Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / model / vendor / TLM-2006-11-29 / tlm / tlm_ports / tlm_target_port.h
The following code is derived, directly or indirectly, from the SystemC
source code Copyright (c) 1996-2004 by all Contributors.
All Rights reserved.
The contents of this file are subject to the restrictions and limitations
set forth in the SystemC Open Source License Version 2.4 (the "License");
You may not use this file except in compliance with such restrictions and
limitations. You may obtain instructions on how to receive a copy of the
License at Software distributed by Contributors
under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF
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language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* Includes
#include <vector>
#include "systemc.h"
#include "tlm_ports/tlm_target_port_base.h"
/// Class tlm_target_port: port to be instantiated on the target side
* This class could be used as base class for user defined target ports (support of user convenience layer).
* \n It provides new binding methods definition: sc_export to sc_export binding must be identified in order
* create tlm_target_port_base::target_port_list used target port ID propagation through hierarchical
* binding; the only port ID that makes sense is the port ID of the port directly bound to the interface.
* An error detection is also provided: multiple interface bind declarations are not detected by
* sc_export (the interface is just replaced), the new binding definition issues an error message in this
* case.
template<typename IF>
class tlm_target_port :
public sc_export<IF>,
public tlm_target_port_base {
typedef IF interface_type;
typedef tlm_target_port<IF> target_port_type;
typedef tlm_target_port_base target_port_base_type;
// Constructor
tlm_target_port(const char * name);
/// @name sc_export overridden methods
/// Need to specialize binding operation to support port propagation in transaction recorders.
/// Specialization is done for sc_export/sc_export.
/// Other redefinitions of bindings are just calls to regular bind function
/// \n Note: This is due to non virtual definition of SystemC bind
/// @{
// Before end of elaboration
* Called just before end of elaboration to propagate the significant target port id:
* the only valid port id is the one set by the module which implements the tlm core interface.
* Remark: sc_port_base::complete_binding should be the best place to do
* that but this method is private !!
void before_end_of_elaboration();
// End of elaboration
* Called at the end of elaboration. Used to print debug message: content opf the target port list
void end_of_elaboration();
// Special binding between two target ports
/// bind(sc_export) with target ports propagation
void bind(target_port_type& target_port_);
/// Case of the other port uses another interface as template: works only if OTHER_IF derives from IF
template<typename OTHER_IF>
void bind(tlm_target_port<OTHER_IF>& target_port_);
/// operator() (sc_export) overridden: just calls bind(sc_export)
void operator() (target_port_type& target_port_) {
/// Case of the other port uses another interface as template: works only if OTHER_IF derives from IF
template<typename OTHER_IF>
void operator() (tlm_target_port<OTHER_IF>& target_port_) {
// Normal binding between port and interface.
// To be redefined here (bind(port_) is overridden above
/// bind(interface_type) overridden
void bind(interface_type& interface_);
/// operator() (interface_type) overridden
void operator() (interface_type& interface_);
/// @}
/** Returns true and issues an error message if the port is already bound to an interface during the
binding of other_if (called by bind(sc_export))
bool is_already_bound(sc_interface * other_if);
// Constructor
template<typename IF>
tlm_target_port<IF>::tlm_target_port(const char * name) :
/* Return true and issue an error message if the port is already bound to an interface during the
binding of other_if (called by bind(sc_export))
template<typename IF>
bool tlm_target_port<IF>::is_already_bound(sc_interface * other_if) {
if (dynamic_cast<sc_interface * >(this->get_interface()) == NULL) return(false);
else {
std::string if_name1,if_name2 ;
sc_object * tmp = dynamic_cast<sc_object * >(other_if);
if (tmp) if_name1 = tmp->name();
else if_name1 = "unnamed interface (non sc_object)";
tmp = dynamic_cast<sc_object * >(this->get_interface());
if (tmp) if_name2 = tmp->name();
else if_name2 = "unnamed interface (non sc_object)";
std::string msg(sc_object::name());
msg += (std::string)(": tlm_target_port warning, Can't bind to \"") + if_name1;
msg += (std::string)("\" interface,the target port is already bound to this interface: \"");
msg += if_name2 + (std::string)("\"\n");
SC_REPORT_WARNING("binding warning",msg.c_str());
// sc_export overridden methods
// before_end_of_elaboration()
// Called just before end of elaboration to propagate the significant target port id
// The only significant target port id is the one set by the module which implements the
// tlm core interface
template<typename IF>
// if this target port is not directly connected to the core interface
if (get_target_port_list().size() > 1) {
for(typename std::vector<target_port_base_type *>::iterator target_port = get_target_port_list().begin();
target_port != get_target_port_list().end();
target_port++) {
set_tlm_export_id((*target_port)->get_tlm_export_id()); // Propagate the target port id
// end_of_elaboration(). Debug message concerning target port list centent
template<typename IF>
tlm_target_port<IF>::end_of_elaboration() {
printf("DEBUG\t\t%s: Registered target port list :\n",sc_object::name());
for(typename std::vector<target_port_base_type *>::iterator port = get_target_port_list().begin();
port != get_target_port_list().end();
port++) {
printf("DEBUG\t\t%s: \t- %s\n",sc_object::name(),(static_cast<target_port_type * >(*port))->name());
printf("DEBUG\t\t%s: -------------------------------------------------------\n",sc_object::name());
// Special binding between two target ports
// bind(sc_export)
template<typename IF>
tlm_target_port<IF>::bind(target_port_type& target_port_)
// If the target port is still not bound
if (!is_already_bound(target_port_.get_interface())) {
// Copy the list of registered target ports to the current bound port (port propagation)
for(typename std::vector<target_port_base_type *>::iterator target_port = target_port_.get_target_port_list().begin();
target_port != target_port_.get_target_port_list().end();
target_port++) {
// Calls sc_export standard bind method
// Specific case: if the bound export is based on a different interface. Requirement, the interface of
// the bound export MUST derive from the interface the export is based on.
template<typename IF>
template<typename OTHER_IF>
tlm_target_port<IF>::bind(tlm_target_port<OTHER_IF>& target_port_) {
// Test if OTHER_IF derives from IF
IF * other_if = dynamic_cast<IF*>(target_port_.get_interface());
if (other_if) {
// If the target port is still not bound
if (!is_already_bound(target_port_.get_interface())) {
// Copy the list of registered target ports to the current bound port (port propagation)
for(typename std::vector<target_port_base_type *>::iterator target_port = target_port_.get_target_port_list().begin();
target_port != target_port_.get_target_port_list().end();
target_port++) {
// Calls sc_export standard bind method
else {
std::string msg(sc_object::name());
msg += (std::string)(": tlm_target_port error, incompatible interface detected during the binding tlm_target_port \"") + (std::string)(this->name());
msg += (std::string)" to tlm_target_port \"" + (std::string)( +(std::string)("\"\n") ;
SC_REPORT_ERROR("bind export to export failed",msg.c_str());
// Normal binding between port and interface.
// To be redefined here (bind(port_) is overridden above
// bind(interface_type)
template<typename IF>
tlm_target_port<IF>::bind(interface_type& interface_) {
// Calls sc_export standard bind method
// operator() (interface_type): just calls bind(interface_type)
template<typename IF>
tlm_target_port<IF>::operator() (interface_type& interface_) {
#endif /* _TLM_TARGET_PORT_H_ */