In legion build config, updated path to GNU tools and updated deprecated Sun CC flag...
[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / sam / cpus / vonk / ss / api / memsync / src / MemoryAccessEntry.h
* ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
* OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: MemoryAccessEntry.h
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
** Copyright (C) 2002, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
** Sun considers its source code as an unpublished, proprietary
** trade secret and it is available only under strict license provisions.
** This copyright notice is placed here only to protect Sun in the event
** the source is deemed a published work. Disassembly, decompilation,
** or other means of reducing the object code to human readable form
** is prohibited by the license agreement under which this code is
** provided to the user or company in possession of this copy."
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include "LoadStoreCmd.h"
class MemoryAccessEntry {
static uint64_t maeid;
* Default constructor
MemoryAccessEntry(LoadStoreCmd& cmd);
* Copy constructor
* @param orig The MemoryAccessEntry object to copy.
MemoryAccessEntry( const MemoryAccessEntry &orig );
* Destructor
virtual ~MemoryAccessEntry();
* Equality operator
* @param rhs The right hand side of the equality operator
* @return Return true if this objec and rhs are equal,
* otherwise return false
bool operator==( const MemoryAccessEntry &rhs ) const;
* Assignment operator
* @param rhs The right hand side of the assignment operator.
* @return The lvalue of the assignment.
const MemoryAccessEntry & operator=( const MemoryAccessEntry &rhs );
* Return a string representation of this MemoryAccessEntry object.
std::string toString() const;
void setMaeId (uint64_t value) { MemoryAccessEntry::maeid = value; }
void setLink(std::list<MemoryAccessEntry>::iterator link) { link_ = link; vlink_ = true; }
void setLinkValid (bool valid) { vlink_ = valid; }
void setAddr(uint64_t addr) { addr_ = addr; }
void setData(uint64_t data) { data_ = data; }
void setThrdId(uint32_t tid) { tid_ = tid; }
void setCoreId(uint32_t cid) { cid_ = cid; }
void setInv(uint32_t inv) { inv_ = inv; }
void setCinv(uint32_t cinv) { cinv_ = cinv; }
void setSrcBank (uint32_t srcBank) { srcBank_ = srcBank; }
void setSet (uint32_t set) { set_ = set; }
void setWay (uint32_t way) { way_ = way; }
void setIseq (uint64_t iseq) { iseq_ = iseq; }
void setDsrcMid (uint64_t dsrcMid) { dsrcMid_ = dsrcMid; }
void setGlobal (uint64_t global) { global_ = global; }
void setEntryType(enum MEM_CMD etype) { etype_ = etype; }
void setItype(enum INSTR_TYPE itype) { itype_ = itype; }
void setDsrc(enum DATA_SRC dsrc) { dsrc_ = dsrc; }
void setVbyte(uint8_t vbyte) { vbyte_ = vbyte; }
void setSizeV(uint8_t vbyte) { vbyte_ = vbyte; }
void setCacheL1(bool cacheL1) { cacheL1_ = cacheL1; }
void setExecuted(bool executed) { executed_ = executed; }
void setValid(bool valid) { valid_ = valid; }
void setAcked(bool acked) { acked_ = acked; }
void setSwitchData (bool switchData) { switchData_ = switchData; }
void setLink2(std::list<MemoryAccessEntry>::iterator link2) { link2_ = link2; vlink2_ = true; }
void setLink2Valid (bool valid) { vlink2_ = valid; }
void setPopped() { popped_ = true; }
std::list<MemoryAccessEntry>::iterator getLink() const { return link_; }
uint64_t getId() const { return id_; }
uint64_t getAddr() const { return addr_; }
uint64_t getData() const { return data_; }
uint32_t getThrdId() const { return tid_; }
uint32_t getCoreId() const { return cid_; }
uint32_t getInv() const { return inv_; }
uint32_t getCinv() const { return cinv_; }
uint32_t getSrcBank() const { return srcBank_; }
uint32_t getSet() const { return set_; }
