Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / verilog / nas_car / nas_top.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: nas_top.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
`timescale 1 ps/ 1 ps
module nas_top;
`include "defines.vh"
`include "nas.vh"
integer act_queue; // Actual (DUT) queue handle
integer exp_queue; // Expected (Ref Model) queue handle
reg [63:0] act_status; // if 0, empty. if 1, not empty.
reg [63:0] exp_status;
reg [2:0] th_cwp [0:63]; // copy of CWP updated by nas_pipe.v
reg [2:0] th_currcwp [0:63]; // copy of CWP currently checked
integer tindex;
integer delta_cnt;
integer oldest_actid; // Oldest TID in exp_actual Queue
integer err_cnt [63:0];
reg [63:0] sstep_sent; // Asserted if SSTEP was already sent
// by another module (i.e. tlb_sync,ldst_sync,int_sync)
reg [63:0] sstep_early; // Asserted if SSTEP was sent before
// nas_pipe captured state changes
integer last_skt_cycle;// Timer used for socket timeout
// wires for asm user events
`include "asmEventsProbes.vh"
reg [63:0] good_trap_detected; // Good_trap, but wait for stb empty
// wires for lsu_stb_empty, ireq_pending
`include "nas_top_inc.vh"
// Instantiate 1-8 cores
`ifdef CORE_0
nas_core0 c0 (3'h0);
`ifdef CORE_1
nas_core1 c1 (3'h1);
`ifdef CORE_2
nas_core2 c2 (3'h2);
`ifdef CORE_3
nas_core3 c3 (3'h3);
`ifdef CORE_4
nas_core4 c4 (3'h4);
`ifdef CORE_5
nas_core5 c5 (3'h5);
`ifdef CORE_6
nas_core6 c6 (3'h6);
`ifdef CORE_7
nas_core7 c7 (3'h7);
// Queue and Socket Initialization
initial begin: INIT_BLOCK // {
integer i;
@ (negedge `SYSTEMCLOCK);
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO("nas", `INFO, "Init actual_queue, expect_queue");
act_status = 64'h0;
exp_status = 64'h0;
sstep_sent = 64'h0;
sstep_early = 64'h0;
exp_queue = $queue(`EXP_QUEUE, `INIT_Q);
act_queue = $queue(`ACT_QUEUE, `INIT_Q);
for (i=0;i<=63;i=i+1) begin
err_cnt[i] = 0;
end //}
good_trap_detected = 64'h0;
last_skt_cycle = 0;
// Initialize shadow copy of CWP for each thread
for (i=0;i<=63; i=i+1) begin
th_cwp[i] = 3'b0;
th_currcwp[i] = 3'b0;
end // }
// Read & parse socket if ready
always begin : NAS_CHECK // {
integer i;
repeat (`PARGS.nas_q_rate/2) @ (negedge `SYSTEMCLOCK);
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && (`ACT_STATUS & `PARGS.th_check_enable)) begin // { BITWISE & !
if (`PARGS.socket_use_flush) $sim_flush();
repeat (`PARGS.nas_q_rate/2) @ (negedge `SYSTEMCLOCK);
`EXP_STATUS = $sim_recv(`EXP_QUEUE, `ACT_QUEUE, oldest_actid);
while (`EXP_STATUS[oldest_actid]&&
`PARGS.th_check_enable[oldest_actid]) begin // {
cmp_queue (oldest_actid);
last_skt_cycle = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
end // }
if (`PARGS.socket_use_flush) $sim_flush();
end // }
// Check for socket timeout (i.e. no socket msgs coming from NAS)
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && (`TOP.core_cycle_cnt - last_skt_cycle) > `PARGS.skt_timeout)
begin // {
// Note: Do not change this message because regreport parses it for certain words.
`PR_ALWAYS ("top", `ALWAYS, "ERROR: No Socket msgs received from NAS for %0d Cycles - Socket TIMEOUT!",
end //}
// Wait for special conditions before stopping all messages for a thread to be sent.
