepWaitTime) @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: Core did not assert ss_complete when it should have! Waited %0d clocks after watchStep return.",stepWaitTime);
// end
// @(posedge `SPC3.spc_ss_complete) disable FORK2;
// join
// DUT must have asserted ss_complete
// if (!`SPC3.spc_ss_complete)
// `PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: Not seeing ss_complete after all threads stepped. Checker problem?");
// all threads must be in virtual park state and quiesced
if (virtualPark[7:0] !== `SPC3.tlu.tcu_core_running[7:0])
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: Core at ss_complete assertion, threads were not idle.");
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "SS mode stepDone (%0d)!", stepCount);
end // while
`PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Ending Single Step mode (running step count: %0d!",stepCount);
always @(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
`PR_DEBUG("dbg_chk", `DEBUG, "Clearing out Single Step mode state!");
ssMode = 0;
stepAllowed = 0;
virtualPark = 0;
if (!(`SPC3.tcu_core_running[7:0] == 0 &&
`SPC3.spc_core_running_status[7:0] == 8'h0))
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "ERROR: All threads must be parked when disabling SS mode!");
disable watchStep0;
disable watchStep1;
disable watchStep2;
disable watchStep3;
disable watchStep4;
disable watchStep5;
disable watchStep6;
disable watchStep7;
// TID 0 ifetch buffer check
// make sure that buffer zero is the only buffer valid.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq0.buf_valid_p[7:1] != 0 &&
`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq0.instr_sf_valid_except_p == 0 &&
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 0 had ifetch buffer(s) valid other than zero (buf_valid_p[7:1]=%0b)!",`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq0.buf_valid_p[7:1]);
// TID 1 ifetch buffer check
// make sure that buffer zero is the only buffer valid.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq1.buf_valid_p[7:1] != 0 &&
`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq1.instr_sf_valid_except_p == 0 &&
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 1 had ifetch buffer(s) valid other than zero (buf_valid_p[7:1]=%0b)!",`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq1.buf_valid_p[7:1]);
// TID 2 ifetch buffer check
// make sure that buffer zero is the only buffer valid.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq2.buf_valid_p[7:1] != 0 &&
`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq2.instr_sf_valid_except_p == 0 &&
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 2 had ifetch buffer(s) valid other than zero (buf_valid_p[7:1]=%0b)!",`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq2.buf_valid_p[7:1]);
// TID 3 ifetch buffer check
// make sure that buffer zero is the only buffer valid.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq3.buf_valid_p[7:1] != 0 &&
`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq3.instr_sf_valid_except_p == 0 &&
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 3 had ifetch buffer(s) valid other than zero (buf_valid_p[7:1]=%0b)!",`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq3.buf_valid_p[7:1]);
// TID 4 ifetch buffer check
// make sure that buffer zero is the only buffer valid.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq4.buf_valid_p[7:1] != 0 &&
`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq4.instr_sf_valid_except_p == 0 &&
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 4 had ifetch buffer(s) valid other than zero (buf_valid_p[7:1]=%0b)!",`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq4.buf_valid_p[7:1]);
// TID 5 ifetch buffer check
// make sure that buffer zero is the only buffer valid.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq5.buf_valid_p[7:1] != 0 &&
`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq5.instr_sf_valid_except_p == 0 &&
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 5 had ifetch buffer(s) valid other than zero (buf_valid_p[7:1]=%0b)!",`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq5.buf_valid_p[7:1]);
// TID 6 ifetch buffer check
// make sure that buffer zero is the only buffer valid.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq6.buf_valid_p[7:1] != 0 &&
`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq6.instr_sf_valid_except_p == 0 &&
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 6 had ifetch buffer(s) valid other than zero (buf_valid_p[7:1]=%0b)!",`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq6.buf_valid_p[7:1]);
// TID 7 ifetch buffer check
// make sure that buffer zero is the only buffer valid.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq7.buf_valid_p[7:1] != 0 &&
`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq7.instr_sf_valid_except_p == 0 &&
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 7 had ifetch buffer(s) valid other than zero (buf_valid_p[7:1]=%0b)!",`TOP.cpu.spc3.ifu_ibu.ibq7.buf_valid_p[7:1]);
// TID 0 pipelineing check
// watch m stage and make sure that the tid does not have a valid inst
// there more often than every 9 clocks. counter must get to at least 9.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
pipelineCount0 = 9;
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 0 && `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.tcu_core_running[0] && (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3])) begin
// have inst
