Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / verilog / misc / plus_args.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: plus_args.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
// Plusarg processing
reg [16*8:0] tempstr;
integer timeout ;
reg nas_check_on;
reg dma_memchk_off;
reg tlb_sync_on;
reg ldst_sync_on;
reg icache_sync_on;
reg int_sync_on;
reg err_sync_on;
reg pku_err_inject;
reg lsu_mon_on;
reg gchkr_on;
reg err_chkrs_off;
reg show_delta_on;
reg show_memop_on;
reg show_tlb_on;
reg hash_on;
reg perf_diag;
reg win_check_on;
reg axis_debug_on;
reg soc_sync_on;
reg socket_use_flush;
integer max_cycle;
integer nas_q_rate;
// reg [3:0] pwr_throttle;
`ifdef AXIS_TL
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] good_trap_addr;
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] bad_trap_addr1;
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] bad_trap_addr2;
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] bad_trap_addr3;
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] bad_trap_addr4;
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] good_trap_addr [`MAX_TRAP_ADDRS-1:0];
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] bad_trap_addr [`MAX_TRAP_ADDRS-1:0];
reg [6:0] good_trap_count;
reg [6:0] bad_trap_count;
reg mamon;
reg dec_spu_grant;
reg [63:0] th_check_enable;
reg [63:0] finish_mask;
reg [63:0] mp_mask;
integer th_timeout;
integer skt_timeout;
reg [3:0] bank_set_mask;
reg [3:0] bank_set_mask_csr;
reg [8*(`TRAP_ADDR_CHARS+1)*`MAX_TRAP_ADDRS:0] tmptrapstr;
integer i;
reg [31:0] tmp32;
integer asi_power_throttle_freq;
reg [7:0] core_set_mask;
reg [63:0] core_set_mask_tids;
// ALL calls to $random MUST look like this!!! $random(`PARGS.seed)
// and must be made AFTER time zero!!! <-------------
integer seedin, seed;
initial begin // {
nas_check_on = 0;
dma_memchk_off = 0;
tlb_sync_on = 1; // Enabled by default
ldst_sync_on = 1; // Enabled by default
icache_sync_on = 0;
int_sync_on = 1; // Enabled by default
err_sync_on = 1; // Enabled by default
pku_err_inject = 0;
lsu_mon_on = 1; // Enabled by default
gchkr_on = 0;
err_chkrs_off = 0;
show_delta_on = 0;
show_memop_on = 0;
show_tlb_on = 0;
hash_on = 0;
perf_diag = 0;
win_check_on = 0;
axis_debug_on = 0;
soc_sync_on = 1; // Enabled by default
max_cycle = 0;
good_trap_count = 0;
bad_trap_count = 0;
mamon = 0;
dec_spu_grant = 0;
timeout = `TIMEOUT;
th_timeout = 0;
skt_timeout = 0;
th_check_enable = 64'b1;
finish_mask = 0;
seed = 1;
seedin = 1;
asi_power_throttle_freq = 1500;
nas_q_rate = 20;
mp_mask = 0;
socket_use_flush = 0;
bank_set_mask_csr = 0;
bank_set_mask = 0;
core_set_mask = 8'hff;
core_set_mask_tids = 64'hffffffffffffffff;
`ifdef CORE_0
mp_mask = mp_mask | 64'h00000000_000000ff;
`ifdef CORE_1
mp_mask = mp_mask | 64'h00000000_0000ff00;
`ifdef CORE_2
mp_mask = mp_mask | 64'h00000000_00ff0000;
`ifdef CORE_3
mp_mask = mp_mask | 64'h00000000_ff000000;
`ifdef CORE_4
mp_mask = mp_mask | 64'h000000ff_00000000;
`ifdef CORE_5
mp_mask = mp_mask | 64'h0000ff00_00000000;
`ifdef CORE_6
mp_mask = mp_mask | 64'h00ff0000_00000000;
`ifdef CORE_7
mp_mask = mp_mask | 64'hff000000_00000000;
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// These +args must be processed first so other initial blocks can use the values.
