Added ability to record metadata at top of page data file.
[cmless] / site_sample / data /

%%BEGIN_PAGE_METADATA%% [DEFAULT] page_title = Markdown Reference meta_keywords = Words,that,describe,the,page meta_description = A description of the page. menu_text = Markdown Reference %%END_PAGE_METADATA%%

Markdown Test

This document contains at least one example of each valid markdown element. It is intended as a test for the markdown processor and as a reference for content creation.

Code Blocks

Inline code blocks use the backtick key while

standalone code blocks use
four spaces at the start of
every line.


Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6

Alternate H1

Alternate H2

Text Decorations

Italic emphasis is implemented with asterisks or underscores.

Bold emphasis uses double asterisks or double underscores.

These can be combined.

Strikethroughs use double squigglies tildes.


  1. Lists can be both ordered or unordered.
  2. This includes sublists
  3. and mixed combinations
  4. It is even possible to embed regular paragraphs in a list element.

    They require a leading, blank line and at least one leading space. We have used three spaces here to align the raw markdown.

  5. And the list continues after the paragraph.

  6. Note that the raw number is irrelevant; the markdown processor renumbers the list.


Links come in a variety of styles.

The link definition can be separate from the declaration.


Inline style:

alt text

Reference style:

alt text


Tables can be aligned with colons and inline markdown is allowed.

Left-align Center-align Right-align
Italic Bold Bold Italic
And code blocks

Block Quotes

Block quotes can be inserted with a ‘> ’ prefix.

They can be separated by normal text.

And then continue again.