[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / devtools / v8plus / lib / python2.4 / site-packages / Pmw / Pmw_1_2 / doc / Balloon.html
<meta name="description" content="Pmw - a toolkit for building high-level compound widgets in Python">
<meta name="content" content="python, megawidget, mega widget, compound widget, gui, tkinter">
<title>Pmw.Balloon reference manual</title>
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<h1 ALIGN="CENTER">Pmw.Balloon</h1>
<center><IMG SRC=Balloon.gif ALT="" WIDTH=428 HEIGHT=189></center>
<dt> <h3>Name</h3></dt><dd>
<p>Pmw.Balloon() -
display "tool tips" for a number of widgets
<dt> <h3>Inherits</h3></dt><dd>
<a href="MegaToplevel.html">Pmw.MegaToplevel</a><br>
<dt> <h3>Description</h3></dt><dd>
A balloon megawidget can be used to give short help messages to
the user when they place the mouse over a button or other widget
for a short time. It can also be used to display help messages
for canvas or text items.</p>
<p> One balloon megawidget can be used to display help for many
widgets or items. For each widget or item that requires balloon
help, the <code>bind()</code> or <code>bindtag()</code> method is used to specify the
help text that should be displayed.</p>
<p> The help message is displayed in a popup balloon window when the
mouse remains over the widget or item for a short time. The popup
balloon is withdrawn when the mouse leaves the widget or item, or
any mouse buttons are pressed.</p>
<p> The position of the popup balloon is configurable and may appear
either relative to the widget or item or relative to the position
of the mouse.</p>
<p> The popup balloon is displayed without any window manager
<p> The megawidget can cooperate with a <a href="MessageBar.html">Pmw.MessageBar</a> to display a
single-line help message as well as the balloon help.</p>
<dt> <h3>Options</h3></dt><dd>
Options for this megawidget and its base
classes are described below.<p></p>
<a name=option.activatecommand></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>activatecommand
If this is callable, it will be called whenever the megawidget is
activated by a call to <code>activate()</code>. The default is <strong>None</strong>.</p>
<a name=option.deactivatecommand></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>deactivatecommand
If this is callable, it will be called whenever the megawidget is
deactivated by a call to <code>deactivate()</code>. The default is <strong>None</strong>.</p>
<a name=option.initwait></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>initwait
The number of milliseconds delay between when the mouse enters a
widget or item and when the popup balloon window should be
displayed. The default is <strong>500</strong>.</p>
<a name=option.master></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>master
This is used by the <code>activate()</code> method to control whether the
window is made <em>transient</em> during modal dialogs. See the
<code>activate()</code> method. The default is <strong>'parent'</strong>.</p>
<a name=option.relmouse></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>relmouse
This may be one of <strong>'both'</strong>, <strong>'x'</strong>, <strong>'y'</strong> or <strong>'none'</strong> and
indicates that the top left corner of the popup balloon window
should be placed relative to the current position of the mouse
rather than relative to the bottom left corner of the widget or
item (the default). The positioning may be set for the horizontal
(x) and vertical (y) axes independently. The default is <strong>'none'</strong>.</p>
<a name=option.state></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>state
This may be one of <strong>'both'</strong>, <strong>'balloon'</strong>, <strong>'status'</strong> or <strong>'none'</strong>
and indicates whether the help message should be displayed in the
popup balloon window, in an associated messagebar (via the
<strong>statuscommand</strong> option), or both. The default is <strong>'both'</strong>.</p>
<a name=option.statuscommand></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>statuscommand
This specifies a function to call when the mouse enters a widget
or item bound to this balloon megawidget. To configure a
<a href="MessageBar.html">Pmw.MessageBar</a> to display help, set this option to the <code>helpmessage</code>
method of the messagebar. The default is <strong>None</strong>.</p>
<a name=option.title></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>title
This is the title that the window manager displays in the title
bar of the window. The default is <strong>None</strong>.</p>
<a name=option.xoffset></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>xoffset
This specifies the horizontal offset of the position of the left
side of the popup balloon window relative the point determined by
the <strong>relmouse</strong> option. The default is <strong>20</strong>.</p>
<a name=option.yoffset></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>yoffset
This specifies the vertical offset of the position of the top of
the popup balloon window relative the point determined by the
<strong>relmouse</strong> option. The default is <strong>1</strong>.</p>
<dt> <h3>Components</h3></dt><dd>
Components created by this megawidget and its base
classes are described below.<p></p>
<a name=component.hull></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>hull
This acts as the body for the entire megawidget. Other components
are created as children of the hull to further specialise this
class. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Toplevel.</p>
<a name=component.label></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>label
This component displays the text of the help message in the popup
balloon window. By default it is created with a <strong>'lightyellow'</strong>
background, a <strong>'black'</strong> foreground and is <strong>'left'</strong> justified. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Label.</p>
<a name=methods></a>
<dt> <h3>Methods</h3></dt><dd>
Only methods specific to this megawidget are described below.
