Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / fc / vera / l2jbi.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: l2jbi.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
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// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
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// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include <vera_defines.vrh>
// #include "defines.vri"
#include "globals.vri"
#define JBI 38
//#define JBI_REQTYPE 17:15
#define RDD 21
#define CTAG_UPPER 19:18
//#define CTAG_LOWER 12:3
#define JBI_RDD 2'b00
#define JBI_WRI 2'b01
#define JBI_WR8 2'b10
#define myname "CheckJbiInvBeforeAck"
class JbiClass {
bit isWRI;
bit [39:0] address;
bit [15:0] ctag;
bit [31:0] ack;
bit inv_before_ack;
bit [7:0] sctag_cpx_req;
bit [CPX_WIDTH-1:0] sctag_cpx_data;
task new() {
inv_before_ack = 1'b0;
isWRI = 1'b0;
task CheckJbiInvBeforeAck() {
//local StandardDisplay dbg;
// string myname;
shadow integer i;
l2jbi_port l2jbi_bind[8];
shadow l2jbi_port lp;
integer monitor_on = 1;
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "l2jbi_chk_off"))
monitor_on = 0;
// dbg = new;
// assign l2jbi_bind_N (defined in l2jbi_ports_binds.vrh) to the array of l2jbi_ports
l2jbi_bind[0] = l2jbi_bind_0;
l2jbi_bind[1] = l2jbi_bind_1;
l2jbi_bind[2] = l2jbi_bind_2;
l2jbi_bind[3] = l2jbi_bind_3;
l2jbi_bind[4] = l2jbi_bind_4;
l2jbi_bind[5] = l2jbi_bind_5;
l2jbi_bind[6] = l2jbi_bind_6;
l2jbi_bind[7] = l2jbi_bind_7;
// dbg.dispmon(myname, MON_NORMAL, psprintf("%0d: L2JBI (inv before ack) Monitor started\n", get_time(LO)));
PR_NORMAL(myname, MON_NORMAL, psprintf("%0d: L2JBI (inv before ack) Monitor started\n", get_time(LO)));
//printf("%0d: L2JBI (inv before ack) Monitor started\n", get_time(LO));
for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
/// Ensure that the L2 sends requests to the CPX for WR8/WRI invalidations before sending the WR8/WRI ack
integer l2_semph_id = alloc(SEMAPHORE, 0, 1,1);
lp = l2jbi_bind[i];
while(monitor_on) {
// Wait for WR8/WRI hit or dependent (i.e. not miss) to hit the cache.
if(lp.$arb_inst_vld_c2 && !lp.$arbdec_arbdp_inst_fb_c2 &&
lp.$arbdp_inst_c2[JBI] && !lp.$arbdp_inst_c2[RDD] &&
lp.$tag_hit_l2orfb_c2 && (lp.$arbdec_arbdp_inst_dep_c2 || !lp.$arbdec_arbdp_inst_mb_c2)) {
WaitForInvAndAck(lp, l2_semph_id);
join none
@(posedge l2jbi.ccx_rclk);
} // while(1)
join none
} // for(i=0; i<8; i++)
task WaitForInvAndAck(l2jbi_port lp, integer l2_semph_id) {
integer maxWait = 2500; // was 500
integer j;
bit [7:0] sctag_cpx_req_cq, sctag_cpx_req_cq_d1;
JbiClass jbi;
jbi = new();
// C2 at this point
//jbi.reqtype = lp.$arbdp_inst_c2[JBI_REQTYPE];
jbi.isWRI = 1'b0;
else if(lp.$arbdp_inst_c2[23]){
jbi.isWRI = 1'b1;
error("%0d: L2JBI: Unexpected JBI request type\n\n", get_time(LO));
jbi.address = lp.$arbdp_addr_c2;
//jbi.ctag = {lp.$arbdp_inst_c2[CTAG_UPPER], lp.$arbdp_inst_c2[CTAG_LOWER]};
jbi.ctag = lp.$arbdp_inst_c2[15:0];
jbi.ack = {8'bXXXXXXXX, 8'bXXXXXXXX, jbi.ctag};
//jbi.ack = {17'b0, jbi.address[1:0], jbi.reqtype[0], jbi.ctag};
PR_NORMAL(myname, MON_NORMAL, psprintf("%0d: WaitForInvAndAck started for %s (ctag = %x, addr = %x)\n", get_time(LO), jbi.isWRI ? "WRI" : "WR8", jbi.ctag, jbi.address));
// wait till C6 (req_out_c6 is asserted 4 cycles after tagctl_hit_l2orfb_c2 for WR8s/WRIs)
repeat(4 + 1) @(posedge l2jbi.ccx_rclk);
jbi.sctag_cpx_req = lp.$req_out_c6;
// WR8/WRI causes L1 invalidations
if(jbi.sctag_cpx_req != 8'b0) {
// wait till C7
@(posedge l2jbi.ccx_rclk);
jbi.sctag_cpx_data = {1'b1, CPX_EVICT, 3'b0, 9'bx, 1'b0, lp.$ext_inval_data_c7}; //<MOD>
j = 0;
while(j++ < maxWait) {
sctag_cpx_req_cq_d1 = sctag_cpx_req_cq;
sctag_cpx_req_cq = lp.$sctag_cpx_req_cq;
// match both sctag_cpx_req_cq and sctag_cpx_data_ca
if(sctag_cpx_req_cq_d1 == jbi.sctag_cpx_req && lp.$sctag_cpx_data_ca =?= jbi.sctag_cpx_data) {
jbi.inv_before_ack = 1'b1;
@(posedge l2jbi.ccx_rclk);
if(j > maxWait)
error("%0d: L2JBI: Timeout waiting for CPX requests for WR8/WRI invalidations\n\n", get_time(LO));
// no L1 invalidations
jbi.inv_before_ack = 1'b1;
// only one monitor can be waiting for lp.$oqu_st_complete_c6 == 1'b1
semaphore_get (WAIT, l2_semph_id, 1);
// Wait for oqctl_st_complete_c6 to be asserted, because scbuf_jbi_ctag_vld is always asserted
// exactly 7 cycles after oqctl_st_complete_c6.
// Only 1 WR8/WRI will be issued out of the MB and waiting for store completion at any time.
@1,maxWait lp.$oqu_st_complete_c6 == 1'b1;
semaphore_put (l2_semph_id, 1); // let other monitors get started
// ack arrives exactly 7 cycles after oqctl_st_complete_c6
// Expecting the ack in the exact cycle is necessary because the diags issue different WR8s/WRIs with
// the same ctag, which results in non-unique acks.
@7 lp.$l2b_sio_ctag_vld == 1'b1, lp.$l2b_sio_data == jbi.ack;
// check that CPX request for INV was sent before JBI ack
if(!jbi.inv_before_ack) {
error("%0d: L2JBI: %s ack sent to JBI before invalidations were sent to cores (ctag = %x, addr = %x)\n\n",
get_time(LO), jbi.isWRI ? "WRI" : "WR8", jbi.ctag, jbi.address);
// optional: print out message when inv-before-ack condition is satisfied
if(jbi.sctag_cpx_req != 8'b0) {
PR_NORMAL(myname, MON_NORMAL, psprintf("%0d: L2JBI: inv-before-ack condition satisfied for %s (ctag = %x, addr = %x)\n", get_time(LO), jbi.isWRI ? "WRI" : "WR8", jbi.ctag, jbi.address));
join all