Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / tcu / vera / classes / ccu_checker.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: ccu_checker.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include <vera_defines.vrh>
#include "std_display_class.vrh"
#include "ucb_top.vri"
#include "ccu_top.vri"
#include "ccu_clk_packet.vrh"
#include "ccu_clks_states.vrh"
class CCU_checker {
//--public vars to control this checker---
integer is_chk_iosync_loc; // 0: not check; otherwise, check
integer is_chk_io2xsync_loc; // 0: not check; otherwise, check
integer is_chk_drsync_loc; // 0: not check; otherwise, check
integer is_chk_syssync_loc; // 0: not check; otherwise, check
//---ports and classes--
local CCU_clk_port clk_port; // each signal is a Vera CLOCK
local CCU_mon_port mon_port; // Vera clock is cmp_pll_clk
local CCU_clks_internal_port ccu_clks_internal_port;
local UCB_port ucb_port; // UCB interface signals (iol2clk)
local StandardDisplay dbg; // Standard display for printing
local CCU_clks_states ccu_states; // keep track expected values
local string name; // name of this object
local string dispScope; // for standard display
local integer verbose; // 0: disable verbose mode; otherwise, enable
local integer error_cnt; // Error count. Init to 0. WARN: become negative if exeed max integer
local integer max_error_printed; // not print error msg if (error_cnt > max_error_printed)
local integer max_debug_printed; // not print debug msg if (debug_cnt > max_debug_printed)
local integer running; // 1: checker is running, 0: not running
local CCU_clk_packet clk_pkt; // expected values for clock parameters
//---expected locations of IO and IO2X sync pulses---
local integer cmp_io_sync_loc, io_cmp_sync_loc, io2x_sync_loc; // 0: core and IO/IO2X clks are aligned
local integer cmp_sys_sync_loc, sys_cmp_sync_loc; // 0: cmp_pll_clk and ccu_rst_sys_clk are aligned
local integer dr_sync_loc[4]; // locations of dr sync at CCU boundary
local integer total_stage_flops; // total staging flops from CCU output to flop input
//---event vars to control checkers---
local event stop_checker_e; // triggered by stop_checker() to terminate start_checker()
local event stop_checking_e; // triggered by stop_checking() to terminate start_public()
//---public tasks---
task new(string name="CCU_checker", StandardDisplay dbg, CCU_clks_states ccu_states, integer start_it=0);
task start_checker(); // start the ccu checker
task stop_checker(); // stop the ccu checker
task start_clk_stretch_checker(); // start clk stretch checker
//---local subroutines---
local task start_checking(); // start checking
local task stop_checking(); // stop checking
local task check_clk_toggle(string clk_name);
local task check_clk_freq_pw(string clk_name);
local task check_io_io2x_sync_cnt_pw(string sync_name);
local task check_io_io2x_sync_loc(string sync_name);
local task check_sys_sync_cnt_pw(string sync_name);
local task check_sys_sync_loc(string sync_name);
local task check_dr_sync_toggle();
local task check_dr_sync_pw();
local task check_dr_sync_loc();
//---local tasks for clk stretch checker---
local task clk_stretch_checker();
local function integer clk_stretch_chkr_1clk(string clkname, bit st_phase_hi, integer st_delay, integer max_pw_dev, integer max_cycs, integer st_start_cyc);
//---supporting subroutines---
local task print_error_msg(integer err_cnt, string error_msg);
local task print_debug_msg(integer debug_cnt, string debug_msg);
local function integer is_outside_min_max(integer min_val, integer value, integer max_val);
local task compute_expected_dr_sync_loc();
local task show_dr_sync_loc();
//---one-line tasks----
function integer abs(integer n) { abs = (n >= 0)? n : n * -1; } // compute absolute value
//######### implementation of subroutines ###########
task CCU_checker::new(string name="ccu_checker", StandardDisplay dbg, CCU_clks_states ccu_states, integer start_it=0) {
integer i;
//---from arg list--- = name;
this.dbg = dbg;
this.ccu_states = ccu_states;
//---control vars---
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ccuChkr_chkIoIo2xDrSyncLoc")) {
this.is_chk_iosync_loc = 1;
this.is_chk_io2xsync_loc = 1;
this.is_chk_drsync_loc = 1;
else { //default is NOT checking sync locations at CCU
this.is_chk_iosync_loc = 0;
this.is_chk_io2xsync_loc = 0;
this.is_chk_drsync_loc = 0;
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ccuChkr_notChkSysSyncLoc"))
this.is_chk_syssync_loc = 0;
this.is_chk_syssync_loc = 1; // default is checking locations of sys sync pulses
this.clk_port = ccu_clk_bind;
this.mon_port = ccu_mon_bind;
this.ccu_clks_internal_port = ccu_clks_internal_bind;
this.ucb_port = ccu_ucb_mon_bind;
this.dispScope =;
this.verbose = (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ccuChkr_verbose"))? 1 : 0;
this.error_cnt = 0;
this.max_error_printed = 20;
this.max_debug_printed = 20;
this.running = 0;
this.clk_pkt = null; // illegal value
this.total_stage_flops = 8; // 5 flops in GCT, 2 flops in cluster hdr, 1 after cluster hdr
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
this.dr_sync_loc[i] = -1; // illegal value.
