In legion build config, updated path to GNU tools and updated deprecated Sun CC flag...
[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / devtools / v8plus / lib / python2.4 / site-packages / Pmw / Pmw_1_2 / tests /
... / ...
1# Functions used by widget tests.
3import imp
4import os
5import re
6import string
7import sys
8import traceback
9import types
10import Tkinter
11import _tkinter
13if Tkinter.TkVersion >= 8.4:
14 refcountafterdestroy = 7
16 refcountafterdestroy = 6
18script_name = imp.find_module(__name__)[1]
19if not os.path.isabs(script_name):
20 script_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), script_name)
22while 1:
23 script_dir = os.path.dirname(script_name)
24 if not os.path.islink(script_name):
25 break
26 script_name = os.path.join(script_dir, os.readlink(script_name))
27script_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), script_dir)
28script_dir = os.path.normpath(script_dir)
30# Add the '../../..' directory to the path.
31package_dir = os.path.dirname(script_dir)
32package_dir = os.path.dirname(package_dir)
33package_dir = os.path.dirname(package_dir)
34sys.path[:0] = [package_dir]
36import Pmw
37# Need to import TestVersion, rather than do its work here, since
38# __name__ will be known there.
39import TestVersion
41# Set this to 1 to generate tracebacks on exceptions, rather than
42# catching them and continuing with the tests.
43# This is useful for debugging the test scripts.
44dont_even_try = 0
46_delay = 1
47_verbose = 0
48_printTraceback = 0
49_initialised = 0
52# Public functions:
54rand = 12345
55def random():
56 global rand
57 rand = (rand * 125) % 2796203
58 return rand
60def initialise():
61 global _initialised, font, flagup, earthris, emptyimage, \
62 stringvar, floatvar, root, reliefs
63 if not _initialised:
64 root = Tkinter.Tk(className = 'PmwTest')
65 root.withdraw()
66 if == 'nt':
67 size = 16
68 else:
69 size = 12
70 Pmw.initialise(root, size = size, fontScheme = 'pmw2')
71 font = {}
72 font['small'] = '6x13'
73 font['large'] = '10x20'
74 font['variable'] = '-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*'
75 flagup = Tkinter.BitmapImage(file = 'flagup.bmp')
76 earthris = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file = 'earthris.gif')
77 emptyimage = Tkinter.PhotoImage()
78 stringvar = Tkinter.StringVar()
79 stringvar.set('this is some text')
80 floatvar = Tkinter.DoubleVar()
81 floatvar.set(50.0)
82 if haveBlt():
83 global vectorSize, vector_x, vector_y
84 vector_x = Pmw.Blt.Vector()
85 vector_y = []
86 for y in range(3):
87 vector_y.append(Pmw.Blt.Vector())
88 vectorSize = 50
89 for index in range(vectorSize):
90 vector_x.append(index)
91 vector_y[0].append(random() % 100)
92 vector_y[1].append(random() % 200)
93 vector_y[2].append(random() % 100 + 300)
95 # "solid" relief type was added to 8.0
96 if Tkinter.TkVersion >= 8.0:
97 reliefs = 'flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken'
98 else:
99 reliefs = 'flat, groove, raised, ridge, or sunken'
101 _initialised = 1
103def haveBlt():
104 return Pmw.Blt.haveblt(root)
106def bell():
107 root.bell()
109def setdelay(newdelay):
110 global _delay
111 _delay = newdelay
113def setverbose(newverbose):
114 global _verbose
115 _verbose = newverbose
117def printtraceback(newprintTraceback = 1):
118 global _printTraceback
119 _printTraceback = newprintTraceback
121def num_options(widget):
122 return len(widget.configure())
124def callback():
125 return 1
127def callback1(dummy):
128 # Callback taking 1 argument
129 return dummy
131def callback2(dummy1, dummy2):
132 # Callback taking 2 arguments
133 return (dummy1, dummy2)
135def callbackN(*args):
136 # Callback taking zero or more arguments
137 return args
139def actioncallback():
140 w = currentWidget()
141 w.action('button press')
143def currentWidget():
144 return _currentWidget
146def delay():
147 return _delay
149def set_geom(width, height):
150 _currentToplevel.geometry(str(width) + 'x' + str(height))
152def runTests(allTestData):
153 root.after(_delay, _runTest, None, None, allTestData, 0, -1, -1)
154 root.mainloop()
156_pattern = None
159# Private functions:
161def _print_results(result, expected, description):
162 if type(expected) == types.ClassType:
163 if hasattr(result, '__class__'):
164 ok = (result.__class__ == expected)
165 else:
166 ok = 0
167 else:
168 ok = (result == expected)
170 # Megawidgets return a value of the correct type. Tk widgets
171 # always return a string, so convert the string and check again.