// Therefore, any initial block that uses `PARGS.var MUST have a #0 or #1 first.
// Ideally, you should do NOTHING at time zero since nothing is stable at time zero.
// Ideally, you should do NOTHING at time zero since nothing is stable at time zero.
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// ALL calls to $random MUST look like this!!! $random(`PARGS.seed)
// and must be made AFTER time zero!!! <-------------
i = $value$plusargs("tg_seed=%d", seedin);
tmp32 = seedin;
tmp32[31] = 0;
seedin = tmp32; // always positive int ([31] = 0)
seed = seedin; // seedin is a copy of passed in seedValue. seed var changes as used.
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "The VERILOG random generator initial seed is %0d (should match VERA)",seedin);
// ALL calls to $random MUST look like this!!! $random(`PARGS.seed)
// and must be made AFTER time zero!!! <-------------
// initial call
i = $random(`PARGS.seed);
`ifdef AXIS_TL
nas_check_on = 0;
// Misc
// !!! Must check for this plusarg (before *sync args since they need to know if ~nas_check_on.
if ($test$plusargs("use_sas_tasks")) begin // {
nas_check_on = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "Nas Checking Enabled");
end // }
else begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"-------------------------------");
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"!!!!! !!!!!");
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"!!!!! !!!!!");
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS," Nas Checking Disabled");
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"!!!!! !!!!!");
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"!!!!! !!!!!");
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"-------------------------------");
end //}
if ($test$plusargs("nas_q_rate")) begin // {
if($value$plusargs("nas_q_rate=%d", nas_q_rate)) begin
end // }
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - Nas Q Rate is %d", nas_q_rate);
if ($test$plusargs("socket_use_flush")) begin // {
socket_use_flush = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - Socket Sends on Flush ONLY");
end // }
if (($test$plusargs("notlb_sync"))|(nas_check_on==0)) begin // {
tlb_sync_on = 0;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - tlb_sync Disabled");
end // }
else begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"tlb_sync Enabled");
end //}
// Icache SYNC - must have nas & ldst_sync & tlb_sync enabled first
if (($test$plusargs("noldst_sync"))|($test$plusargs("notlb_sync"))|(nas_check_on==0)) begin // {
icache_sync_on = 0;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - icache_sync Disabled");
end // }
else if ($test$plusargs("icache_sync_on"))begin // {
icache_sync_on = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "icache_sync Enabled");
end //}
else begin // {
icache_sync_on = 0;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - icache_sync Disabled");
end //}
if (($test$plusargs("noldst_sync"))|(nas_check_on==0)) begin // {
ldst_sync_on = 0;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - ldst_sync Disabled");
end // }
else begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "ldst_sync Enabled");
end //}
if (($test$plusargs("noint_sync"))|(nas_check_on==0)) begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - int_sync Disabled");
int_sync_on = 0;
end // }
else begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "int_sync Enabled");
end //}
if (($test$plusargs("err_sync_on"))&&(nas_check_on!=0)) begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - err_sync Enabled");
err_sync_on = 1;
end // }
if (($test$plusargs("noerr_sync"))|(nas_check_on==0)) begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - err_sync Disabled");
err_sync_on = 0;
end // }
else begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"err_sync Enabled");
end //}
// DMA Mem Check
if (($test$plusargs("dma_memchk_off"))|(nas_check_on==0)) begin // {
dma_memchk_off = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"dma_memchk Disabled");
end // }
else begin // {
dma_memchk_off = 0;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - dma_memchk Enabled");
end //}
if ($test$plusargs("nosoc_sync")) begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - soc_sync Disabled");
soc_sync_on = 0;
end // }
else begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "soc_sync Enabled");
end //}
// PKU Error Injection
if ($test$plusargs("pku_err_inject")) begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"pku_err_inject Enabled");
pku_err_inject = 1;
end // }
if ($test$plusargs("lsu_mon_off")) begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - lsu_mon Disabled");
lsu_mon_on = 0;
end // }
else begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "lsu_mon Enabled");
end //}
// global_chkr
if ($test$plusargs("gchkr_off")) begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - Global Chkr Disabled.");
gchkr_on = 0;
end // }
else begin // {
`ifndef SPC_BENCH //global chkr shd not be enabled in the SPC bench
gchkr_on = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS,"NOTICE - Global Chkr Enabled.");
end //}
if ($test$plusargs("err_chkrs_off")) begin // {
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg",`ALWAYS,"NOTICE - Block level err chkrs Disabled");
err_chkrs_off = 1;
end // }
// Debug & printing ..