uint32_t getWay() const { return way_; }
uint64_t getIseq() const { return iseq_; }
uint64_t getDsrcMid() const { return dsrcMid_; }
uint64_t getGlobal() const { return global_; }
enum MEM_CMD getEntryType() const { return etype_; }
enum INSTR_TYPE getItype() const { return itype_; }
enum DATA_SRC getDsrc() const { return dsrc_; }
uint8_t getVbyte() const { return vbyte_; }
uint8_t getSizeV() const { return vbyte_; }
bool isCacheL1() const { return cacheL1_; }
bool isExecuted() const { return executed_; }
bool isValid() const { return valid_; }
bool isLinkValid() const { return vlink_; }
bool isAcked() const { return acked_; }
bool isSwitchData() const { return switchData_; }
bool isPopped() const { return popped_; }
std::list<MemoryAccessEntry>::iterator getLink2() const { return link2_; }
bool isLink2Valid() const { return vlink2_; }
uint32_t addCinv (uint32_t cinv) { cinv_ |= cinv; return cinv_; }
#ifdef N3MODEL
bool isInvDone() { return (((inv_ ^ cinv_) || !acked_) ? false : true); }
bool isInvDone() { return ((inv_ ^ cinv_) ? false : true); }
std::list<MemoryAccessEntry>::iterator getEntry();
void setEntry(std::list<MemoryAccessEntry>::iterator);
void setCycle(uint64_t cyc) { cycle_ = cyc; }
uint64_t getCycle() { return cycle_; }
* handle error injection corner cases
void setMerged(bool merged) { merged_ = merged; }
void setOrigData(uint64_t data) { origData_ = data; }
void setOrigSizeV(uint8_t vbyte) { origVbyte_ = vbyte; }
bool getMerged() const { return merged_; }
uint64_t getOrigData() const { return origData_; }
uint8_t getOrigSizeV() const { return origVbyte_; }
void setDmaStore(bool val) { dmaStore = val; }
bool getDmaStore() { return dmaStore; }
void setTsize(int _tsize) { tsize = _tsize; }
int getTsize() { return tsize; }
void setWriteBack() { writeBack = true; }
bool isWriteBack() { return writeBack; }
void setInvSet(bool val) { invSet = val; }
bool getInvSet() { return invSet; }
std::list<MemoryAccessEntry>::iterator link_; // link to other entry
std::list<MemoryAccessEntry>::iterator link2_; // link to other entry
uint64_t id_; // sequential id, to indicates the order of reference
uint64_t addr_; // physical address
uint64_t data_; // 8 byte data
uint64_t iseq_; // instruction sequence (for TSOchecker)
uint64_t dsrcMid_; // MAE id of data source (for TSOchecker)
uint64_t global_; // the last MAE id at which old data is invalidated/updated in all L1$s (for TSOchecker)
uint32_t tid_; // thread id
uint32_t cid_; // core id
uint32_t inv_; // invalidation vector
uint32_t cinv_; // core invalidated
uint32_t srcBank_; // source bank id, used in EVICT
uint32_t set_; // cache set
uint32_t way_; // cache way
enum MEM_CMD etype_; // entry type
enum INSTR_TYPE itype_; // instruction type
enum DATA_SRC dsrc_; // load data source
uint8_t vbyte_; // valid byte: bit 0 represents byte 0, and so on.
bool cacheL1_; // perform L1 line fill?
bool executed_; // corresponding instruction executed
bool valid_; // valid entry
bool vlink_; // valid link
bool acked_; // acked by its own used for store instruction, or in imab, storeL2 removed
bool vlink2_; // 2nd link
bool switchData_; // indicates if the memory data will be changed for an atomic instr
bool popped_; // the entry is popped by LOAD_POP
uint64_t cycle_; // RTL cycle, i.e., timestamp from testbench
bool merged_; // true mean we need to re-do data merge
uint64_t origData_; // original data before before SC merge
uint8_t origVbyte_; // original valid byte vector
bool dmaStore; // true - this is a dma_store related SC entry
int tsize; // the size of a DMA_STORE operation
bool writeBack; // true - a st_commit has been written back to memory before it reaches head of MAB
bool invSet; // true - no more evict assoicated with this dma_store