In legion build config, updated path to GNU tools and updated deprecated Sun CC flag...
[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / devtools / amd64 / man / mann / interp.n
... / ...
2'\" Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4'\" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
5'\" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
7'\" RCS: @(#) $Id: interp.n,v 2004/10/27 14:23:56 dkf Exp $
9'\" The definitions below are for supplemental macros used in Tcl/Tk
10'\" manual entries.
12'\" .AP type name in/out ?indent?
13'\" Start paragraph describing an argument to a library procedure.
14'\" type is type of argument (int, etc.), in/out is either "in", "out",
15'\" or "in/out" to describe whether procedure reads or modifies arg,
16'\" and indent is equivalent to second arg of .IP (shouldn't ever be
17'\" needed; use .AS below instead)
19'\" .AS ?type? ?name?
20'\" Give maximum sizes of arguments for setting tab stops. Type and
21'\" name are examples of largest possible arguments that will be passed
22'\" to .AP later. If args are omitted, default tab stops are used.
24'\" .BS
25'\" Start box enclosure. From here until next .BE, everything will be
26'\" enclosed in one large box.
28'\" .BE
29'\" End of box enclosure.
31'\" .CS
32'\" Begin code excerpt.
34'\" .CE
35'\" End code excerpt.
37'\" .VS ?version? ?br?
38'\" Begin vertical sidebar, for use in marking newly-changed parts
39'\" of man pages. The first argument is ignored and used for recording
40'\" the version when the .VS was added, so that the sidebars can be
41'\" found and removed when they reach a certain age. If another argument
42'\" is present, then a line break is forced before starting the sidebar.
44'\" .VE
45'\" End of vertical sidebar.
47'\" .DS
48'\" Begin an indented unfilled display.
50'\" .DE
51'\" End of indented unfilled display.
53'\" .SO
54'\" Start of list of standard options for a Tk widget. The
55'\" options follow on successive lines, in four columns separated
56'\" by tabs.
58'\" .SE
59'\" End of list of standard options for a Tk widget.
61'\" .OP cmdName dbName dbClass
62'\" Start of description of a specific option. cmdName gives the
63'\" option's name as specified in the class command, dbName gives
64'\" the option's name in the option database, and dbClass gives
65'\" the option's class in the option database.
67'\" .UL arg1 arg2
68'\" Print arg1 underlined, then print arg2 normally.
70'\" RCS: @(#) $Id: man.macros,v 1.4 2000/08/25 06:18:32 ericm Exp $
72'\" # Set up traps and other miscellaneous stuff for Tcl/Tk man pages.
73.if t .wh -1.3i ^B ^l \n(.l b
76'\" # Start an argument description AP !"\\$4"" .TP \\$4
79.el \{\
80. ie !"\\$2"" .TP \\n()Cu
81. el .TP 15
83.ta \\n()Au \\n()Bu !"\\$3"" \{\
85\&\\$1 \\fI\\$2\\fP (\\$3)
88.el \{\ !"\\$2"" \{\
91\&\\$1 \\fI\\$2\\fP
93.el \{\
98'\" # define tabbing values for .AP AS )A 10n
101.if !"\\$1"" .nr )A \\w'\\$1'u+3n )B \\n()Au+15n
104.if !"\\$2"" .nr )B \\w'\\$2'u+\\n()Au+3n )C \\n()Bu+\\w'(in/out)'u+2n
107.AS Tcl_Interp Tcl_CreateInterp in/out
108'\" # BS - start boxed text
109'\" # ^y = starting y location
110'\" # ^b = 1 BS ^y ^b 1u
115.if n .nf
116.if n .ti 0
117.if n \l'\\n(.lu\(ul'
118.if n .fi
120'\" # BE - end boxed text (draw box now) BE
123.ti 0 ^t n \l'\\n(^lu\(ul'
126.el \{\
127.\" Draw four-sided box normally, but don't draw top of
128.\" box if the box started on an earlier page. !\\n(^b-1 \{\
132.el \}\
135.\} ^b 0
140'\" # VS - start vertical sidebar
141'\" # ^Y = starting y location
142'\" # ^v = 1 (for troff; for nroff this doesn't matter) VS
144.if !"\\$2"" .br ^Y n 'mc \s12\(br\s0
147.el .nr ^v 1u
149'\" # VE - end of vertical sidebar VE n 'mc
152.el \{\
153.ev 2
155.ti 0 ^t
158.sp -1
161.\} ^v 0
164'\" # Special macro to handle page bottom: finish off current
165'\" # box/sidebar if in box/sidebar mode, then invoked standard
166'\" # page bottom macro. ^B
168.ev 2
169'ti 0
170'nf ^t
172.if \\n(^b \{\
173.\" Draw three-sided box if this is the box's first page,
174.\" draw two sides but no top otherwise. !\\n(^b-1 \h'-1.5n'\L'|\\n(^yu-1v'\l'\\n(^lu+3n\(ul'\L'\\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^yu'\h'|0u'\c
176.el \h'-1.5n'\L'|\\n(^yu-1v'\h'\\n(^lu+3n'\L'\\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^yu'\h'|0u'\c
178.if \\n(^v \{\ ^x \\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^Yu
185.if \\n(^b \{\ ^y ^b 2
189.if \\n(^v \{\ ^Y
193'\" # DS - begin display DS
199'\" # DE - end display DE
205'\" # SO - start of list of standard options SO
210.ta 5.5c 11c
211.ft B
213'\" # SE - end of list of standard options SE
216.ft R
218See the \\fBoptions\\fR manual entry for details on the standard options.
