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55<H2><A NAME="SECTION007330000000000000000"></A><A NAME="slicings"></A>
56<a id='l2h-378' xml:id='l2h-378'></a>
585.3.3 Slicings
62A slicing selects a range of items in a sequence object (e.g., a
63string, tuple or list). Slicings may be used as expressions or as
64targets in assignment or del statements. The syntax for a slicing:
65<a id='l2h-379' xml:id='l2h-379'></a><a id='l2h-380' xml:id='l2h-380'></a><a id='l2h-381' xml:id='l2h-381'></a><a id='l2h-382' xml:id='l2h-382'></a>
67<dl><dd class="grammar">
68<div class="productions">
71 <td><a id='tok-slicing' xml:id='tok-slicing'>slicing</a></td>
72 <td>::=</td>
73 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-simple_slicing">simple_slicing</a> | <a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-extended_slicing">extended_slicing</a></td></tr>
74 <tr>
75 <td><a id='tok-simple_slicing' xml:id='tok-simple_slicing'>simple_slicing</a></td>
76 <td>::=</td>
77 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="primaries.html#tok-primary">primary</a> "[" <a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-short_slice">short_slice</a> "]"</td></tr>
78 <tr>
79 <td><a id='tok-extended_slicing' xml:id='tok-extended_slicing'>extended_slicing</a></td>
80 <td>::=</td>
81 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="primaries.html#tok-primary">primary</a> "[" <a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-slice_list">slice_list</a> "]" </td></tr>
82 <tr>
83 <td><a id='tok-slice_list' xml:id='tok-slice_list'>slice_list</a></td>
84 <td>::=</td>
85 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-slice_item">slice_item</a> ("," <a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-slice_item">slice_item</a>)* [","]</td></tr>
86 <tr>
87 <td><a id='tok-slice_item' xml:id='tok-slice_item'>slice_item</a></td>
88 <td>::=</td>
89 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="Booleans.html#tok-expression">expression</a> | <a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-proper_slice">proper_slice</a> | <a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-ellipsis">ellipsis</a></td></tr>
90 <tr>
91 <td><a id='tok-proper_slice' xml:id='tok-proper_slice'>proper_slice</a></td>
92 <td>::=</td>
93 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-short_slice">short_slice</a> | <a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-long_slice">long_slice</a></td></tr>
94 <tr>
95 <td><a id='tok-short_slice' xml:id='tok-short_slice'>short_slice</a></td>
96 <td>::=</td>
97 <td>[<a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-lower_bound">lower_bound</a>] ":" [<a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-upper_bound">upper_bound</a>]</td></tr>
98 <tr>
99 <td><a id='tok-long_slice' xml:id='tok-long_slice'>long_slice</a></td>
100 <td>::=</td>
101 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-short_slice">short_slice</a> ":" [<a class='grammartoken' href="slicings.html#tok-stride">stride</a>]</td></tr>
102 <tr>
103 <td><a id='tok-lower_bound' xml:id='tok-lower_bound'>lower_bound</a></td>
104 <td>::=</td>
105 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="Booleans.html#tok-expression">expression</a></td></tr>
106 <tr>
107 <td><a id='tok-upper_bound' xml:id='tok-upper_bound'>upper_bound</a></td>
108 <td>::=</td>
109 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="Booleans.html#tok-expression">expression</a></td></tr>
110 <tr>
111 <td><a id='tok-stride' xml:id='tok-stride'>stride</a></td>
112 <td>::=</td>
113 <td><a class='grammartoken' href="Booleans.html#tok-expression">expression</a></td></tr>
114 <tr>
115 <td><a id='tok-ellipsis' xml:id='tok-ellipsis'>ellipsis</a></td>
116 <td>::=</td>
117 <td>"..."</td></tr>
120<a class="grammar-footer"
121 href="grammar.txt" type="text/plain"
122 >Download entire grammar as text.</a>
126There is ambiguity in the formal syntax here: anything that looks like
127an expression list also looks like a slice list, so any subscription
128can be interpreted as a slicing. Rather than further complicating the
129syntax, this is disambiguated by defining that in this case the
130interpretation as a subscription takes priority over the
131interpretation as a slicing (this is the case if the slice list
132contains no proper slice nor ellipses). Similarly, when the slice
133list has exactly one short slice and no trailing comma, the
134interpretation as a simple slicing takes priority over that as an
135extended slicing.<a id='l2h-383' xml:id='l2h-383'></a>
137The semantics for a simple slicing are as follows. The primary must
138evaluate to a sequence object. The lower and upper bound expressions,
139if present, must evaluate to plain integers; defaults are zero and the
140<code>sys.maxint</code>, respectively. If either bound is negative, the
141sequence's length is added to it. The slicing now selects all items
142with index <var>k</var> such that
143<code><var>i</var> &lt;= <var>k</var> &lt; <var>j</var></code> where <var>i</var>
144and <var>j</var> are the specified lower and upper bounds. This may be an
145empty sequence. It is not an error if <var>i</var> or <var>j</var> lie outside the
146range of valid indexes (such items don't exist so they aren't
150The semantics for an extended slicing are as follows. The primary
151must evaluate to a mapping object, and it is indexed with a key that
152is constructed from the slice list, as follows. If the slice list
153contains at least one comma, the key is a tuple containing the
154conversion of the slice items; otherwise, the conversion of the lone
155slice item is the key. The conversion of a slice item that is an
156expression is that expression. The conversion of an ellipsis slice
157item is the built-in <code>Ellipsis</code> object. The conversion of a
158proper slice is a slice object (see section <A href="types.html#types">3.2</A>) whose
159<tt class="member">start</tt>, <tt class="member">stop</tt> and <tt class="member">step</tt> attributes are the
160values of the expressions given as lower bound, upper bound and
161stride, respectively, substituting <code>None</code> for missing
163<a id='l2h-385' xml:id='l2h-385'></a>
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200<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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