[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / devtools / rst / include / rstf / rstf.h
#ifndef _rstf_h
#define _rstf_h
#ident "@(#) rstf.h 1.41: 12/08/03 13:03:59 @(#)"
* WARNING: The Java RST jrst package relies upon the existing comment style
* to pick off the rtype value in each record. The Perl script
* that "parses" this .h file is jrst/c2java.pl
* I apologize in advance for this hackery. -R Quong 5/2002
* File contents (you can search this file using on the terms below)
* 0) Associated header files and #defines
* 1) Overview of RST format
* History
* 2) Version info and checking
* If you use the RST version check code, you must link with rstf/rstf.o
* 3) struct definitions
* 4) Useful functions
* If you use any functions in (3), you must link with rstf/rstf.o
* ================ 0) Associated header file and #defines ===========
* Choose *ONE* of the following to include:
* rstf.h // most people should just include this file
* rstf_bustrace.h // bustrace implementation specifics + rstf.h
* To use deprecated RSTF values, include rstf_deprecated.h *FIRST* Ex:
* #include "rstf/rstf_deprecated.h"
* #include "rstf/rstf.h"
* ================ 1) Overview of RST format ================
* RST (trace) format or just RST for short.
* Russell's Simplified Trace format
* Really Simple Trace format
* RST format handles "unified architectural" trace data.
* There are different kinds of records corresponding to
* - instructions
* - events (traps, interrupts)
* - MMU state (TLB entry changes)
* - internal processor state (register dumps)
* - high-level evnts (process/context switch, thread switch)
* - markers (timestamp, current CPU)
* - state (cache/memory state)
* For simplicity of reading data, all records are the same size (24 bytes)
* making it easy if you want to skip certain records.
* The first byte in each record, the rtype, denotes the record type.
* +==============+
* | byte: header | The first record must be of type rstf_headerT
* | maj,minor,% | Use init_rstf_header(rstf_headerT * hp)
* | header |
* | marker |
* +==============+
* | byte: rtype |
* | |
* | 23 bytes of |
* | data |
* +==============+
* | byte: rtype |
* | |
* | 23 bytes of |
* | data |
* +==============+
* | byte: rtype |
* | |
* | 23 bytes of |
* | data |
* +==============+
* We have different records type, so that future record types
* can be added in the future.
* One easy way to read or write an RST trace is to define a
* buffer of type rstf_unionT, which is a union of all known rec types.
* You can access the record type of your choice directly w/o typecasts.
* rstf_unionT rstbuff [1024];
* ... read or write into rstbuff ...
* rstf_instrT * instrPtr = & rstbuff[3].instr; // good = NO TYPE CASTING
* rstf_instrT * instrPtr = (rstf_instrT*) &rstbuff[3]; // avoid, bad, ugly
* int pc = instrPtr->pc_va;
* int iContext = rstbuff[89].pavadiff.icontext;
* rstf_tlbT * tlb = & rstbuff[234].tlb; // no type casting (!!)
* This was format was originally known as unatrace (Version 1) in 1999.
* In 10/99, I (R Quong) developed a new definition for
* the unatrace version 2 (now known as unawrap) format,
* to be a general trace wrapper.
* Rather than call the original format unatrace version 1, which
* became way rather confusing, I renamed it as RST.
* As of 4/2001, nothing is called unatrace.
#include <stdio.h> // FILE*
#include <sys/types.h> // uid_t
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if 0
#include "rstf/rstf_deprecated.h"
// if compiling with cc, use '-xCC' to handle C++ comments.
// emacs commands for me (RQ)
// (query-replace-regexp "int\\([0-9]+\\)" "int\\1_t" nil)
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(b):(a))
* 2) Version info and checking
#define RSTF_MAGIC "RST Header"
#define RSTF_VERSION_STR "2.13"
// Mandatory version checking info:
// See vercheck.h for return codes:
// 0 = version match
// 2 = semi compatible versions
// 4 = version mismatch
int rstf_version_check_fn (const char* compile_time_version);
// Convenience macro for version checking
#define RSTF_CHECK_VERSION() rstf_version_check_fn(RSTF_VERSION_STR)
// Do a compile-time vs run-time check on a record from a trace
#define RSTF_CHECK_TRACEVER(rstheader_ptr) \
rstf_checkheader(RSTF_VERSION_STR, rstheader_ptr)
static const char* rstf_version_str = "\n\
2.13 07/25/2005 [VP] Added TRAPPED_INSTR_T record type\n\
2.12 09/29/2004 [VP] extended cpuid fields to 10 bits; added accessor funcs\n\
2.10 09/17/2003 Merged in rfs.h file, which defines record for RFS traces\n\
2.09 08/28/2003 defined is_data one bit field in tsb_access record\n\
2.08 06/16/2003 define tsb_access record\n\
2.07 10/18/2002 define snoopT record\n\
2.06 03/XX/2002 regvalT:tpc is array; clean up comments for MM (trap::pstate, trapexit::tpc, tlb::line_idx)\n\
2.05 02/07/2002 augment STATUS_T w/ more analyzer-commands\n\
2.05 10/19/2001 augment STATUS_T w/ analyzer-commands, e.g. for MPCachesim\n\
2.05 10/04/2001 add bustrace::tdiff, renamed CONTEXT_T to PREG_T, add rstf_deprecated.h, expand hwinfo\n\
2.04 8/16/2001 revisions to bus trace spec\n\
2.03 8/06/2001 compile-vs-runtime version checking, openRST() supports rstzip\n\
2.02 7/20/2001 revise memval64/128 recs, add bus trace record type\n\
2.01 6/20/2001 add recs memval64 and memval128 records \n\
2.00 6/19/2001 rev 1.10 to 2.00 (no other changes)\n\
1.10 5/23/2001 cleanup openRST(), closeRST\n\
1.10 4/26/2001 add cpuid to INSTR_T +TRAP_T, add TRACEINFO_T,\n\
deprecate ASI_T, modified REGVAL_T \n\
1.9 4/20/2001 In CONTEXT_T: add cpuid, rename 'asi' to 'asiReg'\n\
1.8 3/27/2001 unixcommand(), rstf_snprintf(), stdized rstf_headerT,magic\n\
1.7 3/26/2001 Add RECNUM_T for rst-snapper\n\
1.6 3/15/2001 Add support for MP (cpuid to PAVADIFF, cpuid/tlbnum TLB)\n\
1.5 9/18/2000 Fixed Shade V6 record types (thanks Kelvin)\n\
1.4 9/9/2000 Added icontext and dcontext to PAVADIFF_T rec\n\
1.4 9/?/2000 Added major, minor numbers to HEADER_T rec\n\
1.3 8/25/2000 Added PATCH_T type.\n\
1.2 8/22/2000 Added STATUS_T type.\n\
/* The rtypes in RST */
enum {
// values for the rtype field in the following traces.
// we start at 3 not 0, to catch the common uninitialized case.