//---sync locations----
this.cmp_io_sync_loc = 3; // 3rd posedge of cmp_pll_clk after core and io clks aligned
this.io_cmp_sync_loc = 1; // 1st posedge of cmp_pll_clk after core and io clks aligned
this.io2x_sync_loc = 1; // 1st posedge of cmp_pll_clk after core and io2x clks aligned
this.cmp_sys_sync_loc = 1; // 1st posedge of cmp_pll_clk after cmp_pll_clk and ccu_rst_sys_clk aligned
this.sys_cmp_sync_loc = 1; // 1st posedge of cmp_pll_clk after cmp_pll_clk and ccu_rst_sys_clk aligned
//----override if runtime options specified---
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ccuChkr_cmpiosync_loc="))
this.cmp_io_sync_loc = get_plus_arg(NUM, "ccuChkr_cmpiosync_loc=");
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ccuChkr_iocmpsync_loc="))
this.io_cmp_sync_loc = get_plus_arg(NUM, "ccuChkr_iocmpsync_loc=");
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ccuChkr_io2xsync_loc="))
this.io2x_sync_loc = get_plus_arg(NUM, "ccuChkr_io2xsync_loc=");
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ccuChkr_maxError="))
this.max_error_printed = get_plus_arg(NUM, "ccuChkr_maxError=");
//---start background threads ---
if (start_it)
// WHAT: start CCU checker
task CCU_checker::start_checker() {
reg bit_value;
if (running)
return; // already running
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, "starts ...");
this.running = 1; // checker is running
fork {
fork {
while (1) {
bit_value = clk_port.$rst_ccu_ async;
if (bit_value !== 1'b1)
@(posedge clk_port.$rst_ccu_); // PLL is stable, so start checking
delay(3); // avoid race condition with ccu_states.get_clk_pkt()
this.clk_pkt = ccu_states.get_exp_clk_pkt();
@(negedge clk_port.$rst_ccu_pll_); // Reset PLL, so stop checking
} join none
sync(ALL, this.stop_checker_e); // stop() triggers this event
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, "stopped");
this.running = 0; // checker is not running
} join none
// WHAT: stop CCU checker (ie. terminate start_checker())
task CCU_checker::stop_checker() {
if (this.running)
trigger(this.stop_checker_e); // this event terminates start_checker()
// Start to check
task CCU_checker::start_checking() {
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, "start checking ...");
fork {
//-----cmp/dr/io/io2x clocks: check toggle, freq, pw---
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
//------ check IO sync and IO2X sync pulses --------
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
if (this.is_chk_iosync_loc) {
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ALWAYS, "warning: not checking cmp_io_sync_en locations");
if (this.is_chk_iosync_loc) {
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ALWAYS, "warning: not checking io_cmp_sync_en locations");
if (this.is_chk_io2xsync_loc) {
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ALWAYS, "warning: not checking io2x_sync_en locations");
//---- check SYS sync pulses ----
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
if (this.is_chk_syssync_loc) {
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ALWAYS, "warning: not checking cmp_sys_sync_en locations");
if (this.is_chk_syssync_loc) {
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ALWAYS, "warning: not checking sys_cmp_sync_en locations");
//----- check DR sync pulses -----
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
if (this.is_chk_drsync_loc) {
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_rst_sync_stable);
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ALWAYS, "warning: not checking dr_sync_en locations");
join none
sync(ALL, this.stop_checking_e); // stop_checking() triggers this event
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, "checking stopped");
} join none
task CCU_checker::stop_checking() {
trigger(this.stop_checking_e); // this event terminates start_checking()
// WHAT: Check the specified clock for toggling.
// ARGs: clk_name: "cmp_clk", "dr_clk", "io_out" or "io2x_out"
task CCU_checker::check_clk_toggle(string clk_name) {
string golden_clk; // golden clock to use for checking other clock
integer num_golden_clks;
integer old_cyc, new_cyc, ncycs, exp_min_ncycs, exp_max_ncycs;
integer err_cnt = 0, debug_cnt=0;
case (clk_name) {
"cmp_clk": {
golden_clk = "sys_clk";
num_golden_clks = 1;
exp_min_ncycs = this.clk_pkt.cmp_mult - 1; // '-1' : account sys and cmp clk edges are PERFECTLY aligned
exp_max_ncycs = this.clk_pkt.cmp_mult + 1; // '+1' : account sys and cmp clk edges are PERFECTLY aligned
@(posedge clk_port.$sys_clk);
old_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
"dr_clk": {
golden_clk = "sys_clk";
num_golden_clks = 2;
exp_min_ncycs = (this.clk_pkt.dr_mult * 2) - 1; // '-1' : account sys and dr clk edges are PERFECTLY aligned
exp_max_ncycs = (this.clk_pkt.dr_mult * 2) + 1; // '+1' : account sys and dr clk edges are PERFECTLY aligned
@(posedge clk_port.$sys_clk); // in DTM mode, dr-to-sys clk ratio is 1:1, so use 2 sys clk cycles
old_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
"io_out": {
golden_clk = "cmp_pll_clk";