172 if not ok:
173 if type(expected) == types.InstanceType:
174 if result == str(expected) and (
175 expected is earthris or expected is stringvar or
176 expected is floatvar or expected is flagup):
177 ok = 1
178 elif hasattr(_tkinter, 'Tcl_Obj') and \
179 type(result) == _tkinter.Tcl_Obj:
180 ok = (str(stringvar) == result.string)
181 elif type(expected) == types.IntType:
182 if type(result) is types.StringType:
183 try:
184 ok = (string.atoi(result) == expected)
185 except ValueError:
186 pass
187 elif hasattr(_tkinter, 'Tcl_Obj') and \
188 type(result) == _tkinter.Tcl_Obj:
189 ok = (string.atoi(str(result)) == expected)
190 elif type(expected) == types.FloatType:
191 if type(result) is types.StringType:
192 try:
193 ok = (string.atof(result) == expected)
194 except ValueError:
195 pass
196 elif expected == callback:
197 ok ='^[0-9]*callback$', str(result)) is not None
198 elif expected == callback1:
199 ok ='^[0-9]*callback1$', str(result)) is not None
200 elif expected == callback2:
201 ok ='^[0-9]*callback2$', str(result)) is not None
202 elif expected == actioncallback:
203 ok ='^[0-9]*actioncallback$',str(result)) is not None
205 if not ok or _verbose > 0:
206 print '====', description
207 if not ok or _verbose > 1:
208 print '==== result was:'
209 print result, type(result)
210 if ok:
211 if _verbose > 1:
212 print '++++ PASSED'
213 else:
214 print '---- result should have been:'
215 print expected, type(expected)
216 if _printTraceback:
217 traceback.print_exc()
218 print '---- FAILED'
219 print
221def _destroyToplevel(top, title):
222 if _verbose > 0:
223 print '==== destruction of Toplevel for', title
224 top.destroy()
226def _Toplevel(title):
227 if _verbose > 0:
228 print '==== construction of Toplevel for', title
229 top = Tkinter.Toplevel()
230 top.geometry('+100+100')
231 top.title(title)
232 return top
234def _constructor(isWidget, top, classCmd, kw):
235 if _verbose > 0:
236 print '====', classCmd.__name__, 'construction'
237 if isWidget:
238 if dont_even_try:
239 w = apply(classCmd, (top,), kw)
240 else:
241 try:
242 w = apply(classCmd, (top,), kw)
243 except:
244 print 'Could not construct', classCmd.__name__
245 traceback.print_exc()
246 print 'Can not continue'
247 print 'Bye'
248 return None
250 isMegaWidget = hasattr(classCmd, 'defineoptions')
251 # Check the option types:
252 options = w.configure()
253 option_list = options.keys()
254 option_list.sort()
255 for option in option_list:
256 # Some of the options (like bd, bg and fg) have only two parts
257 # and are just abbreviations. Only check 'real' options.
258 if len(options[option]) == 5:
259 initoption = isMegaWidget and w.isinitoption(option)
260 if dont_even_try:
261 value = w.cget(option)
262 if option not in ('class', 'container') and not initoption:
263 apply(w.configure, (), {option : value})
264 newvalue = w.cget(option)
265 if newvalue != value:
266 print '====', classCmd.__name__, 'widget', \
267 '\'' + option + '\'', 'option'
268 print '---- setting option returns different value'
269 print '==== new value was:'
270 print newvalue, type(newvalue)
271 print '---- set value was:'
272 print value, type(value)
273 print '---- FAILED'
274 print
275 else:
276 try:
277 value = w.cget(option)
278 if option not in ('class', 'container') and not initoption:
279 try:
280 apply(w.configure, (), {option : value})
281 newvalue = w.cget(option)
282 if hasattr(_tkinter, 'Tcl_Obj') and \
283 (
284 (type(newvalue) == _tkinter.Tcl_Obj
285 and str(newvalue) != str(value))
286 or
287 (type(newvalue) != _tkinter.Tcl_Obj
288 and newvalue != value)
289 ) or \
290 (
291 not hasattr(_tkinter, 'Tcl_Obj') and
292 newvalue != value
293 ):
294 print '====', classCmd.__name__, 'widget', \
295 '\'' + option + '\'', 'option'
296 print '---- setting option returns different value'
297 print '==== new value was:'
298 print `newvalue`, type(newvalue)
299 print '---- set value was:'
300 print `value`, type(value)
301 print '---- FAILED'
302 print
303 except:
304 print '====', classCmd.__name__, 'widget', \
305 '\'' + option + '\'', 'option'
306 print '---- could not set option'
307 print '---- FAILED'
308 print
309 except KeyError:
310 print '====', classCmd.__name__, 'widget', \
311 '\'' + option + '\'', 'option'
312 print '---- unknown option'
313 print '---- FAILED'
314 print
316 if hasattr(classCmd, 'geometry'):
317 w.geometry('+100+100')
318 w.title(classCmd.__name__)
319 else:
320 w = apply(classCmd, (), kw)
321 return w
323def _destructor(widget, isWidget):
324 if _verbose > 0:
325 print '====', widget.__class__.__name__, 'destruction'
326 if isWidget:
327 if dont_even_try:
328 widget.destroy()
329 else:
330 try:
331 widget.destroy()
332 ref = sys.getrefcount(widget)
333 if ref != refcountafterdestroy:
334 print '====', widget.__class__.__name__, 'destructor'
335 print '---- refcount', ref, 'not zero after destruction'
336 print '---- FAILED'
337 print
338 except:
339 print 'Could not destroy', widget.__class__.__name__
340 traceback.print_exc()
341 print 'Can not continue'
342 print 'Bye'
343 return None
344 return 1
346# Structure of allTestData:
347# (
348# (
349# 'ButtonBox',
350# (
351# (
352# Pmw.ButtonBox,
353# {},
354# (
355# (c.pack, ()),
356# (c.pack, ()),
357# (c.pack, ()),
358# ...