220'\" # OP - start of full description for a single option OP
224.ta 4c
225Command-Line Name: \\fB\\$1\\fR
226Database Name: \\fB\\$2\\fR
227Database Class: \\fB\\$3\\fR
231'\" # CS - begin code excerpt CS
235.ta .25i .5i .75i 1i
237'\" # CE - end code excerpt CE
241.. UL
245.TH interp n 7.6 Tcl "Tcl Built-In Commands"
247'\" Note: do not modify the .SH NAME line immediately below!
249interp \- Create and manipulate Tcl interpreters
251\fBinterp \fIoption \fR?\fIarg arg ...\fR?
256This command makes it possible to create one or more new Tcl
257interpreters that co-exist with the creating interpreter in the
258same application. The creating interpreter is called the \fImaster\fR
259and the new interpreter is called a \fIslave\fR.
260A master can create any number of slaves, and each slave can
261itself create additional slaves for which it is master, resulting
262in a hierarchy of interpreters.
264Each interpreter is independent from the others: it has its own name
265space for commands, procedures, and global variables.
266A master interpreter may create connections between its slaves and
267itself using a mechanism called an \fIalias\fR. An \fIalias\fR is
268a command in a slave interpreter which, when invoked, causes a
269command to be invoked in its master interpreter or in another slave
270interpreter. The only other connections between interpreters are
271through environment variables (the \fBenv\fR variable), which are
272normally shared among all interpreters in the application. Note that the
273name space for files (such as the names returned by the \fBopen\fR command)
274is no longer shared between interpreters. Explicit commands are provided to
275share files and to transfer references to open files from one interpreter
276to another.
278The \fBinterp\fR command also provides support for \fIsafe\fR
279interpreters. A safe interpreter is a slave whose functions have
280been greatly restricted, so that it is safe to execute untrusted
281scripts without fear of them damaging other interpreters or the
282application's environment. For example, all IO channel creation
283commands and subprocess creation commands are made inaccessible to safe
286See \fBSAFE INTERPRETERS\fR below for more information on
287what features are present in a safe interpreter.
288The dangerous functionality is not removed from the safe interpreter;
289instead, it is \fIhidden\fR, so that only trusted interpreters can obtain
290access to it. For a detailed explanation of hidden commands, see
291\fBHIDDEN COMMANDS\fR, below.
292The alias mechanism can be used for protected communication (analogous to a
293kernel call) between a slave interpreter and its master.
294See \fBALIAS INVOCATION\fR, below, for more details
295on how the alias mechanism works.
298A qualified interpreter name is a proper Tcl lists containing a subset of its
299ancestors in the interpreter hierarchy, terminated by the string naming the
300interpreter in its immediate master. Interpreter names are relative to the
301interpreter in which they are used. For example, if \fBa\fR is a slave of
302the current interpreter and it has a slave \fBa1\fR, which in turn has a
303slave \fBa11\fR, the qualified name of \fBa11\fR in \fBa\fR is the list
304\fBa1 a11\fR.
306The \fBinterp\fR command, described below, accepts qualified interpreter
307names as arguments; the interpreter in which the command is being evaluated
308can always be referred to as \fB{}\fR (the empty list or string). Note that
309it is impossible to refer to a master (ancestor) interpreter by name in a
310slave interpreter except through aliases. Also, there is no global name by
311which one can refer to the first interpreter created in an application.
312Both restrictions are motivated by safety concerns.