if ($test$plusargs("show_delta")) begin // {
show_delta_on = 1;
`TOP.quiet = 0;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "Show Delta Enabled");
end // }
if ($test$plusargs("show_memop")) begin // {
show_memop_on = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "show_memop Enabled");
end // }
if ($test$plusargs("show_tlb")) begin // {
show_tlb_on = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "show_tlb Enabled");
end // }
// Index Hash
if ($test$plusargs("hash_on")) begin // {
hash_on = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "hash_on Enabled");
`ifdef FC_BENCH
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "Force bit in NCU to enable hash.");
`ifdef NCU_GATE
force `CPU.ncu.ncu_scd_ctl__n63154 = 1'b1;
force `CPU.ncu.ncu_scd_ctl.ncu_c2iscd_ctl.ncu_ctrl_ctl.l2idxhs_en_status = 1'b1;
end // }
if ($test$plusargs("hash_on_no_force")) begin // {
hash_on = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "hash_on Enabled");
end // }
if ($test$plusargs("perf_diag")) begin // {
perf_diag = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "perf_diag Enabled");
end // }
if ($test$plusargs("win_check")) begin // {
win_check_on = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "win_check Enabled");
end // }
if ($test$plusargs("AXIS_DEBUG_ON")) begin // {
axis_debug_on = 1;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "AXIS_DEBUG_ON Enabled");
end // }
// reduced core set. partial core for vectors. "portable core" related.
// must be done before finish_mask and th_check_enable!!!
if ($test$plusargs("core_set_mask")) begin
if ($value$plusargs("core_set_mask=%0h", core_set_mask)) begin
if (core_set_mask < 8'hff) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - Partial core mode is enabled. core_set_mask = %0h", core_set_mask);
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - Partial core mode. thread/th_check_enable/finish_mask/etc may be adjusted based on core_set_mask.");
for (i=7;i>=0;i=i-1) begin
core_set_mask_tids = core_set_mask_tids << 8;
core_set_mask_tids[7:0] = {8{core_set_mask[i]}};
mp_mask = mp_mask & core_set_mask_tids;
// Thread Enable
if (! $test$plusargs("no_thread_force")) begin // {
if ($value$plusargs("thread=%s", tempstr)) begin // {
if (tempstr == "0") begin
`PR_WARN ("arg", `WARN, "WARNING: thread=0 has the same effect as none, all threads will be disabled!\n");
th_check_enable = {get_thread_enables(tempstr)};
end // }
end // }
th_check_enable = th_check_enable & mp_mask;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "Initial Thread Check Control (may change if SW startup): %h (th_check_enable/+thread)",th_check_enable);
// FinishMask
finish_mask = th_check_enable;
//`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "Thread Finish Mask (finish_mask) is now 0x%h (+thread/th_check_enable based).\n", finish_mask);
// Override finish mask from plusarg
if ($value$plusargs("finish_mask=%s", tempstr)) begin // {
if (tempstr == "0") begin
`PR_WARN ("arg", `WARN, "WARNING - finish_mask=0 has the same effect as none, bench will not wait for any threads to reach good/bad trap!\n");
finish_mask = {get_thread_enables(tempstr)};
end // }
finish_mask = finish_mask & mp_mask;
`PR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, "Thread Finish Mask, adjusted: %h (finish_mask/+finish_mask)",finish_mask);
// Timeouts
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "");
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS,"!!! BE AWARE - timeout values are in # of Cycles, NOT # of ps/fs units");
// Runaway throttle
if ($value$plusargs("max_cycle=%d", max_cycle)) begin // {
end // }
else begin // {
max_cycle = 1000000;
end // }
"Max Cycles %d Cycles (Timeout if simulation reaches this cycle count) ",
if ($value$plusargs("TIMEOUT=%d", timeout)) begin // {
end // }
else begin // {
timeout = 1000;
end // }
"Global Timeout %d Cycles (Timeout if ALL threads are idle (i.e. no SSTEP)) ",
if ($value$plusargs("th_timeout=%d", th_timeout)) begin // {
end // }
else begin // {
th_timeout = timeout * 5;
end // }
"Thread Timeout %d Cycles (Timeout if ANY thread is idle (i.e. no SSTEP))",
if ($value$plusargs("skt_timeout=%d", skt_timeout)) begin // {
end // }
else begin // {
