BSD 4 development
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-3 / usr / src / cmd / spice / roots.f
1 program spice
2 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
6c *** version VAX UNIX 2X.x (19aug79)
7c developed from
8c *** version 2d.2 (26sep76) ***
9c *** version hp 2.0 (6dec77) ***
11c by dick dowell - hewlett packard company
12c richard newton - uc berkeley
14c spice is an electronic circuit simulation program that was deve-
15c loped by the integrated circuits group of the electronics research
16c laboratory and the department of electrical engineering and computer
17c sciences at the university of california, berkeley, california. the
18c program spice is available free of charge to any interested party.
19c the sale, resale, or use of this program for profit without the
20c express written consent of the department of electrical engineering
21c and computer sciences, university of california, berkeley, california,
22c is forbidden.
25c implementation notes:
27c subroutines mclock and mdate return the time (as hh:mm:ss) and
28c the date (as dd mmm yy), respectively. subroutine getcje returns in
29c common block /cje/ various attributes of the current job environment.
30c spice expects getcje to set /cje/ variables maxtim, itime, and icost.
31c maxtim is the maximum cpu time in seconds, itime is the elapsed cpu
32c time in seconds, and icost is the job cost in cents.
33c subroutine memory is used to change the number of memory words
34c allocated to spice. if the amount of memory allocated to a jobstep
35c is fixed, subroutine memory need not be changed.
36c ifamwa (set in a data statement below) should be set to the
37c address of the first available word of memory (following overlays, if
38c any). the proper value should be easily obtainable from any load map.
39c with the exception of most flags, all data in spice is stored in
40c the form of managed tables allocated in the /blank/ array value().
41c spice is particularly well-suited to being run using a one-level
42c overlay structure beginning with routines spice (the overlay root),
43c readin, errchk, setup, dctran, dcop, acan, and ovtpvt. the order of
44c the routines in this listing corresponds to that structure. note
45c that if cdc-style overlay is to be used, an overlay directive card
46c must be inserted before the first line of each of the just-named
47c routines.
50 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
51 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
52 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
53 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
54 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
55 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
56 common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad,
57 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage
58 common /line/ achar,afield(15),oldlin(15),kntrc,kntlim
59 common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop,
60 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs
61 common /mosarg/ gamma,beta,vto,phi,cox,vbi,xnfs,xnsub,xd,xj,xl,
62 1 xlamda,utra,uexp,vbp,von,vdsat,theta,vcrit,vtra,gleff,cdrain
63 common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet,
64 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno,
65 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch
66 common /flags/ iprnta,iprntl,iprntm,iprntn,iprnto,limtim,limpts,
67 1 lvlcod,lvltim,itl1,itl2,itl3,itl4,itl5,igoof,nogo,keof
68 common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok,
69 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox
70 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
71 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
72 2 nwd8,nwd16
73 common /dc/ tcstar(2),tcstop(2),tcincr(2),icvflg,itcelm(2),kssop,
74 1 kinel,kidin,kovar,kidout
75 common /ac/ fstart,fstop,fincr,skw2,refprl,spw2,jacflg,idfreq,
76 1 inoise,nosprt,nosout,nosin,idist,idprt
77 common /tran/ tstep,tstop,tstart,delmax,tdmax,forfre,jtrflg
78 common /outinf/ xincr,string(15),xstart,yvar(8),itab(8),itype(8),
79 1 ilogy(8),npoint,numout,kntr,numdgt
80 common /cje/ maxtim,itime,icost
81c.. common for putwds
82 common /blank/ value(50000)
83 integer nodplc(64)
84 complex*16 cvalue(32)
85 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
86 integer*2 istats(200)
87 real*4 r4stat(100)
88 equivalence (rstats(1),istats(1),r4stat(1))
89 integer*2 inknt
91 dimension acctit(4)
92 dimension remain(4)
93 data amrje /4hmrje/
94 data ablnk /1h /
95 data acctit / 8hjob stat, 8histics s, 8hummary , 8h /
96 data ahdr1, ahdr2, ahdr3 / 8h spice 2,8h.Xx (vax,8h11/780) /
99 ipostp=0
100 maxtim=1e8
101 maxlin=50000
102 icost=0
103 ilines=0
105c initialization
107 aprog(1)=ahdr1
108 aprog(2)=ahdr2
109 aprog(3)=ahdr3
110 achar=ablnk
111 keof=0
112 call mclock(atime)
113 call mdate(adate)
114 boltz=1.3806226d-23
115 charge=1.6021918d-19
116 ctok=273.15d0
117 eps0=8.854214871d-14
118 epssil=11.7d0*eps0
119 epsox=3.9d0*eps0
120 twopi=8.0d0*datan2(1.0d0,1.0d0)
121 rad=360.0d0/twopi
122 xlog2=dlog(2.0d0)
123 xlog10=dlog(10.0d0)
124 root2=dsqrt(2.0d0)
125 nodata=1
127c begin job
129 10 if (keof.eq.1) go to 1000
130 call getcje
131 call second(time1)
132 icost1=icost
133 igoof=0
134 mode=0
135 nogo=0
136 maxmem=100000
137 call setmem(nodplc(1),maxmem)
138 if ( go to 1000
139 call zero8(rstats,50)
141c read remainder of data deck and check for input errors
143 call readin
144 if ( go to 300
145 if (keof.eq.1) go to 1000
146 nodata=0
147 call errchk
148 if ( go to 300
149 call setup
150 if ( go to 300
152c cycle through temperatures
154 itemno=1
155 if (numtem.eq.1) go to 110
156 100 if (itemno.eq.numtem) go to 320
157 itemno=itemno+1
158 call tmpupd
160c dc transfer curves
162 110 if (icvflg.eq.0) go to 150
163c... see routine *dctran* for explanation of *mode*, etc.
