[cmless] / bin / misc.py
# (c) 2017 Aaron Taylor <ataylor at subgeniuskitty dot com>
# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
# Python imports
import os, sys, subprocess, configparser
# CMless imports
import debug, config, template
def load_file(path):
"""Open the text file at 'path' and return the contents as a string."""
with open(path) as f:
contents = f.read()
if debug.print_to_browser: print("Unable to open " + path + " for reading.")
sys.exit("Unable to open " + path + " for reading.")
return contents
def process_markup(text):
"""Execute external markup processor and return processed 'text'.
Markup processor is specified by config.markup_processor variable
and should accept markup on stdin while returning HTML on stdout.
p = subprocess.Popen(config.markup_processor,
if debug.print_to_browser: print("Unable to open markup processor: " +
sys.exit("Unable to open markup processor: " + config.markup_processor)
text = p.communicate(text.encode('UTF-8'))[0]
def strip_page_metadata(content):
"""Strip metadata from the beginning of 'content' and return whatever remains."""
keyword = template.add_delimiter("END_PAGE_METADATA")
index = content.find(keyword)
if index != -1:
return content[index+len(keyword):]
return content
def lookup_current_metadata(key):
"""Wrapper for lookup_file_metadata() supplying the current REQUEST_URI as 'file'."""
file = os.path.join(config.site_data_prefix + os.environ['REQUEST_URI'] +
return lookup_file_metadata(key,file)
def lookup_file_metadata(key,file):
"""Read 'key' metadata in 'file' and return corresponding value.
Assumes key is contained in the [DEFAULT] category.
Returns empty string if key is not present.
page_file = load_file(file)
# Extract just the metadata block so we can pass it to ConfigParser.
keyword_begin = template.add_delimiter("BEGIN_PAGE_METADATA")
keyword_end = template.add_delimiter("END_PAGE_METADATA")
index = page_file.find(keyword_end)
if index != -1:
page_file = page_file[len(keyword_begin):index]
# ConfigParser will accept an empty string so use that as fallback.
page_file = ""
page_metadata = configparser.ConfigParser()
if 'DEFAULT' in page_metadata and key in page_metadata['DEFAULT']:
return page_metadata['DEFAULT'][key]
# An empty string is technically a valid value for a key but we will
# overload it as also indicating 'key' wasn't present since a key
# without a value is functionally equivalent to no key at all for our
# purposes.
return ""