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<H1><a name="MzScheme"></a>21 SWIG and MzScheme</H1>
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<li><a href="#MzScheme_nn2">Creating native MzScheme structures</a>
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This section contains information on SWIG's support of MzScheme.
<H2><a name="MzScheme_nn2"></a>21.1 Creating native MzScheme structures</H2>
Example interface file:
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/* define a macro for the struct creation */
%define handle_ptr(TYPE,NAME)
%typemap(mzscheme,argout) TYPE *NAME{
Scheme_Object *o = SWIG_NewStructFromPtr($1, $*1_mangle);
%typemap(mzscheme,in,numinputs=0) TYPE *NAME (TYPE temp) {
$1 = &amp;temp;
/* setup the typemaps for the pointer to an output parameter cntrs */
handle_ptr(struct diag_cntrs, cntrs);
Then in scheme, you can use regular struct access procedures like
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; suppose a function created a struct foo as
; (define foo (make-diag-cntrs (#x1 #x2 #x3) (make-inspector))
; Then you can do
(format "0x~x" (diag-cntrs-field1 foo))
(format "0x~x" (diag-cntrs-field2 foo))
That's pretty much it. It works with nested structs as well.