skt_timeout = 5000;
end // }
"Socket Timeout %d Cycles (Timeout if no socket msg from Riesling) ",
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "");
// Goodtrap/Badtrap
if ($test$plusargs("good_trap")) begin // {
if ($value$plusargs("good_trap=%s", tmptrapstr)) begin
good_trap_count = get_good_trap_addr(tmptrapstr);
`WR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, "Good Trap Address (%0d):", good_trap_count);
`ifdef AXIS_TL
`WR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, " %h", good_trap_addr);
`PR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, "");
if (good_trap_count > 1)
`PR_WARN("arg", `WARN, "axis targetless model can only support one good trap and one bad trap address");
for (i=0;i<good_trap_count;i=i+1)
`WR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, " %h", good_trap_addr[i]);
`PR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, "");
end // }
else begin // {
good_trap_count = 0;
`PR_WARN("arg", `WARN, "WARNING - No good_trap address found!\n\tSimulation may not terminate!\n");
end // }
if ($test$plusargs("bad_trap")) begin // {
if ($value$plusargs("bad_trap=%s", tmptrapstr)) begin
bad_trap_count = get_bad_trap_addr(tmptrapstr);
`WR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, "Bad Trap Address(%0d):", bad_trap_count);
`ifdef AXIS_TL
//`WR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, " %h", bad_trap_addr);
//`PR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, "");
for (i=0;i<=bad_trap_count;i=i+1)
case (i)
1: $display("bad trap addr 1 = %h",bad_trap_addr1);
2: $display("bad trap addr 2 = %h",bad_trap_addr2);
3: $display("bad trap addr 3 = %h",bad_trap_addr3);
4: $display("bad trap addr 4 = %h",bad_trap_addr4);
`PR_WARN("arg", `WARN, "axis targetless model can only support four bad trap and one bad trap address");
for (i=0;i<bad_trap_count;i=i+1)
`WR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, " %h", bad_trap_addr[i]);
`PR_ALWAYS("arg", `ALWAYS, "");
end // }
else begin // {
bad_trap_count = 0;
`PR_WARN("arg", `WARN, "WARNING - No bad_trap address found!\n\tSimulation may not terminate!\n");
end // }
// bank_set_mask for efuse partial bank mode
if ($test$plusargs("bank_set_mask")) begin
// will runtime force NCU wires pm, ba01, ba23, ... if not 4'h0
if ($value$plusargs("bank_set_mask=%h", bank_set_mask)) begin // {
if (bank_set_mask == 0) begin
`PR_WARN ("arg", `WARN, "WARNING - bank_set_mask=0 is being ignored! You need at least one pair!\n");
if (bank_set_mask !== 0) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - Partial bank mode is enabled w/ binary mask of %b (ba67|ba45|ba23|ba01)\n", bank_set_mask);
// bank_set_mask_csr for csr partial bank mode
if ($test$plusargs("bank_set_mask_csr")) begin
// will runtime force NCU wires pm, ba01, ba23, ... if not 4'h0
if ($value$plusargs("bank_set_mask_csr=%h", bank_set_mask_csr)) begin // {
if (bank_set_mask_csr == 0) begin
`PR_WARN ("arg", `WARN, "WARNING - bank_set_mask_csr=0 is being ignored! You need at least one pair!\n");
if (bank_set_mask_csr !== 0) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - Partial bank mode is enabled w/ binary mask of %b (ba67|ba45|ba23|ba01)\n", bank_set_mask_csr);
end // }
end // initial }
`ifndef AXIS_TL
`ifndef PLAYBACK
initial begin
if ($test$plusargs("clk_stop_exit")) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - +clk_stop_exit seen. Simulation will exit after ANY clocks have stopped (FC/SPC2 only)!");
`ifdef FC_BENCH
// wait for clocks to stop
@(posedge `TOP.flush_reset_complete);
@(posedge `CPU.tcu_ccu_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_ccu_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_spc0_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_spc1_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_spc2_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_spc3_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_spc4_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_spc5_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_spc6_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_spc7_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2d0_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2d1_