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<H2><A NAME="SECTION000790000000000000000"></A><A NAME="table-markup"></A>
6.9 Table Markup
There are three general-purpose table environments defined which
should be used whenever possible. These environments are defined
to provide tables of specific widths and some convenience for
formatting. These environments are not meant to be general
replacements for the standard <span class="LaTeX">LaTeX</span> table environments, but can
be used for an advantage when the documents are processed using
the tools for Python documentation processing. In particular, the
generated HTML looks good! There is also an advantage for the
eventual conversion of the documentation to XML (see section
<A href="futures.html#futures">9</A>, ``Future Directions'').
Each environment is named <tt class='environment'>&#92;table<var>cols</var></tt>, where <var>cols</var>
is the number of columns in the table specified in lower-case
Roman numerals. Within each of these environments, an additional
macro, <tt class='macro'>&#92;line<var>cols</var></tt>, is defined, where <var>cols</var>
matches the <var>cols</var> value of the corresponding table
environment. These are supported for <var>cols</var> values of
<code>ii</code>, <code>iii</code>, and <code>iv</code>. These environments are all
built on top of the <tt class='environment'>&#92;tabular</tt> environment. Variants based on
the <tt class='environment'>&#92;longtable</tt> environment are also provided.
Note that all tables in the standard Python documentation use
vertical lines between columns, and this must be specified in the
markup for each table. A general border around the outside of the
table is not used, but would be the responsibility of the
processor; the document markup should not include an exterior
The <tt class='environment'>&#92;longtable</tt>-based variants of the table environments are
formatted with extra space before and after, so should only be
used on tables which are long enough that splitting over multiple
pages is reasonable; tables with fewer than twenty rows should
never by marked using the long flavors of the table environments.
The header row is repeated across the top of each part of the
<dl class='envdesc'>
<dt><tt>&#92;begin{<b class='environment'>tableii</b>}</tt>
<br /><tt>&#92;end{<b class='environment'>tableii</b>}</tt></dt>
Create a two-column table using the <span class="LaTeX">LaTeX</span> column specifier
<var>colspec</var>. The column specifier should indicate vertical
bars between columns as appropriate for the specific table, but
should not specify vertical bars on the outside of the table
(that is considered a stylesheet issue). The <var>col1font</var>
parameter is used as a stylistic treatment of the first column
of the table: the first column is presented as
<code>&#92;<var>col1font</var>{column1}</code>. To avoid treating the first
column specially, <var>col1font</var> may be "<tt class="samp">textrm</tt>". The
column headings are taken from the values <var>heading1</var> and
<dl class='envdesc'>
<dt><tt>&#92;begin{<b class='environment'>longtableii</b>}</tt>
<br /><tt>&#92;end{<b class='environment'>longtableii</b>}</tt></dt>
Like <tt class='environment'>&#92;tableii</tt>, but produces a table which may be broken
across page boundaries. The parameters are the same as for
<tt class='environment'>&#92;tableii</tt>.
<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;lineii</tt></b>
Create a single table row within a <tt class='environment'>&#92;tableii</tt> or
<tt class='environment'>&#92;longtableii</tt> environment.
The text for the first column will be generated by applying the
macro named by the <var>col1font</var> value when the <tt class='environment'>&#92;tableii</tt>
was opened.
<dl class='envdesc'>
<dt><tt>&#92;begin{<b class='environment'>tableiii</b>}</tt>
<br /><tt>&#92;end{<b class='environment'>tableiii</b>}</tt></dt>
Like the <tt class='environment'>&#92;tableii</tt> environment, but with a third column.
The heading for the third column is given by <var>heading3</var>.
<dl class='envdesc'>
<dt><tt>&#92;begin{<b class='environment'>longtableiii</b>}</tt>
<br /><tt>&#92;end{<b class='environment'>longtableiii</b>}</tt></dt>
Like <tt class='environment'>&#92;tableiii</tt>, but produces a table which may be broken
across page boundaries. The parameters are the same as for
<tt class='environment'>&#92;tableiii</tt>.
<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;lineiii</tt></b>
Like the <tt class='macro'>&#92;lineii</tt> macro, but with a third column. The
text for the third column is given by <var>column3</var>.
<dl class='envdesc'>
<dt><tt>&#92;begin{<b class='environment'>tableiv</b>}</tt>
<br /><tt>&#92;end{<b class='environment'>tableiv</b>}</tt></dt>
Like the <tt class='environment'>&#92;tableiii</tt> environment, but with a fourth column.
