In legion build config, updated path to GNU tools and updated deprecated Sun CC flag...
[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / sam / cpus / vonk / ss / api / memsync / src / TsoNode.h
2* ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
4* OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: TsoNode.h
5* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8* The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
10* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
12* The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be
13* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15* General Public License for more details.
17* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
18* License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
19* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21* ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
23#ifndef _TSONODE_H
24#define _TSONODE_H
27** Copyright (C) 2002, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
29** Sun considers its source code as an unpublished, proprietary
30** trade secret and it is available only under strict license provisions.
31** This copyright notice is placed here only to protect Sun in the event
32** the source is deemed a published work. Disassembly, decompilation,
33** or other means of reducing the object code to human readable form
34** is prohibited by the license agreement under which this code is
35** provided to the user or company in possession of this copy."
38#include <iostream>
40#include "MemorySyncDefs.h"
41#include <list>
43#include "TsoCheckerDefs.h"
44#include "TsoEdge.h"
45#include "TsoCheckerCmd.h"
47 namespace Tso {
48 class TsoEdge;
50 class TsoNode {
52 public:
53 /**
54 * Default constructor
55 */
56 TsoNode();
59 /**
60 * constructor
61 */
62 TsoNode(const TsoCheckerCmd& cmd);
64 /**
65 * Copy constructor
66 *
67 * @param orig The TsoNode object to copy.
68 */
69 TsoNode( const TsoNode &orig );
71 /**
72 * Destructor
73 */
74 virtual ~TsoNode();
76 /**
77 * Equality operator
78 *
79 * @param rhs The right hand side of the equality operator
80 * @return Return true if this objec and rhs are equal,
81 * otherwise return false
82 */
83 bool operator==( const TsoNode &rhs ) const;
85 /**
86 * Assignment operator
87 *
88 * @param rhs The right hand side of the assignment operator.
89 * @return The lvalue of the assignment.
90 */
91 const TsoNode & operator=( const TsoNode &rhs );
93 /**
94 * Return a string representation of this TsoNode object.
95 */
96 std::string toString() const;
98 /**
99 * Remove all edge pointers in the in_ list. The function also removes the
100 * edge pointer in the edge's source node's out_ list.
101 */
102 void removeInEdges();
104 /**
105 * Remove all edge pointers in the out_ list. The function also removes the
106 * edge pointer in the edge's destination node's in_ list.
107 */
108 void removeOutEdges();
110 /**
111 * Remove all edge pointers in the in_ & out_ list. This method calls
112 * removeInEdges() and removeOutEdges().
113 */
114 void removeEdges();
116 /**
117 * Check to see if all nodes corresponding to the node's instructions has
118 * arrived or not.
119 * @return a boolean to relect this check
120 */
121 bool allEntriesArrive();
123 /**
124 * Check to see if the node coresponds to a store instruction
125 * Note that atomic is also counted as a store instruction.
126 * @return a boolean to relect this check
127 */
128 isStore() { return (itype_ == ITYPE_STORE ||
129 itype_ == ITYPE_BLOCK_STORE ||
130 itype_ == ITYPE_STORE_INIT ||
131 itype_ == ITYPE_ATOMIC); }
133 /**
134 * Check to see if the node coresponds to a load instruction
135 * Note that atomic is also counted as a load instruction.
136 * @return a boolean to relect this check
137 */
138 isLoad() { return (itype_ == ITYPE_LOAD ||
139 itype_ == ITYPE_BLOCK_LOAD ||
140 itype_ == ITYPE_QUAD_LOAD ||
141 itype_ == ITYPE_DOUBLE_LOAD ||
142 itype_ == ITYPE_ATOMIC); }
144 /**
145 * Check to see if the node coresponds to a RMO instruction
146 * @return a boolean to relect this check
147 */
148 isRMO() { return (itype_ == ITYPE_BLOCK_STORE ||
149 itype_ == ITYPE_STORE_INIT ||
150 itype_ == ITYPE_BLOCK_LOAD); }
152 /**
153 * Check to see if the node coresponds to an atomic instruction
154 * @return a boolean to relect this check
155 */
156 isAtomic() { return (itype_ == ITYPE_ATOMIC); }
158 /**
159 * Check to see if the node's addres is in I/O range
160 * @return a boolean to relect this check
161 */
162 isIO() { return ((addr_ & IO_ADDR_BIT_MASK) != 0); }
164 /**
165 * Check to see if the node corresponds to a TSO load instruction
166 * A TSO load is defined as a load whose address is not in I/O space
167 * and is not a RMO load
168 * @return a boolean
169 */
170 isTsoLoad() { return (isLoad() && !isRMO() && !isIO()); }
172 /**
173 * Check to see if the node corresponds to a TSO store instruction
174 * A TSO store is defined as a store whose address is not in I/O space
175 * and is not a RMO store
176 * @return a boolean
177 */