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2d2_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2d3_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2d4_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2d5_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2d6_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2d7_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2t0_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2t1_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2t2_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2t3_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2t4_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2t5_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2t6_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2t7_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2b0_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2b1_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2b2_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2b3_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2b4_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2b5_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2b6_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_l2b7_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu0_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu0_dr_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu0_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu0_fbd_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu1_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu1_dr_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu1_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu1_fbd_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu2_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu2_dr_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu2_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu2_fbd_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu3_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu3_dr_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu3_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mcu3_fbd_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_ccx_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_sii_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_sii_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_sio_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_sio_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_ncu_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_ncu_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_efu_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_efu_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_rst_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_rst_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_dmu_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_rdp_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_mac_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_rtx_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_tds_io_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_peu_pc_clk_stop or
posedge `CPU.tcu_peu_io_clk_stop);
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - +clk_stop_exit exiting because clocks have stopped!");
`ifdef SPC_BENCH
// wait for clocks to stop
@(posedge `CPU.spc0_ncu_core_running_status);
@(posedge `CPU.tcu_spc0_clk_stop);
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "NOTICE - +clk_stop_exit exiting because clocks have stopped!");
`endif // PLAYBACK
initial begin
// do not add anything else in this block!!!
// fast_boot for booting out of main memory
if ($test$plusargs("fast_boot")) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "\nNOTICE - fast_boot seen!!! Will boot from 0x20!!!\n");
// will runtime force wire tb_top.cpu.ncu_wmr_vec_mask
//force `TOP.cpu.ncu_wmr_vec_mask = 1;
`ifndef FC_BENCH
`ifndef NCURTL
`TOP.asi_wmr_vec_mask <= #1 1; // cmp_tasks fake NCU reg
`ifdef AXIS_TL
force tb_top.cpu.ncu.ncu_scd_ctl.ncu_c2iscd_ctl.ncu_ctrl_ctl.wmr_vec_mask=1;
`ifdef NCURTL
// real NCU internal register
// we are forcing a register write, NOT holding a force. Diag can write later.
