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<H2><A NAME="SECTION0081020000000000000000"></A><A NAME="datetime-timedelta"></A>
6.10.2 <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> Objects
A <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> object represents a duration, the difference
between two dates or times.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">
<td><nobr><b><span class="typelabel">class</span>&nbsp;<tt id='l2h-1863' xml:id='l2h-1863' class="class">timedelta</tt></b>(</nobr></td>
<td><var></var><big>[</big><var>days</var><big>[</big><var>, seconds</var><big>[</big><var>,
microseconds</var><big>[</big><var>, milliseconds</var><big>[</big><var>,
minutes</var><big>[</big><var>, hours</var><big>[</big><var>, weeks</var><big>]</big><var></var><big>]</big><var></var><big>]</big><var></var><big>]</big><var></var><big>]</big><var></var><big>]</big><var></var><big>]</big><var></var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
All arguments are optional and default to <code>0</code>. Arguments may
be ints, longs, or floats, and may be positive or negative.
Only <var>days</var>, <var>seconds</var> and <var>microseconds</var> are stored
internally. Arguments are converted to those units:
<LI>A millisecond is converted to 1000 microseconds.
<LI>A minute is converted to 60 seconds.
<LI>An hour is converted to 3600 seconds.
<LI>A week is converted to 7 days.
and days, seconds and microseconds are then normalized so that the
representation is unique, with
<LI><code>0 &lt;= <var>microseconds</var> &lt; 1000000</code>
<LI><code>0 &lt;= <var>seconds</var> &lt; 3600*24</code> (the number of seconds in one day)
<LI><code>-999999999 &lt;= <var>days</var> &lt;= 999999999</code>
If any argument is a float and there are fractional microseconds,
the fractional microseconds left over from all arguments are combined
and their sum is rounded to the nearest microsecond. If no
argument is a float, the conversion and normalization processes
are exact (no information is lost).
If the normalized value of days lies outside the indicated range,
<tt class="exception">OverflowError</tt> is raised.
Note that normalization of negative values may be surprising at first.
For example,
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; d = timedelta(microseconds=-1)
&gt;&gt;&gt; (d.days, d.seconds, d.microseconds)
(-1, 86399, 999999)
Class attributes are:
<dl><dt><b><tt id='l2h-1864' xml:id='l2h-1864' class="member">min</tt></b></dt>
The most negative <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> object,
<dl><dt><b><tt id='l2h-1865' xml:id='l2h-1865' class="member">max</tt></b></dt>
The most positive <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> object,
<code>timedelta(days=999999999, hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59,
<dl><dt><b><tt id='l2h-1866' xml:id='l2h-1866' class="member">resolution</tt></b></dt>
The smallest possible difference between non-equal
<tt class="class">timedelta</tt> objects, <code>timedelta(microseconds=1)</code>.
Note that, because of normalization, <code>timedelta.max</code> &gt;
<code>-timedelta.min</code>. <code>-timedelta.max</code> is not representable as
a <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> object.
Instance attributes (read-only):
<div class="center"><table class="realtable">
<th class="center">Attribute</th>
<th class="left" >Value</th>
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code>days</code></td>
<td class="left" >Between -999999999 and 999999999 inclusive</td></tr>
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code>seconds</code></td>
<td class="left" >Between 0 and 86399 inclusive</td></tr>
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code>microseconds</code></td>
<td class="left" >Between 0 and 999999 inclusive</td></tr></tbody>
Supported operations:
<div class="center"><table class="realtable">
<th class="center">Operation</th>
<th class="left" >Result</th>
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code><var>t1</var> = <var>t2</var> + <var>t3</var></code></td>
<td class="left" >Sum of <var>t2</var> and <var>t3</var>.
Afterwards <var>t1</var>-<var>t2</var> == <var>t3</var> and <var>t1</var>-<var>t3</var>
== <var>t2</var> are true.
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code><var>t1</var> = <var>t2</var> - <var>t3</var></code></td>
<td class="left" >Difference of <var>t2</var> and <var>t3</var>.
Afterwards <var>t1</var> == <var>t2</var> - <var>t3</var> and
<var>t2</var> == <var>t1</var> + <var>t3</var> are true.
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code><var>t1</var> = <var>t2</var> * <var>i</var> or <var>t1</var> = <var>i</var> * <var>t2</var></code></td>
<td class="left" >Delta multiplied by an integer or long.
Afterwards <var>t1</var> // i == <var>t2</var> is true,
provided <code>i != 0</code>.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code></code></td>
<td class="left" >In general, <var>t1</var> * i == <var>t1</var> * (i-1) + <var>t1</var> is true.
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code><var>t1</var> = <var>t2</var> // <var>i</var></code></td>
<td class="left" >The floor is computed and the remainder (if any) is thrown away.
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code>+<var>t1</var></code></td>
<td class="left" >Returns a <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> object with the same value.
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code>-<var>t1</var></code></td>
<td class="left" >equivalent to <tt class="class">timedelta</tt>(-<var>t1.days</var>, -<var>t1.seconds</var>,
-<var>t1.microseconds</var>), and to <var>t1</var>* -1.
<tr><td class="center" valign="baseline"><code>abs(<var>t</var>)</code></td>
<td class="left" >equivalent to +<var>t</var> when <code>t.days &gt;= 0</code>, and to
-<var>t</var> when <code>t.days &lt; 0</code>.
<DD>This is exact, but may overflow.
<DD>This is exact, and cannot overflow.
<DD>Division by 0 raises <tt class="exception">ZeroDivisionError</tt>.
<DD>-<var>timedelta.max</var> is not representable as a <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> object.
In addition to the operations listed above <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> objects
support certain additions and subtractions with <tt class="class">date</tt> and
<tt class="class">datetime</tt> objects (see below).
Comparisons of <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> objects are supported with the
<tt class="class">timedelta</tt> object representing the smaller duration considered
to be the smaller timedelta.
In order to stop mixed-type comparisons from falling back to the
default comparison by object address, when a <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> object is
compared to an object of a different type, <tt class="exception">TypeError</tt> is
raised unless the comparison is <code>==</code> or <code>!=</code>. The latter
cases return <tt class="constant">False</tt> or <tt class="constant">True</tt>, respectively.
<tt class="class">timedelta</tt> objects are hashable (usable as dictionary keys),
support efficient pickling, and in Boolean contexts, a <tt class="class">timedelta</tt>
object is considered to be true if and only if it isn't equal to
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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