num_golden_clks = this.clk_pkt.cmp2io_ratio;
exp_min_ncycs = 1;
exp_max_ncycs = 1;
@(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
old_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io2x_out": {
golden_clk = "cmp_pll_clk";
num_golden_clks = this.clk_pkt.cmp2io2x_ratio;
exp_min_ncycs = 1;
exp_max_ncycs = 1;
@(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
old_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$ccu_io2x_out);
default: {
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("CCU_checker::check_clk_toggle(%s) <= bad arg", clk_name));
return; // ignore
while (1) {
case (clk_name) {
"cmp_clk": {
repeat (num_golden_clks) @(posedge clk_port.$sys_clk);
new_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
"dr_clk": {
repeat (num_golden_clks) @(posedge clk_port.$sys_clk);
new_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
"io_out": {
repeat (num_golden_clks) @(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
new_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io2x_out": {
repeat (num_golden_clks) @(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
new_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$ccu_io2x_out);
ncycs = new_cyc - old_cyc;
if (is_outside_min_max(exp_min_ncycs, ncycs, exp_max_ncycs))
print_error_msg(err_cnt++, psprintf("number %s pulses in %0d %s is %0d. Expect: %0d to %0d",
clk_name, num_golden_clks, golden_clk, ncycs, exp_min_ncycs, exp_max_ncycs));
else if (this.verbose)
print_debug_msg(debug_cnt++, psprintf("number %s pulses in %0d %s is %0d. Expect: %0d to %0d",
clk_name, num_golden_clks, golden_clk, ncycs, exp_min_ncycs, exp_max_ncycs));
old_cyc = new_cyc;
// WHAT: Check freq and pulse width of the specified clk
// ARGs: clk_name: "cmp_clk", "dr_clk", "io_out" or "io2x_out"
// ASSUMPTION: checking that the specified clk toggles has been done.
task CCU_checker::check_clk_freq_pw(string clk_name) {
integer pw_dev; // deviation in clk pw
integer per, per_min, per_max; // clk period
integer pw_hi, pw_lo, pw_nom, pw_min, pw_max; // pulse width
integer clk_posedge, clk_negedge;
integer nom_4_min, nom_4_max; // nominal for min and max to minimize Vera rounding effect
integer per_error_cnt=0, pw_error_cnt=0; // error in period or pulse width
integer debug_cnt = 0;
case (clk_name) {
"cmp_clk": {
per_min = this.clk_pkt.cmp_clk_per_min;
per_max = this.clk_pkt.cmp_clk_per_max;
pw_dev = this.clk_pkt.cmp_pw_dev;
@(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
"dr_clk": {
per_min = this.clk_pkt.dr_clk_per_min;
per_max = this.clk_pkt.dr_clk_per_max;
pw_dev = this.clk_pkt.dr_pw_dev;
@(posedge clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
"io_out": {
per_min = this.clk_pkt.io_out_per_min;
per_max = this.clk_pkt.io_out_per_max;
pw_dev = this.clk_pkt.iox_pw_dev;
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io2x_out": {
per_min = this.clk_pkt.io2x_out_per_min;
per_max = this.clk_pkt.io2x_out_per_max;
pw_dev = this.clk_pkt.iox_pw_dev;
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io2x_out);
default: {
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("CCU_checker::check_clk_freq_pw(%s) <= bad arg", clk_name));
return; // ignore
clk_posedge = get_time(LO);
while (1) {
case (clk_name) {
"cmp_clk": @(negedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
"dr_clk": @(negedge clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
"io_out": @(negedge clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io2x_out": @(negedge clk_port.$ccu_io2x_out);
clk_negedge = get_time(LO);
pw_hi = clk_negedge - clk_posedge;
case (clk_name) {
"cmp_clk": @(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
"dr_clk": @(posedge clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
"io_out": @(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io2x_out": @(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io2x_out);
clk_posedge = get_time(LO);
pw_lo = clk_posedge - clk_negedge;
per = pw_hi + pw_lo;
if (is_outside_min_max(per_min, per, per_max))
print_error_msg(per_error_cnt++, psprintf("%s period: %0d, expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clk_name, per, per_min, per_max));
pw_nom = per / 2; // 50% duty cycle
nom_4_min = pw_nom - 1; // rounding down to account vera integer division
nom_4_max = pw_nom + 1; // rounding up to account vera integer division
pw_min = nom_4_min - (((per / 100) + 1) * pw_dev); // +1: account vera integer division
pw_max = nom_4_max + (((per / 100) + 1) * pw_dev); // +1: account vera integer division
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_min, pw_hi, pw_max) || is_outside_min_max(pw_min, pw_lo, pw_max))
print_error_msg(pw_error_cnt++, psprintf("%s pulse width: pw_hi=%0d, pw_lo=%0d, expect: min=%0d, max=%0d",
clk_name, pw_hi, pw_lo, pw_min, pw_max));
else if (this.verbose)
print_debug_msg(debug_cnt++, psprintf("%s per: %0d, expect: min=%0d, max=%0d. pw_hi=%0d, pw_lo=%0d. Expect: min=%0d, max=%0d",
clk_name, per, per_min, per_max, pw_hi, pw_lo, pw_min, pw_max));
// WHAT: check io_sync_en and io2x_sync_en
// -Sync pulse width is one cmp clk.
