This is README_FPGA file.
First read the README file in this dir for general opensparc directions.
User Instructions for OpenSPARC T2 Synthesizable System Level Models
The information in this file requires you to be familiar with general info
on the OpenSPARC T2 found in the README file.
A fully synthesizable, reduced footprint, System-level model has been
developed, suitable for FPGA and Emulation Platforms.
This model has CORE, CROSSBAR and WISHBONE Memory Controller (OpenCores).
This environment supports RTL Simulation, FPGA Synthesis and Gate-
level simulation with a one-to-one correspondence (i.e a given test
runs unchanged in the RTL & Gate environments.
This model is platform-independent.
This model uses Opencore models, which reside in dir:
For more info on opencores, visit:
Setup environment variables by editing OpenSPARCT2.cshrc file.
Supported Environments:
Simulation: VCS on Solaris Platform.
Synthesis: Synplicity on Linux Platform.
Setup your OpenSPARC run-time environment by using following command :
% source OpenSPARCT2.cshrc
A. Simulating the OpenSPARC T2 FPGA System-level environment
This environment consists of one SPARC CPU core, crossbar, spc-to-
Wishbone-memory-controller-bridge. This model does *not* have the Level 2
cache, T2 memory controller unit, and all of the on-chip I/O sub-systems.
Due to synthesizability requirement, we have eliminated the RTL monitors.
This model also does not support co-simulation with Riesling. Simple
PC trace monitor and memory transaction monitors are included to provide
basic debug information. This environment comes with a suite of random-
generated self-checking tests.
Use "sims" to build simulation model and run your tests.
See README file for details on "sims" utility.
"sims" system environment type: fpga_1c8t
"sims" regression group: -group=<diag_groups>
where <diag_group> can be one of the following:
fpga_1c8t_short has 5 short diags
fpga_1c8t_mini has 50 diags
fpga_1c8t_long has 100 diags
fpga_1c8t_all = all of the above, a total of 155 diags
For example:
1. To build a simulation model:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -vcs_build
2. To run short regression:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -vcs_run -group=fpga_1c8t_short
3. To build and run a short regression:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -group=fpga_1c8t_short
4. To build and run a a complete regression suite:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -group=fpga_1c8t_all
5. To run a single diag:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -model_rel_name=rel-0.1 mpgen_50l.s -model=fpga_1c8t -vcs_run -nocache -exe_dir=$DV_ROOT/model_dir/fpga_1c8t/rel-0.1
6. To run a single diag and generate waveform dumps (use -debussy):
use -debussy for .fsdb waveform file
use -vcd for .vcd waveform file
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -model_rel_name=rel-0.1 -debussy mpgen_50l.s -model=fpga_1c8t -vcs_run -nocache -exe_dir=$DV_ROOT/model_dir/fpga_1c8t/rel-0.1
The testbench module t2_fpga, is the top for this env, can be found here:
The simulation file list can be found here:
B. Simulating the OpenSPARC T2 Core in other environments
You can also simulate the synthesizable version of the core in other
existing system environments supported by "sims" such as cmp1, cmp8,
fc1 or fc8 by using sims option: -vcs_build_args="+define+FPGA"
For example:
1. sims -sys=cmp1 -group=cmp1_mini_T2 -vcs_build_args="+define+FPGA"
2. sims -sys=fc1 -group=fc1_mini_T2 -vcs_build_args="+define+FPGA"
3. sims -sys=cmp8 -group=cmp8_mini_T2 -vcs_build_args="+define+FPGA"
4. sims -sys=fc8 -group=fc8_mini_T2 -vcs_build_args="+define+FPGA"
The OpenSPARC T2 FPGA System-level environment is fully synthesizable.
Currently following synthesis environment is supported:
1. Synplify_pro for Xilinx LX330 device on Linux Platform
Xilinx device type can be easily changed.
Synthesis can be performed for any top-level module, for example, the
top can be the t2 (system-level) or spc (core-level). For highest
speedup on platforms such as an emulator, the test-bench t2_fpga
can also be synthesized. This requires support for handling few
verilog system calls such as $readmemh, $display, etc.
The filelist used for synthesis is found here:
The top-level module for synthesis purposes is: t2
and the verilog file can be found here:
Define SYNP_HOME to point to Synplicity tool.
