Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / niu / rxc_sat / vera / checkers / mem_checker / niu_rxdma_pkttab.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: niu_rxdma_pkttab.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include <vera_defines.vrh>
#include <ListMacros.vrh>
#include "niu_rxtoken.vrh"
#include "mbox_class.vrh"
#include "get_mbox_id.vrh"
extern mbox_class mbox_id;
#define TIME {get_time(HI), get_time(LO)}
class CRxPacketScoreBoard {
integer port_id;
integer no_of_packets_qued, no_of_bytes_qued;
integer no_of_packets_dqued, no_of_bytes_dqued;
integer no_of_packets_checked, no_of_bytes_checked;
integer no_of_packets_dropped, no_of_bytes_dropped;
integer no_of_packets_l2_errors, no_of_bytes_l2_errors;
integer no_of_packets_ext_l2_errors, no_of_bytes_ext_l2_errors;
integer no_of_packets_ext_cksum_errors, no_of_bytes_ext_cksum_errors;
integer no_of_packets_ext_runts,no_of_bytes_ext_runts;
integer hist1_count;
integer hist2_count;
integer hist3_count;
integer hist4_count;
integer hist5_count;
integer hist6_count;
integer hist7_count;
integer max_pkt_err_count;
integer min_pkt_err_count;
integer mcast_pkt_count;
integer bcast_pkt_count;
integer code_viol_err_count;
integer bmac_align_err_count;
integer xmac_byte_cnt;
bit last_pkt_rcvd; // Token with (last_packet == 1 )receivced
// queu of packets
CRxToken RxTokenQue[];
CRxToken DeletedRxTokenQue[];
task print_stats( ( integer interval = 10000), (bit one_time = 0) );
task new(integer p) {
port_id = p;
last_pkt_rcvd = 1'b0;
if(mbox_id.niu_rxpath_sb[p] == -1) {
mbox_id.niu_rxpath_sb[p] = alloc(MAILBOX,0,1);
// Check if we were succesfull allocating the mailbox
if(mbox_id.niu_rxpath_sb[p] == 0) {
printf("ERROR Could not allocate the scoreboard mailbox port %d \n",p);
mbox_id.niu_rxpath_sb[p] = -1;
no_of_packets_qued = 0;
no_of_packets_dqued = 0;
no_of_packets_checked = 0;
no_of_packets_dropped = 0;
no_of_packets_l2_errors = 0;
no_of_packets_ext_l2_errors =0;
no_of_bytes_ext_cksum_errors =0;
no_of_packets_ext_runts =0;
no_of_bytes_ext_runts =0;
hist1_count = 0;
hist2_count = 0;
hist3_count = 0;
hist4_count = 0;
hist5_count = 0;
hist6_count = 0;
hist7_count = 0;
xmac_byte_cnt = 0;
max_pkt_err_count = 0;
min_pkt_err_count = 0;
mcast_pkt_count = 0;
bcast_pkt_count = 0;
code_viol_err_count = 0;
bmac_align_err_count = 0;
no_of_bytes_qued = 0;
no_of_bytes_dqued = 0;
no_of_bytes_checked = 0;
no_of_bytes_dropped = 0;
no_of_bytes_l2_errors = 0;
join none
join none
function integer addPackets(CRxToken RxToken);
function integer getPacket(integer id, var CRxToken RxToken,integer dma_no,integer dma_no_from_pkt) ;
local function integer CheckDeletedQueue(integer id, var CRxToken RxToken);
function integer getNoOfEntries() ;
task incPacketStats(CRxToken RxToken);
task wait_for_packets();
task CRxPacketScoreBoard::incPacketStats(CRxToken RxToken ) {
integer pg_error_code;
integer rxtoken_error_code;
