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[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / sam / devices / common / regdef / include / Object.h
... / ...
2* ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
4* OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: Object.h
5* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8* The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
10* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
12* The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be
13* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15* General Public License for more details.
17* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
18* License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
19* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21* ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
23#ifndef __Object_h
24#define __Object_h
26#include <stdlib.h>
27#include <string>
28#include <sstream>
29#include <fstream>
30#include <assert.h>
31#include "List.h"
32#include "Trace.h"
33//using namespace std;
35/** @file Object.h
36 * The Object class is used to represent and organize simulation objects.
37 *
38 * @sa Object_Module
39 */
41/** @defgroup Object_Module The Object Module
42 *
43 * All objects are held in the Object tree. This is rooted at a special
44 * pre-defined Object, the rootObject. The rootObject is called "ROOT",
45 * which is both the basename and the fullname of that Object. When
46 * a new Object is constructed it is given a basename, and is associated
47 * with a parent Object (which must already exist). The fullname of an
48 * Object is formed by walking the tree from the rootObject down to that
49 * Object and concatenating the basename of each node in the tree
50 * (including "ROOT" and the basename of that Object) separated by a period.
51 *
52 * The Object class provides basic simulation infrastructure to
53 * objects such as:
54 * - naming and hierarchy (as described above)
55 * - printing: dumping of Object internal state for debug purposes.
56 * - reset: the "resetThis" method of an Object is called to reset the
57 * state of that Object.
58 * - signing: the "signThis" method of an Object is called to create
59 * a Signature for each item that can in a trace.
60 * - tracing: the output of trace data for analysis purposes.
61 * - parameterization: parameters are associated with objects in the Object
62 * tree. Mechanisms are provided to get, set, save and load parameters
63 * using the Param class.
64 *
65 * Simulation objects derive from the Object class and over-ride its
66 * virtual methods (printThis, resetThis, signThis, traceThis,
67 * paramThis) as required. In fact, the Block class derives from Object,
68 * and provides additional mechanism and infrastructure that is appropriate
69 * for system-level performance modelling. Most blocks that model system
70 * hardware will derive from Block instead of from Object. However, if a
71 * a new class of simulation objects is required that does not benefit
72 * from Block, then this can derive directly from Object.
73 *
74 * @{
75 */
77class Parameter; // cross-reference to Parameter from Param.h
79/** The Object class provides infrastructure and mechanism for the
80 * modelling of simulation objects.
81 */
83class Object
85friend class ObjectIterator;
86friend class ObjectArray;
89 /** Constructor for Object.
90 * @param s - the basename of the Object.
91 * @param p - the parent of the Object. If this is omitted or if it is
92 * specified as NULL, then the parent will be the rootObject.
93 *
94 * Initially, the Object will have no children and be associated with no
95 * parameters. Child objects and parameters are automatically added to their
96 * parent Object when they are created.
97 */
98 Object(string s, Object *p=NULL);
100 /** Destructor for Object. This is virtual so that the appropriate
101 * destructor for any derived class is used. */
102 virtual ~Object();
104 /** Get the basename of this Object. */
105 string getBaseName() { return baseName; }
107 /** Get the fullname of this Object. */
108 string getFullName() { return fullName; }
110 /** Print information about the Object tree rooted at this Object. */
111 void printTree(ostream &os);
113 /** Print information about this Object to the specified output stream.
114 * The implementation of Object::printThis simply prints the fullname
115 * of this Object. It is a virtual method so that additional functionality
116 * can be provided by a sub-class of Object. */
117 virtual void printThis(ostream &os);
119 /** Reset the Object tree rooted at this Object. */
120 void resetTree();
122 /** The resetThis method is called to place this Object into its
123 * reset state. The implementation of Object::resetThis is empty,
124 * but is a virtual method so that this functionality can be
125 * provided by a sub-class of Object. */
126 virtual void resetThis() {}
128 /** Produce signature information about the Object tree rooted
129 * at this Object to the specified output file stream. This mechanism
130 * is used to produce the header information for a trace file. */
131 void signTree(ofstream &ofs);
133 /** The signThis method is called to produce signature information
134 * for this Object to the specified output file stream. The
135 * implementation of Object::signThis is empty, but is a virtual
136 * method so that this functionality can be provided by a
137 * sub-class of Object. */
138 virtual void signThis(ofstream &ofs) {}
140 /** Produce trace data for the Object tree rooted at this Object. */
141 void traceTree();
143 /** Produce trace data for this Object. The implementation of
144 * Object::traceThis is empty, but is a virtual method so that
145 * this functionality can be provided by a sub-class of Object. */
146 virtual void traceThis() {}
148 /** This static method opens a trace file.
