Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / ilu_peu / vera / N2str / ilupeuErrChkPEUStr.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: ilupeuErrChkPEUStr.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include "report_info.vrh"
#define _REPORT_ERR(msg),"ErrChkPEUStr (cycle %0d) %s\n", get_cycle(),msg)
#define ERR_INFO(msg) printf("%s\n",msg)
class ErrChkPEUStr extends PEUStrBase
local integer f_errQueue; // A mailbox for bad pkt headers
local integer f_errCount; // The number of expected errors
static integer f_ueQueue = 0; // An old UE mailbox
static integer f_oeQueue = 0; // An old OE mailbox
ReportClass Report;
task new( PEUTestEnv a_env, integer a_queue, integer a_errCount )
{ a_env );
f_errQueue = a_queue;
f_errCount = a_errCount;
Report = a_env.Report;
} /* end new */
local task allocQueues( var integer ueQueue, var integer oeQueue )
if ( f_ueQueue == 0 )
ueQueue = alloc( MAILBOX, 0, 1 );
ueQueue = f_ueQueue;
f_ueQueue = 0;
if ( f_oeQueue == 0 )
oeQueue = alloc( MAILBOX, 0, 1 );
oeQueue = f_oeQueue;
f_oeQueue = 0;
local task freeQueues( integer ueQueue, integer oeQueue )
bit garb;
while( mailbox_get( NO_WAIT, ueQueue, garb ) ) { /* empty the queue */ }
while( mailbox_get( NO_WAIT, oeQueue, garb ) ) { /* empty the queue */ }
f_ueQueue = ueQueue;
f_oeQueue = oeQueue;
local task CheckLoggedHdr( integer errQueue,
bit[127:0] tlpHdr, bit[127:0] txHdr,
string errClass )
bit gotX;
bit[127:0] errHdr;
bit[127:0] reqHdr;
PEC_ERRtype errType;
// Ignore the TD bit in the
// "tlpHdr".
tlpHdr[ PEC_PCI__TD ] = 1'b0;
// Expected headers will be put
// back to our "errQueue".
// A "none" error marks the end
// of the original contents.
mailbox_put( errQueue, e_ERR_none );
// Look at all the different
// error-packets...
gotX = 0;
mailbox_get( NO_WAIT, errQueue, errType );
while( errType != e_ERR_none )
mailbox_get( NO_WAIT, errQueue, errHdr );
mailbox_get( NO_WAIT, errQueue, reqHdr );
// A time-out? Check the header
// from the error-queue against
// the logged request header.
if ( errType == e_ERR_ue_cto || errType == e_ERR_oe_cto )
if ( errHdr === 128'bx )
gotX = 1;
else if ( txHdr[PEC_PCI__FMT_4DW] )
if ( txHdr == errHdr ) return;
mailbox_put( errQueue, errHdr );
if ( txHdr[127:32] == errHdr[127:32] ) return;
mailbox_put( errQueue, errHdr );
// If the header is "X", then
// anything is OK.
else if ( errHdr === 128'bx )
gotX = 1;
// Otherwise, check to see if
// we've got one of the bad-boy
// packet headers in the log.
else if ( tlpHdr[PEC_PCI__FMT_4DW] )
errHdr[ PEC_PCI__TD ] = 1'b0;
if ( tlpHdr == errHdr )
if ( reqHdr !== 128'bx )
if ( reqHdr[PEC_PCI__FMT_4DW] ? ( reqHdr != txHdr )
: ( reqHdr[127:32] != txHdr[127:32] ))
_REPORT_ERR( "Incorrect PIO request header logged" );
ERR_INFO( psprintf( "Actual: %h", txHdr ) );
ERR_INFO( psprintf( "Expect: %h", reqHdr ) );
mailbox_put( errQueue, errHdr );
errHdr[ PEC_PCI__TD ] = 1'b0;
if ( tlpHdr[127:32] == errHdr[127:32] )
if ( reqHdr !== 128'bx )
if ( reqHdr[PEC_PCI__FMT_4DW] ? ( reqHdr != txHdr )
: ( reqHdr[127:32] != txHdr[127:32] ))
_REPORT_ERR( "Incorrect PIO request header logged" );
ERR_INFO( psprintf( "Actual: %h", txHdr ) );
ERR_INFO( psprintf( "Expect: %h", reqHdr ) );
mailbox_put( errQueue, errHdr );
// Get the next guy in the queue
mailbox_get( NO_WAIT, errQueue, errType );
// If we got here, then none of
// the erroneous TLP headers
// matched. Complain if none
// of them was an "X".