315The \fBinterp\fR command is used to create, delete, and manipulate
316slave interpreters, and to share or transfer
317channels between interpreters. It can have any of several forms, depending
318on the \fIoption\fR argument:
320\fBinterp\fR \fBalias\fR \fIsrcPath\fR \fIsrcToken\fR
321Returns a Tcl list whose elements are the \fItargetCmd\fR and
322\fIarg\fRs associated with the alias represented by \fIsrcToken\fR
323(this is the value returned when the alias was
324created; it is possible that the name of the source command in the
325slave is different from \fIsrcToken\fR).
327\fBinterp\fR \fBalias\fR \fIsrcPath\fR \fIsrcToken\fR \fB{}\fR
328Deletes the alias for \fIsrcToken\fR in the slave interpreter identified by
330\fIsrcToken\fR refers to the value returned when the alias
331was created; if the source command has been renamed, the renamed
332command will be deleted.
334\fBinterp\fR \fBalias\fR \fIsrcPath\fR \fIsrcCmd\fR \fItargetPath\fR \fItargetCmd \fR?\fIarg arg ...\fR?
335This command creates an alias between one slave and another (see the
336\fBalias\fR slave command below for creating aliases between a slave
337and its master). In this command, either of the slave interpreters
338may be anywhere in the hierarchy of interpreters under the interpreter
339invoking the command.
340\fISrcPath\fR and \fIsrcCmd\fR identify the source of the alias.
341\fISrcPath\fR is a Tcl list whose elements select a particular
342interpreter. For example, ``\fBa b\fR'' identifies an interpreter
343\fBb\fR, which is a slave of interpreter \fBa\fR, which is a slave
344of the invoking interpreter. An empty list specifies the interpreter
345invoking the command. \fIsrcCmd\fR gives the name of a new
346command, which will be created in the source interpreter.
347\fITargetPath\fR and \fItargetCmd\fR specify a target interpreter
348and command, and the \fIarg\fR arguments, if any, specify additional
349arguments to \fItargetCmd\fR which are prepended to any arguments specified
350in the invocation of \fIsrcCmd\fR.
351\fITargetCmd\fR may be undefined at the time of this call, or it may
352already exist; it is not created by this command.
353The alias arranges for the given target command to be invoked
354in the target interpreter whenever the given source command is
355invoked in the source interpreter. See \fBALIAS INVOCATION\fR below for
356more details.
357The command returns a token that uniquely identifies the command created
358\fIsrcCmd\fR, even if the command is renamed afterwards. The token may but
359does not have to be equal to \fIsrcCmd\fR.
361\fBinterp\fR \fBaliases \fR?\fIpath\fR?
362This command returns a Tcl list of the tokens of all the source commands for
363aliases defined in the interpreter identified by \fIpath\fR. The tokens
364correspond to the values returned when
365the aliases were created (which may not be the same
366as the current names of the commands).
368\fBinterp\fR \fBcreate \fR?\fB\-safe\fR? ?\fB\-\|\-\fR? ?\fIpath\fR?
369Creates a slave interpreter identified by \fIpath\fR and a new command,
370called a \fIslave command\fR. The name of the slave command is the last
371component of \fIpath\fR. The new slave interpreter and the slave command
372are created in the interpreter identified by the path obtained by removing
373the last component from \fIpath\fR. For example, if \fIpath is \fBa b
374c\fR then a new slave interpreter and slave command named \fBc\fR are
375created in the interpreter identified by the path \fBa b\fR.
376The slave command may be used to manipulate the new interpreter as
377described below. If \fIpath\fR is omitted, Tcl creates a unique name of the
378form \fBinterp\fIx\fR, where \fIx\fR is an integer, and uses it for the
379interpreter and the slave command. If the \fB\-safe\fR switch is specified
380(or if the master interpreter is a safe interpreter), the new slave
381interpreter will be created as a safe interpreter with limited
382functionality; otherwise the slave will include the full set of Tcl
383built-in commands and variables. The \fB\-\|\-\fR switch can be used to
384mark the end of switches; it may be needed if \fIpath\fR is an unusual
385value such as \fB\-safe\fR. The result of the command is the name of the
386new interpreter. The name of a slave interpreter must be unique among all
387the slaves for its master; an error occurs if a slave interpreter by the
388given name already exists in this master.
389The initial recursion limit of the slave interpreter is set to the
390current recursion limit of its parent interpreter.