no_of_packets_qued ++;
no_of_bytes_qued = no_of_bytes_qued + RxToken.pkt_length;
// xmac byte counter ceils to the multiple of 8 bytes
if (RxToken.pkt_length%8)
xmac_byte_cnt = RxToken.pkt_length/8 + 1;
xmac_byte_cnt = RxToken.pkt_length/8;
// ext errors
pg_error_code = RxToken.pgToken.pack_db.frame.error_code;
// if ext l2 errors
if((pg_error_code&PG_CRC_ERR) /*What about PG_TYPE_LEN_ERR?*/) {
no_of_bytes_ext_l2_errors = no_of_bytes_ext_l2_errors + RxToken.pkt_length;
// if ext cksum errors
if((pg_error_code&PG_CHKSUM_ERR) /**/) {
no_of_bytes_ext_cksum_errors = no_of_bytes_ext_cksum_errors + RxToken.pkt_length;
if( RxToken.pkt_length<64) {
no_of_bytes_ext_runts = no_of_bytes_ext_runts + RxToken.pkt_length;
if (RxToken.pkt_length==64) hist1_count ++ ;
if (RxToken.pkt_length>=65 && RxToken.pkt_length<128) hist2_count ++ ;
if (RxToken.pkt_length>=128 && RxToken.pkt_length<256) hist3_count ++ ;
if (RxToken.pkt_length>=256 && RxToken.pkt_length<512) hist4_count ++ ;
if (RxToken.pkt_length>=512 && RxToken.pkt_length<1024) hist5_count ++ ;
if (RxToken.pkt_length>=1024 && RxToken.pkt_length<1523) hist6_count ++ ;
hist7_count ++ ; // total packet counter
if (RxToken.pgToken.pack_db.flow.dst_node.l2_addr == 48'hffff_ffff_ffff) bcast_pkt_count ++ ;
function integer CRxPacketScoreBoard::addPackets(CRxToken RxToken) {
integer id;
id =;
if(RxToken.port_num!=port_id) {
printf("ERROR Incorrect Packet port num received !! \n");
addPackets = -1;
} else if(assoc_index(CHECK,RxTokenQue,id)) {
// check if this entry already exists
printf(" packet id - %d exists in the queue - TB ERROR \n");
addPackets = -1;
} else {
// Now add the packet
RxTokenQue[id] = RxToken;
printf("CRxPacketScoreBoard::addPackets packet id - %d added in the queue - Port id - %d No Sofar - %d\n",id,port_id,no_of_packets_qued);
if(RxToken.last_packet) {
last_pkt_rcvd = 1'b1;
printf("%d CRxPacketScoreBoard::addPackets packet id - %d Received Last packet for Port id - %d \n",TIME, id,port_id);
function integer CRxPacketScoreBoard::CheckDeletedQueue(integer id, var CRxToken RxToken){
integer status;
if(assoc_index(CHECK,DeletedRxTokenQue,id)) {
CheckDeletedQueue = 0;
RxToken = DeletedRxTokenQue[id].object_copy();
status = assoc_index(DELETE,DeletedRxTokenQue,id);
printf("CRxPacketScoreBoard::CheckDeletedQueue: id - %d port_id - %d found in deleted entry !!\n",id,port_id);
} else {
CheckDeletedQueue = 1;
function integer CRxPacketScoreBoard::getPacket(integer id, var CRxToken RxToken,integer dma_no,integer dma_no_from_pkt) {
integer status;
integer first_id;
integer iid,j;
integer dma_no_to_compare;
// find out how many entries are there before this one.
// Among these are any of the entries expected to be dropped due to intentional errors
// such as CRC, FIFO Errors etc
// If not - mark them as potentially dropped due to backpressure and check if the testcase
// was intending to do back-pressure.
