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<H2><A NAME="SECTION0052020000000000000000"></A><A NAME="warning-filter"></A>
3.20.2 The Warnings Filter
The warnings filter controls whether warnings are ignored, displayed,
or turned into errors (raising an exception).
Conceptually, the warnings filter maintains an ordered list of filter
specifications; any specific warning is matched against each filter
specification in the list in turn until a match is found; the match
determines the disposition of the match. Each entry is a tuple of the
form (<var>action</var>, <var>message</var>, <var>category</var>, <var>module</var>,
<var>lineno</var>), where:
<LI><var>action</var> is one of the following strings:
<div class="center"><table class="realtable">
<th class="left" >Value</th>
<th class="left" >Disposition</th>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>"error"</code></td>
<td class="left" >turn matching warnings into exceptions</td></tr><P>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>"ignore"</code></td>
<td class="left" >never print matching warnings</td></tr><P>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>"always"</code></td>
<td class="left" >always print matching warnings</td></tr><P>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>"default"</code></td>
<td class="left" >print the first occurrence of matching
warnings for each location where the warning is issued</td></tr><P>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>"module"</code></td>
<td class="left" >print the first occurrence of matching
warnings for each module where the warning is issued</td></tr><P>
<tr><td class="left" valign="baseline"><code>"once"</code></td>
<td class="left" >print only the first occurrence of matching
warnings, regardless of location</td></tr><P>
<LI><var>message</var> is a string containing a regular expression that
the warning message must match (the match is compiled to always be
<LI><var>category</var> is a class (a subclass of <tt class="exception">Warning</tt>) of
which the warning category must be a subclass in order to match
<LI><var>module</var> is a string containing a regular expression that the module
name must match (the match is compiled to be case-sensitive)
<LI><var>lineno</var> is an integer that the line number where the
warning occurred must match, or <code>0</code> to match all line
Since the <tt class="exception">Warning</tt> class is derived from the built-in
<tt class="exception">Exception</tt> class, to turn a warning into an error we simply
raise <code>category(message)</code>.
The warnings filter is initialized by <b class="programopt">-W</b> options passed
to the Python interpreter command line. The interpreter saves the
arguments for all <b class="programopt">-W</b> options without interpretation in
<code>sys.warnoptions</code>; the <tt class="module">warnings</tt> module parses these when
it is first imported (invalid options are ignored, after printing a
message to <code>sys.stderr</code>).
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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