Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / model / vendor / TLM-2006-11-29 / tlm / tlm_core / tlm_fifo / circular_buffer.h
The following code is derived, directly or indirectly, from the SystemC
source code Copyright (c) 1996-2004 by all Contributors.
All Rights reserved.
The contents of this file are subject to the restrictions and limitations
set forth in the SystemC Open Source License Version 2.4 (the "License");
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language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// To the LRM writer : this class is purely an artifact of the implementation.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
template < typename T >
class circular_buffer
circular_buffer( int size );
circular_buffer<T> &operator=( const circular_buffer<T> & );
~circular_buffer() { delete [] m_buf; }
void resize( int size );
const T &read();
void write( const T & );
bool is_empty() const { return used() == 0; }
bool is_full() const { return free() == 0; }
int size() const { return m_size; }
int used() const { return m_used; }
int free() const { return m_free; }
T &write_data() { return m_buf[m_wi]; }
const T &read_data() const { return m_buf[m_ri]; }
const T &peek_data( int i ) const { return m_buf[(m_ri + i) % size()]; }
T &poke_data( int i ) { return m_buf[(m_ri + i) % size()]; }
void increment_write_pos( int i = 1 );
void increment_read_pos( int i = 1 );
void init();
void debug() const;
circular_buffer( const circular_buffer<T> &b ); // disabled
void copy( const circular_buffer<T> &b );
int m_size; // size of the buffer
T* m_buf; // the buffer
int m_free; // number of free spaces
int m_used; // number of used spaces
int m_ri; // index of next read
int m_wi; // index of next write
template< typename T >
circular_buffer<T>::debug() const
cout << "Buffer debug" << endl;
cout << "Size : " << size() << endl;
cout << "Free/Used " << free() << "/" << used() << endl;
cout << "Indeces : r/w = " << m_ri << "/" << m_wi << endl;
if( is_empty() ) {
cout << "empty" << endl;
if( is_full() ) {
cout << "full" << endl;
cout << "Data : " << endl;
for( int i = 0; i < used(); i++ ) {
cout << peek_data( i ) << endl;
template < typename T >
circular_buffer( int size ) {
m_size = size;
m_buf = new T[m_size];
template < typename T >
circular_buffer<T> &
circular_buffer<T>::operator=( const circular_buffer<T> &b ) {
for( int i = 0; i < size() && i < b.used(); i++ ) {
write( b.peek_data( i ) );
return *this;
template < typename T >
circular_buffer<T>::resize( int size )
int i;
T *new_buf = new T[size];
for( i = 0; i < size && i < used(); i++ ) {
new_buf[i] = peek_data( i );
delete [] m_buf;
m_size = size;
m_ri = 0;
m_wi = i % m_size;
m_used = i;
m_free = m_size - m_used;
m_buf = new_buf;
template < typename T >
circular_buffer<T>::init() {
m_free = m_size;
m_used = 0;
m_ri = 0;
m_wi = 0;
template < typename T >
circular_buffer<T>::copy( const circular_buffer<T> &b )
m_size = b.m_size; // size of the buffer
m_buf = b.m_buf; // the buffer
m_free = b.m_free; // number of free spaces
m_used = b.m_used; // number of used spaces
m_ri = b.m_ri; // index of next read
m_wi = b.m_wi; // index of next write
template < typename T >
const T &
const T &t = read_data();
return t;
template < typename T >
circular_buffer<T>::write( const T &t )
write_data() = t;
template < typename T >
circular_buffer<T>::increment_write_pos( int i ) {
m_wi = ( m_wi + i ) % m_size;
m_used += i;
m_free -= i;
template < typename T >
circular_buffer<T>::increment_read_pos( int i ) {
m_ri = ( m_ri + i ) % m_size;
m_used -= i;
m_free += i;