392\fBinterp\fR \fBdelete \fR?\fIpath ...?\fR
393Deletes zero or more interpreters given by the optional \fIpath\fR
394arguments, and for each interpreter, it also deletes its slaves. The
395command also deletes the slave command for each interpreter deleted.
396For each \fIpath\fR argument, if no interpreter by that name
397exists, the command raises an error.
399\fBinterp\fR \fBeval\fR \fIpath arg \fR?\fIarg ...\fR?
400This command concatenates all of the \fIarg\fR arguments in the same
401fashion as the \fBconcat\fR command, then evaluates the resulting string as
402a Tcl script in the slave interpreter identified by \fIpath\fR. The result
403of this evaluation (including error information such as the \fBerrorInfo\fR
404and \fBerrorCode\fR variables, if an error occurs) is returned to the
405invoking interpreter.
406Note that the script will be executed in the current context stack frame of the
407\fIpath\fR interpreter; this is so that the implementations (in a master
408interpreter) of aliases in a slave interpreter can execute scripts in
409the slave that find out information about the slave's current state
410and stack frame.
412\fBinterp exists \fIpath\fR
413Returns \fB1\fR if a slave interpreter by the specified \fIpath\fR
414exists in this master, \fB0\fR otherwise. If \fIpath\fR is omitted, the
415invoking interpreter is used.
416.VS "" BR
418\fBinterp expose \fIpath\fR \fIhiddenName\fR ?\fIexposedCmdName\fR?
419Makes the hidden command \fIhiddenName\fR exposed, eventually bringing
420it back under a new \fIexposedCmdName\fR name (this name is currently
421accepted only if it is a valid global name space name without any ::),
422in the interpreter
423denoted by \fIpath\fR.
424If an exposed command with the targeted name already exists, this command
426Hidden commands are explained in more detail in \fBHIDDEN COMMANDS\fR, below.
428\fBinterp\fR \fBhide\fR \fIpath\fR \fIexposedCmdName\fR ?\fIhiddenCmdName\fR?
429Makes the exposed command \fIexposedCmdName\fR hidden, renaming
430it to the hidden command \fIhiddenCmdName\fR, or keeping the same name if
431\fIhiddenCmdName\fR is not given, in the interpreter denoted
432by \fIpath\fR.
433If a hidden command with the targeted name already exists, this command
435Currently both \fIexposedCmdName\fR and \fIhiddenCmdName\fR can
436not contain namespace qualifiers, or an error is raised.
437Commands to be hidden by \fBinterp hide\fR are looked up in the global
438namespace even if the current namespace is not the global one. This
439prevents slaves from fooling a master interpreter into hiding the wrong
440command, by making the current namespace be different from the global one.
441Hidden commands are explained in more detail in \fBHIDDEN COMMANDS\fR, below.
443\fBinterp\fR \fBhidden\fR \fIpath\fR
444Returns a list of the names of all hidden commands in the interpreter
445identified by \fIpath\fR.
447\fBinterp\fR \fBinvokehidden\fR \fIpath\fR ?\fB-global\fR? \fIhiddenCmdName\fR ?\fIarg ...\fR?
448Invokes the hidden command \fIhiddenCmdName\fR with the arguments supplied
449in the interpreter denoted by \fIpath\fR. No substitutions or evaluation
450are applied to the arguments.
451If the \fB-global\fR flag is present, the hidden command is invoked at the
452global level in the target interpreter; otherwise it is invoked at the
453current call frame and can access local variables in that and outer call
455Hidden commands are explained in more detail in \fBHIDDEN COMMANDS\fR, below.
458\fBinterp issafe\fR ?\fIpath\fR?
459Returns \fB1\fR if the interpreter identified by the specified \fIpath\fR
460is safe, \fB0\fR otherwise.
461.VS "" BR
463\fBinterp marktrusted\fR \fIpath\fR
464Marks the interpreter identified by \fIpath\fR as trusted. Does
465not expose the hidden commands. This command can only be invoked from a
466trusted interpreter.
467The command has no effect if the interpreter identified by \fIpath\fR is
468already trusted.
471\fBinterp\fR \fBrecursionlimit\fR \fIpath\fR ?\fInewlimit\fR?
472Returns the maximum allowable nesting depth for the interpreter
473specified by \fIpath\fR. If \fInewlimit\fR is specified,
474the interpreter recursion limit will be set so that nesting
475of more than \fInewlimit\fR calls to \fBTcl_Eval()\fR
476and related procedures in that interpreter will return an error.
477The \fInewlimit\fR value is also returned.