// enum::rtypes Do not remove THIS comment, c2java.pl needs this
RST_ZERO_T = 0, // should not see this
RST_ONE_T = 1, // reserved, not used 5/2000.
RSTHEADER_T = 2, // [REQUIRED] header type (mostly for marking)
INSTR_T = 3, // instruction
TRACEINFO_T = 4, // [REQUIRED] additional header info
TLB_T = 5, // change in a TLB line
THREAD_T = 6, // thread info
TRAP_T = 7, // trap event
TRAPEXIT_T = 8, // exit a trap
REGVAL_T = 9, // short register dump (1 or 2 regs)
TIMESTAMP_T = 11, // current cycle
CPU_T = 11, // current CPU
PROCESS_T = 12, // change in process, uses Unix PID ... rarely used.
DMA_T = 13, // DMA event
STRDESC_T = 14, // record is a N-char null-terminated (!) string (N<22)
LEFTDELIM_T = 15, // multi-record data must be delimited by
RIGHTDELIM_T = 16, // matching LEFTDELIM, RIGHTDELIM records
PREG_T = 17, // priv regs (traplev, pstate, asiReg)
PHYSADDR_T = 18, // physical addr of PC and EA; prefer PAVADIFF instead
PAVADIFF_T = 19, // (PA-VA) values of PC and EA
NULLREC_T = 20, // null record, which should be ignored
// E.g. change the rtype to NULLREC_T to ignore it
STRCONT_T = 21, // string that is *NOT* null-terminated
// Multi-record str=>[STRCONT_T...STRCONT_T STRDESC_T]
FILEMARKER_T = 22, // indicate where we are in a file
RECNUM_T = 22, // set rec num counters (indicates a skip in the trace)
STATUS_T = 23, // some sort of status (error, EOF, etc).
PATCH_T = 24, // patch instructions (application specific)
HWINFO_T = 25, // # cpu's, speed, memory, etc
MEMVAL_T = 26, // value from ld/st from/to memory
BUSTRACE_T = 27, // data from a bus trace
SNOOP_T = 28, // a snoop event
TSB_ACCESS_T = 29, // TSB access address during tlb fill
RFS_SECTION_HEADER_T = 30, // The section header for RFS trace sub-type.
RFS_CW_T = 31, // cache-warming data
RFS_BT_T = 32, // branch-predict hardware warming
// RFS_RST_T is only used to identify the section type in the
// section header no actual rst records of that rtype are actually created
RFS_RST_T = 33,
TIMESYNC_T = 35, // emitted periodically with a common sequence number
// to align per-cpu traces
DEVIDSTR_T = 36, // displays like a string record. in addition, maps device ids to names
LAST_T = 37
* Multi-record types.
* These types values are used in a LEFTDELIM_T record in the WHAT field.
enum {
LAST_MRT = 300
// These are all 32 bit values representing invalid or bad addresses
// I'll choose odd values of the form 0x3141592y where y=odd
#define RSTF_BADADDR_BASE 0x31415900 // fictitious data EA, unknown reason
#define RSTF_NO_EA 0x31415921 // fictitious data EA, unknown reason
#define RSTF_NO_PC 0x31415923 // fictitious PC , unknown reason
#define RSTF_ATRACE_NO_PC 0x31415927 // fictitious PC when no atrace I-rec
#define RSTF_ATRACE_NO_EA 0x3141592f // fictitious data EA when no atrace D-rec
// D-addr address is invalid, officially removed in 2.05
// #define RSTF_NOADDR 0x00314159 // (!!) Deprecated as of v 1.5 (!!)
#define RSTF_IS_BADADDR(addr) \
((((addr) & 01) != 0) && (((addr >> 8) == (RSTF_BADADDR_BASE >> 8))))
// Here are definitions of the individual RST record types.
// There are some convenience types at the end, to let you view
// an RST record as an array of 8, 16, 32, or 64 bit values
// and
// a union type
typedef struct { /* not done yet */
uint8_t rtype; /* value = ZERO_T */
uint8_t notused8;
uint16_t notused16;
uint32_t notused32;
uint64_t notused64;
uint64_t notused64a;
} rstf_protoT;
typedef rstf_protoT rstf_xxxT;
* 3) struct definitions
// view rsttrace record as an array of bytes, shorts, ints and long longs
typedef struct {
uint8_t arr8[ sizeof(rstf_protoT)/sizeof(uint8_t) ];
} rstf_uint8T;
typedef struct {
uint16_t arr16[ sizeof(rstf_protoT)/sizeof(uint16_t) ];
} rstf_uint16T;
typedef struct {
uint32_t arr32[ sizeof(rstf_protoT)/sizeof(uint32_t) ];
} rstf_uint32T;
typedef struct {
uint64_t arr64[ sizeof(rstf_protoT)/sizeof(uint64_t) ];
} rstf_uint64T;
// All RST traces must begin with an rstf_headerT record.
// Initialize via init_rstf_header (rstf_headerT * headerp);
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = RSTHEADER_T */
uint8_t majorVer; /* major version Ex: 2 (binary value) */
uint8_t minorVer; /* minor version Ex: 23 (binary value) */
uint8_t percent; /* must be '%' to be compliant */
// header_str MUST start with RSTF_MAGIC
// Expect it to look like: "RST Header v1.9"
char header_str[ sizeof(rstf_uint8T) - sizeof( uint32_t ) ];
} rstf_headerT;
#define MAX_INSTR_CPUID 48
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = INSTR_T */
unsigned notused : 1; /* not used */
unsigned ea_valid : 1; /* ea_va field is valid, for ld/st only */
unsigned tr : 1; /* trap occured 1=yes */
unsigned hpriv : 1; /* hpriv: hpstate.hpriv==1. It is recommended */
/* that pr be set to 0 when hpriv==1 */
unsigned pr : 1; /* priviledged or user 1=priv */
unsigned bt : 1; /* br/trap taken, cond-move/st done */
unsigned an : 1; /* 1=annulled (instr was not executed) */
unsigned reservedCompress : 1; /* was used by rstzipv2 compressor */
unsigned cpuid : 6; /* do not access the cpuid field directly. Instead, use the
set/get_cpuid functions defined below */
unsigned cpuid9_6 : 4;
unsigned notused3 : 6; /* must be zero in this version of RST */
uint32_t instr; /* instruction word (opcode, src, dest) */
uint64_t pc_va; /* VA */
uint64_t ea_va; /* VA: Eff addr of ld/st; Eff targ of CTI */
} rstf_instrT;
static void rstf_instrT_set_cpuid(rstf_instrT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0x3f; tr->cpuid9_6 = ((cpuid>>6) & 0xf); }
static int rstf_instrT_get_cpuid(const rstf_instrT * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_6<<6)|tr->cpuid; }
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = PAVADIFF_T */
unsigned ea_valid : 1; /* does ea_pa contain a valid address */
unsigned cpuid : 7;
unsigned cpuid9_7 : 3;
unsigned notused13: 13; /* must be zero */
uint16_t icontext; /* I-context used for these diffs */
uint16_t dcontext; /* only valid if ea_valid is true (!) */
uint64_t pc_pa_va; /* (PA-VA) of PC */
uint64_t ea_pa_va; /* (PA-VA) of EA for ld/st (not branches), if ea_valid is true */
} rstf_pavadiffT;
static void rstf_pavadiffT_set_cpuid(rstf_pavadiffT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0x7f; tr->cpuid9_7 = (cpuid>>7)&0x7; }
static int rstf_pavadiffT_get_cpuid(const rstf_pavadiffT * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_7 << 7)|tr->cpuid; }
// subtypes for records with a rtype2 field
enum {
RSTT2_ZERO_T = 0, RSTT2_ONE = 1, // reserved
RSTT2_NLEVEL_T = 2, //
RSTT2_LAST_T = 5 //
// Trace information:
// Each RST trace starts with a header record, followed by a series of tracinfo records
// The first traceinfo record should indicate the trace level (incremented with each update)
// The next traceinfo record specifies the number of cpus and the min/max cpuid in the trace
// The following traceinfo records list the cpuids specified in the trace, up to 10 per record
// This is followed by a series of string records containing more detail about the trace
// Initialize these records with init_rstf_traceinfo_level().