For a description of its inherited methods, see the
manual for its base class
<strong><a href="MegaToplevel.html#methods">Pmw.MegaToplevel</a></strong>.
<a name=method.bind></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>bind</strong>(<em>widget</em>, <em>balloonHelp</em>, <em>statusHelp</em> = <strong>None</strong>)</dt><dd>
Create bindings for <em>widget</em> so that balloon help and/or status
help is displayed when the mouse enters the widget. The balloon
help message is given by <em>balloonHelp</em> and the status help message
is given by <em>statusHelp</em>. If <em>balloonHelp</em> is <strong>None</strong>, no balloon
is displayed. If <em>statusHelp</em> is not set, it defaults to
<em>balloonHelp</em>. Any previous bindings for this widget are removed.</p>
<a name=method.clearstatus></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>clearstatus</strong>()</dt><dd>
Clear the text in the associated messagebar by passing <strong>None</strong> to
the <strong>statuscommand</strong> function.</p>
<a name=method.showstatus></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>showstatus</strong>(<em>statusHelp</em>)</dt><dd>
Set the text in the associated messagebar by passing <em>statusHelp</em>
to the <strong>statuscommand</strong> function.</p>
<a name=method.tagbind></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>tagbind</strong>(<em>widget</em>, <em>tagOrItem</em>, <em>balloonHelp</em>, <em>statusHelp</em> = <strong>None</strong>)</dt><dd>
Create bindings for the tag or item specified by <em>tagOrItem</em> in
the text or canvas <em>widget</em> so that balloon help and/or status
help is displayed when the mouse enters the tag or item. The
balloon help message is given by <em>balloonHelp</em> and the status help
message is given by <em>statusHelp</em>. If <em>balloonHelp</em> is <strong>None</strong>, no
balloon is displayed. If <em>statusHelp</em> is not set, it defaults to
<em>balloonHelp</em>. Any previous bindings for this tag or item are
<a name=method.tagunbind></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>tagunbind</strong>(<em>widget</em>, <em>tagOrItem</em>)</dt><dd>
Remove the balloon help bindings from the tag or item specified by
<em>tagOrItem</em> in the text or canvas <em>widget</em>.</p>
<p> Note that <code>tagunbind()</code> must be called when deleting a canvas
item, so that the popup balloon window can be withdrawn if it was
triggered by the item. (Unfortunately this can not be automated
as is done for widgets since Tk does not support <code>&lt;Destroy&gt;</code>
bindings on canvas items, so there is no way that Pmw.Balloon can
be notified of the deletion of an item.)</p>
<a name=method.unbind></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>unbind</strong>(<em>widget</em>)</dt><dd>
Remove the balloon help bindings from <em>widget</em>.</p>
<dt> <h3>Example</h3></dt><dd>
The image at the top of this manual is a snapshot
of the window (or part of the window) produced
by the following code.<p></p>
class Demo:
def __init__(self, parent):
# Create the Balloon.
self.balloon = Pmw.Balloon(parent)
# Create some widgets and megawidgets with balloon help.
frame = Tkinter.Frame(parent)
frame.pack(padx = 10, pady = 5)
field = Pmw.EntryField(frame,
labelpos = 'nw',
label_text = 'Command:')
field.setentry('mycommand -name foo')
field.pack(side = 'left', padx = 10)
self.balloon.bind(field, 'Command to\nstart/stop',
'Enter the shell command to control')
start = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Start')
start.pack(side='left', padx = 10)
self.balloon.bind(start, 'Start the command')
stop = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Stop')
stop.pack(side='left', padx = 10)
self.balloon.bind(stop, 'Stop the command')
self.suicide = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Kill me soon!',
command = self.killButton)
self.suicide.pack(side='left', padx = 10)
self.balloon.bind(self.suicide, 'Watch this button disappear!')
