Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 architecture model.
[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / sam / cpus / vonk / n2 / lib / ras / xml / N2_SocErrorStatusReg.xml
<!-- interpreter=xml2reg args='-t' -->
SOC Error Status Register. This register contains status on SOC
errors. The status bits in this register are cleared by writing a 0 to
the bit position. The error register is not cleared on warm reset so
software can examine its contents after an error-induced reset. TABLE
12-50 shows the format of the SOC Error Status Register. TABLE 12-50
SOC Error Status Register - SOC_ERROR_STATUS_REG (0x80-0000-3000)
<field name="V">
Multiple uncorrected errors, one or more uncorrected errors were not logged.
<format type="hex"/>