if ( !gotX )
_REPORT_ERR( psprintf("Incorrect %s header logged", errClass) );
if ( tlpHdr[PEC_PCI__FMT_4DW] )
ERR_INFO( psprintf("Actual: %h", tlpHdr) );
ERR_INFO( psprintf("Actual: %h", tlpHdr[127:32]) );
while( mailbox_get( NO_WAIT, errQueue, errHdr ) )
if ( errHdr[PEC_PCI__FMT_4DW] )
ERR_INFO( psprintf("Expect: %h", errHdr) );
ERR_INFO( psprintf("Expect: %h", errHdr[127:32]) );
} /* end CheckLoggedHdr */
local function
bit CheckErrorStatus( bit[63:0] errCSR, //Actual Error
bit[63:0] logEnab,
bit[63:0] intEnab,
bit[63:0] intCSR,
bit[63:0] intMask,
var bit[31:0] primaryErr, //Expected Error
var bit[31:0] secondaryErr, //Expected Error
string errType )
string msg;
bit [31:0] primaryLog;
bit [31:0] secondaryLog;
bit [31:0] secondaryOvfl;
// Determine which primary errors
// should be logged.
primaryLog = primaryErr & logEnab[31:0];
// Primary errors which aren't
// recorded in the status register
// become secondary errors.
// This only applies to primary errors
// which are in the "data log" group.
secondaryOvfl = primaryLog & ~errCSR[31:0];
primaryLog = primaryLog & errCSR[31:0];
// All logged secondary errors must be
// mentioned in the error status CSR.
// The primary and secondary log-enables
// are the same!
secondaryLog = (secondaryErr | secondaryOvfl) & logEnab[31:0];
if ( (secondaryLog & errCSR[63:32]) != secondaryLog )
sprintf( msg, "Expected %s error status bits are not set", errType );
_REPORT_ERR( msg );
sprintf( msg, " Primary errors..... %h", primaryErr );
ERR_INFO( msg );
sprintf( msg, " Secondary errors... %h", secondaryErr );
ERR_INFO( msg );
sprintf( msg, " Error status CSR... %h", errCSR );
ERR_INFO( msg );
sprintf( msg, " Log enable CSR..... %h", logEnab );
ERR_INFO( msg );
// If that looks OK, then make sure that
// an interrupt is presented to the top
// level error/interrupt register AS A
else if ( ({secondaryLog,primaryLog} & intEnab)
&& !(intCSR & intMask) )
sprintf( msg, "PEC error register does not reflect %s errors", errType );
_REPORT_ERR( msg );
sprintf( msg, " PEC error status...... %h", intCSR );
ERR_INFO( msg );
sprintf( msg, " Logged errors......... %h", errCSR );
ERR_INFO( msg );
sprintf( msg, " Enabled interrupts.... %h", intEnab );
ERR_INFO( msg );
sprintf( msg, " Primary errors........ %h", primaryErr );
ERR_INFO( msg );
sprintf( msg, " Secondary errors...... %h", secondaryErr );
ERR_INFO( msg );
sprintf( msg, " secondaryLog= %h primaryLog=%h intMask=%h", secondaryLog,primaryLog,intMask );
ERR_INFO( msg );
// Do we expect an interrupt as a result
// of these errors?
CheckErrorStatus = ({secondaryLog,primaryLog} & intEnab)
&& (intCSR & intMask);
// Expected errors which are logged
// must be cleared.
primaryErr = primaryLog & errCSR[31:0];
secondaryErr = secondaryLog & errCSR[63:32];
} /* end CheckErrorStatus */
task Execute()
integer oeErrQueue; // OEs from "f_errQueue"
integer ueErrQueue; // UEs from "f_errQueue"
integer errTotal; // # of errors expected
integer errCount; // # of errors seen so far
integer multErrCount; // # of errors from one strat'y
PEC_ERRtype errType; // The sort of error
bit[127:0] errHdr; // The offending TLP's header
bit[127:0] reqHdr; // A transmitted request?
