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<H1><A NAME="SECTION004200000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="manifest-options"></A>
4.2 Manifest-related options
The normal course of operations for the <code class="du-command">sdist</code> command is as
<LI>if the manifest file, <span class="file">MANIFEST</span> doesn't exist, read
<span class="file"></span> and create the manifest
<LI>if neither <span class="file">MANIFEST</span> nor <span class="file"></span> exist, create a
manifest with just the default file set
<LI>if either <span class="file"></span> or the setup script (<span class="file"></span>)
are more recent than <span class="file">MANIFEST</span>, recreate <span class="file">MANIFEST</span> by
reading <span class="file"></span>
<LI>use the list of files now in <span class="file">MANIFEST</span> (either just
generated or read in) to create the source distribution archive(s)
There are a couple of options that modify this behaviour. First, use
the <b class="programopt">--no-defaults</b> and <b class="programopt">--no-prune</b> to
disable the standard ``include'' and ``exclude'' sets.
Second, you might want to force the manifest to be regenerated--for
example, if you have added or removed files or directories that match an
existing pattern in the manifest template, you should regenerate the
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
python sdist --force-manifest
Or, you might just want to (re)generate the manifest, but not create a
source distribution:
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
python sdist --manifest-only
<b class="programopt">--manifest-only</b> implies <b class="programopt">--force-manifest</b>.
<b class="programopt">-o</b> is a shortcut for <b class="programopt">--manifest-only</b>, and
<b class="programopt">-f</b> for <b class="programopt">--force-manifest</b>.
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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