164 mode=1
165 modedc=3
166 call dctran
167 call ovtpvt
168 if ( go to 300
170c small signal operating point
172 150 if ( go to 170
173 if ( go to 170
174 if ((icvflg+jtrflg).gt.0) go to 250
175 170 mode=1
176 modedc=1
177 call dctran
178 if ( go to 300
179 call dcop
180 if ( go to 300
182c ac small signal analysis
184 200 if (jacflg.eq.0) go to 250
185 mode=3
186 call acan
187 call ovtpvt
188 if ( go to 300
190c transient analysis
192 250 if (jtrflg.eq.0) go to 100
193 mode=1
194 modedc=2
195 call dctran
196 if ( go to 300
197 call dcop
198 if ( go to 300
199 mode=2
200 call dctran
201 call ovtpvt
202 if ( go to 300
203 go to 100
205c job concluded
207 300 write (6,301)
208 301 format(1h0,9x,'***** job aborted')
209 nodata=0
211c job accounting
213 320 continue
214 numel=0
215 do 360 i=1,18
216 360 numel=numel+jelcnt(i)
217 numtem=max0(numtem-1,1)
218 idist=min0(idist,1)
219 if (iprnta.eq.0) go to 800
220 call title(-1,lwidth,1,acctit)
221 write (6,361) nunods,ncnods,numnod,numel,(jelcnt(i),i=11,14)
222 361 format(' nunods ncnods numnod numel diodes bjts jfets mfets'
223 1 //,i9,2i7,i6,i8,i6,2i7)
224 write (6,371) numtem,icvflg,jtrflg,jacflg,inoise,idist,nogo
225 371 format(/'0 numtem icvflg jtrflg jacflg inoise idist nogo'/,
226 1 2h0 ,7i7)
227 write (6,381) rstats(20),rstats(21),rstats(22),rstats(23),
228 1 rstats(26),rstats(27)
229 381 format(/'0 nstop nttbr nttar ifill iops perspa'//,
230 1 1x,5f8.0,f9.3)
231 write (6,391) rstats(30),rstats(31),rstats(32),maxmem,maxuse,
232 1 cpyknt
233 391 format(/'0 numttp numrtp numnit maxmem memuse copyknt',//,
234 1 2x,3f8.0,2x,i6,2x,i6,2x,f8.0)
235 write (6,401) (rstats(i),i=1,11)
236 401 format(/,
237 1 1h0,9x,'readin ',12x,f10.2/,
238 2 1h0,9x,'setup ',12x,f10.2/,
239 3 1h0,9x,'trcurv ',12x,f10.2,10x,f6.0/,
240 4 1h0,9x,'dcan ',12x,f10.2,10x,f6.0/,
241 5 1h0,9x,'acan ',12x,f10.2,10x,f6.0/,
242 6 1h0,9x,'tranan ',12x,f10.2,10x,f6.0/,
243 7 1h0,9x,'output ',12x,f10.2)
244 800 call getcje
245 call second(time2)
246 et=time2-time1
247 tcost=dfloat(icost-icost1)/100.0d0
248 if (iprnta.eq.0) go to 810
249 ohead=et-(rstats(1)+rstats(2)+rstats(3)+rstats(5)+rstats(7)
250 1 +rstats(9)+rstats(11))
251 write (6,801) ohead
252 801 format(1h0,9x,'overhead',12x,f10.2)
253 810 write (6,811) et
254 811 format(1h0,9x,'total job time ',f10.2)
255 tcost=tcost*11.5d0/23.0d0
256c write(6,812) tcost
257c 812 format(1h0,9x,'total job cost $',f8.2,
258c 1 ' @ $11.50 per cpu minute',
259c 2 /'0this lower rate applies for remainder of fiscal 79')
260 rstats(33)=cpyknt
261 rstats(34)=et
262 rstats(35)=tcost
263 rstats(36)=ohead
264c.. convert dble to sgl - 72/2 is how many to convert
265c call dblsgl(rstats(1),72)
266 istats(73)=nunods
267 istats(74)=ncnods
268 istats(75)=numnod
269 istats(76)=numel
270 istats(77)=jelcnt(11)
271 istats(78)=jelcnt(12)
272 istats(79)=jelcnt(13)
273 istats(80)=jelcnt(14)
274 istats(81)=numtem
275 istats(82)=icvflg
276 istats(83)=jtrflg
277 istats(84)=jacflg
278 istats(85)=inoise
279 istats(86)=idist
280 istats(87)=nogo
281 istats(88)=maxmem
282 istats(89)=maxuse
283c do 820 i=1,36
284c 820 r4stat(i)=rlconv(r4stat(i))
285c call cadend(istats,100)
286 900 if ((maxtim-itime).ge.limtim) go to 10
287 write (6,901)
288 901 format('1warning: further analysis stopped due to cpu time limit'
289 1/)
290 1000 if( write(6,1001)
291 1001 format(/1x,'input deck (file) contains no data.')
292 stop
293 end
294 subroutine tmpupd
295 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
297c this routine updates the temperature-dependent parameters in the
298c device models. it also updates the values of temperature-dependent
299c resistors. the updated values are printed.
