Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / fnx / vlib / DMUXtr / GNUmakefile
# Creation Date : 08/24/2004
# File name : GNUmakefile
# Description : makefile for building DMUXtr
# *************************************************************************
lib = DMUXtr
lib_list =
# for now, generate its own headers.
lib_additional_vera_cmp_args =
# tell runsim to concatenate the vera files
lib_$(lib)_combine_vera = 1
# Use `lib_$(lib)_vera_src' to define the list of vera source files
# which compose this library.
include vera/Makefile.include
# get all the usual targets and dependencies.
include $(DV_ROOT)/verif/env/fire/runsim/makefiles/Makefile.libtop