// Each program that generates/processes/modifies the trace is a level.
// Level 0 = program that generated the trace
// Level 1 = first "filter" run on the trace that modifies the trace.
// To be compliant w/ RST v2.06, the second record in the trace
// must be a traceinfo_levelT.
// Thus a filter can read the second record, bump the level
// and rewrite the modified record
typedef struct { /* not done yet */
uint8_t rtype; /* value = TRACEINFO_T */
uint8_t rtype2; /* RSTT2_NLEVEL_T */
uint16_t level; /* number of levels, must be >= 1 */
uint32_t val32;
uint64_t time64; /* value returned by time(2) */
uint64_t notused64a;
} rstf_traceinfo_levelT;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value=TRACEINFO_T */
uint8_t rtype2; /* value = RSTT2_CPUINFO_T */
int16_t numcpus; /* number of cpus in trace */
int16_t min_cpu_id;
int16_t max_cpu_id;
int64_t reserved1; /* must be zero in this version */
int64_t reserved2; /* must be zero in this version */
} rstf_cpuinfoT;
/* The cpuidinfo records list the cpuids that occur in the trace.
* It is needed because cpuids are not necessarily 0..ncpus-1.
* More than one cpuidinfo record can appear following a cpuinfo record,
* each contains up to 10 cpuids that appear in the trace.
* For example, there will be 3 cpuidinfo records for ncpus=24.
* Unused cpuid's must be set to 0
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value=TRACEINFO_T */
uint8_t rtype2; /* value=RSTT2_CPUIDINFO_T */
uint16_t reserved1; /* must be zero in this version */
uint16_t cpuids[10]; /* unused fields must be zero */
} rstf_cpuidinfoT;
// placemarker, as will split off more variants of
typedef struct { /* not done yet */
uint8_t rtype; /* value = TRACEINFO_T */
uint8_t rtype2; /* subtype: RSTT2_NLEVEL_T */
uint16_t val16;
uint32_t val32;
uint64_t val64;
uint64_t val64a;
} rstf_traceinfoT;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = TLB_T */
unsigned demap : 1; /* 0 = add/replace entry ; 1=invalidate */
unsigned tlb_type : 1; /* 0 = INSTR, 1 = DATA */
unsigned notused : 6; /* not used */
// Each TLB implementor can number the lines in the TLB arbitrarily
// For direct-mapped TLBs, the line index is obvious
// For a K-way TLB, we recommend having idx={0,1,..,K-1}=first set
uint16_t tlb_index; /* TLB line index, specific to each TLB impl */
unsigned tlb_no : 2 ; /* which I or D TLB ? (eg. Ch+ has 3 D TLBS) */
unsigned cpuid : 6 ; /* changed in v1.6 */
unsigned cpuid9_6 : 4;
unsigned unused : 4 ; /* */
uint16_t unused16; /* */
// The blaze RSTracer collects the following information
// tte_tag[63:13] = VA[63:13] tte_tag[12:0] = context
// (!) This format is different from that used in the US-I hardware
uint64_t tte_tag; /* tag for a TTE */
// See the struct rstf_tte_dataT at the end of this file
// for an example of how the tte_data might be organized.
// rstf_tte_dataT * xp = (rst_tte_data_T *) & tlbp->tte_data;
uint64_t tte_data; /* data for a TTE */
} rstf_tlbT;
static void rstf_tlbT_set_cpuid(rstf_tlbT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0x3f; tr->cpuid9_6 = (cpuid>>6)&0xf; }
static int rstf_tlbT_get_cpuid(const rstf_tlbT * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_6<<6)|tr->cpuid; }
typedef struct { /* not done yet */
uint8_t rtype; /* value = THREAD_T */
uint8_t notused8;
uint16_t icontext; /* I-context */
uint32_t notused32;
uint64_t tid; /* Thread ID or %g7=ptr to OS thread */
uint64_t notused64;
} rstf_threadT;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = PROCESS_T */
uint8_t notused8;
uint16_t notused16;
uint32_t notused32;
uint32_t oldpid; /* previous process id 0=no info */
uint32_t newpid; /* current process id 0=no info */
uint32_t oldcontext;
uint32_t newcontext;
} rstf_processT;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = PREG_T */
uint8_t asiReg; /* ASI register */
uint16_t unused_lastcontext; /* DEPRECATED */
uint8_t traplevel;
uint8_t traptype; /* traptype[traplevel] register */
uint16_t pstate; /* pstate */
uint8_t cpuid; /* cpu 0, 1, 2, ... */
uint8_t cpuid9_8 : 2;
uint8_t notused4 : 6; /* */
uint16_t notused16; /* */
uint32_t notused32; /* */
// Use the PAVADIFF_T icontext and dcontext, instead
// These are MMU reg values, which may or may not be used by the instr
uint16_t primA; /* primary IMMU context, must be equal to primD */
uint16_t secA; /* secondary IMMU context, not used */
uint16_t primD; /* primary DMMU context register */
uint16_t secD; /* secondary DMMU context register */
} rstf_pregT;
static void rstf_pregT_set_cpuid(rstf_pregT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0xff; tr->cpuid9_8 = (cpuid>>8) & 3; }
static int rstf_pregT_get_cpuid(const rstf_pregT * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_8<<8)|tr->cpuid; }
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = TRAP_T */
unsigned is_async : 1 ; /* asynchronous trap ? */
unsigned unused : 3 ; /* unused */
unsigned tl : 4 ; /* trap level at the time trap occurred */
unsigned cpuid : 6 ; /* cpu id */
unsigned ttype : 10; /* trap type for V9, only 9 bits matter */
uint16_t pstate; /* Pstate register in the trap */
uint16_t cpuid9_6 : 4;
uint16_t syscall : 12; /* If a system call, the syscall # */
uint64_t pc; /* PC before the trap (= post-trap TPC[TL]) */
uint64_t npc; /* NPC before trap (= post-trap TNPC[TL]) */
} rstf_trapT;
static void rstf_trapT_set_cpuid(rstf_trapT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0x3f; tr->cpuid9_6 = (cpuid>>6) & 0xf; }
static int rstf_trapT_get_cpuid(const rstf_trapT * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_6 << 6) | tr->cpuid; }
