[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / devtools / amd64 / lib / perl5 / 5.8.8 / i86pc-solaris-64-ld / XS /
package XS::APItest;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use base qw/ DynaLoader Exporter /;
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
# Export everything since these functions are only used by a test script
our @EXPORT = qw( print_double print_int print_long
print_float print_long_double have_long_double print_flush
mpushp mpushn mpushi mpushu
mxpushp mxpushn mxpushi mxpushu
call_sv call_pv call_method eval_sv eval_pv require_pv
mycroak strtab
# from cop.h
sub G_SCALAR() { 0 }
sub G_ARRAY() { 1 }
sub G_VOID() { 128 }
sub G_DISCARD() { 2 }
sub G_EVAL() { 4 }
sub G_NOARGS() { 8 }
sub G_KEEPERR() { 16 }
sub G_NODEBUG() { 32 }
sub G_METHOD() { 64 }
our $VERSION = '0.08';
bootstrap XS::APItest $VERSION;
=head1 NAME
XS::APItest - Test the perl C API
use XS::APItest;
This module tests the perl C API. Currently tests that C<printf>
works correctly.
This module can be used to check that the perl C API is behaving
correctly. This module provides test functions and an associated
test script that verifies the output.
This module is not meant to be installed.
=head2 EXPORT
Exports all the test functions:
=over 4
=item B<print_double>
Test that a double-precision floating point number is formatted
correctly by C<printf>.
print_double( $val );
Output is sent to STDOUT.
=item B<print_long_double>
Test that a C<long double> is formatted correctly by
C<printf>. Takes no arguments - the test value is hard-wired
into the function (as "7").
Output is sent to STDOUT.
=item B<have_long_double>
Determine whether a C<long double> is supported by Perl. This should
be used to determine whether to test C<print_long_double>.
print_long_double() if have_long_double;
=item B<print_nv>
Test that an C<NV> is formatted correctly by
print_nv( $val );
Output is sent to STDOUT.
=item B<print_iv>
Test that an C<IV> is formatted correctly by
print_iv( $val );
Output is sent to STDOUT.
=item B<print_uv>
Test that an C<UV> is formatted correctly by
print_uv( $val );
Output is sent to STDOUT.
=item B<print_int>
Test that an C<int> is formatted correctly by
print_int( $val );
Output is sent to STDOUT.
=item B<print_long>
Test that an C<long> is formatted correctly by
print_long( $val );
Output is sent to STDOUT.
=item B<print_float>
Test that a single-precision floating point number is formatted
correctly by C<printf>.
print_float( $val );
Output is sent to STDOUT.
=item B<call_sv>, B<call_pv>, B<call_method>
These exercise the C calls of the same names. Everything after the flags
arg is passed as the the args to the called function. They return whatever
the C function itself pushed onto the stack, plus the return value from
the function; for example
call_sv( sub { @_, 'c' }, G_ARRAY, 'a', 'b'); # returns 'a', 'b', 'c', 3
call_sv( sub { @_ }, G_SCALAR, 'a', 'b'); # returns 'b', 1
=item B<eval_sv>
Evaluates the passed SV. Result handling is done the same as for
C<call_sv()> etc.
=item B<eval_pv>
Exercises the C function of the same name in scalar context. Returns the
same SV that the C function returns.
=item B<require_pv>
Exercises the C function of the same name. Returns nothing.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<XS::Typemap>, L<perlapi>.
=head1 AUTHORS
Tim Jenness, E<lt>t.jenness@jach.hawaii.eduE<gt>,
Christian Soeller, E<lt><gt>,
Hugo van der Sanden E<lt><gt>
Copyright (C) 2002,2004 Tim Jenness, Christian Soeller, Hugo van der Sanden.
All Rights Reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.