149 * @param filename the name of the trace file to be opened. If not
150 * specified, the default filename is "default.trc".
151 *
152 * Note that only one trace file can be open at a time. If a trace
153 * file is open when traceOpen is called, the old one will be
154 * automatically closed.
155 */
156 static void traceOpen(const char *filename = "default.trc");
158 /** This static method closes the currently open trace file. */
159 static void traceClose();
161 /** This static method enters a time-stamp record into the trace file.
162 * Usually there is no need to enter explicit time-stamps because
163 * trace file entries will themselves indicate the current time.
164 * However, if there is no trace file activity for extended periods
165 * (e.g. because no values are changing) it can be useful to insert
166 * an explicit time-stamp. A specific example is when a trace file
167 * is closed - in this case, an automatic time-stamp is produced
168 * to ensure that the final time-stamp is captured. */
169 static void traceStamp();
171 /** This status method returns the output file stream by reference. */
172 static ofstream &getTraceFile() { return traceFile; }
174 /** This static method returns a boolean indicating whether a trace
175 * file is open.
176 * @return True if a trace file is open, otherwise false.
177 */
178 static bool getTracing() { return tracing; }
180 /** The traceMode method is used to set or clear the trace mode for
181 * objects using the Object tree. There is a trace mode variable
182 * maintained for each Object, and this is a bitwise OR of values
183 * from the Trace enumeration. Trace of a particular kind is enabled
184 * for an Object if the trace mode for that kind is set for that Object,
185 * otherwise it is disabled. This method sets or clears bits in the
186 * trace mode, and the change is applied to this Object and to all
187 * objects in the tree rooted at this Object. This provides a powerful
188 * mechanism to set up trace filters.
189 * @param b If true the parameter "t" specifies the kinds of trace
190 * which are to be enabled, otherwise the kinds of trace that
191 * are to be disabled.
192 * @param t Indicates the kinds of trace for which the trace mode
193 * is to be changed. This defaults to all known kinds of Trace.
194 */
195 void traceMode(bool b, unsigned t=Trace::DEFAULT);
197 /** Returns a boolean indicating whether tracing is enabled for this Object.
198 * @return True if a trace file is open and any kind of trace is enabled
199 * for this Object, otherwise false.
200 */
201 bool isTracing() { return tracing && (traceType != 0); }
203 /** Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified kind of tracing is
204 * enabled for this Object.
205 * @param t the kind of trace to test for. This parameter is a bitwise
206 * OR of values from the Trace enumeration.
207 * @return True if a trace file is open and any kind of the specified
208 * kinds of trace are enabled for this Object, otherwise false.
209 */
210 bool isTracing(unsigned t) { return tracing && ((traceType & t) != 0); }
212 /** Propagate the value of all parameters associated with objects in the
213 * Object tree rooted at this Object. This mechanism is invoked when
214 * a parameter file is loaded so that anything dependent on or derived
215 * from a parameter value can be re-evaluated. */
216 void paramTree();
218 /** Evaluate the value of all parameters associated with this Object.
219 * The implementation of Object::signThis is empty, but is a virtual
220 * method so that this functionality can be provided by a sub-class
221 * of Object. This mechanism is invoked when a parameter file is
222 * loaded so that anything dependent on or derived from a parameter
223 * value can be re-evaluated. */
224 virtual void paramThis() {}
226 /** Add the specified parameter to the list of parameters associated with
227 * this Block. */
228 void addParameter (Parameter *param);
230 /** Print the parameters associated with this Object and with each Object
231 * in the Object tree rooted at this Object to the specified output stream.
232 */
233 void paramPrint (ostream &os);
235 /** This static method saves all parameters to a parameter file.
236 * @param filename the name of the parameter file to save to. If not
237 * specified, the default filename is "default.prm".
238 */
239 static void paramSave (const char *filename = "default.prm");
241 /** Save the parameters associated with this Object and with each Object
242 * in the Object tree rooted at this Object to the specified output file
243 * stream. */
244 void paramSave (ofstream &ofs);
246 /** This static method loads parameters from a parameter file.
247 * @param filename the name of the parameter file to load from. If not
248 * specified, the default filename is "default.prm".
249 *
250 * Each parameter that appears in the parameter file will be set to
251 * the specified value. Other parameters will be unchanged.