478The \fInewlimit\fR value must be a positive integer between 1 and the
479maximum value of a non-long integer on the platform.
481The command sets the maximum size of the Tcl call stack only. It cannot
482by itself prevent stack overflows on the C stack being used by the
483application. If your machine has a limit on the size of the C stack, you
484may get stack overflows before reaching the limit set by the command. If
485this happens, see if there is a mechanism in your system for increasing
486the maximum size of the C stack.
488\fBinterp\fR \fBshare\fR \fIsrcPath channelId destPath\fR
489Causes the IO channel identified by \fIchannelId\fR to become shared
490between the interpreter identified by \fIsrcPath\fR and the interpreter
491identified by \fIdestPath\fR. Both interpreters have the same permissions
492on the IO channel.
493Both interpreters must close it to close the underlying IO channel; IO
494channels accessible in an interpreter are automatically closed when an
495interpreter is destroyed.
497\fBinterp\fR \fBslaves\fR ?\fIpath\fR?
498Returns a Tcl list of the names of all the slave interpreters associated
499with the interpreter identified by \fIpath\fR. If \fIpath\fR is omitted,
500the invoking interpreter is used.
502\fBinterp\fR \fBtarget\fR \fIpath alias\fR
503Returns a Tcl list describing the target interpreter for an alias. The
504alias is specified with an interpreter path and source command name, just
505as in \fBinterp alias\fR above. The name of the target interpreter is
506returned as an interpreter path, relative to the invoking interpreter.
507If the target interpreter for the alias is the invoking interpreter then an
508empty list is returned. If the target interpreter for the alias is not the
509invoking interpreter or one of its descendants then an error is generated.
510The target command does not have to be defined at the time of this invocation.
512\fBinterp\fR \fBtransfer\fR \fIsrcPath channelId destPath\fR
513Causes the IO channel identified by \fIchannelId\fR to become available in
514the interpreter identified by \fIdestPath\fR and unavailable in the
515interpreter identified by \fIsrcPath\fR.
518For each slave interpreter created with the \fBinterp\fR command, a
519new Tcl command is created in the master interpreter with the same
520name as the new interpreter. This command may be used to invoke
521various operations on the interpreter. It has the following
522general form:
524\fIslave command \fR?\fIarg arg ...\fR?
526\fISlave\fR is the name of the interpreter, and \fIcommand\fR
527and the \fIarg\fRs determine the exact behavior of the command.
528The valid forms of this command are:
530\fIslave \fBaliases\fR
531Returns a Tcl list whose elements are the tokens of all the
532aliases in \fIslave\fR. The tokens correspond to the values returned when
533the aliases were created (which may not be the same
534as the current names of the commands).
536\fIslave \fBalias \fIsrcToken\fR
537Returns a Tcl list whose elements are the \fItargetCmd\fR and
538\fIarg\fRs associated with the alias represented by \fIsrcToken\fR
539(this is the value returned when the alias was
540created; it is possible that the actual source command in the
541slave is different from \fIsrcToken\fR).
543\fIslave \fBalias \fIsrcToken \fB{}\fR
544Deletes the alias for \fIsrcToken\fR in the slave interpreter.
545\fIsrcToken\fR refers to the value returned when the alias
546was created; if the source command has been renamed, the renamed
547command will be deleted.
549\fIslave \fBalias \fIsrcCmd targetCmd \fR?\fIarg ..\fR?
550Creates an alias such that whenever \fIsrcCmd\fR is invoked
551in \fIslave\fR, \fItargetCmd\fR is invoked in the master.
552The \fIarg\fR arguments will be passed to \fItargetCmd\fR as additional
553arguments, prepended before any arguments passed in the invocation of
555See \fBALIAS INVOCATION\fR below for details.
556The command returns a token that uniquely identifies the command created
557\fIsrcCmd\fR, even if the command is renamed afterwards. The token may but
558does not have to be equal to \fIsrcCmd\fR.
560\fIslave \fBeval \fIarg \fR?\fIarg ..\fR?
561This command concatenates all of the \fIarg\fR arguments in
562the same fashion as the \fBconcat\fR command, then evaluates
563the resulting string as a Tcl script in \fIslave\fR.
564The result of this evaluation (including error information
565such as the \fBerrorInfo\fR and \fBerrorCode\fR variables, if an
566error occurs) is returned to the invoking interpreter.
567Note that the script will be executed in the current context stack frame
568of \fIslave\fR; this is so that the implementations (in a master
569interpreter) of aliases in a slave interpreter can execute scripts in
570the slave that find out information about the slave's current state
571and stack frame.