if (|good_trap_detected) begin // {
for (i=0;i<=63;i=i+1) begin // {
if (good_trap_detected[i] & lsu_stb_empty[i] & ireq_pending[i]) begin // {
`PR_NORMAL("nas", `NORMAL, "T%0d reached Good Trap. Disabling checking for thread %0d",
i, i);
`PARGS.th_check_enable[i] = 1'b0;
`TOP.finished_tids[i] = 1'b1;
good_trap_detected[i] = 1'b0;
end //}
end // }
end //}
end // }
// Compare actual_queue, expect_queue
task cmp_queue;
input [5:0] tnum;
reg [63:0] exp_tstamp;
reg [63:0] act_tstamp;
integer exp_regnum;
integer act_regnum;
integer exp_level;
integer act_level;
integer exp_win;
integer act_win;
reg [63:0] exp_value;
reg [63:0] act_value;
reg [7:0] exp_type;
reg [7:0] act_type;
reg [63:0] value_mask;
reg [(20*8)-1:0] exp_regname;
reg [(20*8)-1:0] act_regname;
integer i;
begin : CMP_BLOCK // {
delta_cnt = 0;
// Pop while exp_queue is oldest and not empty
// Or has an error pending and needs to drain act_queue to get timestamps
while (err_cnt[tnum] || (`EXP_STATUS[tnum] && `ACT_STATUS[tnum] &&
(oldest_actid == tnum))) begin : STATUS_BLOCK // {
// If error has occurred, find instruction boundary,
// print instruction, then kill simulation
if (err_cnt[tnum] != 0) begin // {
`NASTOP.delta_cnt = 0;
$display ("\nDumping remaining ACTUAL deltas ..");
print_delta (tnum,act_type,act_win,act_regnum,act_value);
act_regnum = 0;
while (act_regnum != `END_INSTR) begin // {
`ACT_STATUS = $queue(`ACT_QUEUE, `POP_Q, tnum, act_tstamp, act_type,
act_level, act_win, act_regnum, act_value,
`PR_DEBUG("nas", `DEBUG, "Act Queue: T%0d, \"%s\", GL=%0d, CWP=%0d, Reg=%0d, %h",
tnum, act_type, act_level, act_win, act_regnum, act_value);
print_delta (tnum,act_type,act_win,act_regnum,act_value);
end // }
`EXP_STATUS = $queue(`EXP_QUEUE, `PR_INSTR_Q, tnum, act_value,
act_tstamp, "", "FAILED!");
disable NAS_CHECK;
end // }
`EXP_STATUS = $queue(`EXP_QUEUE, `POP_Q, tnum, exp_tstamp, exp_type,
exp_level, exp_win, exp_regnum, exp_value);
`PR_DEBUG("nas", `DEBUG, "Exp Queue: T%0d, \"%s\", GL=%0d, CWP=%0d, reg=%0d, %h",
tnum, exp_type, exp_level, exp_win, exp_regnum, exp_value);
// Only proceed if thread checking still enabled ..
if (`PARGS.th_check_enable[tnum]) begin // {
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin // {
print_delta (tnum,exp_type,exp_win,exp_regnum,exp_value);
end // }
if (check_this_one(exp_type,exp_regnum)) begin:CHECK_THIS // {
`ACT_STATUS = $queue(`ACT_QUEUE, `POP_Q, tnum, act_tstamp, act_type,
act_level, act_win, act_regnum, act_value,
`PR_DEBUG("nas", `DEBUG, "Act Queue: T%0d, \"%s\", GL=%0d, CWP=%0d, reg=%0d, %h",
tnum, act_type, act_level, act_win, act_regnum, act_value);
if (!check_this_one(act_type,act_regnum)) begin // {
if (exp_regnum ==`END_INSTR) begin // {
`EXP_STATUS = $queue(`EXP_QUEUE, `PR_INSTR_Q, tnum, act_value,
act_tstamp, "", "OK");
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on)
while (act_regnum != `END_INSTR) begin // {
`ACT_STATUS = $queue(`ACT_QUEUE, `POP_Q, tnum, act_tstamp, act_type,
act_level, act_win, act_regnum, act_value,
`PR_DEBUG("nas", `DEBUG, "Act Queue: T%0d, \"%s\", GL=%0d, CWP=%0d, reg=%0d, %h",
tnum, act_type, act_level, act_win, act_regnum, act_value);
delta_cnt = 0;
end // }
end //}
disable CHECK_THIS;
end // }
if ((act_regnum ==`END_INSTR)&&(exp_regnum ==`END_INSTR)) begin // {
// End of Instr - w/o errors
// Print Instruction & Pop next Instruction
if (err_cnt[tnum] == 0) begin // {
`EXP_STATUS = $queue(`EXP_QUEUE, `PR_INSTR_Q, tnum, act_value,
act_tstamp, "", "OK");
delta_cnt = 0;
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on)
end // }
// End of Instr - w/ errors
else begin // {
`EXP_STATUS = $queue(`EXP_QUEUE, `PR_INSTR_Q, tnum, act_value,
act_tstamp, "", "FAILED!");
disable NAS_CHECK;
end // }
end // }
// End of Instr - w/ errors (Act finished unexpectedly)
else if ((act_regnum ==`END_INSTR)&&(exp_regnum !=`END_INSTR))
