[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / devtools / amd64 / lib / python2.4 / site-packages / Pmw / Pmw_1_2 / demos / ScrolledCanvas.py
title = 'Pmw.ScrolledCanvas demonstration'
# Import Pmw from this directory tree.
import sys
sys.path[:0] = ['../../..']
import Tkinter
import Pmw
class Demo:
def __init__(self, parent):
# Create the ScrolledCanvas.
self.sc = Pmw.ScrolledCanvas(parent,
borderframe = 1,
labelpos = 'n',
label_text = 'ScrolledCanvas',
usehullsize = 1,
hull_width = 400,
hull_height = 300,
# Create a group widget to contain the scrollmode options.
w = Pmw.Group(parent, tag_text='Scroll mode')
w.pack(side = 'bottom', padx = 5, pady = 5)
hmode = Pmw.OptionMenu(w.interior(),
labelpos = 'w',
label_text = 'Horizontal:',
items = ['none', 'static', 'dynamic'],
command = self.sethscrollmode,
menubutton_width = 8,
hmode.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5, pady = 5)
vmode = Pmw.OptionMenu(w.interior(),
labelpos = 'w',
label_text = 'Vertical:',
items = ['none', 'static', 'dynamic'],
command = self.setvscrollmode,
menubutton_width = 8,
vmode.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5, pady = 5)
buttonBox = Pmw.ButtonBox(parent)
buttonBox.pack(side = 'bottom')
buttonBox.add('yview', text = 'Show\nyview', command = self.showYView)
buttonBox.add('scroll', text = 'Page\ndown', command = self.pageDown)
buttonBox.add('center', text = 'Center', command = self.centerPage)
# Pack this last so that the buttons do not get shrunk when
# the window is resized.
self.sc.pack(padx = 5, pady = 5, fill = 'both', expand = 1)
self.sc.component('canvas').bind('<1>', self.addcircle)
testEntry = Tkinter.Entry(parent)
self.sc.create_line(20, 20, 100, 100)
self.sc.create_oval(100, 100, 200, 200, fill = 'green')
self.sc.create_text(100, 20, anchor = 'nw',
text = 'Click in the canvas\nto draw ovals',
font = testEntry.cget('font'))
button = Tkinter.Button(self.sc.interior(),
text = 'Hello,\nWorld!\nThis\nis\na\nbutton.')
self.sc.create_window(200, 200,
window = button)
# Set the scroll region of the canvas to include all the items
# just created.
self.colours = ('red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'magenta',
'black', 'white')
self.oval_count = 0
self.rand = 12345
def sethscrollmode(self, tag):
self.sc.configure(hscrollmode = tag)
def setvscrollmode(self, tag):
self.sc.configure(vscrollmode = tag)
def addcircle(self, event):
x = self.sc.canvasx(event.x)
y = self.sc.canvasy(event.y)
width = 10 + self.random() % 100
height = 10 + self.random() % 100
x - width, y - height, x + width, y + height,
fill = self.colours[self.oval_count])
self.oval_count = (self.oval_count + 1) % len(self.colours)
# Simple random number generator.
def random(self):
self.rand = (self.rand * 125) % 2796203
return self.rand
def showYView(self):
print self.sc.yview()
def pageDown(self):
self.sc.yview('scroll', 1, 'page')
def centerPage(self):
top, bottom = self.sc.yview()
size = bottom - top
middle = 0.5 - size / 2
self.sc.yview('moveto', middle)
# Create demo in root window for testing.
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tkinter.Tk()
exitButton = Tkinter.Button(root, text = 'Exit', command = root.destroy)
exitButton.pack(side = 'bottom')
widget = Demo(root)