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = TRAPEXIT_T */
uint8_t tl; /* trap level , after done/retry */
unsigned cpuid : 6 ; /* 10-bit cpu id */
unsigned cpuid9_6 : 4;
unsigned notused10 : 6;
uint32_t tstate; /* bottom 32 bits of tstate */
uint64_t unused64; /* used to be pc */
uint64_t unused64b; /* used to be npc */
} rstf_trapexitT;
static void rstf_trapexitT_set_cpuid(rstf_trapexitT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0x3f; tr->cpuid9_6 = (cpuid>>6) & 0xf; }
static int rstf_trapexitT_get_cpuid(const rstf_trapexitT * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_6 << 6) | tr->cpuid; }
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = CPU_T */
uint8_t notused8;
uint16_t notused16;
uint16_t notused16b;
uint16_t cpu; /* CPU ID = 0, 1, etc */
uint64_t notused64;
uint64_t timestamp;
} rstf_cpuT;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = DMA_T */
unsigned unused : 7; /* unused */
unsigned iswrite : 1; /* 1=write to memory, 0=read from memory */
uint16_t notused16;
uint32_t nbytes; /* # of bytes transfered in the DMA */
uint64_t start_pa; /* starting address for the DMA */
uint32_t devid; /* id of device that performed the dma */
uint32_t notused32;
} rstf_dmaT;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = TSB_ACCESS_T */
unsigned unused : 7;
unsigned isdata : 1; /* 1=data access, 0=instruction access */
uint16_t unused2 : 6;
uint16_t cpuid : 10; /* CPU ID = 0, 1, etc */
uint32_t notused32;
uint64_t pa; /* physical address of TSB access */
uint64_t va; /* virtual address of TSB access */
} rstf_tsb_accessT;
static void rstf_tsb_accessT_set_cpuid(rstf_tsb_accessT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid; }
static int rstf_tsb_accessT_get_cpuid(const rstf_tsb_accessT * tr) { return tr->cpuid; }
/* A rstf_trapping_instrT record is output before a synchronous trap record to provide
* additional information about the cause of the trap. It is also output before an async trap
* with information about the instruction that would have executed if the trap hadn't been taken
* The trap record will typically be followed by an rstf_instrT record with the tr flag set.
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = TRAPPING_INSTR_T */
/* values of hpstate.hpriv and pstate.priv when the trapping instr was initiated */
uint8_t hpriv: 1;
uint8_t priv : 1;
uint8_t iftrap : 1; // if true, only cpuid and ea_va are valid
uint8_t ea_va_valid : 1; // valid only if iftrap == 0
uint8_t ea_pa_valid : 1; // do not translate ea_va unless true
uint8_t unused3: 3;
uint16_t cpuid: 10;
uint16_t unused6: 6;
uint32_t instr; // valid only if iftrap == 0
uint64_t pc_va; // always valid
uint64_t ea_va; // only if ea_va_valid
} rstf_trapping_instrT;
static void rstf_trapping_instrT_set_cpuid(rstf_trapping_instrT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid; }
static int rstf_trapping_instrT_get_cpuid(const rstf_trapping_instrT * tr) { return tr->cpuid; }
// RST Bus trace format philosophy.
// (i) convert a minimal set of "common" data into a standard form
// which is sufficient for any generic-bus-trace analyzer
// (ii) to leave the bus-trace implementation specific data bits as-is,
// in a bus-trace specific set of 64-96 bits.
// There are major differences between different bus trace implementations
// (system, bus, logic analyzer) even only looking at the
// HPLA/Firetruck versus Tektronix/E10K traces.
// In particular, the transaction types alone are different.
// And as we collect more bus traces from different/new setups, this
// problem will only get worse.
// See rstf_bustrace.h for bus-trace implementation specific details.
// To access bus trace implementations specific fields use:
// #include <rstf/rstf_bustrace.h>
// Or, if you just need common fields (e.g. a cache simulator), use
// #include <rstf/rstf.h>
// Again, The bustrace record (here) in rstf.h only describes fields
// common to all bus trace records. These fields are those suitable
// for cache simulators and should be values present in all bus
// traces.
#ifndef _rstf_bustrace_h
enum {
// TX types must know so a cache simulator can do the right thing
// 07/26/2001
RST_BTTX_BADVAL = 0x0, // Make common unitialized value an error
// UPA
RST_BTTX_RTS = 0x10, // Read to Share
RST_BTTX_RTSA = 1, // Read to Share Always (I access)
RST_BTTX_RTO = 2, // Read to Own
RST_BTTX_RTD = 3, // Read to Discard
RST_BTTX_CGSS = 4, // CopybackGotoSState
RST_BTTX_NCR = 5, // NonCachedRead
RST_BTTX_NCBR = 6, // NonCachedBlockRead
RST_BTTX_NCBW = 7, // NonCachedBlockWrite
RST_BTTX_WB = 8, // Writeback
RST_BTTX_WI = 9, // WriteInvalidate
RST_BTTX_INV = 10, // Invalidate
RST_BTTX_CB = 11, // Copyback
RST_BTTX_CBI = 12, // CopybackInvalidate
RST_BTTX_CBD = 13, // CopybackToDiscard
RST_BTTX_NCW = 14, // NonCachedWrite
RST_BTTX_INT = 15, // Interrupt
// Additional Tx types in the firetruck bus
RST_BTTX_IDLE = 0x11, // Idle
RST_BTTX_ADMIN = 0x12, // Admin
RST_BTTX_RTSF = 0x13, // ReadToShareFork
RST_BTTX_RS = 0x14, // ReadStream
RST_BTTX_RSTADMIN = 0x18, // an administrative record (reserved)
RST_BTTX_LAST = 0x18 // any value greater than this is an error
// In rstf_bustrace.h, u_btimpl64_t is defined as a union of structs
// but if we did not see rstf_bustrace.h, define it as an long long.
typedef uint64_t u_btimpl64_t;
#endif /* _rstf_bustrace_h */
// The common bus trace info if the user just includes <rstf/rstf.h>
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = BUSTRACE_T */
unsigned dirtyvictim : 1; // this access create dirty victim?