FPGA Synthesis is supported by the fpga_synth utility, found here:
The fpga_synth utility is platform independent and can be run
on any machine type. However, the synthesis have to be performed
(running run.script) on a platform that supports the synthesis tool.
For example, please use a Linux machine for Synplify_pro.
fpga_synth synopsis:
$DV_ROOT/tools/fpga/fpga_synth -h
Utility to synthesize T2 system level environment for FPGA
-f <flist> : optional, file list , default fpga_rtl_synth.flist
-user_compile_dir <dir> : optional, user specified dir , default $MODEL_DIR/fpga_synth
-synplicity : required, uses synplify pro
-top <module> : required, top module, default t2
-device <keyword> : optional, FPGA device, default LX330
-project_file <file> : optional, user specified project file
-no_run : optional, generates script files only
-clean : optional, removes temp directories/files
-h : optional, help
A. Synthesizing the T2 FPGA System-level environment
Run command:
$DV_ROOT/tools/fpga/fpga_synth -synplicity -top t2
Files of interest:
Check for the synthesis report in: t2.srr
Generated gate netlist is in file: t2.vm
Generated file list for gate-level model build: fpga_gate.flist
A sample gate model and report file can be found in dir:
B. Synthesizing the CORE only
Run command:
$DV_ROOT/tools/fpga/fpga_synth -synplicity -top spc
Files of interest:
Check for the synthesis report in: spc.srr
Generated gate netlist is in file: spc.vm
Generated file list for gate-level model build: fpga_gate.flist
A sample gate model and rport file can be found in dir:
Gate-level simulation is integrated into the "sims" utility. The
test-bench module t2_fpga contains the simulation infrastructure
that facilitates simulation of the gate-level netlist. A simple
PC-trace monitor and Good/Bad Trap detection is included.
A master file-list to support gate-level model build is generated
by "fpga_synth" utility and can be found in the fpga_synth dir:
A link to this file-list, for use by "sims" is installed in the dir:
NOTE: This link is over-written by successive runs of fpga_synth
utility and corresponds to last run of fpga_synth.
Use "sims" to build and run your tests on your gate-model. Use the
following parameter to enable gate model build:
You will also need to use the 64-bit VCS executables:
You may want to specify model build dir:
By default "sims" will overwrite the RTL model build during a
gate-level model build.
A. Simulating the OpenSPARC T2 FPGA Synthesis net-list
Here are the different command lines to build and simulate a gate-level
1. To build a simulation model:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -vcs_build -config_cpp_args=-DGATESIM -vcs_build_args="-full64"
2. To run short regression:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -vcs_run -group=fpga_1c8t_short
3. To build and run a short regression:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -group=fpga_1c8t_short -config_cpp_args=-DGATESIM -vcs_build_args="-full64"
4. To build and run a a complete regression suite:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -group=fpga_1c8t_all -config_cpp_args=-DGATESIM -vcs_build_args="-full64"
5. To run a single diag:
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -model_rel_name=rel-0.1 mpgen_50l.s -model=fpga_1c8t -vcs_run -nocache -exe_dir=$DV_ROOT/model_dir/fpga_1c8t/rel-0.1
6. To run a single diag and generate waveform dumps (use -debussy):
use -debussy for .fsdb waveform file
use -vcd for .vcd waveform file
sims -sys=fpga_1c8t -model_rel_name=rel-0.1 -debussy mpgen_50l.s -model=fpga_1c8t -vcs_run -nocache -exe_dir=$DV_ROOT/model_dir/fpga_1c8t/rel-0.1
NOTE: By default the models are built with dumping PLI linked-in.
To eliminate dumping PLI from the model build use, "sims" option:
-novcs_use_fsdb -novcs_use_vcsd
B. Simulating the SPC (Core) FPGA Synthesis net-list
You can also simulate just the SPC gate-level netlist using the same system-
level test-bench environment. In addition to the SPC gate-model, you will
require RTL for all other modules instantiated in this environment. When you
mix RTL and gate netlist, you may run into library naming conflict. To
solve this problem, you will need a pre-processing step before running "sims"
to build the mixed-mode gate-RTL model.
Here are the commands to build a mixed-mode gate-RTL model:
1. Uniquify the modules in the gate-netlist to prevent name conflicts with RTL.
uniquify_module -top spc -netlist
2. Build and simulate your model using the commands listed in Section A.
----------End of README_FPGA file