// -One sync pulse for each slow clock
// ARGs: sync_name must be "cmp_io_sync_en", "io_cmp_sync_en" or "io2x_sync_en"
task CCU_checker::check_io_io2x_sync_cnt_pw(string sync_name) {
integer cmp2slow_clk_ratio; // cmp-to-slow clk ratio
integer num_cycs_sync_low; // number of cmp clks when sync pulse is low
integer first_sync_timeout; // timeout if not seen 1st sync
integer got_1st_sync=0; // set to 1 when detect first sync pulse
integer err_lo_cnt=0, err_hi_cnt=0, debug_cnt=0; // error/debug counts of sync are low and high
bit sync_val; // value of sync_en signal
integer i;
case (sync_name) {
"io2x_sync_en": cmp2slow_clk_ratio = this.clk_pkt.cmp2io2x_ratio;
"cmp_io_sync_en", "io_cmp_sync_en": cmp2slow_clk_ratio = this.clk_pkt.cmp2io_ratio;
default: {
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("CCU_checker::check_io_io2x_sync_cnt_pw(%s) <= bad arg", sync_name));
return; // ignore
num_cycs_sync_low = cmp2slow_clk_ratio - 1;
first_sync_timeout = cmp2slow_clk_ratio + 3; // sync pulse should be stable when ccu_rst_sync_stable asserted
//---ensure 1st sync pulse occurs within time limit---
fork {
repeat (first_sync_timeout) @(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
if (got_1st_sync == 0)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("not seen first %s in %0d cmp_pll_clk cycles", sync_name, first_sync_timeout));
} join none
//---wait for 1st sync pulse---
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_io_sync_en": @(posedge mon_port.$ccu_cmp_io_sync_en); // WARN: mon_port, not clk_port.
"io_cmp_sync_en": @(posedge mon_port.$ccu_io_cmp_sync_en); // WARN: mon_port, not clk_port.
"io2x_sync_en": @(posedge mon_port.$ccu_io2x_sync_en); // WARN: mon_port, not clk_port.
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("first %s sync pulse used as ref data point", sync_name));
got_1st_sync = 1;
//---check sync pulse ---
while (1) {
for (i = 0; i < num_cycs_sync_low; i++) {
@(posedge mon_port.$cmp_pll_clk); // WARN: mon_port
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_io_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_cmp_io_sync_en;
"io_cmp_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_io_cmp_sync_en;
"io2x_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_io2x_sync_en;
if (sync_val !== 1'b0)
print_error_msg(err_lo_cnt++, psprintf("%s should be low, but not", sync_name));
@(posedge mon_port.$cmp_pll_clk); // WARN: mon_port
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_io_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_cmp_io_sync_en;
"io_cmp_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_io_cmp_sync_en;
"io2x_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_io2x_sync_en;
if (sync_val !== 1'b1)
print_error_msg(err_hi_cnt++, psprintf("%s should be high, but not", sync_name));
else if (this.verbose)
print_debug_msg(debug_cnt++, psprintf("%s is %b. Expect: high", sync_name, sync_val));
// WHAT: check location of IO or IO2X sync pulse
// ARGs: sync_name must be "cmp_io_sync_en", "io_cmp_sync_en" or "io2x_sync_en"
// WARNING: since this checker, by default, does NOT check locations of io/io2x/dr
// sync pulses, so this task is NOT maintained and may be out of date.
task CCU_checker::check_io_io2x_sync_loc(string sync_name) {
integer num_core_clks;
bit sync_val;
//--- sanity check: this task is NOT maintained ---
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, "ccu_checker::check_io_io2x_sync_loc() is NOT maintained. Do NOT used it");
//---go to posedge of io_out or io2x_out---
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_io_sync_en": {
num_core_clks = cmp_io_sync_loc;
@(posedge mon_port.$ccu_cmp_io_sync_en);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io_cmp_sync_en": {
num_core_clks = io_cmp_sync_loc;
@(posedge mon_port.$ccu_io_cmp_sync_en);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io2x_sync_en": {
num_core_clks = io2x_sync_loc;
@(posedge mon_port.$ccu_io2x_sync_en);
@(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io2x_out);
default: {
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("CCU_checker::check_io_io2x_sync_loc(sync_name=%s) <= bad arg", sync_name));
return; // ignore
//---find cmp clk edge where it's aligned with io/io2x_out clk---
@(negedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
repeat (num_core_clks) @(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
//---check sync pulse location only once---
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_io_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_cmp_io_sync_en; // WARN: mon_port, not clk_port.
"io_cmp_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_io_cmp_sync_en; // WARN: mon_port, not clk_port.
"io2x_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_io2x_sync_en; // WARN: mon_port, not clk_port.
if (sync_val !== 1'b1)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("location of %s : expect high, but it is not", sync_name));
// WHAT: check cmp_sys_sync_en and sys_cmp_sync_en
// -Sync pulse width is one cmp clk.
