mv machine dependend from sys_process.c
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / battlestar / com7.c
2 * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California,
3 * All rights reserved. Redistribution permitted subject to
4 * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement.
5 */
3834b6d4 7#ifndef lint
fdc7d56f 8static char sccsid[] = "@(#)com7.c 1.3 %G%";
11#include "externs.h"
14int enemy,strength;
16 int lifeline = 0;
17 int hurt;
18 char auxbuf[LINELENGTH];
19 char *next;
20 int i;
21 int exhaustion;
24 time++;
25 snooze -= 5;
26 if (snooze > time)
27 exhaustion = CYCLE/(snooze - time);
28 else {
a7c71d1e 29 puts("You collapse exhausted, and he pulverizes your skull.");
30 die();
31 }
32 if (snooze - time < 20)
a7c71d1e 33 puts("You look tired! I hope you're able to fight.");
34 next = getcom(auxbuf, LINELENGTH, "<fight!>-: ", 0);
35 for (i=0; next && i < 10; i++)
36 next = getword(next, words[i], -1);
37 parse();
38 switch(wordvalue[wordnumber]){
40 case KILL:
41 case SMITE:
42 if (testbit(inven,TWO_HANDED))
43 hurt = rnd(70) - 2 * card(injuries,NUMOFINJURIES) - ucard(wear) - exhaustion;
44 else if (testbit(inven,SWORD) || testbit(inven, BROAD))
45 hurt = rnd(50)%(WEIGHT-carrying)-card(injuries,NUMOFINJURIES)-encumber - exhaustion;
46 else if (testbit(inven,KNIFE) || testbit(inven,MALLET) || testbit(inven,CHAIN) || testbit(inven,MACE) || testbit(inven,HALBERD))
47 hurt = rnd(15) - card(injuries,NUMOFINJURIES) - exhaustion;
48 else
49 hurt = rnd(7) - encumber;
50 if (hurt < 5)
51 switch(rnd(3)){
53 case 0:
54 puts("You swung wide and missed.");
55 break;
56 case 1:
57 puts("He checked your blow. CLASH! CLANG!");
58 break;
59 case 2:
60 puts("His filthy tunic hangs by one less thread.");
61 break;
62 }
63 else if (hurt < 10){
64 switch(rnd(3)){
65 case 0:
66 puts("He's bleeding.");
67 break;
68 case 1:
69 puts("A trickle of blood runs down his face.");
70 break;
71 case 2:
72 puts("A huge purple bruise is forming on the side of his face.");
73 break;
74 }
75 lifeline++;
76 }
77 else if (hurt < 20){
78 switch(rnd(3)){
79 case 0:
80 puts("He staggers back quavering.");
81 break;
82 case 1:
83 puts("He jumps back with his hand over the wound.");
84 break;
85 case 2:
86 puts("His shirt falls open with a swath across the chest.");
87 break;
88 }
89 lifeline += 5;
90 }
91 else if (hurt < 30){
92 switch(rnd(3)){
93 case 0:
94 printf("A bloody gash opens up on his %s side.\n",(rnd(2) ? "left" : "right"));
95 break;
96 case 1:
97 puts("The steel bites home and scrapes along his ribs.");
98 break;
99 case 2:
a7c71d1e 100 puts("You pierce him, and his breath hisses through clenched teeth.");
101 break;
102 }
103 lifeline += 10;
104 }
105 else if (hurt < 40){
106 switch(rnd(3)){
107 case 0:
108 puts("You smite him to the ground.");
109 if (strength - lifeline > 20)
110 puts("But in a flurry of steel he regains his feet!");
111 break;
112 case 1:
113 puts("The force of your blow sends him to his knees.");
114 puts("His arm swings lifeless at his side.");
115 break;
116 case 2:
117 puts("Clutching his blood drenched shirt, he collapses stunned.");
118 break;
119 }
120 lifeline += 20;
121 }
122 else {
123 switch(rnd(3)){
124 case 0:
125 puts("His ribs crack under your powerful swing, flooding his lungs with blood.");
126 break;
127 case 1:
128 puts("You shatter his upheld arm in a spray of blood. The blade continues deep");