if (pipelineCount0 < 9) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 0 had pipelining in DO or SS mode (pipelineCount=%0d)!",pipelineCount0);
@(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]);
pipelineCount0 = 0; // reset after each inst
// no new inst for tid yet
pipelineCount0 = pipelineCount0+1;
end // while DO/SS mode
end // if
end // always
// TID 1 pipelineing check
// watch m stage and make sure that the tid does not have a valid inst
// there more often than every 9 clocks. counter must get to at least 9.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
pipelineCount1 = 9;
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 1 && `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.tcu_core_running[1] && (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3])) begin
// have inst
if (pipelineCount1 < 9) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 1 had pipelining in DO or SS mode (pipelineCount=%0d)!",pipelineCount1);
@(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]);
pipelineCount1 = 0; // reset after each inst
// no new inst for tid yet
pipelineCount1 = pipelineCount1+1;
end // while DO/SS mode
end // if
end // always
// TID 2 pipelineing check
// watch m stage and make sure that the tid does not have a valid inst
// there more often than every 9 clocks. counter must get to at least 9.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
pipelineCount2 = 9;
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 2 && `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.tcu_core_running[2] && (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3])) begin
// have inst
if (pipelineCount2 < 9) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 2 had pipelining in DO or SS mode (pipelineCount=%0d)!",pipelineCount2);
@(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]);
pipelineCount2 = 0; // reset after each inst
// no new inst for tid yet
pipelineCount2 = pipelineCount2+1;
end // while DO/SS mode
end // if
end // always
// TID 3 pipelineing check
// watch m stage and make sure that the tid does not have a valid inst
// there more often than every 9 clocks. counter must get to at least 9.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
pipelineCount3 = 9;
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_tid0_m[1:0] == 3 && `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_inst_valid_m[0] == 1 && `SPC3.tcu_core_running[3] && (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3])) begin
// have inst
if (pipelineCount3 < 9) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 3 had pipelining in DO or SS mode (pipelineCount=%0d)!",pipelineCount3);
@(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]);
pipelineCount3 = 0; // reset after each inst
// no new inst for tid yet
pipelineCount3 = pipelineCount3+1;
end // while DO/SS mode
end // if
end // always
// TID 4 pipelineing check
// watch m stage and make sure that the tid does not have a valid inst
// there more often than every 9 clocks. counter must get to at least 9.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
pipelineCount4 = 9;
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 0 && `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.tcu_core_running[4] && (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3])) begin
// have inst
if (pipelineCount4 < 9) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 4 had pipelining in DO or SS mode (pipelineCount=%0d)!",pipelineCount4);
@(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]);
pipelineCount4 = 0; // reset after each inst
// no new inst for tid yet
pipelineCount4 = pipelineCount4+1;
end // while DO/SS mode
end // if
end // always
// TID 5 pipelineing check
// watch m stage and make sure that the tid does not have a valid inst
// there more often than every 9 clocks. counter must get to at least 9.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
pipelineCount5 = 9;
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 1 && `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.tcu_core_running[5] && (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3])) begin
// have inst
if (pipelineCount5 < 9) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 5 had pipelining in DO or SS mode (pipelineCount=%0d)!",pipelineCount5);
@(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]);
pipelineCount5 = 0; // reset after each inst
// no new inst for tid yet
pipelineCount5 = pipelineCount5+1;
end // while DO/SS mode
end // if
end // always
// TID 6 pipelineing check
// watch m stage and make sure that the tid does not have a valid inst
// there more often than every 9 clocks. counter must get to at least 9.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
pipelineCount6 = 9;
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 2 && `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.tcu_core_running[6] && (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3])) begin
// have inst
if (pipelineCount6 < 9) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 6 had pipelining in DO or SS mode (pipelineCount=%0d)!",pipelineCount6);
@(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]);
pipelineCount6 = 0; // reset after each inst
// no new inst for tid yet
pipelineCount6 = pipelineCount6+1;
end // while DO/SS mode
end // if
end // always
// TID 7 pipelineing check
// watch m stage and make sure that the tid does not have a valid inst
// there more often than every 9 clocks. counter must get to at least 9.