bit[31:0] primaryILU;
bit[31:0] primaryUE;
bit[31:0] primaryCE;
bit[31:0] primaryOE;
bit[31:0] primaryDLPL;
bit[31:0] secondaryILU;
bit[31:0] secondaryUE;
bit[31:0] secondaryCE;
bit[31:0] secondaryOE;
bit[31:0] secondaryDLPL; //Should never be anything but 0
bit[31:0] optionalILU;
bit[31:0] optionalUE;
bit[31:0] optionalCE;
bit[31:0] optionalOE;
bit[31:0] optionalDLPL;
bit[63:0] pecErr;
bit[63:0] logErr;
bit[63:0] logEnab;
bit[63:0] intEnab;
bit[63:0] logHdr1;
bit[63:0] logHdr2;
bit[63:0] reqHdr1;
bit[63:0] reqHdr2;
bit iluInt = 0;
bit ueInt = 0;
bit ceInt = 0;
bit oeInt = 0;
bit optIluInt = 0;
bit optUeInt = 0;
bit optCeInt = 0;
bit optOeInt = 0;
integer errBit;
string msg;
integer timerErrQueue;
// Build other mailboxes to hold the
// descriptors for the expected
// UE and OE errors.
allocQueues( ueErrQueue, oeErrQueue );
// There are two entries in the
// "f_errQueue" for every error.
// We're going to take errors from the
// "f_errQueue" and mark a "primary"
// bit if the error is expected, and a
// "secondary" bit if it's expected to
// happen more than once.
errCount = 0;
primaryILU = 32'b0;
primaryUE = 32'b0;
primaryCE = 32'b0;
primaryOE = 32'b0;
primaryDLPL = 32'b0;
secondaryILU = 32'b0;
secondaryUE = 32'b0;
secondaryCE = 32'b0;
secondaryOE = 32'b0;
secondaryDLPL = 32'b0;
optionalILU = 32'b0;
optionalUE = 32'b0;
optionalCE = 32'b0;
optionalOE = 32'b0;
optionalDLPL = 32'b0;
reqHdr = 128'bx;
errTotal = f_errCount;
while( errCount < errTotal )
void = mailbox_get( WAIT, f_errQueue, errType );
//Timeout if errors never make it to f_errQueue
timerErrQueue = 10000;
while( timerErrQueue ){
@(posedge CLOCK);
join any
if( !timerErrQueue ){,"ErrChkPEUStr timed out waiting for mailbox_get of f_errQueue\n");
// If the error is "none", then what
// follows is the actual number of
// errors generated by a strategy.
if ( errType == e_ERR_none )
void = mailbox_get( WAIT, f_errQueue, multErrCount );
if ( multErrCount < 0 )
void = mailbox_get( WAIT, f_errQueue, reqHdr );
errTotal = errTotal + multErrCount - 1;
// Otherwise, put the error and the
// associated header in the local FIFO.
void = mailbox_get( WAIT, f_errQueue, errHdr );
if ( PEC_ERR_isUE(errType) && errHdr !== 128'bx0 )
mailbox_put( ueErrQueue, errType );
mailbox_put( ueErrQueue, errHdr );
mailbox_put( ueErrQueue, reqHdr );
else if ( PEC_ERR_isOE(errType) && errHdr !== 128'bx0 )
mailbox_put( oeErrQueue, errType );
mailbox_put( oeErrQueue, errHdr );
mailbox_put( oeErrQueue, reqHdr );
reqHdr = 128'bx;
errCount = errCount + 1;
// Mark the error-status bit associated
// with this error as expected.