301 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
302 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
303 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
304 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
305 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
306 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
307 common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad,
308 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage
309 common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop,
310 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs
311 common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet,
312 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno,
313 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch
314 common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok,
315 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox
316 common /blank/ value(50000)
317 integer nodplc(64)
318 complex*16 cvalue(32)
319 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
322 dimension tmptit(4)
323 data tmptit / 8htemperat, 8hure-adju, 8hsted val, 8hues /
326 tempd=value(itemps+itemno)+ctok
327 xkt=boltz*tempd
328 oldvt=vt
329 vt=xkt/charge
330 ratio=tempd/(value(itemps+itemno-1)+ctok)
331 ratlog=dlog(ratio)
332 ratio1=ratio-1.0d0
333 delt=value(itemps+itemno)-value(itemps+1)
334 deltsq=delt*delt
335 reftmp=27.0d0+ctok
336 oldeg=egfet
337 egfet=1.16d0-(7.02d-4*tempd*tempd)/(tempd+1108.0d0)
338 oldxni=xni
339 arg=-egfet/(xkt+xkt)+1.1151d0/(boltz*(reftmp+reftmp))
340 factor=tempd/reftmp
341 factor=factor*dsqrt(factor)
342 xni=1.45d10*factor*dexp(charge*arg)
343 pbfact=(vt+vt)*dlog(oldxni/xni)
344 call title(0,lwidth,1,tmptit)
346c resistors
348 loc=locate(1)
349 ititle=0
350 10 if (loc.eq.0) go to 100
351 locv=nodplc(loc+1)
352 tc1=value(locv+3)
353 tc2=value(locv+4)
354 if ( go to 20
355 if (tc2.eq.0.0d0) go to 40
356 20 if ( go to 30
357 write (6,21)
358 21 format(//'0**** resistors',/,'0name',8x,'value',//)
359 ititle=1
360 30 rnew=value(locv+2)*(1.0d0+tc1*delt+tc2*deltsq)
361 value(locv+1)=1.0d0/rnew
362 write (6,31) value(locv),rnew
363 31 format(1x,a8,1p6d11.2)
364 40 loc=nodplc(loc)
365 go to 10
367c diode model
369 100 loc=locate(21)
370 if (loc.eq.0) go to 200
371 write (6,101)
372 101 format(//'0**** diode model parameters',/,'0name',9x,'is',9x,'pb',
373 1//)
374 110 if (loc.eq.0) go to 200
375 locv=nodplc(loc+1)
376c... is(t2)=is(t1)*dexp(eg/(n*vt)*(t2/t1-1))*(t2/t1)^(pt/n)
377 xn=value(locv+3)
378 factor=ratio1*value(locv+8)/(xn*vt)+value(locv+9)/xn*ratlog
379 factor=dexp(factor)
380 value(locv+1)=value(locv+1)*factor
381 oldpb=value(locv+6)
382 value(locv+6)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact
383 value(locv+12)=value(locv+12)*value(locv+6)/oldpb
384 value(locv+15)=value(locv+15)*value(locv+6)/oldpb
385 vte=value(locv+3)*vt
386 value(locv+18)=vte*dlog(vte/(root2*value(locv+1)))
387 write (6,31) value(locv),value(locv+1),value(locv+6)
388 loc=nodplc(loc)
389 go to 110
391c bipolar transistor model
393 200 loc=locate(22)
394 if (loc.eq.0) go to 300
395 write (6,201)
396 201 format(//'0**** bjt model parameters',/,'0name',9x,'js',8x,'bf ',
397 1 7x,'jle',7x,'br ',7x,'jlc',7x,'vje',7x,'vjc',//)
398 210 if (loc.eq.0) go to 300
399 locv=nodplc(loc+1)
400c... is(t2)=is(t1)*dexp(eg/vt*(t2/t1-1))*(t2/t1)^pt
401 factln=ratio1*value(locv+42)/vt+value(locv+43)*ratlog
402 factor=dexp(factln)
403 value(locv+1)=value(locv+1)*factor
404 tb=value(locv+41)
405 bfactr=dexp(tb*ratlog)
406 value(locv+2)=value(locv+2)*bfactr
407 value(locv+8)=value(locv+8)*bfactr
408 value(locv+6)=value(locv+6)*dexp(factln/value(locv+7))/bfactr
409 value(locv+12)=value(locv+12)*dexp(factln/value(locv+13))
410 1 /bfactr
411 oldpb=value(locv+22)
412 value(locv+22)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact
413 value(locv+46)=value(locv+46)*value(locv+22)/oldpb
414 value(locv+47)=value(locv+47)*value(locv+22)/oldpb
415 oldpb=value(locv+30)
416 value(locv+30)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact
417 value(locv+50)=value(locv+50)*value(locv+30)/oldpb
418 value(locv+51)=value(locv+51)*value(locv+30)/oldpb
419 value(locv+54)=vt*dlog(vt/(root2*value(locv+1)))
420 write (6,211) value(locv),value(locv+1),value(locv+2),
421 1 value(locv+6),value(locv+8),value(locv+12),value(locv+22),
422 2 value(locv+30)
423 211 format(1x,a8,1p7d10.2)
424 loc=nodplc(loc)
425 go to 210
427c jfet model
429 300 loc=locate(23)
430 if (loc.eq.0) go to 400
431 write (6,301)
432 301 format(//'0**** jfet model parameters',/,'0name',9x,'is',9x,'pb',
433 1//)
434 310 if (loc.eq.0) go to 400
435 locv=nodplc(loc+1)
436 value(locv+9)=value(locv+9)*dexp(ratio1*1.11d0/vt)
437 oldpb=value(locv+8)
438 value(locv+8)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact
439 value(locv+12)=value(locv+12)*value(locv+8)/oldpb
440 value(locv+13)=value(locv+13)*value(locv+8)/oldpb
441 value(locv+16)=vt*dlog(vt/(root2*value(locv+9)))
442 write (6,31) value(locv),value(locv+9),value(locv+8)
443 loc=nodplc(loc)
444 go to 310
446c mosfet model
448 400 loc=locate(24)
449 if (loc.eq.0) go to 1000
450 iprnt=1
451 410 if (loc.eq.0) go to 1000
452c.. no temperature effects have been coded for ga-as fets
453 if(nodplc(loc+2).eq.0) go to 430
454 locv=nodplc(loc+1)
455 if( write (6,401)
456 401 format(//'0**** mosfet model parameters',/,'0name',8x,'vto',8x,
457 1 'phi',9x,'pb',9x,'js',7x,'kp',//)
458 iprnt=0
459 ratio4=ratio*dsqrt(ratio)
460 value(locv+2)=value(locv+2)/ratio4
461 value(locv+23)=value(locv+23)/ratio4
462 oldphi=value(locv+4)
463 value(locv+4)=ratio*oldphi+pbfact
464 phi=value(locv+4)
465 type=nodplc(loc+2)
466 tps=value(locv+22)
467 vfb=value(locv+34)-type*oldphi
468 vstrip=vfb+0.5d0*type*oldphi
469 if(value(locv+21).ne.0.0d0) go to 415
470 vstrip=vstrip+0.5d0*(oldeg-egfet)
471 go to 420
472 415 oldgat=oldvt*dlog(value(locv+21)/oldxni)