always @(posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or posedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
if (enabled) begin
pipelineCount7 = 9;
while (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]) begin
@(negedge `SPC3.l2clk);
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_tid1_m[1:0] == 3 && `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.dec_inst_valid_m[1] == 1 && `SPC3.tcu_core_running[7] && (`TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] || `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3])) begin
// have inst
if (pipelineCount7 < 9) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "TID 7 had pipelining in DO or SS mode (pipelineCount=%0d)!",pipelineCount7);
@(negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_ss_mode[3] or negedge `TOP.cpu.tcu_do_mode[3]);
pipelineCount7 = 0; // reset after each inst
// no new inst for tid yet
pipelineCount7 = pipelineCount7+1;
end // while DO/SS mode
end // if
end // always
// commit output for each thread group
always @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk) begin
if (!noCmtCheck && enabled) begin
if (cmtValid0) cmtCount0 = cmtCount0 + 1;
// should we see non zero this cycle?
if (cmtValid0 !== `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp0[1:0]) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp0 not right, (cmtValid0=%0h, tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp0=%0h)",cmtValid0,`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp0[1:0]);
`PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp0 not right, IF THE VALUE IS X, SPC IS NOT RESET OR SOME SPC INPUT IS X!");
// should see non zero next cycle
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls0.inst_valid_w &&
!(`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls0.flush_ifu[3:0] &
`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls0.tid_dec_w[3:0])) begin
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls0.cti_w) cmtValid0 = 1;
else if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls0.lsu_inst_w) cmtValid0 = 3;
else cmtValid0 = 2;
else cmtValid0 = 0;
// commit output for each thread group
always @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk) begin
if (!noCmtCheck && enabled) begin
if (cmtValid1) cmtCount1 = cmtCount1 + 1;
// should we see non zero this cycle?
if (cmtValid1 !== `TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp1[1:0]) begin
`PR_ERROR ("dbg_chk", `ERROR, "tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp1 not right, (cmtValid1=%0h, tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp1=%0h)",cmtValid1,`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp1[1:0]);
`PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "tlu_dbg_instr_cmt_grp1 not right, IF THE VALUE IS X, SPC IS NOT RESET OR SOME SPC INPUT IS X!");
// should see non zero next cycle
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls1.inst_valid_w &&
!(`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls1.flush_ifu[3:0] &
`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls1.tid_dec_w[3:0])) begin
if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls1.cti_w) cmtValid1 = 1;
else if (`TOP.cpu.spc3.tlu.fls1.lsu_inst_w) cmtValid1 = 3;
else cmtValid1 = 2;
else cmtValid1 = 0;
// second count tid 0
always @(negedge `SPC3.l2clk) begin
if(`TOP.nas_top.c3.t0.complete_fw2[7:0]) cmtCountT0 = cmtCountT0+1;
if(`TOP.nas_top.c3.t1.complete_fw2[7:0]) cmtCountT1 = cmtCountT1+1;
if(`TOP.nas_top.c3.t2.complete_fw2[7:0]) cmtCountT2 = cmtCountT2+1;
if(`TOP.nas_top.c3.t3.complete_fw2[7:0]) cmtCountT3 = cmtCountT3+1;
// always @(`TOP.sim_status) begin
// if (!noCmtCheck && enabled) begin
// `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Final commit count for group 0 is %0d!",cmtCount0);
// `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Final commit count for group 1 is %0d!",cmtCount1);
// `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Final commit count for groups is %0d!",cmtCount0+cmtCount1);
// `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Final nas pipe complete_fw2 count for T0 is %0d!",cmtCountT0);
// `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Final nas pipe complete_fw2 count for T1 is %0d!",cmtCountT1);
// `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Final nas pipe complete_fw2 count for T2 is %0d!",cmtCountT2);
// `PR_ALWAYS ("dbg_chk", `ALWAYS, "Final nas pipe complete_fw2 count for T3 is %0d!",cmtCountT3);
// end
// end