//assign wmr_vec_mask_n = asi_wmr_vec_mask_wr ? ncu_man_ucb_c2i_packet_data[0] : wmr_vec_mask;
`ifdef NCU_GATE
`define ASI_WMR_VEC_MASK_WR `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl__n36047
`define NCU_MAN_UCB_C2I_PACKET_DATA0 `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl__ncu_c2iscd_ctl_ncu_ctrl_ctl_ncu_man_ucb_c2i_packet_data_0_
`define WMR_VEC_MASK `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl__n63512
`define WAKE_THREAD `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl__ncu_c2iscd_ctl_ncu_ctrl_ctl_wake_thread
`define NCU_L1CLK `NCU.ca1_l1clkhdr__iol2clk__col_3__vdd__tcu_scan_en__vss__grp_1_30__l1clk
`define ASI_WMR_VEC_MASK_WR `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl.ncu_c2iscd_ctl.ncu_ctrl_ctl.asi_wmr_vec_mask_wr
`define NCU_MAN_UCB_C2I_PACKET_DATA0 `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl.ncu_c2iscd_ctl.ncu_ctrl_ctl.ncu_man_ucb_c2i_packet_data[0]
`define WMR_VEC_MASK `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl.ncu_c2iscd_ctl.ncu_ctrl_ctl.wmr_vec_mask
`define WAKE_THREAD `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl.ncu_c2iscd_ctl.ncu_ctrl_ctl.wake_thread
`define NCU_L1CLK `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl.ncu_c2iscd_ctl.ncu_ctrl_ctl.l1clk
`endif // NCU_GATE
forever begin
force `ASI_WMR_VEC_MASK_WR = 1;
force `WMR_VEC_MASK = 1;
// get past X to zero
if (`WAKE_THREAD !== 0)
while (`WAKE_THREAD !== 0)
@(negedge `NCU_L1CLK);
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "\nNOTICE - fast_boot is forcing NCU asi_wmr_vec_mask register to set!!!\n");
// wait for first thread to get wake up, then release
while (`WAKE_THREAD !== 1)
@(negedge `NCU_L1CLK);
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "\nNOTICE - fast_boot is releasing NCU asi_wmr_vec_mask register force (reg still set)!!!\n");
// safely past reset, write has stuck!
release `WMR_VEC_MASK;
// Wait for the next power-on reset (if any)
@(negedge `TOP.PWRON_RST_L);
end // forever begin
// do this to just force all the time
//force `NCU.ncu_scd_ctl.ncu_c2iscd_ctl.ncu_ctrl_ctl.creg_wmr_vec_mask[63:0] = 64'h1;
// All done with these text macros, so undefine them
`undef NCU_L1CLK
`endif // `ifdef NCURTL
`endif // !`ifdef AXIS_TL
initial begin
// do not add anything else in this block!!!
// Power Throttle
`ifndef PLAYBACK
if ($value$plusargs("pwr_throttle=%s", tempstr)) begin // {
if (tempstr == "rand" || tempstr == "random") begin // {
`TOP.asi_power_throttle = $random(`PARGS.seed);
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS,"pwr_throttle=static random, asi_power_throttle=%h (cores 0,1,4,5 = %0h/cores 2,3,6,7 = %0h",`TOP.asi_power_throttle,`TOP.asi_power_throttle[2:0],`TOP.asi_power_throttle[5:3]);
end // }
else if (tempstr == "cycle") begin // {
if ($test$plusargs("pwr_throttle_freq"))
tmp32 = $value$plusargs("pwr_throttle_freq=%d", asi_power_throttle_freq);
if (asi_power_throttle_freq < 2) asi_power_throttle_freq = 3;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS,"pwr_throttle=cycle random, pwr_throttle_freq=%0d",asi_power_throttle_freq);
// No pwr_throttle switch in FC1
while (1) begin
`TOP.asi_power_throttle = $random(`PARGS.seed);
repeat (asi_power_throttle_freq) @(negedge `CPU.cmp_gclk_c3_spc0);
end // }
else if (tempstr == "pulse") begin // {
if ($test$plusargs("pwr_throttle_freq"))
tmp32 = $value$plusargs("pwr_throttle_freq=%d", asi_power_throttle_freq);
if (asi_power_throttle_freq < 2) asi_power_throttle_freq = 3;
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS,"pwr_throttle=pulse random (return to zero), pwr_throttle_freq=%0d",asi_power_throttle_freq);
// No pwr_throttle switch in FC1
while (1) begin
if (`TOP.asi_power_throttle !== 0) `TOP.asi_power_throttle = 0;
else `TOP.asi_power_throttle = $random(`PARGS.seed) + 1;
repeat (asi_power_throttle_freq) @(negedge `CPU.cmp_gclk_c3_spc0);
end // }
else begin
tmp32 = $value$plusargs("pwr_throttle=%d",`TOP.asi_power_throttle);
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS,"pwr_throttle=%0d",`TOP.asi_power_throttle);
end // }
else begin
`TOP.asi_power_throttle = 0;
`endif // PLAYBACK
`ifndef AXIS_TL
`ifndef PLAYBACK
// Need to set th_check_enable for all threads that POR ..