// Check if this id is for a packet already deleted. If so the only time this can come would be
// when default dma is different from what was intended
status = CheckDeletedQueue(id, RxToken);
if(status==0) {
// entry found - decrement counter
getPacket = 1;
printf("CRxPacketScoreBoard::getPacket: CheckDeletedQueue PacketId - %d Port - %d dma_no - %d Dropped - So far - %d \n",id,port_id,dma_no_from_pkt,no_of_packets_dropped);
// no_of_bytes_dropped = no_of_bytes_dropped +RxTokenQue[iid].pkt_length;
// no_of_bytes_dqued = no_of_bytes_dqued + RxToken.pkt_length;
} else {
// check if the id exists
status = assoc_index(FIRST,RxTokenQue,first_id);
if(status==0) {
printf("PacketQue Empty !!! Illegal packet received Port No -%d \n",port_id);
getPacket = -1;
} else if(assoc_index(CHECK,RxTokenQue,id)) {
if(id== first_id) {
printf(" Packet Received Matches with the first one- No Packets dropped until now PortNo- %d PacketId - %d \n",port_id,id);
} else {
// scan through the que until we find the packet
dma_no_to_compare = dma_no;
status = assoc_index(FIRST,RxTokenQue,first_id);
iid = first_id;
while(id!=iid) {
// find out if next exists
if(RxTokenQue[iid].dma_num== dma_no_to_compare) {
no_of_bytes_dropped = no_of_bytes_dropped +RxTokenQue[iid].pkt_length;
printf("CRxPacketScoreBoard::getPacket: PacketId - %d Port - %d dma_no - %d Dropped - So far - %d \n",iid,port_id,dma_no_to_compare,no_of_packets_dropped);
status = assoc_index(NEXT,RxTokenQue,j);
if(status) { /*printf("delete found next\n");*/}
else { if (id!=j) printf("ERROR IN FINDING NEXT\n"); }
DeletedRxTokenQue[iid] = RxTokenQue[iid].object_copy();
status = assoc_index(DELETE,RxTokenQue,iid);
iid = j;
} else {
status = assoc_index(NEXT,RxTokenQue,j);
if(status) { /*printf("found next\n");*/}
else { if (id!=j) printf("ERROR IN FINDING NEXT\n"); }
iid = j;
printf(" RxTokenQue[%d] Expected DMa No - %d Matched with id - %d \n",port_id,dma_no,iid);
}// end else
RxToken = new();
RxToken = RxTokenQue[id].object_copy();
status = assoc_index(DELETE,RxTokenQue,id);
no_of_bytes_dqued = no_of_bytes_dqued + RxToken.pkt_length;
getPacket = 1;
} else {
printf(" Packet Id doesnt exist!!! Illegal packet received \n");
getPacket = -1;
function integer CRxPacketScoreBoard::getNoOfEntries() {
getNoOfEntries = no_of_packets_qued - no_of_packets_dqued;
task CRxPacketScoreBoard::wait_for_packets() {
CRxToken RxToken;
integer no_of_tkns,status;
while(1) {
no_of_tkns = mailbox_get(WAIT,mbox_id.niu_rxpath_sb[port_id], RxToken);
status = addPackets(RxToken);
printf(" ERROR in adding packets to scoreboard \n");
task CRxPacketScoreBoard::print_stats( ( integer interval = 10000), (bit one_time = 0) ) {
integer count;
integer packets_remaining,packets_checked,total_packets_sent,packets_dropped,packets_l2_errors;
count = 0;
while(1) {
printf("###START CURRENT STATS####!! TIME - %d Port - %d \n",TIME,port_id);
packets_remaining = getNoOfEntries();
packets_checked = no_of_packets_dqued;
total_packets_sent = no_of_packets_qued;
packets_dropped = no_of_packets_dropped;
packets_l2_errors = no_of_packets_l2_errors;
printf("###STATS SOFAR#### Port=%0d packets_remaining=%0d packets_checked=%0d total_packets_sent=%0d\n", port_id, packets_remaining, packets_checked, total_packets_sent);
printf("###STATS SOFAR#### Port=%0d bytes_checked=%0d total_bytes_sent=%0d\n", port_id, no_of_bytes_dqued, no_of_bytes_qued);
printf("###STATS SOFAR#### Port=%0d packets dropped due to L2Error=%0d bytes=%0d\n", port_id, no_of_packets_l2_errors, no_of_bytes_l2_errors);
printf("###END CURRENT STATS####!! TIME - %d Port - %d \n",TIME,port_id);
repeat(interval + 10*port_id ) @(posedge CLOCK);