178 isTsoStore() { return (isStore() && !isRMO() && !isIO()); }
180 /**
181 * Check to see if the node corresponds to a TSO instruction
182 * A TSO instruciton is defined as an instruction whose address is not
183 * in I/O space and is not a RMO instruction
184 * @return a boolean
185 */
186 isTSO() { return (isTsoLoad() || isTsoStore()); }
188 /**
189 * Check the if the node is MEM_STORE_COMMIT
190 * @return a bollena
191 */
192 isStoreCommit() { return (cmd_ == MEM_STORE_COMMIT); }
194 /**
195 * Check the if the node is MEM_LOAD_DATA
196 * @return a bollena
197 */
198 isLoadData() { return (cmd_ == MEM_LOAD_DATA); }
200 /**
201 * Get the begin iterator of the in_ list
202 */
203 std::list<TsoEdge*>::iterator inBegin() { return in_.begin(); };
205 /**
206 * Get the end iterator of the in_ list
207 */
208 std::list<TsoEdge*>::iterator inEnd() { return in_.end(); }
210 /**
211 * Get the begin iterator of the out_ list
212 */
213 std::list<TsoEdge*>::iterator outBegin() { return out_.begin(); }
215 /**
216 * Get the end iterator of the out_ list
217 */
218 std::list<TsoEdge*>::iterator outEnd() { return out_.end(); }
220 /**
221 * Get the size of in_
222 */
223 std::list<TsoEdge*>::size_type inSize() { return in_.size(); }
225 /**
226 * Get the size of out_
227 */
228 std::list<TsoEdge*>::size_type outSize() { return out_.size(); }
230 /**
231 * Push an edge point to the front of the in_ list
232 * @param edge The edge pointer to be pushed
233 */
234 void inPushFront (TsoEdge* edge) { in_.push_front(edge); }
236 /**
237 * Push an edge point to the front of the out_ list
238 * @param edge The edge pointer to be pushed
239 */
240 void outPushFront (TsoEdge* edge) { out_.push_front(edge); }
242 /**
243 * Erase in_ entry
244 * @param ei The iterator whose corresponding entry is to be erase
245 */
246 void inErase(std::list<TsoEdge*>::iterator ei) { in_.erase(ei); }
248 /**
249 * Erase out_ entry
250 * @param ei The iterator whose corresponding entry is to be erase
251 */
252 void outErase(std::list<TsoEdge*>::iterator ei) { out_.erase(ei); }
254 /**
255 * Clear all entries in in_ list
256 */
257 void inClear() { in_.clear(); }
259 /**
260 * Clear all entries in out_ list
261 */
262 void outClear() { out_.clear(); }
264 /**
265 * Push a node pointer to the back of the nodes_ list
266 * @param np The node pointer to be pushed
267 */
268 void nodePush (TsoNode* np) { nodes_.push_back(np); };
270 /******************************************************************
271 * Private variable get/set methods
272 ******************************************************************/
273 void setIseq (uint64_t iseq) { iseq_ = iseq; }
274 void setCommit (uint64_t commit) { commit_ = commit; }
275 void setGobs (uint64_t gobs) { gobs_ = gobs; }
276 void setRetire (uint64_t retire) { retire_ = retire; }
277 void setAddr (uint64_t addr) { addr_ = addr; }
278 void setData (uint64_t data) { data_ = data; }
279 void setNcnt (uint32_t ncnt) { ncnt_ = ncnt; }
280 void incNcnt () { ncnt_++; }
281 void setThrdId (uint32_t tid) { tid_ = tid; }
282 void setItype (enum INSTR_TYPE itype) { itype_ = itype; }
283 void setCmd (enum MEM_CMD cmd) { cmd_ = cmd; }
284 void setNtype (enum MEM_CMD ntype) { cmd_ = ntype; }
285 void setDsrc (enum DATA_SRC dsrc) { dsrc_ = dsrc; }
286 void setSizeV (uint8_t sizeV) { sizeV_ = sizeV; }
287 void setOld (uint8_t old) { old_ = old; }
288 void orOld (uint8_t old) { old_ = old_ | old; }
289 void setLastStore (bool tf) { lastStore_ = tf; }
290 void setLastLoad (bool tf) { lastLoad_ = tf; }
292 char* getNodeName() { return nodeName_; }
293 uint64_t getIseq() const { return iseq_; }
294 uint64_t getCommit() const { return commit_; }
295 uint64_t getGobs() const { return gobs_; }
296 uint64_t getRetire() const { return retire_; }
297 uint64_t getAddr() const { return addr_; }
298 uint64_t getData() const { return data_; }
299 uint32_t getNcnt() const { return ncnt_; }
300 uint32_t getThrdId() const { return tid_; }
301 enum INSTR_TYPE getItype() const { return itype_; }
302 enum MEM_CMD getCmd() const { return cmd_; }
303 enum MEM_CMD getNtype() const { return cmd_; }
304 enum DATA_SRC getDsrc() const { return dsrc_; }
305 uint8_t getSizeV() const { return sizeV_; }
306 uint8_t getOld() const { return old_; }
308 bool noInEdges() const { return (in_.empty()); }
309 bool noOutEdges() const { return (out_.empty()); }
310 bool hasInEdges() const { return (!in_.empty()); }
311 bool hasOutEdges() const { return (!out_.empty()); }
312 bool isAllOld() const { return ((sizeV_ ^ old_) == 0); }
314 bool isLastStore() const { return lastStore_; }
315 bool isLastLoad() const { return lastLoad_; }
317 protected:
319 private:
320 /**
321 * nodeName_, node's name, is used as the node lable in TSO digraph
322 */
323 char nodeName_[150];
325 /**
326 * in_ contains the pointers of edges coming to this node
327 */
328 std::list<TsoEdge*> in_;
330 /**
331 * out_ contains the pointers of edges coming from this node
332 */
333 std::list<TsoEdge*> out_;
335 /**
336 * nodes_ contains the pointers of nodes that belong to the same instruction as this node.