unsigned shared : 1; // FT: anybody claim share this line? E10K:N/A
unsigned owned : 1; // FT: owned line asserted E10K: N/A
unsigned memcancel : 1; // E10=abort bit, FT=data cancel
unsigned bt_type : 4; /* type of bus trace, see rstf_bustrace.h */
unsigned txType : 6; // Transaction type
unsigned agentid : 10; // cpu/board/agent/module ID
unsigned tdiff : 1 ; // 1=timestamp is differental from prev rec,
unsigned nsScale : 1 ; // 1=timestamp is in nS; 0=timestamp in 100nS
unsigned timestamp : 20; // absolute=unsigned, time delta=signed
u_btimpl64_t btimpl64; // specific to a given bustrace
uint64_t addr_pa; // PA, bottom 6 bits may be unused
} rstf_bustraceT;
enum {
// ================
// register types
RSTREG_UNUSED_RT = 5, // register value bits are unused
// regtype[i]=RSTREG_CC_RT => regid[i] field holds icc+xcc values
// regid[i] bits 0:3 hold icc regid[i] bits 4:7 hold xcc
// XCC: n z v c ICC: n z v c
// Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// regtype[i]=RSTREG_CC_RT => regid[i] field holds icc+xcc values
// regid[i] bits 0:3 hold icc regid[i] bits 4:7 hold xcc
// XCC: n z v c ICC: n z v c
// Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// regtype[i]=RSTREG_WININT_RT => regid[i] field holds winptr+regnum
// regid[i] bits 7:5 holds window pointer (0-8), for integer regs
// or global type (RSTREG_USER_GLOBAL thru
// RSTREG_ALTERNATE_GLOBAL) and global level
// for Millennium-type architectures
// Examples:
// %l5 of window 3 = 0x75 = 8b'011-10101 (l5 = 21 = 0x15)
// %l3 of window 7 = 0xf3 = 8b'111-10011 (l3 = 19 = 0x13)
// %ag3 = 0x63 = 8b'011-00011
// Transformation Functions:
// regid = (wp << 5) + regnum;
// wp = (regid >> 5); regnum = (regid & 0x1f);
RSTREG_MMU_RT = 9, // MMU specific
// ================
// register ID's
// int registers, %g0=0,%g7=7,%o0=8,%o7=15,%l0=16,%l7=23,%i0=24,%i7=31
RSTREG_iIN_R = 24,
RSTREG_iTHREAD_R = RSTREG_iGLOBAL_R+7, // %g7 = & kernel thread struct
// float registers, SingleP=0..31, DoubleP=32..63, QuadP=64..95
// - A quad float occupies regval[0..1] and must be regtype[0].
// And, regtype[1] must be RSTREG_CC_RT or RSTREG_UNUSED_RT.
// priv registers (same encoding as in the RDPR instr)
// used when regtype=RSTREG_PRIV_RT
// There is an instance of the following registers for each trap level
// We allocate enough space for 8 trap levels (as of 2001, MAXTL=4)
// Thus for TPC[ TL=3 ], use regid=RSTREG_TPC_RBASE+3
// other registers (same encoding as in the RDSTATE instr)
// used when regtype=RSTREG_OTHER_RT
// RSTREG_TICK_R = 4, (duplicated from above)
RSTREG_ASR_R = 7, // not used
RSTREG_OLDFSR_R = 8, // not used
// register id's for regtype RSTREG_HPRIV_RT.
// Values correspond to rd/wr hpr instruction operand encodings
// global types (used for global registers in regtype=RSTREG_WININT_RT)
RSTREG_USER_GLOBAL = 0, // %g0-g7
RSTREG_MMU_GLOBAL = 2, // %mg0-mg7
// mmu reg types. use encodings from ASI 0x58
* This structure contains one or two register values
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = REGVAL_T */
unsigned postInstr : 1; /* 0=values before instr, 1=values AFTER */
unsigned cpuid : 7; /* CPU */
uint8_t regtype[2]; /* type: Ex: regtype[0]=RSTREG_INT_RT */
uint8_t regid[2]; /* register Ex regid[0]=14 (%o6=%sp) */
uint16_t cpuid9_7 : 3;
uint16_t notused13 : 13;
uint64_t reg64[2]; /* reg64[i] described by regtype[i]/regid[i]*/
} rstf_regvalT;
static void rstf_regvalT_set_cpuid(rstf_regvalT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0x7f; tr->cpuid9_7 = (cpuid>>7) & 0x7; }
static int rstf_regvalT_get_cpuid(const rstf_regvalT * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_7 << 7) | tr->cpuid; }
// Memory values
// An RST trace is associated with a direct-mapped memory cache
// of geometry 128Bytes x 32K lines. Every ifetch/load/store/prefetch
// with a valid memory PA accesses the cache. Memory value records are
// emitted for each miss
// A memory value record can be either a memval128T or memval64T
// memval128T = 128 bits of aligned data.
// Only give bits 4:43 of address. Must sign extend to get full addr
// if isContRec==1, ignore addr bits and use address from previous rec
// This is done because the record only has enough space for 43 bits
// of address, so a 64 bit memval that precedes the 128 bit memval
// provides the address.
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = MEMVAL_T */
unsigned ismemval128 : 1; // type of memval? 1=memval128T 0=memval64T
unsigned addrisVA : 1; // What type of addr? 1=VA 0=PA
unsigned isContRec : 1; // continuation? applies only to memval128T
unsigned zero3: 3; // should be zero
unsigned cpuid9_8 : 2;
unsigned cpuid : 8 ; // cpu id
// contain 40 bits <04:43> which must be sign extended to get the full addr
uint8_t addr36_43; // shift this value 36 bits to the right
uint32_t addr04_35; // addr = (long long) (addr04_35 << 4);
uint64_t val[2]; // must be ALIGNED 128 bits=16 bytes data
} rstf_memval128T;
static void rstf_memval128T_set_cpuid(rstf_memval128T * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0xff; tr->cpuid9_8 = (cpuid>>8) & 3; }
static int rstf_memval128T_get_cpuid(const rstf_memval128T * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_8<<8)|tr->cpuid; }
static void rstf_memval128T_set_addr(rstf_memval128T * tr, uint64_t addr) {tr->addr36_43 = (addr>>36)&0xff; tr->addr04_35 = (addr>>4) & ~0u;}
static uint64_t rstf_memval128T_get_addr(rstf_memval128T * tr) { return (((uint64_t)tr->addr36_43) << 36) | (((uint64_t)tr->addr04_35) << 4); }
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = MEMVAL_T */
unsigned ismemval128 : 1; // type of memval? 1=memval128T 0=memval64T
unsigned addrisVA : 1; // What type of addr? 1=VA 0=PA
unsigned isContRec : 1; // this bit does not apply to rstf_memval64T
unsigned zero3: 3; // should be zero
unsigned cpuid9_8 : 2;
unsigned cpuid : 8 ; // cpu id
unsigned unused4 : 4 ; //
unsigned size : 4 ; // # of valid bytes in val (1-8)
uint32_t notused32; //
uint64_t addr; // 64 bit address
uint64_t val; // 64 bits = 8 bytes of data
} rstf_memval64T;
// cpuid accessor fns same as memval128
static void rstf_memval64T_set_cpuid(rstf_memval64T * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0xff; tr->cpuid9_8 = (cpuid>>8) & 3; }
static int rstf_memval64T_get_cpuid(const rstf_memval64T * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_8<<8)|tr->cpuid; }
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = LEFTDELIM_T, RIGHTDELIM_T */
uint8_t id; /* left and right delims must match */
uint16_t what; /* type of data */
uint32_t length; /* length of data (bytes) in following recs */
uint64_t notused64;
uint64_t notused64a;
} rstf_delimT;
// PHYSADDR_T: this record type is rarely used as of 7/2001
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = PHYSADDR_T */
unsigned ea_valid : 1; /* does ea_pa contain a valid address */
unsigned cpuid : 7;
uint16_t cpuid9_7 : 3;
uint16_t notused13 : 13;
uint32_t notused32;
uint64_t pc_pa;
uint64_t ea_pa;
} rstf_physaddrT;
static void rstf_physaddrT_set_cpuid(rstf_physaddrT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid & 0x7f; tr->cpuid9_7 = (cpuid>>7) & 0x7; }
static int rstf_physaddrT_get_cpuid(const rstf_physaddrT * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_7 << 7) | tr->cpuid; }
/* tell record #, before/after processing level LEV */
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = FILEMARKER_T == RECNUM_T */
unsigned recNum : 1 ; /* 0 = filemark, 1 = recnum */
unsigned level : 7 ; /* LEV=level of the processing, 0=orig data */
uint8_t recType; /* rec type (e.g. INSTR_T) to set on count */
uint8_t cpuID; /* 0 = first CPU */
uint32_t cpuid9_8 : 2;
uint32_t notused30 : 30;
uint64_t incount; /* input record # */
uint64_t outcount; /* output record # (not used in recnum_T) */
} rstf_filemarkerT;
static void rstf_filemarkerT_set_cpuid(rstf_filemarkerT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuID = cpuid & 0xff; tr->cpuid9_8 = (cpuid>>8) & 3; }
static int rstf_filemarkerT_get_cpuid(const rstf_filemarkerT * tr) { return (tr->cpuid9_8<<8)|tr->cpuID; }
// reset record number counter.