The heading for the fourth column is given by <var>heading4</var>.
<dl class='envdesc'>
<dt><tt>&#92;begin{<b class='environment'>longtableiv</b>}</tt>
<br /><tt>&#92;end{<b class='environment'>longtableiv</b>}</tt></dt>
Like <tt class='environment'>&#92;tableiv</tt>, but produces a table which may be broken
across page boundaries. The parameters are the same as for
<tt class='environment'>&#92;tableiv</tt>.
<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;lineiv</tt></b>
Like the <tt class='macro'>&#92;lineiii</tt> macro, but with a fourth column. The
text for the fourth column is given by <var>column4</var>.
<dl class='envdesc'>
<dt><tt>&#92;begin{<b class='environment'>tablev</b>}</tt>
<br /><tt>&#92;end{<b class='environment'>tablev</b>}</tt></dt>
Like the <tt class='environment'>&#92;tableiv</tt> environment, but with a fifth column.
The heading for the fifth column is given by <var>heading5</var>.
<dl class='envdesc'>
<dt><tt>&#92;begin{<b class='environment'>longtablev</b>}</tt>
<br /><tt>&#92;end{<b class='environment'>longtablev</b>}</tt></dt>
Like <tt class='environment'>&#92;tablev</tt>, but produces a table which may be broken
across page boundaries. The parameters are the same as for
<tt class='environment'>&#92;tablev</tt>.
<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;linev</tt></b>
Like the <tt class='macro'>&#92;lineiv</tt> macro, but with a fifth column. The
text for the fifth column is given by <var>column5</var>.
An additional table-like environment is <tt class='environment'>&#92;synopsistable</tt>. The
table generated by this environment contains two columns, and each
row is defined by an alternate definition of
<tt class='macro'>&#92;modulesynopsis</tt>. This environment is not normally used by
authors, but is created by the <tt class='macro'>&#92;localmoduletable</tt> macro.
Here is a small example of a table given in the documentation for
the <tt class="module">warnings</tt> module; markup inside the table cells is
minimal so the markup for the table itself is readily discernable.
Here is the markup for the table:
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
{This is the base class of all warning category classes. It
is a subclass of \exception{Exception}.}
{The default category for \function{warn()}.}
{Base category for warnings about deprecated features.}
{Base category for warnings about dubious syntactic
{Base category for warnings about dubious runtime features.}
{Base category for warnings about constructs that will change
semantically in the future.}
Here is the resulting table:
<div class="center"><table class="realtable">
<th class="left" >Class</th>
<th class="left" >Description</th>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><tt class="constant">Warning</tt></td>
<td class="left" >This is the base class of all warning category classes. It
is a subclass of <tt class="exception">Exception</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><tt class="constant">UserWarning</tt></td>
<td class="left" >The default category for <tt class="function">warn()</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><tt class="constant">DeprecationWarning</tt></td>
<td class="left" >Base category for warnings about deprecated features.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><tt class="constant">SyntaxWarning</tt></td>
<td class="left" >Base category for warnings about dubious syntactic
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><tt class="constant">RuntimeWarning</tt></td>
<td class="left" >Base category for warnings about dubious runtime features.</td></tr></tbody>
Note that the class names are implicitly marked using the
<tt class='macro'>&#92;exception</tt> macro, since that is given as the <var>col1font</var>
value for the <tt class='environment'>&#92;tableii</tt> environment. To create a table using
different markup for the first column, use <code>textrm</code> for the
<var>col1font</var> value and mark each entry individually.
To add a horizontal line between vertical sections of a table, use
the standard <tt class='macro'>&#92;hline</tt> macro between the rows which should be
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
\lineii{BASIC}{First-time programmers on PC hardware.}
\lineii{C}{\UNIX{} \&amp;\ Linux kernel developers.}
Note that not all presentation formats are capable of displaying a
horizontal rule in this position. This is how the table looks in
the format you're reading now:
<div class="center"><table class="realtable">
<th class="left" >Language</th>
<th class="left" >Audience</th>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><tt class="constant">APL</tt></td>
<td class="left" >Masochists.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><tt class="constant">C</tt></td>
<td class="left" ><span class="Unix">Unix</span> &amp; Linux kernel developers.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><tt class="constant">JavaScript</tt></td>
<td class="left" >Web developers.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><tt class="constant">Python</tt></td>
<td class="left" >Everyone!</td></tr></tbody>
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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