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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00221200000000000000000">
20.12 <tt class="module">jpeg</tt> --
Read and write JPEG files</A>
<A NAME="module-jpeg"></A>
<p class="availability">Availability: <span
The module <tt class="module">jpeg</tt> provides access to the jpeg compressor and
decompressor written by the Independent JPEG Group
<a id='l2h-5218' xml:id='l2h-5218'></a>(IJG). JPEG is a standard for
compressing pictures; it is defined in ISO 10918. For details on JPEG
or the Independent JPEG Group software refer to the JPEG standard or
the documentation provided with the software.
A portable interface to JPEG image files is available with the Python
Imaging Library (PIL) by Fredrik Lundh. Information on PIL is
available at <a class="url" href=""></a>.
<a id='l2h-5219' xml:id='l2h-5219'></a>
The <tt class="module">jpeg</tt> module defines an exception and some functions.
<dl><dt><b><span class="typelabel">exception</span>&nbsp;<tt id='l2h-5214' xml:id='l2h-5214' class="exception">error</tt></b></dt>
Exception raised by <tt class="function">compress()</tt> and <tt class="function">decompress()</tt>
in case of errors.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">
<td><nobr><b><tt id='l2h-5215' xml:id='l2h-5215' class="function">compress</tt></b>(</nobr></td>
<td><var>data, w, h, b</var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Treat data as a pixmap of width <var>w</var> and height <var>h</var>, with
<var>b</var> bytes per pixel. The data is in SGI GL order, so the first
pixel is in the lower-left corner. This means that <tt class="function">gl.lrectread()</tt>
return data can immediately be passed to <tt class="function">compress()</tt>.
Currently only 1 byte and 4 byte pixels are allowed, the former being
treated as greyscale and the latter as RGB color.
<tt class="function">compress()</tt> returns a string that contains the compressed
picture, in JFIF<a id='l2h-5220' xml:id='l2h-5220'></a> format.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">
<td><nobr><b><tt id='l2h-5216' xml:id='l2h-5216' class="function">decompress</tt></b>(</nobr></td>
Data is a string containing a picture in JFIF<a id='l2h-5221' xml:id='l2h-5221'></a> format. It
returns a tuple <code>(<var>data</var>, <var>width</var>, <var>height</var>,
<var>bytesperpixel</var>)</code>. Again, the data is suitable to pass to
<tt class="function">gl.lrectwrite()</tt>.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">
<td><nobr><b><tt id='l2h-5217' xml:id='l2h-5217' class="function">setoption</tt></b>(</nobr></td>
<td><var>name, value</var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Set various options. Subsequent <tt class="function">compress()</tt> and
<tt class="function">decompress()</tt> calls will use these options. The following
options are available:
<div class="center"><table class="realtable">
<th class="left" >Option</th>
<th class="left" >Effect</th>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>'forcegray'</code></td>
<td class="left" >Force output to be grayscale, even if input is RGB.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>'quality'</code></td>
<td class="left" >Set the quality of the compressed image to a value between
<code>0</code> and <code>100</code> (default is <code>75</code>). This only affects
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>'optimize'</code></td>
<td class="left" >Perform Huffman table optimization. Takes longer, but results in
smaller compressed image. This only affects compression.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>'smooth'</code></td>
<td class="left" >Perform inter-block smoothing on uncompressed image. Only useful
for low-quality images. This only affects decompression.</td></tr></tbody>
<div class="seealso">
<p class="heading">See Also:</p>
<dl compact="compact" class="seetitle">
<dt><em class="citetitle"
>JPEG Still Image Data Compression Standard</em></dt>
canonical reference for the JPEG image format, by
Pennebaker and Mitchell.</dd>
<dl compact="compact" class="seetitle">
<dt><em class="citetitle"><a href=""
Technology - Digital Compression and Coding of
Continuous-tone Still Images - Requirements and
<dd>The ISO standard for JPEG is also published as
ITU T.81. This is available online in PDF form.</dd>
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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