// (and ONLY at their POR!)
initial begin // {
// wait...
@(posedge `CPU.cmp_gclk_c3_spc0);
@(negedge `CPU.cmp_gclk_c3_spc0);
`ifdef FC_BENCH
@(posedge `TOP.flush_reset_complete);
// detect saturation and then bail to optimize performance.
// NOTE: if a warm reset causes us to go from 16 -> 8 threads running,
// th_check_enable will still assume 16 threads are still running.
while (`PARGS.th_check_enable[63:0] !== ({{8{`CPU.ncu_spc7_core_enable_status}},
{8{`CPU.ncu_spc0_core_enable_status}}})) begin // {
// wait for a change of any core_running bit
@(`CPU.ncu_spc0_core_running[7:0] or `CPU.ncu_spc1_core_running[7:0] or
`CPU.ncu_spc2_core_running[7:0] or `CPU.ncu_spc3_core_running[7:0] or
`CPU.ncu_spc4_core_running[7:0] or `CPU.ncu_spc5_core_running[7:0] or
`CPU.ncu_spc6_core_running[7:0] or `CPU.ncu_spc7_core_running[7:0]);
// X sanity, it's a good thing
if (^(`CPU.ncu_spc0_core_running[7:0] ^ `CPU.ncu_spc1_core_running[7:0] ^
`CPU.ncu_spc2_core_running[7:0] ^ `CPU.ncu_spc3_core_running[7:0] ^
`CPU.ncu_spc4_core_running[7:0] ^ `CPU.ncu_spc4_core_running[7:0] ^
`CPU.ncu_spc6_core_running[7:0] ^ `CPU.ncu_spc5_core_running[7:0]) === 1'bx) begin // {
// can't assume dispmon is not disabled
$display("ERROR: Thread Check Control th_check_enable=%h core_running=%h X detected!!!", `PARGS.th_check_enable,{`CPU.ncu_spc7_core_running[7:0],
`PR_ERROR ("arg", `ERROR, "ERROR: Thread Check Control (th_check_enable=%h) core_running X detected!!!", `PARGS.th_check_enable);
end // }
// add in additional bits
`PARGS.th_check_enable = `PARGS.th_check_enable | {`CPU.ncu_spc7_core_running[7:0],
`PR_NORMAL ("arg", `NORMAL, "Thread Check Control (th_check_enable) is now 0x%h (core_running changed).", `PARGS.th_check_enable);
end // while }
`PR_NORMAL ("arg", `NORMAL, "Thread Check Control (th_check_enable) is now 0x%h (saturated, bye).", `PARGS.th_check_enable);
end // init }
`endif // PLAYBACK
// MA monitor
initial begin
if ($value$plusargs("mamon=%d", mamon)) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "Enabling SPU MA monitor.\n");
if ($value$plusargs("dec_spu_grant=%d", dec_spu_grant)) begin
`PR_ALWAYS ("arg", `ALWAYS, "Enabling random dec_spu_grant_d irritator.\n");
// Trap address extraction functions
function [6:0] get_good_trap_addr ;
input [8*(`TRAP_ADDR_CHARS+1)*`MAX_TRAP_ADDRS:0] instring;
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_CHARS*8-1:0] addr_str;
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address;
integer l;
begin // {
// The following contains some unsynthesizable RTL code.