errBit = PEC_ERR_bitIndex(errType);
if ( errBit < 0 )
_REPORT_ERR( "Internal BUG! Invalid error type?!?" );
else if ( PEC_ERR_isILU(errType) )
if ( errHdr === 128'bx0 )
optionalILU[errBit] = 1'b1;
else if ( primaryILU[errBit] )
secondaryILU[errBit] = 1'b1;
primaryILU[errBit] = 1'b1;
else if ( PEC_ERR_isUE(errType) )
if ( errHdr === 128'bx0 )
optionalUE[errBit] = 1'b1;
else if ( primaryUE[errBit] )
secondaryUE[errBit] = 1'b1;
primaryUE[errBit] = 1'b1;
else if ( PEC_ERR_isCE(errType) )
if ( errHdr === 128'bx0 )
optionalCE[errBit] = 1'b1;
else if ( primaryCE[errBit] )
secondaryCE[errBit] = 1'b1;
primaryCE[errBit] = 1'b1;
else if ( PEC_ERR_isOE(errType) )
if ( errHdr === 128'bx0 )
optionalOE[errBit] = 1'b1;
else if ( errBit === 11 ) //LIN is primary only
primaryOE[errBit] = 1'b1;
else if ( primaryOE[errBit] )
secondaryOE[errBit] = 1'b1;
primaryOE[errBit] = 1'b1;
else if ( PEC_ERR_isDLPL(errType) )
if ( errHdr === 128'bx0 )
optionalDLPL[errBit] = 1'b1;
else //There are only primary errors in the DLPL register
primaryDLPL[errBit] = 1'b1;
} RTYP_INFO, "ErrChkPEUStr errTotal=%0d received pILU=%0h pUE=%0h pCE=%0h pOE=%0h sILU=%0h sUE=%0h sCE=%0h sOE=%0h \n", errTotal,primaryILU,primaryUE,primaryCE,primaryOE,secondaryILU,secondaryUE,secondaryCE,secondaryOE ); RTYP_INFO, "ErrChkPEUStr oILU=%0h oUE=%0h oCE=%0h oOE=%0h \n", optionalILU,optionalUE,optionalCE,optionalOE );
// We've received all the errors that
// we expect. Now check that the
// errors were recorded correctly by
// the DUT. First, make sure that the
// ILU/UE/CE/OE bit(s) are correct.
#ifdef N2_IOS
pecErr = readPECRegister();
pecErr = f_env.readCSR( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_pec_err ) );
// Make sure that the individual
// error bits are set correctly.
// and that the "pecErr" is set if any
// error is enabled for both logging
// and for interrupts!
// Be sure to check the secondary bits!
if ( primaryILU || optionalILU )
logErr = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ilu_err ) );
logEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ilu_log_en ) );
intEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ilu_int_en ) );
if( primaryILU ){
iluInt = CheckErrorStatus( logErr, logEnab, intEnab,
pecErr, PEC_ERR_ILU_mask,
primaryILU, secondaryILU, "ILU" );
}else if( optionalILU ){
//Check for optional errors that are log and interrupt enabled
optIluInt = |( {optionalILU,optionalILU} &
logErr &
{logEnab[31:0],logEnab[31:0]} &
intEnab );
// Are we expecting a UE?
if ( primaryUE || optionalUE )
// Get the UE error status
logErr = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ue_err ) );
logEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ue_log_en ) );
intEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ue_int_en ) );
// Make sure the error status agrees
// with the errors that have been
// stimulated, and those that have
// been logged.
if( primaryUE ){
ueInt = CheckErrorStatus( logErr, logEnab, intEnab,
pecErr, PEC_ERR_UE_mask,
primaryUE, secondaryUE, "'uncorrectable'" );
// If one of our UEs was logged, then
// make sure that the captured TLP
// header is correct.
if( primaryUE ){
logHdr1 = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ue_recv_hdr1 ) );
logHdr2 = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ue_recv_hdr2 ) );
reqHdr1 = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ue_xmit_hdr1 ) );
reqHdr2 = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ue_xmit_hdr2 ) );
CheckLoggedHdr( ueErrQueue, { logHdr1, logHdr2 }, {reqHdr1, reqHdr2},
"uncorrectable" );
}else if( optionalUE ){
//Check for optional errors that are log and interrupt enabled
optUeInt = |( {optionalUE,optionalUE} &
logErr &
{logEnab[31:0],logEnab[31:0]} &
intEnab );
if ( primaryCE || optionalCE )
logErr = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ce_err ) );
logEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ce_log_en ) );
intEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ce_int_en ) );
if( primaryCE ){
ceInt = CheckErrorStatus( logErr, logEnab, intEnab,
pecErr, PEC_ERR_CE_mask,
primaryCE, secondaryCE, "'correctable'" );
}else if( optionalCE ){
//Check for optional errors that are log and interrupt enabled
optCeInt = |( {optionalCE,optionalCE} &
logErr &
{logEnab[31:0],logEnab[31:0]} &
intEnab );
if ( primaryOE || optionalOE )
logErr = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_oe_err ) );
logEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_oe_log_en ) );
intEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_oe_int_en ) );
if( primaryOE ){
oeInt = CheckErrorStatus( logErr, logEnab, intEnab,
pecErr, PEC_ERR_OE_mask,
primaryOE, secondaryOE, "'other'" );
// If one of our OEs was logged, then
// make sure that the captured TLP
// header is correct.