473 gatnew=vt*dlog(value(locv+21)/xni)
474 vstrip=vstrip+type*tps*(oldgat-gatnew)
475 420 vfb=vstrip-0.5d0*type*phi
476 value(locv+34)=vfb+type*phi
477 value(locv+1)=value(locv+34)+type*value(locv+3)*dsqrt(phi)
478 value(locv+15)=value(locv+15)*dexp(-egfet/vt+oldeg/oldvt)
479 oldpb=value(locv+14)
480 value(locv+14)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact
481 pb=value(locv+14)
482 ratio2=oldpb/pb
483 ratio3=dsqrt(ratio2)
484 value(locv+11)=value(locv+11)*ratio3
485 value(locv+12)=value(locv+12)*ratio3
486 pbrat=1.0d0/ratio2
487 value(locv+29)=value(locv+29)*pbrat
488 value(locv+30)=value(locv+30)*pbrat
489 write (6,31) value(locv),value(locv+1),value(locv+4),
490 1 value(locv+14),value(locv+15),value(locv+2)
491 430 loc=nodplc(loc)
492 go to 410
494c finished
496 1000 return
497 end
498 subroutine find(aname,id,loc,iforce)
499 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
501c this routine searches the list with number 'id' for an element
502c with name 'aname'. loc is set to point to the element. if iforce is
503c nonzero, then find expects to have to add the element to the list, and
504c reports a fatal error if the element is found. if subcircuit defini-
505c tion is in progress (nonzero value for nsbckt), then find searches the
506c current subcircuit definition list rather than the nominal element
507c list.
509 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
510 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
511 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
512 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
513 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
514 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
515 common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop,
516 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs
517 common /flags/ iprnta,iprntl,iprntm,iprntn,iprnto,limtim,limpts,
518 1 lvlcod,lvltim,itl1,itl2,itl3,itl4,itl5,igoof,nogo,keof
519 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
520 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
521 2 nwd8,nwd16
522 common /blank/ value(50000)
523 integer nodplc(64)
524 complex*16 cvalue(32)
525 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
527c index to the contents of the various lists:
529c list contents
530c ---- --------
532c 1 resistors
533c 2 nonlinear capacitors
534c 3 nonlinear inductors
535c 4 mutual inductors
536c 5 nonlinear voltage controlled current sources
537c 6 nonlinear voltage controlled voltage sources
538c 7 nonlinear current controlled current sources
539c 8 nonlinear current controlled voltage sources
540c 9 independent voltage sources
541c 10 independent current sources
542c 11 diodes
543c 12 bipolar junction transistors
544c 13 junction field-effect transistors (jfets)
545c 14 metal-oxide-semiconductor junction fets (mosfets)
546c 15 s-parameter 2-port network
547c 16 y-parameter 2-port network
548c 17 transmission lines
549c 18 <unused>
550c 19 subcircuit calls
551c 20 subcircuit definitions
552c 21 diode model
553c 22 bjt model
554c 23 jfet model
555c 24 mosfet model
556c 25-30 <unused>
557c 31 .print dc
558c 32 .print tran
559c 33 .print ac
560c 34 .print noise
561c 35 .print distortion
562c 36 .plot dc
563c 37 .plot tr
564c 38 .plot ac
565c 39 .plot noise
566c 40 .plot distortion
567c 41 outputs for dc
568c 42 outputs for transient
569c 43 outputs for ac
570c 44 outputs for noise
571c 45 outputs for distortion
572c 46-50 <unused>
574 integer xxor
575 dimension lnod(50),lval(50)
576 data lnod / 9,13,15, 7,14,15,14,15,12, 7,
577 1 17,37,26,34, 7, 7,34, 0, 5, 5,
578 2 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
579 3 21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,
580 4 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /
581 data lval / 5, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4,
582 1 3, 4, 4,13, 1, 1, 9, 0, 1, 1,
583 2 19,55,17,41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
584 3 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,17,17,17,17,17,
585 4 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /
586 data ndefin /2h.u/
589 anam=aname
590 call sizmem(ielmnt,isize)
591 locn=ielmnt+isize+2
592 if (nsbckt.eq.0) go to 10
593 loct=nodplc(isbckt+nsbckt)
594 loc=nodplc(loct+3)
595 if ( go to 20
596 nodplc(loct+3)=locn
597 go to 60
598 10 loc=locate(id)
599 if ( go to 20
600 locate(id)=locn
601 go to 50
603c search list for a name match
605 20 locv=nodplc(loc+1)
606 if (xxor(anam,value(locv)).ne.0) go to 30
607 if (nsbckt.eq.0) go to 25
608 if (nodplc(loc-1) go to 30
609 25 if (nodplc(loc+2).eq.ndefin) go to 200
610 if (iforce.eq.0) go to 200
611 write (6,26) anam
612 26 format('0*error*: above line attempts to redefine ',a8/)
613 nogo=1
614 30 if (nodplc(loc).eq.0) go to 40
615 loc=nodplc(loc)
616 go to 20
618c reserve space for this element
620 40 nodplc(loc)=locn
621 if ( go to 60
622 50 jelcnt(id)=jelcnt(id)+1
623 60 loc=locn
624 itemp=loc+lnod(id)*nwd4-1
625 locv=nxtevn(itemp-1)+1
626 itemp=locv-itemp
627 ktmp=lnod(id)*nwd4+lval(id)*nwd8+itemp
628 call extmem(ielmnt,ktmp)
629 locv=(locv-1)/nwd8+1
630 iptr=0
631 if (nsbckt.eq.0) go to 80
632 iptr=id
633 80 nodplc(loc-1)=iptr
634 nodplc(loc)=0
635 nodplc(loc+1)=locv
636 value(locv)=anam
638c background storage
640 100 nodplc(loc+2)=ndefin
641 nword=lnod(id)-4
642 if ( go to 120
643 call zero4(nodplc(loc+3),nword)
644 120 nword=lval(id)-1
645 if ( go to 200
646 call zero8(value(locv+1),nword)
648c exit
650 200 return
651 end
652 subroutine title(ifold,len,icom,coment)
653 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
655c this routine writes a title on the output file. ifold indicates
656c whether the page eject should be to the next concave, convex, or any
657c page fold depending on whether its value is <0, >0, or =0. the page
658c eject is suppressed (as is much of the heading) if the variable nopage
659c is nonzero.