572.VS "" BR
574\fIslave \fBexpose \fIhiddenName \fR?\fIexposedCmdName\fR?
575This command exposes the hidden command \fIhiddenName\fR, eventually bringing
576it back under a new \fIexposedCmdName\fR name (this name is currently
577accepted only if it is a valid global name space name without any ::),
578in \fIslave\fR.
579If an exposed command with the targeted name already exists, this command
581For more details on hidden commands, see \fBHIDDEN COMMANDS\fR, below.
583\fIslave \fBhide \fIexposedCmdName\fR ?\fIhiddenCmdName\fR?
584This command hides the exposed command \fIexposedCmdName\fR, renaming it to
585the hidden command \fIhiddenCmdName\fR, or keeping the same name if the
586argument is not given, in the \fIslave\fR interpreter.
587If a hidden command with the targeted name already exists, this command
589Currently both \fIexposedCmdName\fR and \fIhiddenCmdName\fR can
590not contain namespace qualifiers, or an error is raised.
591Commands to be hidden are looked up in the global
592namespace even if the current namespace is not the global one. This
593prevents slaves from fooling a master interpreter into hiding the wrong
594command, by making the current namespace be different from the global one.
595For more details on hidden commands, see \fBHIDDEN COMMANDS\fR, below.
597\fIslave \fBhidden\fR
598Returns a list of the names of all hidden commands in \fIslave\fR.
600\fIslave \fBinvokehidden\fR ?\fB-global\fR \fIhiddenName \fR?\fIarg ..\fR?
601This command invokes the hidden command \fIhiddenName\fR with the
602supplied arguments, in \fIslave\fR. No substitutions or evaluations are
603applied to the arguments.
604If the \fB-global\fR flag is given, the command is invoked at the global
605level in the slave; otherwise it is invoked at the current call frame and
606can access local variables in that or outer call frames.
607For more details on hidden commands,
608see \fBHIDDEN COMMANDS\fR, below.
611\fIslave \fBissafe\fR
612Returns \fB1\fR if the slave interpreter is safe, \fB0\fR otherwise.
613.VS "" BR
615\fIslave \fBmarktrusted\fR
616Marks the slave interpreter as trusted. Can only be invoked by a
617trusted interpreter. This command does not expose any hidden
618commands in the slave interpreter. The command has no effect if the slave
619is already trusted.
622\fIslave\fR \fBrecursionlimit\fR ?\fInewlimit\fR?
623Returns the maximum allowable nesting depth for the \fIslave\fR interpreter.
624If \fInewlimit\fR is specified, the recursion limit in \fIslave\fR will be
625set so that nesting of more than \fInewlimit\fR calls to \fBTcl_Eval()\fR
626and related procedures in \fIslave\fR will return an error.
627The \fInewlimit\fR value is also returned.
628The \fInewlimit\fR value must be a positive integer between 1 and the
629maximum value of a non-long integer on the platform.
631The command sets the maximum size of the Tcl call stack only. It cannot
632by itself prevent stack overflows on the C stack being used by the
633application. If your machine has a limit on the size of the C stack, you
634may get stack overflows before reaching the limit set by the command. If
635this happens, see if there is a mechanism in your system for increasing
636the maximum size of the C stack.
639A safe interpreter is one with restricted functionality, so that
640is safe to execute an arbitrary script from your worst enemy without
641fear of that script damaging the enclosing application or the rest
642of your computing environment. In order to make an interpreter
643safe, certain commands and variables are removed from the interpreter.
644For example, commands to create files on disk are removed, and the
645\fBexec\fR command is removed, since it could be used to cause damage
646through subprocesses.
647Limited access to these facilities can be provided, by creating
648aliases to the master interpreter which check their arguments carefully
649and provide restricted access to a safe subset of facilities.
650For example, file creation might be allowed in a particular subdirectory
651and subprocess invocation might be allowed for a carefully selected and
652fixed set of programs.
654A safe interpreter is created by specifying the \fB\-safe\fR switch
655to the \fBinterp create\fR command. Furthermore, any slave created
656by a safe interpreter will also be safe.