// -One sync pulse for every ref_clk cycle
// ARGs: sync_name must be "cmp_sys_sync_en" or "sys_cmp_sync_en"
// NOTE: there is one sys sync pulse for every ref clk cycle. The number
// of cmp clk cycles in one ref clk cycles is equal to div2_effective.
task CCU_checker::check_sys_sync_cnt_pw(string sync_name) {
integer div2_eff = this.clk_pkt.pll_ctl[CCU__PLL_CTL__PLL_DIV2__MSB : CCU__PLL_CTL__PLL_DIV2__POS] + 1;
integer first_sync_timeout; // timeout (in sys clk cycs) if not seen 1st sync
integer got_1st_sync=0; // set to 1 when detect first sync pulse
integer num_cycs_sync_low; // number of cmp clks when sync pulse is low
integer err_lo_cnt=0, err_hi_cnt=0, debug_cnt=0; // error/debug counts of sync are low and high
bit sync_val; // value of sync_en signal
integer i;
first_sync_timeout = 4 + 1;
num_cycs_sync_low = div2_eff - 1;
//---ensure 1st sync pulse occurs within time limit---
fork {
repeat (first_sync_timeout) @(posedge clk_port.$sys_clk);
if (got_1st_sync == 0)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("not seen first %s in %0d sys clk cycles", sync_name, first_sync_timeout));
} join none
//---wait for 1st sync pulse---
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_sys_sync_en": @(posedge mon_port.$ccu_cmp_sys_sync_en);
"sys_cmp_sync_en": @(posedge mon_port.$ccu_sys_cmp_sync_en);
default: {
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("CCU_checker::check_sys_sync_cnt_pw(%s) <= bad arg", sync_name));
return; // ignore
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("first %s sync pulse used as ref data point", sync_name));
got_1st_sync = 1;
while (1) {
for (i = 0; i < num_cycs_sync_low; i++) {
@(posedge mon_port.$cmp_pll_clk); // WARN: mon_port
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_sys_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_cmp_sys_sync_en;
"sys_cmp_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_sys_cmp_sync_en;
if (sync_val !== 1'b0)
print_error_msg(err_lo_cnt++, psprintf("%s should be low, but not", sync_name));
@(posedge mon_port.$cmp_pll_clk); // WARN: mon_port
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_sys_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_cmp_sys_sync_en;
"sys_cmp_sync_en": sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_sys_cmp_sync_en;
if (sync_val !== 1'b1)
print_error_msg(err_hi_cnt++, psprintf("%s should be high, but not", sync_name));
else if (this.verbose)
print_debug_msg(debug_cnt++, psprintf("%s is %b. Expect: high", sync_name, sync_val));
// WHAT: check location of sys sync sync pulses at ccu boundary and inside RST block.
// ARGs: sync_name must be "cmp_sys_sync_en" or "sys_cmp_sync_en"
// NOTE: locations of cmp_sys and sys_cmp sync pulses are at phase 0.
// RST flops them twice with l2clk, so they should be at phase 2
// inside RST block.
task CCU_checker::check_sys_sync_loc(string sync_name) {
integer i, debug_cnt=0;
integer refclk_posedge, sync_is_high, cmp_clk_per;
integer max_clks_skew; // max skew allowed between ccu.ref_clk and ccu.cmp_pll_clk
bit rst_sync_val, rst_sync_nchecks; // for checking sys sync inside RST blk
@(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
cmp_clk_per = get_time(LO);
@(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
cmp_clk_per = get_time(LO) - cmp_clk_per;
max_clks_skew = cmp_clk_per / 8;
//--- check sys sync pulses inside the RST block ---
rst_sync_nchecks = 0;
fork {
while (1) {
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_sys_sync_en": @(posedge mon_port.$ccu_cmp_sys_sync_en); // sys sync is high at CCU boundary
"sys_cmp_sync_en": @(posedge mon_port.$ccu_sys_cmp_sync_en); // sys sync is high at CCU boundary
@(negedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk); // avoid the skew between ccu.cmp_pll_clk and rst.l2clk
repeat (2) @(posedge ccu_clks_internal_port.$l2clk); // RST flops sys sync pulse twice
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_sys_sync_en": rst_sync_val = ccu_clks_internal_port.$rst_ccu_cmp_sys_sync_en3;
"sys_cmp_sync_en": rst_sync_val = ccu_clks_internal_port.$rst_ccu_sys_cmp_sync_en3;
if (rst_sync_val !== 1'b1)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("check sys sync location: rst.rst_%s%s is %b, expect: high", sync_name, 3, rst_sync_val));
if (rst_sync_nchecks > 5) break;
} join none
//---check sys sync location---
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // check few times is enough since check_sys_sync_cnt_pw() checks sync pulse spacing/count.