661 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
662 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
663 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
664 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
665 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
666 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
667 common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad,
668 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage
669 common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet,
670 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno,
671 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch
672 common /blank/ value(50000)
673 integer nodplc(64)
674 complex*16 cvalue(32)
675 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
678 dimension coment(4)
681 if(nopage.eq.1) go to 150
683 30 if (len.le.80) go to 100
684 write (6,31) adate,aprog,atime,(atitle(i),i=1,10)
685 31 format(1h1,9(2h* ),a10,1x,11(2h* ),3a8,11(2h* ),a10,9(2h *),//1h0,
686 1 15a8/)
687 if (icom.eq.0) go to 40
688 write (6,36) coment,value(itemps+itemno)
689 36 format(5h0****,17x,4a8,21x,'temperature =',f9.3,' deg c'/)
690 40 write (6,41)
691 41 format(1h0,63(2h* )//)
692 go to 200
695 100 write (6,101) adate,aprog,atime,(atitle(i),i=1,10)
696 101 format(1h1,5(1h*),a10,1x,8(1h*),3a8,8(1h*),a10,5(1h*)//1h0,10a8/)
697 if (icom.eq.0) go to 110
698 write (6,106) coment,value(itemps+itemno)
699 106 format(10h0**** ,4a8,' temperature =',f9.3,' deg c'/)
700 110 write (6,111)
701 111 format(1h0,71(1h*)//)
702 go to 200
705 150 if (icom.eq.0) go to 160
706 write (6,106) coment,value(itemps+itemno)
707 go to 200
708 160 write (6,161) aprog
709 161 format(1h0,3a8,/)
711c finished
713 200 return
714 end
715 subroutine dcdcmp
716 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
718c this routine performs an in-place lu factorization of the coef-
719c ficient matrix.
721 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
722 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
723 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
724 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
725 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
726 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
727 common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop,
728 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs
729 common /flags/ iprnta,iprntl,iprntm,iprntn,iprnto,limtim,limpts,
730 1 lvlcod,lvltim,itl1,itl2,itl3,itl4,itl5,igoof,nogo,keof
731 common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok,
732 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox
733 common /blank/ value(50000)
734 integer nodplc(64)
735 complex*16 cvalue(32)
736 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
737 data ikount /0/
740 do 100 i=2,nstop
741 io=nodplc(iorder+i)
742 if (dabs(value(lynl+io)).ge.gmin) go to 10
743 value(lynl+io)=gmin
744 igoof=igoof+1
745 if( go to 10
746 ikount=ikount+1
747 if(io.le.nunods) write(6,9) nodplc(junode+io)
748 9 format(' at node ',i5)
749 10 jstart=nodplc(ilc+i)
750 jstop=nodplc(ilc+i+1)-1
751 if ( go to 100
752 do 90 j=jstart,jstop
753 value(lyl+j)=value(lyl+j)/value(lynl+io)
754 icol=nodplc(ilr+j)
755 kstart=nodplc(iur+i)
756 kstop=nodplc(iur+i+1)-1
757 if ( go to 90
758 do 80 k=kstart,kstop
759 irow=nodplc(iuc+k)
760 if (icol-irow) 20,60,40
762c find (icol,irow) matrix term (upper triangle)
764 20 l=nodplc(iur+icol+1)
765 30 l=l-1
766 if (nodplc(iuc+l).ne.irow) go to 30
767 ispot=lyu+l
768 go to 70
770c find (icol,irow) matrix term (lower triangle)
772 40 l=nodplc(ilc+irow+1)
773 50 l=l-1
774 if (nodplc(ilr+l).ne.icol) go to 50
775 ispot=lyl+l
776 go to 70
778c find (icol,irow) matrix term (diagonal)
780 60 ispot=lynl+nodplc(iorder+irow)
782 70 value(ispot)=value(ispot)-value(lyl+j)*value(lyu+k)
783 80 continue
784 90 continue
785 100 continue
786 return
787 end
788 subroutine dcsol
789 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
791c this routine solves the system of circuit equations by performing
792c a forward and backward substitution step using the previously-computed
793c lu factors.