658A safe interpreter is created with exactly the following set of
659built-in commands:
661.ta 1.2i 2.4i 3.6i
662\fBafter append array binary
663break case catch clock
664close concat continue eof
665error eval expr fblocked
666fcopy fileevent flush for
667foreach format gets global
668if incr info interp
669join lappend lindex linsert
670list llength lrange lreplace
671lsearch lsort namespace package
672pid proc puts read
673regexp regsub rename return
674scan seek set split
675string subst switch tell
676time trace unset update
677uplevel upvar variable vwait
680.VS "" BR
681The following commands are hidden by \fBinterp create\fR when it
682creates a safe interpreter:
684.ta 1.2i 2.4i 3.6i
685\fBcd encoding exec exit
686fconfigure file glob load
687open pwd socket source\fR
689These commands can be recreated later as Tcl procedures or aliases, or
690re-exposed by \fBinterp expose\fR.
692The following commands from Tcl's library of support procedures are
693not present in a safe interpreter:
695.ta 1.6i 3.2i
696\fBauto_exec_ok auto_import auto_load
697auto_load_index auto_qualify unknown\fR
699Note in particular that safe interpreters have no default \fBunknown\fR
700command, so Tcl's default autoloading facilities are not available.
701Autoload access to Tcl's commands that are normally autoloaded:
703.ta 2.1i
705auto_mkindex auto_mkindex_old
706auto_reset history
707parray pkg_mkIndex
708::pkg::create ::safe::interpAddToAccessPath
709::safe::interpCreate ::safe::interpConfigure
710::safe::interpDelete ::safe::interpFindInAccessPath
711::safe::interpInit ::safe::setLogCmd
712tcl_endOfWord tcl_findLibrary
713tcl_startOfNextWord tcl_startOfPreviousWord
714tcl_wordBreakAfter tcl_wordBreakBefore\fR
716can only be provided by explicit definition of an \fBunknown\fR command
717in the safe interpreter. This will involve exposing the \fBsource\fR
718command. This is most easily accomplished by creating the safe interpreter
719with Tcl's \fBSafe\-Tcl\fR mechanism. \fBSafe\-Tcl\fR provides safe
720versions of \fBsource\fR, \fBload\fR, and other Tcl commands needed
721to support autoloading of commands and the loading of packages.
724In addition, the \fBenv\fR variable is not present in a safe interpreter,
725so it cannot share environment variables with other interpreters. The
726\fBenv\fR variable poses a security risk, because users can store
727sensitive information in an environment variable. For example, the PGP
728manual recommends storing the PGP private key protection password in
729the environment variable \fIPGPPASS\fR. Making this variable available
730to untrusted code executing in a safe interpreter would incur a
731security risk.
733If extensions are loaded into a safe interpreter, they may also restrict
734their own functionality to eliminate unsafe commands. For a discussion of
735management of extensions for safety see the manual entries for
736\fBSafe\-Tcl\fR and the \fBload\fR Tcl command.
738A safe interpreter may not alter the recursion limit of any interpreter,
739including itself.
742The alias mechanism has been carefully designed so that it can
743be used safely when an untrusted script is executing
744in a safe slave and the target of the alias is a trusted
745master. The most important thing in guaranteeing safety is to
746ensure that information passed from the slave to the master is
747never evaluated or substituted in the master; if this were to
748occur, it would enable an evil script in the slave to invoke
749arbitrary functions in the master, which would compromise security.
751When the source for an alias is invoked in the slave interpreter, the
752usual Tcl substitutions are performed when parsing that command.
753These substitutions are carried out in the source interpreter just
754as they would be for any other command invoked in that interpreter.
755The command procedure for the source command takes its arguments
756and merges them with the \fItargetCmd\fR and \fIarg\fRs for the
757alias to create a new array of arguments. If the words
758of \fIsrcCmd\fR were ``\fIsrcCmd arg1 arg2 ... argN\fR'',
759the new set of words will be
760``\fItargetCmd arg arg ... arg arg1 arg2 ... argN\fR'',
761where \fItargetCmd\fR and \fIarg\fRs are the values supplied when the
762alias was created. \fITargetCmd\fR is then used to locate a command
763procedure in the target interpreter, and that command procedure
764is invoked with the new set of arguments. An error occurs if
765there is no command named \fItargetCmd\fR in the target interpreter.
766No additional substitutions are performed on the words: the
767target command procedure is invoked directly, without
768going through the normal Tcl evaluation mechanism.
769Substitutions are thus performed on each word exactly once:
770\fItargetCmd\fR and \fIargs\fR were substituted when parsing the command
771that created the alias, and \fIarg1 - argN\fR are substituted when
772the alias's source command is parsed in the source interpreter.
