In legion build config, updated path to GNU tools and updated deprecated Sun CC flag...
[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / devtools / v8plus / lib / tk8.4 / demos / states.tcl
... / ...
1# states.tcl --
3# This demonstration script creates a listbox widget that displays
4# the names of the 50 states in the United States of America.
6# RCS: @(#) $Id: states.tcl,v 1.2 1998/09/14 18:23:30 stanton Exp $
8if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
9 error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."
12set w .states
13catch {destroy $w}
14toplevel $w
15wm title $w "Listbox Demonstration (50 states)"
16wm iconname $w "states"
17positionWindow $w
19label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 4i -justify left -text "A listbox containing the 50 states is displayed below, along with a scrollbar. You can scan the list either using the scrollbar or by scanning. To scan, press button 2 in the widget and drag up or down."
20pack $w.msg -side top
22frame $w.buttons
23pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
24button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
25button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
26pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
28frame $w.frame -borderwidth .5c
29pack $w.frame -side top -expand yes -fill y
31scrollbar $w.frame.scroll -command "$w.frame.list yview"
32listbox $w.frame.list -yscroll "$w.frame.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 12
33pack $w.frame.scroll -side right -fill y
34pack $w.frame.list -side left -expand 1 -fill both
36$w.frame.list insert 0 Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California \
37 Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois \
38 Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland \
39 Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri \
40 Montana Nebraska Nevada "New Hampshire" "New Jersey" "New Mexico" \
41 "New York" "North Carolina" "North Dakota" \
42 Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania "Rhode Island" \
43 "South Carolina" "South Dakota" \
44 Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington \
45 "West Virginia" Wisconsin Wyoming