if ( primaryOE )
logHdr1 = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_oe_recv_hdr1 ) );
logHdr2 = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_oe_recv_hdr2 ) );
reqHdr1 = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_oe_xmit_hdr1 ) );
reqHdr2 = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_oe_xmit_hdr2 ) );
CheckLoggedHdr( oeErrQueue, { logHdr1, logHdr2 }, { reqHdr1, reqHdr2 },
"other" );
}else if( optionalOE ){
//Check for optional errors that are log and interrupt enabled
optOeInt = |( {optionalOE,optionalOE} &
logErr &
{logEnab[31:0],logEnab[31:0]} &
intEnab );
if ( primaryDLPL )
logErr = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_dlpl_ee_err ) );
logEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_dlpl_ee_log_en ) );
intEnab = f_env.readCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_dlpl_ee_int_en ) );
//DLPL errors will also generate a OE Link error that will generate
// the interrupt
//Only check the errors and not the events
void = CheckErrorStatus( (logErr & 32'h3ffff), logEnab, intEnab,
pecErr, PEC_ERR_OE_mask,
primaryDLPL, secondaryDLPL, "'DLPL'" );
//If there were no primary interrupts expected then check for any optional errors
// that could cause an interrupt
if( iluInt | ueInt | ceInt | oeInt ){
// Make sure an interrupt was presented. RTYP_DEBUG_3, "ErrChkPEUStr call f_env.expectInterrupt iluInt=%0h ueInt=%0h ceInt=%0h oeInt=%0h \n",iluInt,ueInt,ceInt,oeInt );
void = f_env.expectInterrupt( 1 );
}else if( optIluInt | optUeInt | optCeInt | optOeInt ){
// Make sure an optional interrupt was presented if no primary. RTYP_DEBUG_3, "ErrChkPEUStr call f_env.expectInterrupt optIluInt=%0h optUeInt=%0h optCeInt=%0h optOeInt=%0h \n",optIluInt,optUeInt,optCeInt,optOeInt );
void = f_env.expectInterrupt( 1 );
// Clear the logged error bits.
#ifdef N2_IOS
if ( primaryILU | secondaryILU | optionalILU )
f_env.writeCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ilu_err ),
{ secondaryILU | optionalILU, primaryILU | optionalILU });
if ( primaryUE | secondaryUE | optionalUE )
f_env.writeCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ue_err ),
{ secondaryUE | optionalUE, primaryUE | optionalUE } );
if ( primaryCE | secondaryCE | optionalCE )
f_env.writeCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ce_err ),
{ secondaryCE | optionalCE, primaryCE | optionalCE } );
//DLPL Errors must be cleared before OE so Link Up bit gets cleared
if ( primaryDLPL | secondaryDLPL | optionalDLPL )
f_env.writeCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_dlpl_ee_err ),
{ secondaryDLPL | optionalDLPL, primaryDLPL | optionalDLPL } );
if ( primaryOE | secondaryOE | optionalOE )
f_env.writeCSRdirect( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_oe_err ),
{ secondaryOE | optionalOE, primaryOE | optionalOE } );
if ( primaryILU | secondaryILU | optionalILU )
f_env.writeCSR( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ilu_err ),
{ secondaryILU | optionalILU, primaryILU | optionalILU });
if ( primaryUE | secondaryUE | optionalUE )
f_env.writeCSR( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ue_err ),
{ secondaryUE | optionalUE, primaryUE | optionalUE } );
if ( primaryCE | secondaryCE | optionalCE )
f_env.writeCSR( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_ce_err ),
{ secondaryCE | optionalCE, primaryCE | optionalCE } );
//DLPL Errors must be cleared before OE so Link Up bit gets cleared
if ( primaryDLPL | secondaryDLPL | optionalDLPL )
f_env.writeCSR( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_dlpl_ee_err ),
{ secondaryDLPL | optionalDLPL, primaryDLPL | optionalDLPL } );
if ( primaryOE | secondaryOE | optionalOE )
f_env.writeCSR( f_env.getCSRaddr( e_CSR_oe_err ),
{ secondaryOE | optionalOE, primaryOE | optionalOE } );
// All done!
freeQueues( ueErrQueue, oeErrQueue );
} /* end Execute */
virtual function bit [63:0] readPECRegister() {
} /* end ErrChkPEUStr */