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = FILEMARKER_T == RECNUM_T */
unsigned recNum : 1 ; /* 0 = filemark, 1 = recnum */
unsigned level : 7 ; /* not used */
uint8_t recType; /* type of record (e.g. INSTR_T) to set on count) */
uint8_t cpuID; /* 0 = first CPU */
uint32_t cpuid9_8 : 2;
uint32_t notused30 : 30;
uint64_t incount; /* new record # */
uint64_t notused64; /* not used */
} rstf_recnumT;
// accessor funcs same as filemarkerT
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = STRDESC_T, STRCONT_T */
char string[23]; /* null terminated if STRDESC, no if STRCONT */
} rstf_stringT;
// values in a STATUS_T record
enum {
// values for the status field a STATUS_T record
// we start at 2 not 0, to catch the common uninitialized case.
RST_EOF = 2,
// let me know what else you want...
// analyzer specs
// Any/all analyzers are free to ignore these records
RST_AN_ALL_ANALYZERS = 3, /* request for all analyzers */
RST_AN_CACHESIM = 4, /* all cache simulators */
// command
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = STATUS_T */
uint8_t status; /* enumerated value (e.g. RST_EOF) */
uint8_t analzyer; /* analyzer for ANALYZER_CMD */
uint8_t command; /* command for ANALYZER_CMD */
uint32_t notused32;
uint64_t notused64;
uint64_t notused64a;
} rstf_statusT;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = PATCH_T */
unsigned unused : 7; /* */
unsigned isBegin : 1; /* 1=begin of patch, 0=end of patch */
uint8_t rewindrecs; /* # recs to rewind before applying patch */
uint8_t id; /* id should match begin/end pairs */
uint16_t length; /* # recs in patch, ignore beg/end patchT */
/* we count those beg/end of nested patches */
uint16_t notused32;
char descr[16]; /* may not be null-terminated */
} rstf_patchT;
// Categories and infotypes for HWINFO_T
// If there are multiple values (e.g. sizes of caches)
// use the INDEX field to differentiate.
// NUMENT indicates how many vals there
enum {
HWCAT_TRSRC = 2, // trace source
HWCAT_SIMHW = 6, // a simulated hardware value
HWCAT_HOSTHW = 7, // real machine hardware value
HWINFO_CPUTYPE = 2, // 1 = US-1, 3=US-3, etc
HWINFO_MEMSIZE = 4, // bytes
HWINFO_CPUFREQ = 5, // Hertz [0]=cpufreq [1]=stick freq
HWINFO_TLBSIZE = 8, // size of index-th TLB, val2=assoc
HWINFO_NUMNIC = 10, // number of NICS
HWINFO_IPADDR = 11, // IP address
HWINFO_DISKSIZE = 12, // bytes
HWINFO_DISKDELAY = 14, // cpufreq cycles [0]=read delay [1]=write delay
HWINFO_NREGWIN = 15, // Number of register windows
enum {
enum {
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = SNOOP_T */
uint8_t snoopreq; /* type of snoop request, values */
uint16_t device_id; /* agent ID initiating the request */
uint32_t size; /* size in bytes of snoop */
uint64_t addr_pa;
uint16_t device_type; /* What type of device */
uint16_t notused16; /* reserved */
uint32_t notused32; /* reserved */
} rstf_snoopT;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; /* value = HWINFO_T */
unsigned sim : 1;
unsigned unused : 7;
uint8_t category; /* category of info Ex: sim HW value */
uint8_t infotype; /* type of value Ex: CPU freq or mem size */
uint16_t entindex; /* if multiple entries (e.g. cache sizes) */
uint16_t nument; /* total number of entries 0=> only 1 entry */
uint64_t val; /* value */
uint64_t val2;
} rstf_hwinfoT;
enum rstf_timesyncT_subtype_e {
// 3..255: available for other events (eg serial sync)
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; // equal to TIMESYNC_T
uint8_t subtype; // valid values in enum rstf_timesyncT_subtype_e;
uint16_t zero1; // reserved1
uint16_t zero2; // reserved2
uint16_t cpuid;
uint64_t data; // not used for barrier sync
uint64_t sequence_number; // use for ordering events across traces
} rstf_timesyncT;
static void rstf_timesyncT_set_cpuid(rstf_timesyncT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid; }
static int rstf_timesyncT_get_cpuid(const rstf_timesyncT * tr) { return tr->cpuid; }
static const uint32_t rstf_devidstr_continuation_id = ~0u;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; // equal to DEVIDSTR_T
/* Trailing characters must all be zero. If str[18] is not zero,
* this record is followed by more devidstrT record(s) that
* continue the string, until a zero character is found. These
* continuation records have an id of <rstf_devidstr_continuation_id>
char str[19];
uint32_t id;
} rstf_devidstrT;
/************************ RFS SUB-TRACE STUFF ***************************/
/* Structure of an RST-Format Snap:
* ========
* Header:
* ========
* Descr: rstf_stringT record identifying the trace as rfs format
* The string should be the RFS descriptor 23-char string:
* X is rfs_major_version, YY is rfs_minor_version (version of the
* ========
* One or more RFS sections
* ========
* An RFS section consists of an RFS section header and section data
* The section header is of type rstf_rfs_section_headerT (defined below)
* The various section data types are also defined below; these may be extended
* if necessary
* IMPORTANT: Since it is possible for the record-count for
* the RST section to be unknown,
* there can be only one RST section in a snap, and it MUST be the last section
* FIXME: this constraint can be relaxed at the cost of slowing down
* the compressor/analyzers etc
static const int rfs_major_version = 1;
static const int rfs_minor_version = 0;
// all "reserved" fields in rfs structures should be initialized
// to 0 for consistency.
