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<title>17.1 rexec -- Restricted execution framework</title>
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION0019100000000000000000">
17.1 <tt class="module">rexec</tt> --
Restricted execution framework</A>
<A NAME="module-rexec"></A>
<span class="versionnote">Changed in version 2.3:
Disabled module.</span>
<div class="warning"><b class="label">Warning:</b>
The documentation has been left in place to help in reading old code
that uses the module.
This module contains the <tt class="class">RExec</tt> class, which supports
<tt class="method">r_eval()</tt>, <tt class="method">r_execfile()</tt>, <tt class="method">r_exec()</tt>, and
<tt class="method">r_import()</tt> methods, which are restricted versions of the standard
Python functions <tt class="method">eval()</tt>, <tt class="method">execfile()</tt> and
the <tt class="keyword">exec</tt> and <tt class="keyword">import</tt> statements.
Code executed in this restricted environment will
only have access to modules and functions that are deemed safe; you
can subclass <tt class="class">RExec</tt> to add or remove capabilities as desired.
<div class="warning"><b class="label">Warning:</b>
While the <tt class="module">rexec</tt> module is designed to perform as described
below, it does have a few known vulnerabilities which could be
exploited by carefully written code. Thus it should not be relied
upon in situations requiring ``production ready'' security. In such
situations, execution via sub-processes or very careful
``cleansing'' of both code and data to be processed may be
necessary. Alternatively, help in patching known <tt class="module">rexec</tt>
vulnerabilities would be welcomed.
<div class="note"><b class="label">Note:</b>
The <tt class="class">RExec</tt> class can prevent code from performing unsafe
operations like reading or writing disk files, or using TCP/IP
sockets. However, it does not protect against code using extremely
large amounts of memory or processor time.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">
<td><nobr><b><span class="typelabel">class</span>&nbsp;<tt id='l2h-4913' xml:id='l2h-4913' class="class">RExec</tt></b>(</nobr></td>
<td><var></var><big>[</big><var>hooks</var><big>[</big><var>, verbose</var><big>]</big><var></var><big>]</big><var></var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Returns an instance of the <tt class="class">RExec</tt> class.
<var>hooks</var> is an instance of the <tt class="class">RHooks</tt> class or a subclass of it.
If it is omitted or <code>None</code>, the default <tt class="class">RHooks</tt> class is
Whenever the <tt class="module">rexec</tt> module searches for a module (even a
built-in one) or reads a module's code, it doesn't actually go out to
the file system itself. Rather, it calls methods of an <tt class="class">RHooks</tt>
instance that was passed to or created by its constructor. (Actually,
the <tt class="class">RExec</tt> object doesn't make these calls -- they are made by
a module loader object that's part of the <tt class="class">RExec</tt> object. This
allows another level of flexibility, which can be useful when changing
the mechanics of <tt class="keyword">import</tt> within the restricted environment.)
By providing an alternate <tt class="class">RHooks</tt> object, we can control the
file system accesses made to import a module, without changing the
actual algorithm that controls the order in which those accesses are
made. For instance, we could substitute an <tt class="class">RHooks</tt> object that
passes all filesystem requests to a file server elsewhere, via some
RPC mechanism such as ILU. Grail's applet loader uses this to support
importing applets from a URL for a directory.
If <var>verbose</var> is true, additional debugging output may be sent to
standard output.
It is important to be aware that code running in a restricted
environment can still call the <tt class="function">sys.exit()</tt> function. To
disallow restricted code from exiting the interpreter, always protect
calls that cause restricted code to run with a
<tt class="keyword">try</tt>/<tt class="keyword">except</tt> statement that catches the
<tt class="exception">SystemExit</tt> exception. Removing the <tt class="function">sys.exit()</tt>
function from the restricted environment is not sufficient -- the
restricted code could still use <code>raise SystemExit</code>. Removing
<tt class="exception">SystemExit</tt> is not a reasonable option; some library code
makes use of this and would break were it not available.
<div class="seealso">
<p class="heading">See Also:</p>
<dl compact="compact" class="seetitle">
<dt><em class="citetitle"><a href="http://grail.sourceforge.net/"
>Grail Home Page</a></em></dt>
<dd>Grail is a
Web browser written entirely in Python. It uses the
<tt class="module">rexec</tt> module as a foundation for supporting
Python applets, and can be used as an example usage of
this module.</dd>
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<LI><A href="rexec-objects.html">17.1.1 RExec Objects</a>
<LI><A href="rexec-extension.html">17.1.2 Defining restricted environments</a>
<LI><A href="node763.html">17.1.3 An example</a>
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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