begin // {
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin $display(); end
// Print failing expect register if show_delta OFF
if (!`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin // {
print_delta (tnum,exp_type,exp_win,exp_regnum,exp_value);
end // }
`PR_ERROR("nas", `ERROR, "@%0d T%0d - DUT Reg did not change: Exp %0s = %h. \n",
act_tstamp, tnum,exp_regname,exp_value);
`EXP_STATUS = $queue(`EXP_QUEUE, `PR_INSTR_Q, tnum, act_value,
act_tstamp, "", "FAILED!");
disable NAS_CHECK;
end // }
// End of Instr - w/ errors (Act not finished)
else if ((act_regnum !=`END_INSTR)&&(exp_regnum ==`END_INSTR))
begin // {
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin $display(); end
`PR_ERROR ("nas", `ERROR, "@%0d T%0d - Unexpected Reg change in DUT. %0s = %h.\n",
act_tstamp, tnum,act_regname,act_value);
// Don't know address until DUT reaches END_INSTR ..
err_cnt[tnum] = err_cnt[tnum] + 1;
disable CHECK_THIS;
end // }
// Not End of Instr
// So, continue checking this instruction
// Exclude %g0 from this check since %g0 is used for ldst_sync/tlb_sync error indication
// and global level may not be correct.
if ((exp_type=="G")&&(act_type=="G") && (exp_level != act_level) && (exp_regnum != 0)) begin // {
err_cnt[tnum] = err_cnt[tnum] + 1;
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin $display(); end
`PR_ERROR ("nas", `ERROR, "@%0d T%0d - Wrong Global Level. Act = %0h. Exp = %0h.\n",
act_tstamp, tnum, act_level,exp_level);
end // }
if (exp_regnum ==`PC || exp_regnum == `NPC) begin // {
value_mask = `PC_MASK;
end // }
else if (exp_regnum == `TBA ||exp_regnum == `HTBA ||
exp_regnum ==`TPC1 || exp_regnum == `TNPC1 ||
exp_regnum ==`TPC2 || exp_regnum == `TNPC2 ||
exp_regnum ==`TPC3 || exp_regnum == `TNPC3 ||
exp_regnum ==`TPC4 || exp_regnum == `TNPC4 ||
exp_regnum ==`TPC5 || exp_regnum == `TNPC5 ||
exp_regnum ==`TPC6 || exp_regnum == `TNPC6 ||
exp_regnum ==`I_TAG_ACC || exp_regnum ==`D_TAG_ACC ||
exp_regnum ==`WATCHPOINT_ADDR
begin // {
value_mask = `MASK_48 ;
end //}
else begin // {
value_mask = 64'hffff_ffff_ffff_ffff;
end // }
if ((exp_type != act_type) ||
(exp_regnum != act_regnum) ||
((exp_type =="W") && (exp_win != act_win)))begin // {
err_cnt[tnum] = err_cnt[tnum] + 1;
// Print failing expect register if show_delta OFF
if (!`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin // {
print_delta (tnum,exp_type,exp_win,exp_regnum,exp_value);
end // }
if (exp_regnum > act_regnum) begin // {
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin $display(); end
`PR_ERROR ("nas", `ERROR, "@%0d T%0d - Unexpected Reg Change: DUT %0s = %h.\n",
act_tstamp, tnum,act_regname,act_value);
end // }
else if (exp_regnum < act_regnum) begin // {
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin $display(); end
`PR_ERROR ("nas", `ERROR, "@%0d T%0d - DUT Reg did not change: Exp %0s = %h.\n",
act_tstamp, tnum,exp_regname, exp_value);
end // }
else begin // {
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin $display(); end
`PR_ERROR ("nas", `ERROR, "@%0d T%0d - Reg Name Mismatch: DUT = %s, Expect=%0s.\n",
act_tstamp, tnum,act_regname,exp_regname);
end // }
disable CHECK_THIS;
end // }
else if ((exp_value & value_mask) != (act_value & value_mask))begin // {
// Suppress error if `OPCODE & value==0 (special case of illtrap where miscmp will happen)
// Suppress error if pc[0] is 1 (WMR case, we force pc[0]=1)
if ((((exp_regnum==`OPCODE)&&(exp_value!=0)) ||
(exp_regnum!=`OPCODE)) &&
(!((act_regnum==`PC)&&(act_value[0]==1))))begin // {
err_cnt[tnum] = err_cnt[tnum] + 1;
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin $display(); end
// Print failing expect register if show_delta OFF
if (!`PARGS.show_delta_on) begin // {
print_delta (tnum,exp_type,exp_win,exp_regnum,exp_value);
end // }
// Special msg for OPCODE miscompare.
