[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / devtools / v9 / share / swig / 1.3.26 / allkw.swg
#ifndef __Lib_allkw_swg__
#define __Lib_allkw_swg__
Include all the known keyword warnings. Very useful for adding test
files to the test-suite, or check if your own library is ok for all
the swig supported languages.
Use as
swig -Wallkw ...
If you add a new language, remember to create a separete languagekw.swg
file, and add it here.
%include "chicken/chickenkw.swg"
%include "csharp/csharpkw.swg"
%include "java/javakw.swg"
%include "php4/php4kw.swg"
%include "pike/pikekw.swg"
%include "python/pythonkw.swg"
%include "ocaml/ocamlkw.swg"
%include "ruby/rubykw.swg"
%include "tcl/tcl8kw.swg"
#endif //__Lib_allkw_swg__