//---check ccu_cmp_sys_en or ccu_sys_cmp_sync_en---
fork {
@(posedge clk_port.$ref_clk);
refclk_posedge = get_time(LO);
case (sync_name) {
"cmp_sys_sync_en": @(posedge mon_port.$ccu_cmp_sys_sync_en);
"sys_cmp_sync_en": @(posedge mon_port.$ccu_sys_cmp_sync_en);
sync_is_high = get_time(LO);
if (this.verbose)
print_debug_msg(debug_cnt++, psprintf("check sys sync location: %s is high", sync_name));
} join
if (abs(refclk_posedge - sync_is_high) > max_clks_skew)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("check sys sync location: ref_clk_posedge=%0d, %s high at %0d <= not correct location",
refclk_posedge, sync_name, sync_is_high));
// WHAT: check dr_sync_en toggling
task CCU_checker::check_dr_sync_toggle() {
integer old_cyc, new_cyc, temp_cyc, sync_cnts;
integer err_cnt=0;
@(posedge clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
old_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$ccu_dr_sync_en);
while (1) {
@(posedge clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
temp_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$ccu_dr_sync_en);
@(negedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk); // account the case of dr_pll_clk and cmp_pll_clk are PERFECTLY aligned
new_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$ccu_dr_sync_en);
sync_cnts = new_cyc - old_cyc;
if ((sync_cnts < 1) || (sync_cnts > 2))
print_error_msg(err_cnt++, psprintf("number of dr_sync pulses in 1 DR clk cyc + 0.5 cmp clk cycle: %0d. Expect: 1 or 2", sync_cnts));
old_cyc = temp_cyc;
// WHAT: check pulse width of dr_sync_en
task CCU_checker::check_dr_sync_pw() {
bit sync_val;
integer err_cnt=0;
while (1) {
@(posedge mon_port.$ccu_dr_sync_en);
@(posedge mon_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_dr_sync_en;
if (sync_val !== 1'b0)
print_error_msg(err_cnt++, psprintf("dr_sync_en is high for more than 1 cmp_clk cycles"));
// WHAT: check locations of dr_sync_en at CCU boundary.
// This indirectly check DR sync pulse is one cmp clk.
task CCU_checker::check_dr_sync_loc() {
integer div2_eff = this.clk_pkt.pll_ctl[CCU__PLL_CTL__PLL_DIV2__MSB : CCU__PLL_CTL__PLL_DIV2__POS] + 1;
integer phase_num; // phase number: 0, 1, .., div2_eff. 0 when clks are aligned
bit dr_sync_val, expected_dr_sync_val;
integer err_cnt=0, debug_cnt=0;
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, "CCU_checker::check_dr_sync_loc() is NOT maintained. Do NOT used it");
//---find first phase---
@(posedge mon_port.$ccu_vco_aligned); // note: vco_aligned is generated 1 clk earlier
@(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk); // this is real VCO aligned
phase_num = 0; // first clock phase
//--- checking DR sync location---
while (1) {
dr_sync_val = mon_port.$ccu_dr_sync_en;
if ((phase_num == this.dr_sync_loc[0]) || (phase_num == this.dr_sync_loc[1])
|| (phase_num == this.dr_sync_loc[2]) || (phase_num == this.dr_sync_loc[3]))
expected_dr_sync_val = 1'b1;
expected_dr_sync_val = 1'b0;
if (dr_sync_val != expected_dr_sync_val)
print_error_msg(err_cnt++, psprintf("ccu_dr_sync_en=%b, expect: %b", dr_sync_val, expected_dr_sync_val));
if (this.verbose)
print_debug_msg(debug_cnt++, psprintf("ccu_dr_sync_en=%b, expect: %b", dr_sync_val, expected_dr_sync_val));
@(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk); // this is real VCO aligned
if (phase_num == div2_eff)
phase_num = 0;
//####### supporting subroutines #############
// WHAT: print error message
// NOTE:
// err_cnt is local error count of a particular error type.
// this.error_cnt is global error count of this vera class.
task CCU_checker::print_error_msg(integer err_cnt, string error_msg) {
if (err_cnt <= this.max_error_printed)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, error_msg);
this.error_cnt++; // increment global error count
// WHAT: print messages for debug
task CCU_checker::print_debug_msg(integer debug_cnt, string debug_msg) {
if (debug_cnt <= max_debug_printed)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ALWAYS, debug_msg);
// Return 1 if value is outside min and max; otherwise, return 0.
function integer CCU_checker::is_outside_min_max(integer min_val, integer value, integer max_val) {
is_outside_min_max = ((value < min_val) || (value > max_val))? 1 : 0;
// WHAT: compute expected locations of DR sync at CCU boundary
task CCU_checker::compute_expected_dr_sync_loc() {
integer div2_effective = this.clk_pkt.pll_ctl[CCU__PLL_CTL__PLL_DIV2__MSB : CCU__PLL_CTL__PLL_DIV2__POS] + 1;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this.dr_sync_loc[i] = this.clk_pkt.dr_sync_loc[i] - this.total_stage_flops; // back track from flop header
if (this.dr_sync_loc[i] < 0) // cross ref_clk boundary to previous ref_clk cycle
this.dr_sync_loc[i] = this.dr_sync_loc[i] + div2_effective;
// WHAT: show expected DR sync locations at CCU boundary
task CCU_checker::show_dr_sync_loc() {
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("Expected DR sync locations at CCU output: %0d, %0d, %0d and %0d",
this.dr_sync_loc[0], this.dr_sync_loc[1], this.dr_sync_loc[2], this.dr_sync_loc[3]));
//####### tasks for clk stretch monitor/checker #############
// WHAT: clock stretch checker: public/wrapper task
// USAGE: diag should call this task before TCU initiates clk stretch (ie. assert tcu_ccu_clk_stretch)
task CCU_checker::start_clk_stretch_checker() {
bit sig;
sig = mon_port.$tcu_ccu_clk_stretch async;
if (sig === 1'b1) {
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, "tcu_ccu_clk_stretch is 1. Call start_clk_stretch_checker() too late. Exit task");
join none
// WHAT: clock strech checker: main task
task CCU_checker::clk_stretch_checker() {
bit [63:0] pll_ctl; // effective value of pll_ctl
bit st_phase_hi;
integer st_delay_cmp, st_delay_dr; // must be 40, 80, 120 or 160ps
integer max_cycs = 12; // number of clk cycs to be checked/monitored
integer max_pw_dev = 10; // max deviation in pulse width. Assume clk ctrech diags only use nice pll_div, so no rounding error in clk per.