if (exp_regnum==`OPCODE) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("nas", `ERROR, "@%0d T%0d - Instruction Miscompare: DUT %0s = %h, Exp %0s = %h, Mask = %h.\n",
act_tstamp, tnum,act_regname,act_value,exp_regname,exp_value,value_mask);
end // }
// Generic msg for register miscompare
else begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("nas", `ERROR, "@%0d T%0d - Reg Value Miscompare: DUT %0s = %h, Exp %0s = %h, Mask = %h.\n",
act_tstamp, tnum,act_regname,act_value,exp_regname,exp_value,value_mask);
end // }
// Special msg for PC/NPC miscompare
if ((exp_regnum==`PC)|(exp_regnum==`NPC)) begin // {
`PR_NORMAL("nas", `NORMAL, "T%0d PC/NPC are architected state AFTER instruction completes",tnum);
`PR_NORMAL("nas", `NORMAL, "T%0d NEXT instruction will be wrong because branch/exception not/incorrectly taken",tnum);
end // }
disable CHECK_THIS;
end // }
end // }
// When th_check_enable is OFF, ldst_sync msgs are disabled.
// A Store will retire in the pipeline before the Store is acked in the LSU.
// th_check_enable cannot be turned off until all the ldst_sync msgs for the Store are done.
// Need to make sure Store Buffer is empty before turning off th_check_enable.
// Set good_trap_detected, which will wait for stb_empty to turn of th_check_enable ..
for (i=0;i<`PARGS.good_trap_count;i=i+1)
if ((exp_regnum==`PC) &&
(`PC_MASK&exp_value)==(`PC_MASK&`PARGS.good_trap_addr[i])) begin // {
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) $write("\n");
good_trap_detected[tnum] = 1'b1;
disable CMP_BLOCK;
end // }
for (i=0;i<`PARGS.bad_trap_count;i=i+1)
if ((exp_regnum==`PC) &&
(`PC_MASK&exp_value)==(`PC_MASK&`PARGS.bad_trap_addr[i])) begin // {
if (`PARGS.show_delta_on) $write("\n");
`PR_ERROR("nas", `ERROR, "T%0d reached Bad Trap.\n",tnum);
end // }
end // }
`ACT_STATUS = $queue(`ACT_QUEUE, `STATUS_Q, `ACT_QUEUE, oldest_actid);
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Print exp deltas after a fail is detected ..
task show_unchecked_delta;
input [5:0] tnum;
integer oldest_expid;
reg [7:0] exp_type;
reg [3:0] exp_level;
reg [31:0] exp_win;
reg [31:0] exp_regnum;
reg [63:0] exp_value, exp_tstamp;
begin // {
exp_regnum = 0;
`NASTOP.delta_cnt = 0;
$display ("\nDumping remaining EXPECTED deltas ..");
while (exp_regnum != `END_INSTR) begin // {
`ACT_STATUS = $queue(`EXP_QUEUE, `POP_Q, tnum, exp_tstamp,
exp_type, exp_level, exp_win,
exp_regnum, exp_value, oldest_expid);
print_delta (tnum,exp_type,exp_win, exp_regnum,exp_value);
end // }
end //}
// Print a register's name and value
task print_delta;
input [5:0] tnum;
input [7:0] type;
input [31:0] win;
input [31:0] regnum;
input [63:0] value;
reg [2:0] cid;
reg [2:0] tid;
reg [(20*8)-1:0] tmp_regname;
integer cnt_per_line;
begin // {
delta_cnt = delta_cnt + 1;
if (`TOP.debug)
cnt_per_line =1;
cnt_per_line = 3;
cid = tnum / 8;
tid = tnum % 8;
// Print TID at beginning of each line
if ((cnt_per_line ==1 || (delta_cnt % cnt_per_line) == 1) &&