scrolledCanvas = Pmw.ScrolledCanvas(parent,
canvas_width = 300,
canvas_height = 115,
canvas = scrolledCanvas.component('canvas')
self.canvas = canvas
# Create some canvas items and individual help.
item = canvas.create_arc(5, 5, 35, 35, fill = 'red', extent = 315)
self.balloon.tagbind(canvas, item, 'This is help for\nan arc item')
item = canvas.create_bitmap(20, 150, bitmap = 'question')
self.balloon.tagbind(canvas, item, 'This is help for\na bitmap')
item = canvas.create_line(50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 20, width = 5)
self.balloon.tagbind(canvas, item, 'This is help for\na line item')
item = canvas.create_text(10, 90, text = 'Canvas items with balloons',
anchor = 'nw', font = field.cget('entry_font'))
self.balloon.tagbind(canvas, item, 'This is help for\na text item')
# Create two canvas items which have the same tag and which use
# the same help.
canvas.create_rectangle(100, 10, 170, 50, fill = 'aliceblue',
tags = 'TAG1')
self.bluecircle = canvas.create_oval(110, 30, 160, 80, fill = 'blue',
tags = 'TAG1')
self.balloon.tagbind(canvas, 'TAG1',
'This is help for the two blue items' + '\n' * 10 +
'It is very, very big.',
'This is help for the two blue items')
item = canvas.create_text(180, 10, text = 'Delete',
anchor = 'nw', font = field.cget('entry_font'))
self.balloon.tagbind(canvas, item,
'After 2 seconds,\ndelete the blue circle')
canvas.tag_bind(item, '&lt;ButtonPress&gt;', self._canvasButtonpress)
scrolledText = Pmw.ScrolledText(parent,
text_width = 32,
text_height = 4,
text_wrap = 'none',
scrolledText.pack(pady = 5)
text = scrolledText.component('text')
self.text = text
'This is a text widget with ', '',
' balloon', 'TAG1',
'\nhelp. Find the ', '',
' text ', 'TAG1',
' tagged with', '',
' help.', 'TAG2',
'\n', '',
'Remove tag 1.', 'TAG3',
'\nAnother line.\nAnd another', '',
text.tag_configure('TAG1', borderwidth = 2, relief = 'sunken')
text.tag_configure('TAG3', borderwidth = 2, relief = 'raised')
self.balloon.tagbind(text, 'TAG1',
'There is one secret\nballoon help.\nCan you find it?')
self.balloon.tagbind(text, 'TAG2',
'Well done!\nYou found it!')
self.balloon.tagbind(text, 'TAG3',
'After 2 seconds\ndelete the tag')
text.tag_bind('TAG3', '&lt;ButtonPress&gt;', self._textButtonpress)
frame = Tkinter.Frame(parent)
frame.pack(padx = 10)
self.toggleBalloonVar = Tkinter.IntVar()
toggle = Tkinter.Checkbutton(frame,
variable = self.toggleBalloonVar,
text = 'Balloon help', command = self.toggle)
toggle.pack(side = 'left', padx = 10)
self.balloon.bind(toggle, 'Toggle balloon help\non and off')
self.toggleStatusVar = Tkinter.IntVar()
toggle = Tkinter.Checkbutton(frame,
variable = self.toggleStatusVar,
text = 'Status help', command = self.toggle)
toggle.pack(side = 'left', padx = 10)
'Toggle status help on and off, on and off' + '\n' * 10 +
'It is very, very big, too.',
'Toggle status help on and off')
# Create and pack the MessageBar.
messageBar = Pmw.MessageBar(parent,
entry_width = 40,
labelpos = 'w',
label_text = 'Status:')
messageBar.pack(fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5)
# Configure the balloon to display its status messages in the
# message bar.
self.balloon.configure(statuscommand = messageBar.helpmessage)
def toggle(self):
if self.toggleBalloonVar.get():
if self.toggleStatusVar.get():
self.balloon.configure(state = 'both')
self.balloon.configure(state = 'balloon')
if self.toggleStatusVar.get():
self.balloon.configure(state = 'status')
self.balloon.configure(state = 'none')
def killButton(self):
# Test for old bug when destroying widgets 1) while the
# balloon was up and 2) during the initwait period.
print 'Destroying button in 2 seconds'
self.suicide.after(2000, self.suicide.destroy)
def _canvasButtonpress(self, event):
print 'Destroying blue circle in 2 seconds'
self.canvas.after(2000, self.deleteBlueCircle)
def deleteBlueCircle(self):
self.balloon.tagunbind(self.canvas, self.bluecircle)
def _textButtonpress(self, event):
print 'Deleting the text tag in 2 seconds'
self.text.after(2000, self.deleteTextTag)
def deleteTextTag(self):
self.balloon.tagunbind(self.text, 'TAG1')
<center><P ALIGN="CENTER">
<IMG SRC = blue_line.gif ALT = "" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=5>
<font size=-1>
<center><P ALIGN="CENTER">
Pmw 1.2 -
5 Aug 2003
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<br>Manual page last reviewed: 20 May 2002