integer st_cmpclk_time, st_ioclk_time, st_io2xclk_time, st_drclk_time; // time when clk is stretched
integer cmp2iox_clk_skew_max = 2; // clk skew between cmp and io/io2x clk
integer cmp_st_cyc, dr_st_cyc; // cmp/dr cyc when tcu asserts tcu_ccu_clk_stretch
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, "starts clk_stretch checker");
//--- wait for TCU initiates the clk stretch ---
@(posedge mon_port.$tcu_ccu_clk_stretch);
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, "tcu asserts tcu_ccu_clk_stretch to initiate clk stretch");
cmp_st_cyc = get_cycle(this.clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk); // cmp cycle when TCU asserts clk stretch sig
dr_st_cyc = get_cycle(this.clk_port.$dr_pll_clk); // dr cycle when TCU asserts clk stretch sig
//--- compute expected values ---
pll_ctl = ccu_states.get_pll_ctl();
st_phase_hi = pll_ctl[CCU__PLL_CTL__ST_PHASE_HI__POS];
2'b00: st_delay_cmp = 40; // in ps
2'b01: st_delay_cmp = 80;
2'b10: st_delay_cmp = 120;
2'b11: st_delay_cmp = 160;
2'b00: st_delay_dr = 40; // in ps
2'b01: st_delay_dr = 80;
2'b10: st_delay_dr = 120;
2'b11: st_delay_dr = 160;
//--- check clk stretch for cmp/dr/io/io2x clk ---
st_cmpclk_time = this.clk_stretch_chkr_1clk("cmp_clk", st_phase_hi, st_delay_cmp, max_pw_dev, max_cycs, cmp_st_cyc);
st_ioclk_time = this.clk_stretch_chkr_1clk("io_out", st_phase_hi, st_delay_cmp, max_pw_dev, max_cycs, cmp_st_cyc);
st_io2xclk_time = this.clk_stretch_chkr_1clk("io2x_out", st_phase_hi, st_delay_cmp, max_pw_dev, max_cycs,cmp_st_cyc);
st_drclk_time = this.clk_stretch_chkr_1clk("dr_clk", st_phase_hi, st_delay_dr, max_pw_dev, max_cycs, dr_st_cyc);
//--- check cmp/io/io2x clks stretched in the same cycle ---
//if ((abs(st_cmpclk_time - st_ioclk_time) > cmp2iox_clk_skew_max) || (abs(st_cmpclk_time - st_io2xclk_time) > cmp2iox_clk_skew_max))
// dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("clk stretch at time: cmp_clk=%0d, io_out=%0d, io2x_out=%0d <= not at same cycle",
// st_cmpclk_time, st_ioclk_time, st_io2xclk_time));
// WHAT: clock strech checker: supporting task checking one clock
// ARGS: clkname: "cmp_clk", "io_out", "io2x_out" or "dr_clk"
function integer CCU_checker::clk_stretch_chkr_1clk(string clkname, bit st_phase_hi, integer st_delay, integer max_pw_dev, integer max_cycs, integer st_start_cyc) {
integer i, st_cnt=0, st_time=0; // counting clk stretch, stretch time
integer pw_nom, pw_hi, pw_lo, pw_hi_min, pw_hi_max, pw_lo_min, pw_lo_max; // pw: pulse width
integer pw_hi_st_min, pw_hi_st_max, pw_lo_st_min, pw_lo_st_max; // pulse width limits for clk stretch
integer p_edge, n_edge, prev_p_edge; // clk posedge and negedge
CCU_clk_packet temp_clk_pkt;
integer st_cyc; // stretch cycle
integer st_pipe_del; // stretch pipeline delay
//--- monitor clk stretch pipeline latency ----
fork {
if ((clkname == "cmp_clk") || (clkname == "dr_clk")) {
case (clkname) {
"cmp_clk": st_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
"dr_clk": st_cyc = get_cycle(clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
st_pipe_del = st_cyc - st_start_cyc;
if ((st_pipe_del < 6) || (st_pipe_del > 8))
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: clk stretch pipeline delay %0d (min: 6: max: 8)", clkname, st_pipe_del));
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("%s: clk stretch pipeline delay %0d (min: 6: max: 8)", clkname, st_pipe_del));
} join none
//---compute expected pw ----
temp_clk_pkt = ccu_states.get_exp_clk_pkt(); // warn: need this since diag may not call this.start_checker(), so this.clk_pkt is NULL
case (clkname) {
"cmp_clk": pw_nom = temp_clk_pkt.cmp_clk_per_nom / 2;
"io_out": pw_nom = temp_clk_pkt.io_out_per_nom / 2;
"io2x_out": pw_nom = temp_clk_pkt.io2x_out_per_nom / 2;
"dr_clk": pw_nom = temp_clk_pkt.dr_clk_per_nom / 2;
pw_hi_min = pw_nom - max_pw_dev;
pw_hi_max = pw_nom + max_pw_dev;
pw_lo_min = pw_nom - max_pw_dev;
pw_lo_max = pw_nom + max_pw_dev;
pw_hi_st_min = pw_nom + st_delay - max_pw_dev;
pw_hi_st_max = pw_nom + st_delay + max_pw_dev;
pw_lo_st_min = pw_nom + st_delay - max_pw_dev;
pw_lo_st_max = pw_nom + st_delay + max_pw_dev;
//---check ---
case (clkname) {
"cmp_clk": @(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
"io_out": @(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io2x_out": @(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io2x_out);
"dr_clk": @(posedge clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
p_edge = get_time(LO);
for (i = 0; i < max_cycs; i++) {
prev_p_edge = p_edge; // save previous posedge
case (clkname) {
"cmp_clk": @(negedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
"io_out": @(negedge clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io2x_out": @(negedge clk_port.$ccu_io2x_out);
"dr_clk": @(negedge clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
n_edge = get_time(LO);
pw_hi = n_edge - p_edge;
case (clkname) {
"cmp_clk": @(posedge clk_port.$cmp_pll_clk);