795 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
796 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
797 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
798 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
799 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
800 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
801 common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop,
802 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs
803 common /blank/ value(50000)
804 integer nodplc(64)
805 complex*16 cvalue(32)
806 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
808c forward substitution
810 do 20 i=2,nstop
811 jstart=nodplc(ilc+i)
812 jstop=nodplc(ilc+i+1)-1
813 if ( go to 20
814 io=nodplc(iorder+i)
815 if (value(lvn+io).eq.0.0d0) go to 20
816 do 10 j=jstart,jstop
817 jo=nodplc(ilr+j)
818 jo=nodplc(iorder+jo)
819 value(lvn+jo)=value(lvn+jo)-value(lyl+j)*value(lvn+io)
820 10 continue
821 20 continue
823c back substitution
825 k=nstop+1
826 do 50 i=2,nstop
827 k=k-1
828 io=nodplc(iorder+k)
829 jstart=nodplc(iur+k)
830 jstop=nodplc(iur+k+1)-1
831 if ( go to 40
832 do 30 j=jstart,jstop
833 jo=nodplc(iuc+j)
834 jo=nodplc(iorder+jo)
835 value(lvn+io)=value(lvn+io)-value(lyu+j)*value(lvn+jo)
836 30 continue
837 40 value(lvn+io)=value(lvn+io)/value(lynl+io)
838 50 continue
839 return
840 end
841 subroutine setmem(ipntr,ksize)
842 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
844c this routine performs dynamic memory management. it is used in
845c spice2, and useable in any program.
847c memory is managed within an array selected by the calling program.
848c one may either dimension this array to the 'maxmem' size, or more
849c desirably, find the address of the first available word of memory
850c above your program, and dimension your array to '1'. passing the
851c address of the first data word available permits the manager to
852c use 'illegal' indices into the data area.
854c this routine must have access to an integer function called 'locf'
855c which returns the address of its argument. addresses as used by this
856c program refer to 'integer' addresses, not byte addresses.
858c entry points:
859c setmem - set initial memory
860c getm4 - get block for table of integers
861c getm8 - get block for table of floating point variables
862c getm16 - get block for table of complex variables
863c relmem - release part of block
864c extmem - extend size of existing block
865c sizmem - determine size of existing block
866c clrmem - release block
867c ptrmem - reset memory pointer
868c crunch - force memory compaction
869c avlm4 - amount of space available (integers)
870c avlm8 - amount of space available (real)
871c avlm16 - amount of space available (complex)
873c calling sequences:
874c call setmem(imem(1),maxmem)
875c call setmem(imem(1),maxmem,kfamwa) non 3000 machines kfamwa is
876c address of first available word
877c of data
878c call getm4 (ipntr,blksiz) where blksize is the number of entries
879c call getm8 (ipntr,blksiz)
880c call getm16(ipntr,blksiz)
881c call relmem(ipntr,relsiz)
882c call extmem(ipntr,extsiz) extsiz is the number of entries to be added
883c call sizmem(ipntr,blksiz)
884c call clrmem(ipntr)
885c call ptrmem(ipntr1,ipntr2)
886c call avlm4(ispace)
887c call avlm8(ispace)
888c call avlm16(ispace)
889c call crunch
892c general comments:
893c for each block which is allocated, a 5-word entry is maintained
894c in a table kept in high memory, of the form
896c word contents
897c ---- --------
899c 1 index of imem(.) into origin of block
900c i.e. contents of pointer (used for error check)
901c 2 block size (in words)
902c 3 number of words in use
903c 4 address of variable containing block origin
904c 5 number of words used per table entry
906c all allocated blocks are an 'even' (nxtevn) number of words in length,
907c where a 'word' is the storage unit required for an 'integer' variable.
908c since block repositioning may be necessary, the convention that
909c only one variable contain a block origin should be observed.
910c for *getmem*, *ipntr* is set such that *array(ipntr+1)* is the
911c first word of the allocated block. 'ipntr' is set to address the first
912c entry of the table when used with the appropriate variable type, i.e.,
913c nodplc(ipntr+1), value(ipntr+1), or cvalue(ipntr+1).
914c for *clrmem*, *ipntr* is set to 'invalid' to enable rapid detection
915c of an attempt to use a cleared block.
916c if any fatal errors are found, a message is printed and a flag
917c set inhibiting further action until *setmem* is called. (in this
918c context, insufficient memory is considered a fatal error.)
919c throughout this routine, *ldval* always contains the subscript of
920c the last addressable word of memory, *memavl* always contains the
921c number of available words of memory, *numblk* always contains the
922c number of allocated blocks, and istack(*loctab* +1) always contains
923c the first word of the block table.
925 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
926 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
927 2 nwd8,nwd16
929c.. arguments to memory manager are set up as arrays, even though
930c.. the calling programs usually use simple variables for arguments.
931c.. this is necessary if we are to guarantee that the parameters are
932c.. passed by 'address' and not by 'value'. we must insure that locf(arg)
933c.. returns the address of the argument, and not the address of a local
934c.. copy of the argument. as currently configured, this subroutine should
935c.. work on any ansi fortran compiler, provided the function 'locf' can
936c.. be provided.