// a ridiculously large positive 64-bit number
static const int64_t rfs_unknown_nrecords = ((~0ull)>>1);
typedef struct {
unsigned rtype : 8; // RFS_SECTION_HEADER_T
unsigned section_type : 8; // same as the data rtype (eg RFS_CW_T
// or RFS_BP_T or RFS_RST_T)
unsigned reserved1 : 16;
uint32_t reserved2;
// n_records == rfs_unknown_nrecords indicates unknown record count:
// reader must determine count from the input stream
// This feature is ONLY supported for an RST section,
// of which there can be only one
int64_t n_records; // NOT including section header record.
uint64_t reserved3;
// the reserved fields may be used for a checksum (eg md5sum) in the future
} rstf_rfs_section_headerT;
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; // value = RFS_BT_T
unsigned cpuid : 10;
unsigned taken : 1;
unsigned reserved: 13;
unsigned instr; // instr word
uint64_t pc_va; // branch pc
uint64_t npc_va; // fall-through addr if branch not taken
} rstf_bpwarmingT;
static void rstf_bpwarmingT_set_cpuid(rstf_bpwarmingT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid; }
static int rstf_bpwarmingT_get_cpuid(const rstf_bpwarmingT * tr) { return tr->cpuid; }
enum cw_reftype_e {
cw_reftype_NIL = 0,
cw_reftype_I = 1,
cw_reftype_R = 2,
cw_reftype_W = 3,
cw_reftype_PF_D = 4,
cw_reftype_PF_I = 5,
cw_reftype_DMA_R = 6,
cw_reftype_DMA_W = 7,
typedef struct {
uint8_t rtype; // value = RFS_CW_T
unsigned cpuid : 10; // must be ZERO for DMA_R and DMA_W reftypes
unsigned reftype : 6;
unsigned reserved1: 8;
union refinfo_u {
uint32_t dma_size;
struct refinfo_s {
unsigned asi : 8; // must be defined for ALL reference types
// except DMA. For DMA, the dma_size field
// overlaps with this struct
unsigned va_valid: 1;
unsigned fcn : 5; // for prefetch refs only. For others,
// consider this as "reserved"
unsigned reserved: 18;
} s;
uint32_t l; // this is just to represent refinfo_s as a 32-bit
// quantity that can be passed to functions
} refinfo;
// va must be ZERO for DMA_R or DMA_W. and if the refinfo.s.va_valid
// bit is clear
uint64_t va;
uint64_t pa;
} rstf_cachewarmingT;
static void rstf_cachewarmingT_set_cpuid(rstf_cachewarmingT * tr, int cpuid) { tr->cpuid = cpuid; }
static int rstf_cachewarmingT_get_cpuid(const rstf_cachewarmingT * tr) { return tr->cpuid; }
/******************END OF RFS SUB-TRACE STUFF ***************************/
// my template for use in emacs. Ignore.
typedef struct { /* not done yet */
uint8_t rtype; /* value = PROTO_T */
uint8_t notused8;
uint16_t notused16;
uint32_t notused32;
uint64_t notused64;
uint64_t notused64a;
} rstf_whatT;
typedef union {
rstf_headerT header;
rstf_instrT instr;
rstf_traceinfo_levelT tlevel;
rstf_cpuinfoT cpuinfo;
rstf_cpuidinfoT cpuidinfo;
rstf_tlbT tlb;
rstf_threadT thread;
rstf_pregT preg;
rstf_trapT trap;
rstf_trapexitT trapexit;
rstf_trapping_instrT trapping_instr;
rstf_cpuT cpu;
rstf_dmaT dma;
rstf_delimT delim;
rstf_physaddrT physaddr;
rstf_pavadiffT pavadiff;
rstf_filemarkerT fmarker;
rstf_hwinfoT hwinfo;
rstf_recnumT recnum;
rstf_stringT string;
rstf_statusT status;
rstf_patchT patch;
rstf_regvalT regval;
rstf_memval64T memval64;
rstf_memval128T memval128;
rstf_bustraceT bustrace;
rstf_snoopT snoop;
rstf_tsb_accessT tsb_access;
rstf_rfs_section_headerT rfs_section_header;
rstf_bpwarmingT bpwarming;
rstf_cachewarmingT cachewarming;
// types for fields in the rst record
rstf_protoT proto;
rstf_uint8T arr8;
rstf_uint16T arr16;
rstf_uint32T arr32;
rstf_uint64T arr64;
rstf_contextT context;
} rstf_unionT;
#define SIZEOF_RSTF (sizeof(rstf_unionT))
// ================ 4) Useful functions ================
// Some macros and functions for dealing with rstf
// Do a compile-time vs run-time check on a record from a trace
int rstf_checkheader (const char* compile_time_ver, rstf_headerT *rec);
// Open a RST file for reading.
// If the file is compressed (rstzip/rstzip2), automatically decompress
// We use popen() internally, if filename is a compressed file
// Returns
// null on error and sets errno
FILE* openRST (const char* filename);
void closeRST (FILE* f); // pclose(f); if compressed
int isPipeRST (FILE* f); // 1 if f is a pipe, as in from popen().
// initialize a header record with the current RST major/minor number.
// The string
int init_rstf_header (rstf_headerT * headerp);
// initialize a header record with the current RST major/minor number.
int init_rstf_traceinfo_level (rstf_traceinfo_levelT * ti, int level);
// Initialize a single STR_DESC RST record STRP with the string STR
// takes the last 22 chars if STR will not fully fit.
int init_rstf_string (rstf_stringT * strp, const char *str);
// Note: In most cases, rstf_snprintf() is easier to use.
// Initialize upto MAXREC records with the string STR, using
// STRDESC_T and STRCONT_T records. Handles strings of any length.
// Returns the number of RST records used.
// You must allocate the space to which STRP points.
// Ex:
// rstf_unionT buff[128];
// int currIdx = 37 ;
// char charbuff [8192];
// sprintf(charbuff, "A long bunch of data %s %d ...", ... );
// rstf_sprintf( &buff[currIdx] , charbuff, 128-37-1 );
int init_rstf_strbuff (rstf_stringT * strp, const char *str, int maxrec);
// Convenience fns:
// rstf_sprintf():
// initialize a RST record STRP with the sprintf output
// if the resulting string is too long, the last 22 chars are used.
// rstf_snprintf()
// initialize upto MAXREC RST records STRP with the sprintf output
// if the resulting string is too long, the last characters are dropped.