"io_out": @(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io_out);
"io2x_out": @(posedge clk_port.$ccu_io2x_out);
"dr_clk": @(posedge clk_port.$dr_pll_clk);
p_edge = get_time(LO);
pw_lo = p_edge - n_edge;
if ((clkname == "io_out") || (clkname == "io2x_out")) { // can happen either hi or low phase
if (pw_hi > pw_hi_max) { // assume this is clk stretch cycle
if (st_cnt == 1) {
st_time = prev_p_edge;
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_hi_st_min, pw_hi, pw_hi_st_max))
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_hi=%0d (stretched), expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_hi, pw_hi_st_min, pw_hi_st_max));
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("%s: pw_hi=%0d (stretched), expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_hi, pw_hi_st_min, pw_hi_st_max));
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_hi=%0d exceeds pw_hi_max=%0d, but clk stretch already happened at %0d", clkname, pw_hi, pw_hi_max, st_time));
else { // assume this is not clk stretch cycle
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_hi_min, pw_hi, pw_hi_max))
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_hi=%0d, expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_hi, pw_hi_min, pw_hi_max));
if (pw_lo > pw_lo_max) { // assume this is clk stretch cycle
if (st_cnt == 1) {
st_time = prev_p_edge;
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_lo_st_min, pw_lo, pw_lo_st_max))
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_lo=%0d (stretched), expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_lo, pw_lo_st_min, pw_lo_st_max));
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("%s: pw_lo=%0d (stretched), expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_lo, pw_lo_st_min, pw_lo_st_max));
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_lo=%0d exceeds pw_lo_max=%0d, but clk stretch already happened at %0d", clkname, pw_lo, pw_lo_max, st_time));
else { // assume this is not clk stretch cycle
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_lo_min, pw_lo, pw_lo_max))
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_lo=%0d, expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_lo, pw_lo_min, pw_lo_max));
else { // cmp or dr clk
if (st_phase_hi) {
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_lo_min, pw_lo, pw_lo_max)) // stretch high phase, so pw_lo must not change
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_lo=%0d, expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_lo, pw_lo_min, pw_lo_max));
if (pw_hi > pw_hi_max) { // assume this is clk stretch cycle
if (st_cnt == 1) {
st_time = prev_p_edge;
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_hi_st_min, pw_hi, pw_hi_st_max))
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_hi=%0d (stretched), expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_hi, pw_hi_st_min, pw_hi_st_max));
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("%s: pw_hi=%0d (stretched), expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_hi, pw_hi_st_min, pw_hi_st_max));
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_hi=%0d exceeds pw_hi_max=%0d, but clk stretch already happened at %0d", clkname, pw_hi, pw_hi_max, st_time));
else // assume this is not clk stretch cycle
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_hi_min, pw_hi, pw_hi_max))
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_hi=%0d, expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_hi, pw_hi_min, pw_hi_max));
else {
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_hi_min, pw_hi, pw_hi_max)) // stretch low phase, so pw_hi must not change
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_hi=%0d, expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_hi, pw_hi_min, pw_hi_max));
if (pw_lo > pw_lo_max) { // assume this is clk stretch cycle
if (st_cnt == 1) {
st_time = prev_p_edge;
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_lo_st_min, pw_lo, pw_lo_st_max))
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_lo=%0d (stretched), expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_lo, pw_lo_st_min, pw_lo_st_max));
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("%s: pw_lo=%0d (stretched), expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_lo, pw_lo_st_min, pw_lo_st_max));
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_lo=%0d exceeds pw_lo_max=%0d, but clk stretch already happened at %0d", clkname, pw_lo, pw_lo_max, st_time));
else // assume this is not clk stretch cycle
if (is_outside_min_max(pw_lo_min, pw_lo, pw_lo_max))
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: pw_lo=%0d, expect: min=%0d, max=%0d", clkname, pw_lo, pw_lo_min, pw_lo_max));
} // end of else
} // end of else
} // end of for()
if (st_cnt <= 0)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("%s: clk stretch not happens in %0d cycles after tcu asserts clk_stretch", clkname, max_cycs));
clk_stretch_chkr_1clk = st_time; // return value