359# )
360# ),
361# (
362# Pmw.ButtonBox,
363# {},
364# (
365# (c.pack, ()),
366# (c.pack, ()),
367# (c.pack, ()),
368# ...
369# )
370# ),
371# ...
372# )
373# ),
374# (
375# 'ButtonBox',
376# (
377# (
378# Pmw.ButtonBox,
379# {},
380# (
381# (c.pack, ()),
382# (c.pack, ()),
383# (c.pack, ()),
384# ...
385# )
386# ),
387# (
388# Pmw.ButtonBox,
389# {},
390# (
391# (c.pack, ()),
392# (c.pack, ()),
393# (c.pack, ()),
394# ...
395# )
396# ),
397# ...
398# )
399# ),
400# ...
401# )
403def _runTest(top, w, allTestData, index0, index1, index2):
404 if index0 >= len(allTestData):
405 root.quit()
406 return
407 classCmd, fileTests = allTestData[index0]
408 if classCmd == Tkinter.Menu:
409 isToplevel = 1
410 else:
411 isToplevel = hasattr(classCmd, 'userdeletefunc')
412 isWidget = hasattr(classCmd, 'cget')
413 title = classCmd.__name__
415 if index1 == -1:
416 if isToplevel:
417 top = None
418 else:
419 top = _Toplevel(title)
420 global _currentToplevel
421 _currentToplevel = top
422 index1 = 0
423 elif index1 >= len(fileTests):
424 if not isToplevel:
425 _destroyToplevel(top, title)
426 index1 = -1
427 index0 = index0 + 1
428 else:
429 methodTests, kw = fileTests[index1]
430 if index2 == -1:
431 w = _constructor(isWidget, top, classCmd, kw)
432 if w is None:
433 root.quit()
434 return
435 global _currentWidget
436 _currentWidget = w
437 index2 = 0
438 elif index2 >= len(methodTests):
439 if _destructor(w, isWidget) is None:
440 root.quit()
441 return
442 index2 = -1
443 index1 = index1 + 1
444 else:
445 methodTestData = methodTests[index2]
446 if type(methodTestData[0]) == types.StringType:
447 _configureTest(w, methodTestData)
448 else:
449 _methodTest(w, methodTestData)
450 index2 = index2 + 1
451 root.update()
452 root.after(_delay, _runTest, top, w, allTestData, index0, index1, index2)
454def _configureTest(w, testData):
455 option = testData[0]
456 value = testData[1]
457 if dont_even_try:
458 apply(w.configure, (), {option: value})
459 result = w.cget(option)
460 else:
461 try:
462 apply(w.configure, (), {option: value})
463 result = w.cget(option)
464 except:
465 result = _getErrorValue()
466 if len(testData) > 2:
467 expected = testData[2]
468 else:
469 expected = value
470 _print_results(result, expected, \
471 w.__class__.__name__ + ' option ' + str(testData))
473def _getErrorValue():
474 exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
475 if type(exc_type) == types.ClassType:
476 # Handle python 1.5 class exceptions.
477 exc_type = exc_type.__name__
478 if type(exc_value) == types.StringType:
479 return exc_type + ': ' + exc_value
480 else:
481 exc_value_str = str(exc_value)
482 if exc_value_str[:1] == "'" and exc_value_str[-1:] == "'":
483 exc_value_str = exc_value_str[1:-1]
484 return exc_type + ': ' + exc_value_str
486def _methodTest(w, testData):
487 func = testData[0]
488 args = testData[1]
489 kw = {}
490 expected = None
491 if len(testData) == 3:
492 if type(testData[2]) == types.DictionaryType:
493 kw = testData[2]
494 else:
495 expected = testData[2]
496 elif len(testData) > 3:
497 kw = testData[2]
498 expected = testData[3]
499 if type(args) != types.TupleType:
500 args = (args,)
501 if func is num_options:
502 args = (w,) + args
503 origArgs = args
504 if type(func) == types.MethodType and func.im_self is None:
505 args = (w,) + args
506 if dont_even_try:
507 result = apply(func, args, kw)
508 else:
509 try:
510 result = apply(func, args, kw)
511 except:
512 result = _getErrorValue()
513 if hasattr(func, 'im_func'):
514 name = w.__class__.__name__ + ' method ' + \
515 func.im_func.func_code.co_name
516 else:
517 name = 'function ' + func.__name__
518 name = name + ' ' + str(origArgs)
519 if kw:
520 name = name + ' ' + str(kw)
521 _print_results(result, expected, name)