[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / devtools / v8plus / lib / python2.4 / site-packages / Pmw / Pmw_1_2 / tests / ButtonBox_test.py
# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/tests/buttonbox.test code.
import Tkinter
import Test
import Pmw
c = Pmw.ButtonBox
kw_1 = {}
tests_1 = (
(c.pack, ()),
(c.add, 'Yes', Tkinter.Button),
(c.add, 'No', Tkinter.Button),
(c.setdefault, 'Yes'),
(c.alignbuttons, ()),
(Test.num_options, (), 5),
('Button_activebackground', '#ececec'),
('Button_activeforeground', 'Black'),
('hull_background', '#d9d9d9'),
('hull_cursor', 'gumby'),
('Button_background', 'aliceblue'),
('Button_disabledforeground', '#a3a3a3'),
('Button_foreground', 'Black'),
('Button_highlightcolor', 'Black'),
('Button_highlightthickness', 2),
(c.index, 0, 0),
(c.index, Pmw.END, 1),
(c.index, Pmw.DEFAULT, 0),
(c.index, 'No', 1),
(c.index, 'Yes', 0),
(c.add, 'Maybe', Tkinter.Button),
(c.insert, ('Never', 0), {'text' : 'Never Never'}, Tkinter.Button),
(c.setdefault, 'Never'),
(c.invoke, 'Yes', ''),
(c.invoke, (), ''),
(c.invoke, Pmw.DEFAULT, ''),
(c.delete, 'Maybe'),
('Yes_text', 'YES'),
(c.index, 12, 'ValueError: index "12" is out of range'),
(c.index, 'bogus', 'ValueError: bad index "bogus": ' + \
'must be a name, a number, Pmw.END or Pmw.DEFAULT'),
kw_2 = {
'orient' : 'vertical',
'padx' : 30,
'pady' : 30,
'labelpos' : 'w',
'label_text' : 'Vertical\nButtonBox',
tests_2 = (
(c.pack, ()),
(c.add, 'Hello', Tkinter.Button),
(c.insert, ('GoodBye', Pmw.END), Tkinter.Button),
(c.setdefault, 'Hello'),
(c.setdefault, 'GoodBye'),
(c.setdefault, None),
(c.index, Pmw.DEFAULT, 'ValueError: ButtonBox has no default'),
alltests = (
(tests_1, kw_1),
(tests_2, kw_2),
testData = ((c, alltests),)
if __name__ == '__main__':