(regnum!=`END_INSTR)) begin // {
end // }
if (regnum!=`END_INSTR) begin // {
$write ("%0s = %h",tmp_regname,value);
end // }
// Print N registers per line
// If no more deltas, Add <CR> to finish off previous line
if ((regnum==`END_INSTR)&&((delta_cnt % cnt_per_line)!=1 ||
cnt_per_line ==1)) begin // {
$write ("\n");
end // }
else if (regnum==`END_INSTR) begin // {
// no <cr> or <tab>
end // }
// Add <CR> to finish off previous line and continue with next delta
else if ((delta_cnt % cnt_per_line)==0 || cnt_per_line ==1 ) begin // {
$write ("\n");
end // }
// Add <tab> before next delta
else begin // {
$write ("\t");
end // }
end // }
// Convert to registers names (i.e. %o1, %g2, %i3, %l4, PC)
task get_regname;
input [5:0] tnum;
input [7:0] type;
input [31:0] win;
input [31:0] regnum;
output [(20*8)-1:0] tmp_regname;
reg [(2*8)-1:0] tmp_regnum;
integer tmp1,tmp2;
begin // {
case (type)
"W": begin // {
case (regnum) // {
8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15: begin // {
if ( win == th_currcwp[tnum] ) begin // {
tmp_regname = "%o";
tmp_regnum = regnum - 8;
end // }
else begin // {
tmp_regname = "%i";
tmp_regnum = regnum - 8;
end // }
end // }
16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23: begin // {
tmp_regname = "%l";
tmp_regnum = regnum - 16;
end // }
endcase // }
tmp_regnum = tmp_regnum+'h30; // convert to ascii value for num
tmp_regname = {tmp_regname,tmp_regnum};
end // }
"G": begin // {
tmp_regnum = regnum;
tmp_regname = "%g";
tmp_regnum = tmp_regnum+'h30; // convert to ascii value for num
tmp_regname = {tmp_regname,tmp_regnum};
end // }
"F": begin // {
tmp_regnum = regnum;
tmp_regname = "%f";
if (tmp_regnum<=9) begin
tmp_regnum = tmp_regnum+'h30; // convert to ascii value for num
else begin
tmp1 = tmp_regnum%10;
tmp2 = tmp_regnum/10;
tmp_regnum = ((tmp2+'h30)<<8) + (tmp1+'h30); // convert to ascii value for num
tmp_regname = {tmp_regname,tmp_regnum};
end // }
"C": begin :CONTROL_REG// {
`PC: tmp_regname = "PC";
`NPC: tmp_regname = "NPC";
`Y: tmp_regname = "Y";
`CCR: tmp_regname = "CCR";
`FPRS: tmp_regname = "FPRS";
`FSR: tmp_regname = "FSR";
`ASI: tmp_regname = "ASI";
`TICK: tmp_regname = "TICK";
`GSR: tmp_regname = "GSR";
`TICK_CMPR: tmp_regname = "TICK_CMPR";
`STICK: tmp_regname = "STICK";
`STICK_CMPR: tmp_regname = "STICK_CMPR";
`PSTATE: tmp_regname = "PSTATE";
`TL: tmp_regname = "TL";
`PIL: tmp_regname = "PIL";
`TPC1: tmp_regname = "TPC1";
`TPC2: tmp_regname = "TPC2";
`TPC3: tmp_regname = "TPC3";
`TPC4: tmp_regname = "TPC4";
`TPC5: tmp_regname = "TPC5";
`TPC6: tmp_regname = "TPC6";
`TNPC1: tmp_regname = "TNPC1";
`TNPC2: tmp_regname = "TNPC2";
`TNPC3: tmp_regname = "TNPC3";
`TNPC4: tmp_regname = "TNPC4";
`TNPC5: tmp_regname = "TNPC5";
`TNPC6: tmp_regname = "TNPC6";
`TSTATE1: tmp_regname = "TSTATE1";
`TSTATE2: tmp_regname = "TSTATE2";
`TSTATE3: tmp_regname = "TSTATE3";
`TSTATE4: tmp_regname = "TSTATE4";
`TSTATE5: tmp_regname = "TSTATE5";
`TSTATE6: tmp_regname = "TSTATE6";
