Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 architecture model.
[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / legion / docs / readmes / README.dbx-hack
* Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma ident "@(#)README.dbx-hack 1.3 07/05/30 SMI"
## DBX Debugging information for Legion
## This explains how to use the dbx debugging hooks in legion
To get started, create a symlink from src/procs/sunsparc/debug/dbxrc to .dbxrc
in the directory where sim is to be executed and run sim from within
dbx. E.g:
% ln -s <path_to_legion_ws>/src/procs/sunsparc/debug/dbxrc .dbxrc
% dbx
(dbx) run -a 1.conf
Note: control for executing debugging commands can be returned to dbx at
anytime with ^C.
simbreak <pc>
Breakpoint on the given <pc>. Breakpoints can be installed prior to
simulation or during after transferring control to dbx with ^C . The
simulation is restarted with the conventional dbx "cont" command.
simstep [n]
Single step or <n> times single step the current CPU.
Dump the current CPU's registers.
Dump the current CPU's MMU-specific registers.
Dump the current CPU's D-TLB.
Dump the current CPU's I-TLB.
simfocus [n]
Print the currently 'focused' CPU, the target of the "simregs",
"simmmuregs" etc commands or switch the 'focus' to the supplied id.
Note: this command operates using legion-gids, NOT cpuids.
simx <paddr> [n]
Dump 8-bytes or dump <n> successive 8-bytes at the supplied physical
simtrans <vaddr>
If possible translate the supplied virtual address into a physical
address using the current context and current contents of the I&D-TLBs.
simdis <paddr> [n]
Disassemble or disassemble <n> successive instructions at the supplied
physical address.
simscratch [n]
If no argument is provided, this will print the scratchpad registers
for the currently 'focused' CPU. Otherwise it will print the scratchpad
registers of the CPU passed as an argument.
Note: this command operates using legion-gids, NOT cpuids.
Dump the current CMP registers.
Display active simulation breakpoints.
simdumpbreak <fname>
Dump the defined breakpoints to a text file.
simrestorebreak <fname>
Restore previously defined and saved breakpoints from a text file.