252 */
253 static void paramLoad (const char *filename = "default.prm");
255 /** Load the parameters associated with this Object and with each Object
256 * in the Object tree rooted at this Object from the specified string
257 * buffer. */
258 bool paramLoad (stringbuf &sb);
260 /** Get a pointer to the rootObject. */
261 static Object *getRoot() {
262#if 0
263 // printf("+getRoot\n");
264 rootObject.parent = NULL;
265 rootObject.baseName = "ROOT";
266 rootObject.fullName = "ROOT";
267 rootObject.traceType = 0;
268 rootObject.tracing = false;
269 // printf("-getRoot\n");
271 // printf("+getRoot\n");
272 rootObject = new Object("ROOT");
273 // printf("-getRoot\n");
275 return rootObject;
276 }
278 /** Get a pointer to the nullObject. This is a useful place to hang objects
279 * outside of the root tree. Such objects will not be visited in walks
280 * over the Object tree, and are therefore hidden from the Object tree
281 * print, reset, sign and trace mechanisms. */
282 static Object *getNull() {
283#if 0
284 nullObject.parent = NULL;
285 nullObject.baseName = "NULL";
286 nullObject.fullName = "NULL";
287 nullObject.traceType = 0;
288 nullObject.tracing = false;
290 nullObject = new Object("NULL");
292 return nullObject;
293 }
296 Object() {}
299 static Object *rootObject;
300 static Object *nullObject;
301 int initialized;
302 static bool tracing;
303 static ofstream traceFile;
305 Object *parent;
306 List<Object> children;
307 List<Parameter> param;
308 string baseName;
309 string fullName;
310 unsigned traceType;
313/** ObjectIterator is used to iterate through the children of an Object. */
315class ObjectIterator : public ListIterator<Object>
318 /** Constructor for ObjectIterator.
319 * @param o a pointer to the Object to be iterated over.
320 *
321 * All other methods are inherited, see ListIterator for details.
322 */
323 ObjectIterator(Object *o) : ListIterator<Object>(&o->children) {}
326/** ObjectArray is used to constructs arrays of Objects, and index into
327 * the array to a Object element.
328 */
330class ObjectArray
333 /** Constructor for ObjectArray.
334 * @param n the number of Objects in the array.
335 * @param s the basename for this ObjectArray. The basename of an Object
336 * in the array will be this basename appended by "[i]" where
337 * i is the index of that Object in the array.
338 * @param p the parent Object of this ObjectArray.
339 */
340 ObjectArray(uint n, string s, Object *p=NULL)
341 {
342 size = n;
343 array = new Object*[size];
344 for (uint i=0; i<size; i++) {
345 ostringstream o;
346 o << i;
347 array[i] = new Object(s + "[" + o.str() + "]", p);
348 }
349 }
351 /** Destructor for ObjectArray. */
352 ~ObjectArray()
353 {
354 for (uint i=0; i<size; i++)
355 delete array[i];
356 delete[] array;
357 }
359 /** Index operator for ObjectArray. This indexes into the ObjectArray
360 * and returns the Object instance at the specified index. */
361 Object &operator[](uint i) { assert(i < size); return *array[i]; }
364 Object **array;
365 uint size;
368/** ObjectArrayOf<T,P> is used to constructs arrays of some type T which is
369 * presumed to be a subclass of Object, where each element in the array
370 * has a parent of type P. The only actual requirement on T
371 * is that it provides a constructor compatible with the Object constructor.
372 * This is useful for creating arrays of some subclass of Object without
373 * having to redeclare an appropriate array class. In practice, this class
374 * is more useful than ObjectArray since interesting Objects must extend
375 * Object. The problem with ObjectArray is that it is statically associated
376 * with the constructor for Object. The use of templates for ObjectArrayOf
377 * ensures that the appropriate constructor for type T is used, and that
378 * the type of the parent P can be passed through with a type cast.
379 */
381template<class T, class P> class ObjectArrayOf
384 /** Constructor for ObjectArrayOf.
385 * @param n the number of Objects in the array.
386 * @param s the basename for this ObjectArrayOf. The basename of an Object
387 * in the array will be this basename appended by "[i]" where
388 * i is the index of that Object in the array.
389 * @param p the parent Object of this ObjectArrayOf.
390 */
391 ObjectArrayOf(uint n, string s, P *p=NULL)
392 {
393 size = n;
394 array = new T*[size];
395 for (uint i=0; i<size; i++) {
396 ostringstream o;
397 o << i;
398 array[i] = new T(s + "[" + o.str() + "]", p);
399 }
400 }
402 /** Destructor for ObjectArrayOf. */
403 ~ObjectArrayOf()
404 {
405 for (uint i=0; i<size; i++)
406 delete array[i];
407 delete[] array;
408 }
410 /** Index operator for ObjectArrayOf. This indexes into the ObjectArrayOf
411 * and returns the Object instance at the specified index. */
412 T &operator[](uint i) { assert(i < size); return *array[i]; }
415 T **array;
416 uint size;
419/** @} */