337 */
338 std::list<TsoNode*> nodes_; // additional TSO nodes for atomic/quad load, block load/store
340 /**
341 * iseq_ is the load/store instruction sequence, must consecutive
342 * but can be out-of-order
343 */
344 uint64_t iseq_; // load/store instruction sequence number
346 /**
347 * commit_ has different definitions for store and load. <br>
348 * <p>
349 * For store it is the time when a store commits (for N2,
350 * it is the time when the data is written into L2 and can be seen
351 * by other L2 access). <br>
352 * <p>
353 * For load, it is any time in the duration when the whole data can
354 * be seen in the L2 access. Note the source of a load may come from
355 * several stores.
356 * <p> This variable has the same meaning as macc_ in TsoCheckerCmd.h
357 * @see TsoCheckerCmd.h
358 */
359 uint64_t commit_;
361 /**
362 * gobs_ is the global observed time of a store. Note that a store
363 * may have stale data in L1 caches of other cores, or caches of
364 * other chips. Before a store data can be globally observed, all
365 * those stale data must be either invalidated or be updated. <br>
366 * <p>
367 * The gobs_ must be no earlier than its L2 commit time, commit_.
368 */
369 uint64_t gobs_;
371 /**
372 * retire_ is the time when the node can be retired. Note that different
373 * byte of data may have different retire time. This records the latest.
374 */
375 uint64_t retire_;
377 /**
378 * addr_ is the physical address.
379 */
380 uint64_t addr_; // address
382 /**
383 * data_ is either the load data or store data.
384 */
385 uint64_t data_; // data
387 /**
388 * ncnt_ equals nnodes_.size() + 1 (itself)
389 */
390 uint32_t ncnt_;
392 /**
393 * tid_ is a flat thread ID; each thread must have a unique ID.
394 */
395 uint32_t tid_; // thread ID
397 /**
398 * itype_ is the instruction type, such as load, store, block load/store,
399 * etc, whose definition is in
400 * @see MemorySyncDefs.h
401 */
402 enum INSTR_TYPE itype_; // instruction type
405 /**
406 * cmd_ is the entry type, such as StoreCommit and LoadData, whose
407 * defintion is in
408 * @see MemorySyncDefs.h
409 */
410 enum MEM_CMD cmd_; // command
412 /**
413 * dsrc_ is the source of a load data, which could be L1, STB, or
414 * L2/Memory.
415 * @see MemorySyncDefs.h
416 */
417 enum DATA_SRC dsrc_; // data source
419 /**
420 * The data format is as follows: (Big Edian)
421 *
422 * bit 63 0
423 * +--------+--------+------------+--------+
424 * data | byte 0 | byte 1 | --- | byte 7 |
425 * (64 bits) +--------+--------+------------+--------+
426 *
427 * sizeV_: bit 7 bit 6 bit 0
428 * (8 bits)
429 *
430 * sizeV_ is to indicates which byte is valid: bit 0 for data_[7:0],
431 * bit 1 for data_[15:8], and so on.
432 */
433 uint8_t sizeV_; // size vector: 1 -> valid byte
435 /**
436 * old_ indicates if the corresponding byte of data in this node is old or not.
437 * Similar to sizeV_, bit 0 is the indicator of data_[7:0]; bit 1, data_[15:8],
438 * and so on.
439 */
440 uint8_t old_; // bit vector: 1 -> old data in MemoryAccessHistory
442 /**
443 * lastStore_ indicates if the node is the last store in the program order list,
444 * nodeList_ in TsoChecker.h, or not.
445 * @see TsoChecker.h
446 */
447 bool lastStore_; // need both lastStore_ and lastLoad_ is because atomic
449 /**
450 * lastStore_ indicates if the node is the last load in the program order list,
451 * nodeList_ in TsoChecker.h, or not.
452 * @see TsoChecker.h
453 */
454 bool lastLoad_; // can have both
455 };
457} /* namespace Tso */
459#endif /* _TSONODE_H */