[xmenu] / config.h
static struct Config config = {
/* font */
.font = "monospace:size=9", /* for regular items */
/* colors */
.background_color = "#FFFFFF",
.foreground_color = "#2E3436",
.selbackground_color = "#3584E4",
.selforeground_color = "#FFFFFF",
.separator_color = "#CDC7C2",
.border_color = "#E6E6E6",
/* sizes in pixels */
.width_pixels = 130, /* minimum width of a menu */
.height_pixels = 25, /* height of a single menu item */
.border_pixels = 1, /* menu border */
.separator_pixels = 3, /* space around separator */
.gap_pixels = 0, /* gap between menus */
/* the variables below cannot be set by X resources */
/* geometry of the right-pointing isoceles triangle for submenus */
.triangle_width = 3,
.triangle_height = 7,
/* padding of the area around the icon */
.iconpadding = 4,