774When writing the \fItargetCmd\fRs for aliases in safe interpreters,
775it is very important that the arguments to that command never be
776evaluated or substituted, since this would provide an escape
777mechanism whereby the slave interpreter could execute arbitrary
778code in the master. This in turn would compromise the security
779of the system.
783Safe interpreters greatly restrict the functionality available to Tcl
784programs executing within them.
785Allowing the untrusted Tcl program to have direct access to this
786functionality is unsafe, because it can be used for a variety of
787attacks on the environment.
788However, there are times when there is a legitimate need to use the
789dangerous functionality in the context of the safe interpreter. For
790example, sometimes a program must be \fBsource\fRd into the interpreter.
791Another example is Tk, where windows are bound to the hierarchy of windows
792for a specific interpreter; some potentially dangerous functions, e.g.
793window management, must be performed on these windows within the
794interpreter context.
796The \fBinterp\fR command provides a solution to this problem in the form of
797\fIhidden commands\fR. Instead of removing the dangerous commands entirely
798from a safe interpreter, these commands are hidden so they become
799unavailable to Tcl scripts executing in the interpreter. However, such
800hidden commands can be invoked by any trusted ancestor of the safe
801interpreter, in the context of the safe interpreter, using \fBinterp
802invoke\fR. Hidden commands and exposed commands reside in separate name
803spaces. It is possible to define a hidden command and an exposed command by
804the same name within one interpreter.
806Hidden commands in a slave interpreter can be invoked in the body of
807procedures called in the master during alias invocation. For example, an
808alias for \fBsource\fR could be created in a slave interpreter. When it is
809invoked in the slave interpreter, a procedure is called in the master
810interpreter to check that the operation is allowable (e.g. it asks to
811source a file that the slave interpreter is allowed to access). The
812procedure then it invokes the hidden \fBsource\fR command in the slave
813interpreter to actually source in the contents of the file. Note that two
814commands named \fBsource\fR exist in the slave interpreter: the alias, and
815the hidden command.
817Because a master interpreter may invoke a hidden command as part of
818handling an alias invocation, great care must be taken to avoid evaluating
819any arguments passed in through the alias invocation.
820Otherwise, malicious slave interpreters could cause a trusted master
821interpreter to execute dangerous commands on their behalf. See the section
822on \fBALIAS INVOCATION\fR for a more complete discussion of this topic.
823To help avoid this problem, no substitutions or evaluations are
824applied to arguments of \fBinterp invokehidden\fR.
826Safe interpreters are not allowed to invoke hidden commands in themselves
827or in their descendants. This prevents safe slaves from gaining access to
828hidden functionality in themselves or their descendants.
830The set of hidden commands in an interpreter can be manipulated by a trusted
831interpreter using \fBinterp expose\fR and \fBinterp hide\fR. The \fBinterp
832expose\fR command moves a hidden command to the
833set of exposed commands in the interpreter identified by \fIpath\fR,
834potentially renaming the command in the process. If an exposed command by
835the targeted name already exists, the operation fails. Similarly,
836\fBinterp hide\fR moves an exposed command to the set of hidden commands in
837that interpreter. Safe interpreters are not allowed to move commands
838between the set of hidden and exposed commands, in either themselves or
839their descendants.
841Currently, the names of hidden commands cannot contain namespace
842qualifiers, and you must first rename a command in a namespace to the
843global namespace before you can hide it.
844Commands to be hidden by \fBinterp hide\fR are looked up in the global
845namespace even if the current namespace is not the global one. This
846prevents slaves from fooling a master interpreter into hiding the wrong
847command, by making the current namespace be different from the global one.
851This mechanism is based on the Safe-Tcl prototype implemented
852by Nathaniel Borenstein and Marshall Rose.
854Creating and using an alias for a command in the current interpreter:
856\fBinterp alias\fR {} getIndex {} lsearch {alpha beta gamma delta}
857set idx [getIndex delta]
860Executing an arbitrary command in a safe interpreter where every
861invokation of \fBlappend\fR is logged:
863set i [\fBinterp create\fR -safe]
864\fBinterp hide\fR $i lappend
865\fBinterp alias\fR $i lappend {} loggedLappend $i
866proc loggedLappend {i args} {
867 puts "logged invokation of lappend $args"
868 # Be extremely careful about command construction
869 eval [linsert $args 0 \\
870 \fBinterp invokehidden\fR $i lappend]
872\fBinterp eval\fR $i $someUntrustedScript
876load(n), safe(n), Tcl_CreateSlave(3)
879alias, master interpreter, safe interpreter, slave interpreter