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<H1><A NAME="SECTION000800000000000000000">
7 PEP 324: New subprocess Module</A>
The standard library provides a number of ways to execute a
subprocess, offering different features and different levels of
complexity. <tt class="function">os.system(<var>command</var>)</tt> is easy to use, but
slow (it runs a shell process which executes the command) and
dangerous (you have to be careful about escaping the shell's
metacharacters). The <tt class="module">popen2</tt> module offers classes that can
capture standard output and standard error from the subprocess, but
the naming is confusing. The <tt class="module">subprocess</tt> module cleans
this up, providing a unified interface that offers all the features
you might need.
Instead of <tt class="module">popen2</tt>'s collection of classes,
<tt class="module">subprocess</tt> contains a single class called <tt class="class">Popen</tt>
whose constructor supports a number of different keyword arguments.
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
class Popen(args, bufsize=0, executable=None,
stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,
preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False,
cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False,
startupinfo=None, creationflags=0):
<var>args</var> is commonly a sequence of strings that will be the
arguments to the program executed as the subprocess. (If the
<var>shell</var> argument is true, <var>args</var> can be a string which will
then be passed on to the shell for interpretation, just as
<tt class="function">os.system()</tt> does.)
<var>stdin</var>, <var>stdout</var>, and <var>stderr</var> specify what the
subprocess's input, output, and error streams will be. You can
provide a file object or a file descriptor, or you can use the
constant <code>subprocess.PIPE</code> to create a pipe between the
subprocess and the parent.
The constructor has a number of handy options:
<LI><var>close_fds</var> requests that all file descriptors be closed
before running the subprocess.
<LI><var>cwd</var> specifies the working directory in which the
subprocess will be executed (defaulting to whatever the parent's
working directory is).
<LI><var>env</var> is a dictionary specifying environment variables.
<LI><var>preexec_fn</var> is a function that gets called before the
child is started.
<LI><var>universal_newlines</var> opens the child's input and output
using Python's universal newline feature.
Once you've created the <tt class="class">Popen</tt> instance,
you can call its <tt class="method">wait()</tt> method to pause until the subprocess
has exited, <tt class="method">poll()</tt> to check if it's exited without pausing,
or <tt class="method">communicate(<var>data</var>)</tt> to send the string <var>data</var> to
the subprocess's standard input. <tt class="method">communicate(<var>data</var>)</tt>
then reads any data that the subprocess has sent to its standard output
or standard error, returning a tuple <code>(<var>stdout_data</var>,
<tt class="function">call()</tt> is a shortcut that passes its arguments along to the
<tt class="class">Popen</tt> constructor, waits for the command to complete, and
returns the status code of the subprocess. It can serve as a safer
analog to <tt class="function">os.system()</tt>:
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
sts = subprocess.call(['dpkg', '-i', '/tmp/new-package.deb'])
if sts == 0:
# Success
# dpkg returned an error
The command is invoked without use of the shell. If you really do want to
use the shell, you can add <code>shell=True</code> as a keyword argument and provide
a string instead of a sequence:
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
sts = subprocess.call('dpkg -i /tmp/new-package.deb', shell=True)
The PEP takes various examples of shell and Python code and shows how
they'd be translated into Python code that uses <tt class="module">subprocess</tt>.
Reading this section of the PEP is highly recommended.
<div class="seealso">
<p class="heading">See Also:</p>
<dl compact="compact" class="seerfc">
<dt><a href="http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0324.html"
title="subprocess - New process module"
>PEP 324, <em>subprocess - New process module</em></a>
<dd>Written and implemented by Peter &#197;strand, with assistance from Fredrik Lundh and others.
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