[screensavers] / reference / README.md


This directory contains greynetic, a “hack” or screensaver which is compatible with the xscreensaver screenhack framework. As one of the simplest hacks included with xscreensaver, it serves as an excellent starting point when writing your own hack.

Also included is a Makefile documenting the build commands, an example manpage for greynetic, and a document named README.hacking containing instructions for writing your first hack.


Complete. Tested on FreeBSD.


The included Makefile includes targets for make all to build the hack, make clean to delete any build detritus, make run to execute the hack, and make manpage to compile and display the hack’s manpage.

If you are running on FreeBSD, simply run one of those four commands. Anywhere else, edit the Makefile to suit your environment per the comments included in that file. Note that the Makefile assumes a copy of the screenhack library source code is located at ../screenhack/ relative to this directory.

To get started hacking on your hack, read README.hacking and then dive into the greynetic.c source code.