129 puts("into his back, severing the spinal cord.");
130 lifeline += 25;
131 break;
132 case 2:
133 puts("With a mighty lunge the steel slides in, and gasping, he falls to the ground.");
134 lifeline += 25;
135 break;
136 }
137 lifeline += 30;
138 }
139 break;
141 case BACK:
142 if (enemy == DARK && lifeline > strength * 0.33){
143 puts("He throws you back against the rock and pummels your face.");
144 if (testbit(inven,AMULET) || testbit(wear,AMULET)){
145 printf("Lifting the amulet from you, ");
146 if (testbit(inven,MEDALION) || testbit(wear,MEDALION)){
147 puts("his power grows and the walls of\nthe earth tremble.");
148 puts("When he touches the medallion, your chest explodes and the foundations of the\nearth collapse.");
149 puts("The planet is consumed by darkness.");
150 die();
151 }
152 if (testbit(inven,AMULET)){
153 clearbit(inven,AMULET);
154 carrying -= objwt[AMULET];
155 encumber -= objcumber[AMULET];
156 }
157 else
158 clearbit(wear,AMULET);
159 puts("he flees down the dark caverns.");
160 clearbit(location[position].objects,DARK);
161 injuries[SKULL] = 1;
162 followfight = time;
163 return (0);
164 }
165 else{
166 puts("I'm afraid you have been killed.");
167 die();
168 }
169 }
170 else{
171 puts("You escape stunned and disoriented from the fight.");
172 puts("A victorious bellow echoes from the battlescene.");
173 if (back && position != back)
174 move(back,BACK);
175 else if (ahead &&position != ahead)
176 move(ahead,AHEAD);
177 else if (left && position != left)
178 move(left,LEFT);
179 else if (right && position != right)
180 move(right,RIGHT);
181 else
182 move(location[position].down,AHEAD);
183 return(0);
184 }
186 case SHOOT:
187 if (testbit(inven,LASER)){
188 if (strength - lifeline <= 50){
189 printf("The %s took a direct hit!\n",objsht[enemy]);
190 lifeline += 50;
191 }
192 else {
193 puts("With his bare hand he deflects the laser blast and whips the pistol from you!");
194 clearbit(inven,LASER);
195 setbit(location[position].objects,LASER);
196 carrying -= objwt[LASER];
197 encumber -= objcumber[LASER];
198 }
199 }
200 else
201 puts("Unfortunately, you don't have a blaster handy.");
202 break;
204 case DROP:
205 case DRAW:
206 cypher();
207 time--;
208 break;
210 default:
211 puts("You don't have a chance, he is too quick.");
212 break;
214 }
215 if (lifeline >= strength){
216 printf("You have killed the %s.\n", objsht[enemy]);
217 if (enemy == ELF || enemy == DARK)
218 puts("A watery black smoke consumes his body and then vanishes with a peal of thunder!");
219 clearbit(location[position].objects,enemy);
220 power += 2;
221 notes[JINXED]++;
222 return(0);
223 }
224 puts("He attacks...");
225 /* some embellisments */
226 hurt = rnd(NUMOFINJURIES) - (testbit(inven,SHIELD) != 0) - (testbit(wear,MAIL) != 0) - (testbit(wear,HELM) != 0);
227 hurt += (testbit(wear,AMULET) != 0) + (testbit(wear,MEDALION) != 0) + (testbit(wear,TALISMAN) != 0);
228 hurt = hurt < 0 ? 0 : hurt;
229 hurt = hurt >= NUMOFINJURIES ? NUMOFINJURIES -1 : hurt;
230 if (!injuries[hurt]){
231 injuries[hurt] = 1;
232 printf("I'm afraid you have suffered %s.\n", ouch[hurt]);
233 }
234 else
235 puts("You emerge unscathed.");
236 if (injuries[SKULL] && injuries[INCISE] && injuries[NECK]){
237 puts("I'm afraid you have suffered fatal injuries.");
238 die();
239 }
240 goto fighton;