// Also, we use an 8K buffer, all chars beyond which are silently dropped.
// Returns the number of RST records actually used.
// Ex:
// rstf_unionT buff[...];
// rstf_unionT * currRec = ... ;
// struct passwd * pp = getpwuid( getuid() );
// nr = rstf_sprintf( currRec, "Collected by user %s", pp->pw_name);
// nr = rstf_snprintf( currRec+1, 4, "Some big long string %s", stringval);
int rstf_sprintf (rstf_stringT * strp, const char* fmt, ...);
int rstf_snprintf (rstf_stringT * strp, int maxrec, const char* fmt, ...);
// Given a multi-record string, read it.
// STRP points to the first of NREC consecutive (in an array) RST records.
// These need not all be string, but must know how many recs we can read.
// Returns the string in a static buffer.
// If NRREAD != NULL, we return the number of RST records we skipped over.
// Internally we use a 2048 char buffer.
const char* get_rstf_longstr (const rstf_stringT * strp, int nrec, int *nrread);
// 1) Return the result of running command COMMAND
// The result is returned in a static buffer of size at least 4K.
// 2) Store the exit status at *EXIT_STATUS, if this addr is non-NULL
// 3) Get at most MAXLINE lines of output from the COMMAND.
char* unixcommand (const char * command, int MAXLINE, int* exit_status);
// returns a pointer to a statically allocated buffer
// Ex: rstf_btTxtype2str (RST_BTTX_RTSA) ==> "RTSA"
const char* rstf_btTxtype2str (int txType);
// the set cpuid function must be called *after* initializing the rtype field
// the get cpuid function returns 0xffff if the cpuid field is not present in
// the record type being queried.
static void rstf_set_cpuid(rstf_unionT * rec, int cpuid) {
switch(rec->proto.rtype) {
case INSTR_T:
rstf_instrT_set_cpuid(&rec->instr, cpuid);
rstf_pavadiffT_set_cpuid(&rec->pavadiff, cpuid);
case TLB_T:
rstf_tlbT_set_cpuid(&rec->tlb, cpuid);
case PREG_T:
rstf_pregT_set_cpuid(&rec->preg, cpuid);
case TRAP_T:
rstf_trapT_set_cpuid(&rec->trap, cpuid);
rstf_trapexitT_set_cpuid(&rec->trapexit, cpuid);
rstf_tsb_accessT_set_cpuid(&rec->tsb_access, cpuid);
rstf_trapping_instrT_set_cpuid(&rec->trapping_instr, cpuid);
case REGVAL_T:
rstf_regvalT_set_cpuid(&rec->regval, cpuid);
case MEMVAL_T:
rstf_memval128T_set_cpuid(&rec->memval128, cpuid);
rstf_physaddrT_set_cpuid(&rec->physaddr, cpuid);
rstf_filemarkerT_set_cpuid(&rec->fmarker, cpuid);
case RFS_BT_T:
rstf_bpwarmingT_set_cpuid(&rec->bpwarming, cpuid);
case RFS_CW_T:
rstf_cachewarmingT_set_cpuid(&rec->cachewarming, cpuid);
// fprintf(stderr, "rstf.h: warning: set_cpuid meaningless for rtype=%d\n", rec->proto.rtype);
} // swithc(rtype)
static int16_t rstf_get_cpuid(const rstf_unionT * rec)
switch(rec->proto.rtype) {
case INSTR_T:
return rstf_instrT_get_cpuid(&rec->instr);
return rstf_pavadiffT_get_cpuid(&rec->pavadiff);
case TLB_T:
return rstf_tlbT_get_cpuid(&rec->tlb);
case PREG_T:
return rstf_pregT_get_cpuid(&rec->preg);
case TRAP_T:
return rstf_trapT_get_cpuid(&rec->trap);
return rstf_trapexitT_get_cpuid(&rec->trapexit);
return rstf_tsb_accessT_get_cpuid(&rec->tsb_access);
return rstf_trapping_instrT_get_cpuid(&rec->trapping_instr);
case REGVAL_T:
return rstf_regvalT_get_cpuid(&rec->regval);
case MEMVAL_T:
return rstf_memval128T_get_cpuid(&rec->memval128);
return rstf_physaddrT_get_cpuid(&rec->physaddr);
return rstf_filemarkerT_get_cpuid(&rec->fmarker);
case RFS_BT_T:
return rstf_bpwarmingT_get_cpuid(&rec->bpwarming);
case RFS_CW_T:
return rstf_cachewarmingT_get_cpuid(&rec->cachewarming);
// fprintf(stderr, "rstf.h: warning: get_cpuid meaningless for rtype=%d\n", rec->proto.rtype);
return -1;
} // swithc(rtype)
} // static int16_T rstf_get_cpuid()
// Initialize the RST record pointed ty by RST_PTR, with the rtype RTYPE_VAL
// Fill the rest of the record with zero data.
// This macro code is as efficient as I (RQ) could make it.
// Ex:
// rstf_unionT array[256];
// ...
// INIT_RST_REC( &array[k], INSTR_T);
// rstf_instrT * p = & ( array[k].instr );
#define INIT_RST_REC(rstf_x_ptr,rtype_val) \
do { \
rstf_uint64T * p_x_rst = (rstf_uint64T*) (rstf_x_ptr); \
p_x_rst->arr64[0] = (rtype_val); \
p_x_rst->arr64[0] <<= (64-8); \
p_x_rst->arr64[1] = 0; \
p_x_rst->arr64[2] = 0; \
} while (0==1)
#define ZERO_RST_REC(rstf_x_ptr) \
do { \
rstf_uint64T * p_x_rst = (rstf_uint64T*) (rstf_x_ptr); \
p_x_rst->arr64[0] = 0; \
p_x_rst->arr64[1] = 0; \
p_x_rst->arr64[2] = 0; \
} while (0==1)
// The tte_data that blaze v2.40-v3.60 uses to mimic the US-III.
// This type is now an official type in rstf.h
struct rstf_tte_dataT {
unsigned valid : 1; /* valid bit */
unsigned size : 2; /* page size */
unsigned nfo : 1; /* no-fault only */
unsigned ie : 1; /* invert endianness */
unsigned soft2 : 9; /* forced to zero */
unsigned subpg : 2;
unsigned sn : 1; /* snoop bit */
unsigned diag_reserved : 2;
unsigned diag_used : 1;
unsigned io : 1;
unsigned pa_tag_hi : 11; /* PA bits <42:32> hi+lo give 43 bit PA */
unsigned pa_tag_lo : 19; /* PA bits <31:13> (use for 32-bit addr) */
unsigned soft : 6; /* forced to zero */
unsigned lock : 1; /* lock bit */
unsigned cp : 1; /* cacheable physical */
unsigned cv : 1; /* cacheable virtual */
unsigned e : 1; /* side-effect */
unsigned priv : 1; /* priviledged */
unsigned writable : 1; /* writeable */
unsigned global : 1; /* global (same as tag.g) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _rstf_h */