`TT1: tmp_regname = "TT1";
`TT2: tmp_regname = "TT2";
`TT3: tmp_regname = "TT3";
`TT4: tmp_regname = "TT4";
`TT5: tmp_regname = "TT5";
`TT6: tmp_regname = "TT6";
`TBA: tmp_regname = "TBA";
`VER: tmp_regname = "VER";
`CWP: tmp_regname = "CWP";
`CANSAVE: tmp_regname = "CANSAVE";
`CANRESTORE: tmp_regname = "CANRESTORE";
`OTHERWIN: tmp_regname = "OTHERWIN";
`WSTATE: tmp_regname = "WSTATE";
`CLEANWIN: tmp_regname = "CLEANWIN";
`SOFTINT: tmp_regname = "SOFTINT";
`INTR_RECEIVE: tmp_regname = "INTR_RECEIVE";
`GL: tmp_regname = "GL";
`HPSTATE: tmp_regname = "HPSTATE";
`HTSTATE1: tmp_regname = "HTSTATE1";
`HTSTATE2: tmp_regname = "HTSTATE2";
`HTSTATE3: tmp_regname = "HTSTATE3";
`HTSTATE4: tmp_regname = "HTSTATE4";
`HTSTATE5: tmp_regname = "HTSTATE5";
`HTSTATE6: tmp_regname = "HTSTATE6";
`HTBA: tmp_regname = "HTBA";
`HINTP: tmp_regname = "HINTP";
`HSTICK_CMPR: tmp_regname = "HSTICK_CMPR";
`MID: tmp_regname = "MID";
`ISFSR: tmp_regname = "ISFSR";
`DSFSR: tmp_regname = "DSFSR";
`DSFAR: tmp_regname = "DSFAR";
`CTXT_PRIM_0: tmp_regname = "CTXT_PRIM_0";
`CTXT_SEC_0: tmp_regname = "CTXT_SEC_0";
`CTXT_PRIM_1: tmp_regname = "CTXT_PRIM_1";
`CTXT_SEC_1: tmp_regname = "CTXT_SEC_1";
`LSU_CONTROL: tmp_regname = "LSU_CONTROL";
`I_TAG_ACC: tmp_regname = "I_TAG_ACC";
`CTXT_Z_TSB_CFG0: tmp_regname = "CTXT_Z_TSB_CFG0";
`CTXT_Z_TSB_CFG1: tmp_regname = "CTXT_Z_TSB_CFG1";
`CTXT_Z_TSB_CFG2: tmp_regname = "CTXT_Z_TSB_CFG2";
`CTXT_Z_TSB_CFG3: tmp_regname = "CTXT_Z_TSB_CFG3";
`CTXT_NZ_TSB_CFG0: tmp_regname = "CTXT_NZ_TSB_CFG0";
`CTXT_NZ_TSB_CFG1: tmp_regname = "CTXT_NZ_TSB_CFG1";
`CTXT_NZ_TSB_CFG2: tmp_regname = "CTXT_NZ_TSB_CFG2";
`CTXT_NZ_TSB_CFG3: tmp_regname = "CTXT_NZ_TSB_CFG3";
`I_DATA_IN: tmp_regname = "I_DATA_IN";
`D_TAG_ACC: tmp_regname = "D_TAG_ACC";
`D_DATA_IN: tmp_regname = "D_DATA_IN";
`OPCODE: tmp_regname = "OPCODE";
default: tmp_regname = "UNKNOWN";
end // }
"X": begin :EOF// {
tmp_regname = "END_INSTR";
th_currcwp[tnum] = win ; // END_INSTR has win# of next instr
end // }
default: begin : DEFAULT // {
tmp_regname= "UNKN";
`PR_ERROR("nas", `ERROR, "T%0d Illegal/Unexpected register type \"%s\" (%d)",
tnum, type, type);
end // }
end // }
// This function checks to see if the register is on the list
// of registers currently supported by the bench.
function check_this_one;
input [7:0] exp_type;
input [31:0] exp_regnum;
begin // {
check_this_one = 1'b0; // default value
case (exp_type)
"G": begin // {
// Conditionally, remove IRF,FRF register compares
check_this_one = 1'b0;
check_this_one = 1'b1;
end // }
"C": begin // {
case (exp_regnum)
// DON'T check these control registers
// NOTE - ADD_TSB_CFG will never be used for Axis or Tharas (ifdef EMUL) or
// if MMU reg slam is enabled
`ifdef ADD_TSB_CFG
begin // {
check_this_one = 1'b0;
end // }
// DO check all the rest of the control registers
default: begin // {
check_this_one = 1'b1;
end // }
end // }
if (exp_regnum == `END_INSTR) check_this_one = 1'b1;
end // }