937 dimension ipntr(1)
939 logical memptr
941c... approximate time required to copy *nwords* integer values
942 nwd4=1
943 nwd8=2
944 nwd16=4
945 memerr=0
946 nevn=nxtevn(1)
947 icheck=mod(nevn,nwd4)+mod(nevn,nwd8)+mod(nevn,nwd16)+
948 1 mod(nxtmem(1),nevn)
949 if(icheck.eq.0) go to 2
950 memerr=1
951 call errmem(6,memerr,ipntr(1))
952 2 cpyknt=0.0d0
953 ifamwa=locf(ipntr(1))
954 maxmem=ksize
955 ntab=nxtevn(5)
956c... add 'lorg' to an address and you get the 'istack' index to that word
957 lorg=1-locf(istack(1))
958 ifwa=ifamwa+lorg-1
959 nwoff=locf(ipntr(1))+lorg-1
960 icore=nxtmem(1)
961c... don't take chances, back off from 'end of memory' by nxtevn(1)
962 ldval=ifwa+nxtmem(1)-nxtevn(1)
963 memavl=ldval-ntab-ifwa
964 maxcor=0
965 maxuse=0
966 call memory
967 if( call errmem(6,memerr,ipntr(1))
968 numblk=1
969 loctab=ldval-ntab
970 istack(loctab+1)=0
971 istack(loctab+2)=memavl
972 istack(loctab+3)=0
973 istack(loctab+4)=-1
974 istack(loctab+5)=1
975 return
976 end
977 subroutine getm4(ipntr,ksize)
978 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
979 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
980 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
981 2 nwd8,nwd16
982 dimension ipntr(1)
983 iwsize=nwd4
984 call getmx(ipntr(1),ksize,iwsize)
985 return
986 end
987 subroutine getm8(ipntr,ksize)
988 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
989 dimension ipntr(1)
990 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
991 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
992 2 nwd8,nwd16
993 iwsize=nwd8
994 call getmx(ipntr(1),ksize,iwsize)
995 return
996 end
997 subroutine getm16(ipntr,ksize)
998 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
999 dimension ipntr(1)
1000 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1001 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1002 2 nwd8,nwd16
1003 iwsize=nwd16
1004 call getmx(ipntr(1),ksize,iwsize)
1005 return
1006 end
1007 subroutine getmx(ipntr,ksize,iwsize)
1008 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1009 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1010 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1011 2 nwd8,nwd16
1012 logical memptr
1013 dimension ipntr(1)
1015c*** getmem - get block
1018 isize=ksize*iwsize
1019c... check for valid size
1020 if ( go to 5
1021 memerr=2
1022 call errmem(3,memerr,ipntr(1))
1023c... check for attempt to reallocate existing block
1024 5 if (.not.memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 8
1025 memerr=3
1026 call errmem(3,memerr,ipntr(1))
1027 8 jsize=nxtevn(isize)
1028 call comprs(0,ldval)
1029c... check if enough space already there
1030 need=jsize+ntab-memavl
1031 if (need.le.0) go to 10
1032c... insufficient space -- bump memory size
1033 need=nxtmem(need)
1034 icore=icore+need
1035 call memory
1036 if( call errmem(3,memerr,ipntr(1))
1037 ltab1=ldval-ntab
1038 istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)+need
1039c... relocate block entry table
1040 nwords=numblk*ntab
1041 cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords)
1042 call copy4(istack(loctab+1),istack(loctab+need+1),nwords)
1043 loctab=loctab+need
1044 ldval=ldval+need
1045 memavl=memavl+need
1046c... a block large enough now exists -- allocate it
1047 10 ltab1=ldval-ntab
1048 morg=istack(ltab1+1)
1049 msiz=istack(ltab1+2)
1050 muse=istack(ltab1+3)
1051 muse=nxtevn(muse)
1052 madr=istack(ltab1+4)
1053c... construct new table entry
1054 15 istack(ltab1+2)=muse
1055 loctab=loctab-ntab
1056 nwords=numblk*ntab
1057 cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords)
1058 call copy4(istack(loctab+ntab+1),istack(loctab+1),nwords)
1059 numblk=numblk+1
1060 memavl=memavl-ntab
1061 istack(ltab1+1)=morg+muse
1062 istack(ltab1+2)=msiz-muse-ntab
1063c... set user size into table entry for this block
1064 20 istack(ltab1+3)=isize
1065 istack(ltab1+4)=locf(ipntr(1))
1066 istack(ltab1+5)=iwsize
1067 memavl=memavl-jsize
1068 ipntr(1)=istack(ltab1+1)/iwsize
1069 call memadj
1070 return
1071 end
1072 subroutine avlm4(iavl)
1073 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1074 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1075 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1076 2 nwd8,nwd16
1078c*** avlmem - how much space is available ?
1080 iavl=((maxmem-icore)/nxtmem(1))*nxtmem(1)-ntab+memavl
1081 iavl=iavl/nwd4
1082 return
1083 end
1084 subroutine avlm8(iavl)
1085 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1086 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1087 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1088 2 nwd8,nwd16
1089 iavl=((maxmem-icore)/nxtmem(1))*nxtmem(1)-ntab+memavl
1090 iavl=iavl/nwd8
1091 return
1092 end
1093 subroutine avlm16(iavl)
1094 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1095 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1096 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1097 2 nwd8,nwd16
1098 iavl=((maxmem-icore)/nxtmem(1))*nxtmem(1)-ntab+memavl
1099 iavl=iavl/nwd16
1100 return
1101 end
1102 subroutine relmem(ipntr,ksize)
1103 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1104 dimension ipntr(1)
1105 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1106 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1107 2 nwd8,nwd16
1108 logical memptr
1110c*** relmem - release part of block
1113c... check for valid pointer
1114 if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10
1115 memerr=5
1116 call errmem(5,memerr,ipntr(1))
1117 10 isize=ksize*istack(ltab+5)
1118c... check for valid size
1119 if ( go to 20
1120 memerr=2
1121 call errmem(5,memerr,ipntr(1))
1122 20 jsize=istack(ltab+3)
1123 if (isize.le.jsize) go to 30
1124 memerr=6
1125 call errmem(5,memerr,ipntr(1))
1126 30 istack(ltab+3)=istack(ltab+3)-isize
1127 memavl=memavl+(nxtevn(jsize)-nxtevn(istack(ltab+3)))
1128 call memadj
1129 return
1130 end
1131 subroutine extmem(ipntr,ksize)
1132 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1133 dimension ipntr(1)
1134 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1135 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1136 2 nwd8,nwd16
1137 logical memptr
1139c*** extmem - extend size of existing block
