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[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / rst / rstzip3 / rstzip_v3 / rz3_bitarray.h
* ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
* OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: rz3_bitarray.h
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
/* new rz3_bitarray.h
* utility code for rstzip3
* Copyright (C) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
#ifndef _rz3_bitarray_h_
#define _rz3_bitarray_h_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <strings.h>
#if defined(ARCH_AMD64)
#include "rstf/byteswap.h"
// set this to 1 for debugging - outputs every update to each bitarray
const int rz3_bitarray_debug = 0;
// class rz3_bitarray_base {
class rz3_bitarray {
// rz3_bitarray_base(const char * arg_name, int arg_nbits, int size_hint) {
rz3_bitarray(const char * arg_name, int arg_nbits, int size_hint) {
name = strdup(arg_name);
elemsize = arg_nbits;
elem_mask = (~0ull) >> (64-elemsize);
maxcount = 0;
u64 = NULL;
int desired_count;
if (size_hint) {
desired_count = size_hint;
} else {
desired_count = (1024*64/elemsize);
straddle = ((64%elemsize) != 0);
// ~rz3_bitarray_base() {
~rz3_bitarray() {
if(u64 != NULL) {
delete [] u64;
virtual void clear() {
count = 0;
nextidx = 0;
sum = 0;
nbits = 0;
virtual void Push(uint64_t data_nbits) {
data_nbits &= elem_mask;
if (rz3_bitarray_debug) { printf("rz3_bitarray %s [%d] <= %llx\n", name, count, data_nbits); fflush(stdout); }
if (count >= maxcount) { // we havent written u64[count] yet. cannot write if count>=maxcount
int u64idx = nbits/64;
int offs = nbits%64;
if (straddle && ((64-offs) < elemsize)) {
// low-order bits
int lbits = (64-offs);
uint64_t lmask = (1ull << lbits) - 1;
uint64_t lowbits = data_nbits & lmask;
u64[u64idx] &= ~(lmask << offs);
u64[u64idx] |= (lowbits << offs);
u64[u64idx+1] = data_nbits >> lbits;
} else {
u64[u64idx] &= ~(elem_mask << offs);
u64[u64idx] |= (data_nbits << offs);
nbits += elemsize;
sum += data_nbits;
virtual bool Get(int key, uint64_t & value)
if (key >= count) {
if (rz3_bitarray_debug) fprintf(stderr, "rz3_bitarray %s: Error: Get(%d) - count is %d\n", name, key, count);
return false;
value = 0x0;
int u64idx = (key*elemsize)/64;
int offs = (key*elemsize)%64;
if (straddle && ((offs+elemsize)>64)) {
int hbits = (offs+elemsize)-64;
int lbits = elemsize-hbits;
value = u64[u64idx] >> offs;
uint64_t hmask = (1ull << hbits)-1;
uint64_t hval = u64[u64idx+1] & hmask;
value |= (hval << lbits);
} else {
value = (u64[u64idx] >> offs) & elem_mask;
return true;
// GetNext() is a stateful function that returns elements in the order they were inserted
virtual bool GetNext(uint64_t & value)
bool rv = Get(nextidx, value);
if (rz3_bitarray_debug) { printf("rz3_bitarray %s [%d] <= %llx\n", name, nextidx, value); fflush(stdout); }
return rv;
virtual int Count() {
return count;
virtual uint64_t ComputeMemBufSize(int n_elements)
int n_u64 = (n_elements * elemsize + 63)/64;
return n_u64 * sizeof(uint64_t);
virtual uint64_t GetMemBufSize() {
return ComputeMemBufSize(count);
virtual uint64_t CopyTo(unsigned char * membuf)
int n_u64 = (nbits+63)/64;
uint64_t sz = n_u64*sizeof(uint64_t);
#if defined(ARCH_AMD64)
for (int i=0; i<n_u64; i++) {
u64[i] = byteswap64(u64[i]);
memcpy(membuf, u64, sz);
return sz;
virtual uint64_t CopyFrom(unsigned char * membuf, int arg_count)
if (arg_count > maxcount) {
count = arg_count;
nbits = count * elemsize;
int n_u64 = (nbits + 63)/64;
int sz = n_u64 * sizeof(uint64_t);
memcpy(u64, membuf, sz);
#if defined(ARCH_AMD64)
for (int i=0; i<n_u64; i++) {
u64[i] = byteswap64(u64[i]);
return sz;
// GetSum only returns a valid value if elements are Push()'ed. Not if the are CopyFrom()'ed.
virtual uint64_t GetSum() {
return sum;
void reallocate(int desired_size) {
if (desired_size <= maxcount) return;
if (desired_size < (2*maxcount)) {
desired_size = 2*maxcount;
int new_u64_count = (desired_size * elemsize + 63)/64;
uint64_t * new_u64 = new uint64_t [new_u64_count];
if (u64 != NULL) {
memcpy(new_u64, u64, u64_count*sizeof(uint64_t));
delete [] u64;
u64 = new_u64;
u64_count = new_u64_count;
maxcount = desired_size;
char * name;
int elemsize;
uint64_t elem_mask;
int count; // count of valid elements in the array
int maxcount; // the most number of elements that can exist in the array
int nbits;
int nextidx;
int u64_count;
uint64_t * u64;
uint64_t sum;
bool straddle;
}; // class rz3_bitarray_base
#if 0
// the rz3_bitarray is a space-efficient way to
// maintain lists of items whose size is not necessarily 8/16/32/64 bits.
// We try to balance memory usage and speed requirements.
// To this end, we implement 2 types of bit-arrays: fixed and growable.
// Fixed arrays are fast but can waste space.
// Growable arrays allocate space only as required
class rz3_bitarray {
// nbits is the size of the array element. Must be <= 64
rz3_bitarray(const char * arg_name, int nbits, int size_hint)
impl = new rz3_bitarray_base(arg_name, nbits, size_hint);
~rz3_bitarray() {
delete impl;
void clear() {
void Push(uint64_t data_nbits) {
bool Get(int key, uint64_t & value) {
return impl->Get(key, value);
// GetNext() is a stateful function that returns elements in the order they were inserted
bool GetNext(uint64_t & value)
return impl->GetNext(value);
int Count() {
return impl->Count();
uint64_t ComputeMemBufSize(int n_elements) {
return impl->ComputeMemBufSize(n_elements);
uint64_t GetMemBufSize() {
return impl->GetMemBufSize();
uint64_t CopyTo(unsigned char * membuf) {
return impl->CopyTo(membuf);
uint64_t CopyFrom(unsigned char * membuf, int arg_count) {
return impl->CopyFrom(membuf, arg_count);
uint64_t GetSum() {
return impl->GetSum();
rz3_bitarray_base * impl;
}; // class rz3_bitarray
#endif // _rz3_bitarray_h_