get_good_trap_addr = 0;
begin : SCAN_INSTRING // {
while (instring !== 0) begin // {
addr_str = instring[8*`TRAP_ADDR_CHARS-1:0];
instring = instring >> 8*`TRAP_ADDR_CHARS;
if (instring[7:0] == ":" || instring[7:0] == 0) begin // {
l= $sscanf(addr_str, "%h", address);
get_good_trap_addr = get_good_trap_addr+1;
`ifdef AXIS_TL
end // }
if (instring[7:0] == ":") instring = instring >> 8;
if (instring[7:0] == 0 ) disable SCAN_INSTRING;
end // }
end // }
`endif // !`ifdef PALLADIUM
end // }
function [6:0] get_bad_trap_addr ;
input [8*(`TRAP_ADDR_CHARS+1)*`MAX_TRAP_ADDRS:0] instring;
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_CHARS*8-1:0] addr_str;
reg [`TRAP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address;
integer l;
begin // {
// The following contains some unsynthesizable RTL code.
get_bad_trap_addr = 0;
begin : SCAN_INSTRING // {
while (instring !== 0) begin // {
addr_str = instring[8*`TRAP_ADDR_CHARS-1:0];
instring = instring >> 8*`TRAP_ADDR_CHARS;
if (instring[7:0] == ":" || instring[7:0] == 0) begin // {
l= $sscanf(addr_str, "%h", address);
get_bad_trap_addr = get_bad_trap_addr+1;
`ifdef AXIS_TL
case (get_bad_trap_addr)
0: $display("No bad trap addresses?");
1: bad_trap_addr1 = address;
2: bad_trap_addr2 = address;
3: bad_trap_addr3 = address;
4: bad_trap_addr4 = address;
default: $display("greater than 4 bad trap addresses not allowed");
end // }
if (instring[7:0] == ":") instring = instring >> 8;
if (instring[7:0] == 0 ) disable SCAN_INSTRING;
end // }
end // }
`endif // !`ifdef PALLADIUM
end // }
function [63:0] get_thread_enables ;
input [8*16:0] instring;
reg [7:0] char;
integer i, j;
reg [3:0] nibble;
get_thread_enables = 64'h0;
// if argument is thread=all
if (instring == "all") begin
get_thread_enables = 64'hffffffff_ffffffff;
// if argument is thread=none
else if (instring == "none") begin
get_thread_enables = 64'h0;
// if argument is thread=rand
else if (instring == "rand" || instring == "random") begin
get_thread_enables = {$random(`PARGS.seed),$random(`PARGS.seed)};
// rest should just be the actual value
else begin
for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) begin
for (j=0; j<=7; j=j+1) begin
char[j] = instring[8*i+j];
case (char)
"0" : nibble = 4'b0000;
"1" : nibble = 4'b0001;
"2" : nibble = 4'b0010;
"3" : nibble = 4'b0011;
"4" : nibble = 4'b0100;
"5" : nibble = 4'b0101;
"6" : nibble = 4'b0110;
"7" : nibble = 4'b0111;
"8" : nibble = 4'b1000;
"9" : nibble = 4'b1001;
"a","A" : nibble = 4'b1010;
"b","B" : nibble = 4'b1011;
"c","C" : nibble = 4'b1100;
"d","D" : nibble = 4'b1101;
"e","E" : nibble = 4'b1110;
"f","F" : nibble = 4'b1111;
default : nibble = 4'b0000;
get_thread_enables = get_thread_enables | (nibble << (i*4));