Updated client.txt -> client.md in README.md.
[pdp11-bin2pdp] / client.md

© 2017 Aaron Taylor See LICENSE.txt file for copyright and license details.

This is a loader for the PDP-11. It is designed to work in conjunction with the server.c program, also found in this directory.


Address Value Instruction Description
R0 1000 Starting memory address to store transferred data
R1 xxxx Number of bytes to transfer (displayed by server.c)
R2 176540 Address of RCSR register for SLU
R3 1000 Address for program execution after transfer is complete
70000 105712 TSTB (R2) Set N=1 in PSW when SLU contains received byte
70002 100376 BPL -> 70000 Loop until SLU has another byte ready to read
70004 116220 MOVB X(R2) (R0)+ Copy byte from SLU to memory and increment location
70006 2 X=2 RCSR + 2 = RBUF
70010 005301 DEC R1 Decrement number of bytes remaining to receive
70012 005701 TST R1 Set Z=1 in PSW after receiving last byte
70014 001371 BNE -> 70000 Loop until all bytes are transferred
70016 010307 MOV R3 R7 Set new PC and begin execution of new instructions

If you suspect data transfer problems, the following program will generate a checksum which should match that displayed by server.c during the transfer. Remember to halt after loading the image so it remains unmodified.

Address Value Instruction Description
R0 1000 Starting memory address
R4 xxxx Number of words (not bytes!) to check
R5 0 Checksum will be here after program terminates
71000 062005 ADD (R0)+ R5 Add word to checksum
71002 005304 DEC R4 Decrement number of words to check
71004 005704 TST R4 Set Z=1 in PSW after checking last word
71006 001374 BNE -> 71000 Loop until all words are checked
71010 000000 HALT Halt so user can examine checksum in R5