1142c... check for valid pointer
1143 if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10
1144 memerr=5
1145 call errmem(2,memerr,ipntr(1))
1146 10 isize=ksize*istack(ltab+5)
1147c... check for valid size
1148 if ( go to 20
1149 memerr=2
1150 call errmem(2,memerr,ipntr(1))
1151c... check if enough space already there
1152 20 if ((istack(ltab+2)-istack(ltab+3)).ge.isize) go to 40
1153 need=nxtevn(isize)-memavl
1154 if (need.le.0) go to 30
1155c... insufficient space -- bump memory size
1156 need=nxtmem(need)
1157 icore=icore+need
1158 call memory
1159 if( call errmem(2,memerr,ipntr(1))
1160 ltab1=ldval-ntab
1161 istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)+need
1162c... relocate block entry table
1163 nwords=numblk*ntab
1164 cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords)
1165 call copy4(istack(loctab+1),istack(loctab+need+1),nwords)
1166 loctab=loctab+need
1167 ldval=ldval+need
1168 memavl=memavl+need
1169 ltab=ltab+need
1170c... move blocks to make space
1171 30 continue
1172 call comprs(0,ltab)
1173 call comprs(1,ltab)
1174 40 jsize=istack(ltab+3)
1175 istack(ltab+3)=istack(ltab+3)+isize
1176 memavl=memavl-(nxtevn(istack(ltab+3))-nxtevn(jsize))
1177 call memadj
1178 return
1179 end
1180 subroutine sizmem(ipntr,ksize)
1181 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1182 dimension ipntr(1)
1183 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1184 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1185 2 nwd8,nwd16
1186 logical memptr
1188c*** sizmem - determine size of existing block
1191c... check for valid pointer
1192 if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10
1193 memerr=5
1194 call errmem(7,memerr,ipntr(1))
1195 10 ksize=istack(ltab+3)/istack(ltab+5)
1196 return
1197 end
1198 subroutine clrmem(ipntr)
1199 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1200 dimension ipntr(1)
1201 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1202 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1203 2 nwd8,nwd16
1204 logical memptr
1206c*** clrmem - release block
1209c... check that pointer is valid
1210 if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10
1211 memerr=5
1212 call errmem(1,memerr,ipntr(1))
1213 10 msiz=istack(ltab+2)
1214 muse=istack(ltab+3)
1215 memavl=memavl+nxtevn(muse)
1216c... assumption: first allocated block is never cleared.
1217 ltab1=ltab-ntab
1218 istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)+msiz
1219c... reposition the block table
1220 nwords=ltab-loctab
1221 cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords)
1222 call copy4(istack(loctab+1),istack(loctab+ntab+1),nwords)
1223 numblk=numblk-1
1224 loctab=loctab+ntab
1225 memavl=memavl+ntab
1226 ltab1=ldval-ntab
1227 istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)+ntab
1228 ipntr(1)=2**31-1
1229 call memadj
1230 return
1231 end
1232 subroutine ptrmem(ipntr,ipntr2)
1233 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1234 dimension ipntr(1),ipntr2(1)
1235 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1236 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1237 2 nwd8,nwd16
1238 logical memptr
1240c*** ptrmem - reset memory pointer
1242c... verify that pointer is valid
1243 if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10
1244 memerr=5
1245 call errmem(4,memerr,ipntr(1))
1246c... reset block pointer to be *ipntr2*
1247 10 ipntr2(1)=ipntr(1)
1248 istack(ltab+4)=locf(ipntr2(1))
1249 call memadj
1250 return
1251 end
1252 subroutine crunch
1253 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1254 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1255 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1256 2 nwd8,nwd16
1258c*** crunch - force memory compaction
1260 call comprs(0,ldval)
1261 call memadj
1262 return
1263 end
1264 subroutine errmem(inam,ierror,ipntr)
1265 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1266 dimension ipntr(1)
1267 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1268 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1269 2 nwd8,nwd16
1270 dimension errnam(7)
1271 data errnam /6hclrmem,6hextmem,6hgetmem,6hptrmem,6hrelmem,
1272 1 6hsetmem,6hsizmem/
1274 go to (200,410,420,300,510,530),ierror
1276c*** error(s) found ***
1278c.. nxtevn and/or nxtmem incompatible with nwd4, nwd8, and nwd16
1280 200 write(6,201)
1281 201 format('0memory manager variables nwd4-8-16 incompatible with nxte
1282 1vn and nxtmem')
1283 go to 900
1285c... memory needs exceed maximum available space
1286 300 write (6,301) maxmem
1287 301 format('0*error*: memory needs exceed',i6,/,
1288 1 '0probable remedy, replace your "// exec spice" card with',/
1289 2 '0// exec spice,region=2000k')
1290 go to 900
1291c... *isize* < 0
1292 410 write(6,411)
1293 411 format('0size parameter negative')
1294 go to 900
1295c... getmem: attempt to reallocate existing block
1296 420 write(6,421)
1297 421 format('0attempt to reallocate existing table')
1298 go to 900
1299c... *ipntr* invalid
1300 510 write(6,511)
1301 511 format('0table pointer invalid')
1302 go to 900
1303c... relmem: *isize* larger than indicated block
1304 530 write(6,531)
1305 531 format('0attempt to release more than total table')
1306c... issue error message
1307 900 write (6,901) errnam(inam)
1308 901 format('0*abort*: internal memory manager error at entry ',
1309 1 a7)
1310 950 call dmpmem(ipntr(1))
1311 1000 stop
1312 end
1313 subroutine memadj
1314 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1315 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1316 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1317 2 nwd8,nwd16
1319c*** adjust memory downward ***
1321 50 maxuse=max0(maxuse,ldval-memavl-ifwa)
1322 memdec=2*nxtmem(1)
1323 if ( return
1324c... compress current allocations of memory
1325 call comprs(0,ldval)
1326c... adjust memory size
1327 memdel=0
1328 60 icore=icore-memdec
1329 memdel=memdel+memdec
1330 memavl=memavl-memdec
1331 if ( go to 60
1332 ltab1=ldval-ntab
1333 istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)-memdel
1334c... relocate block entry table
1335 nwords=numblk*ntab
1336 cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords)
1337 call copy4(istack(loctab+1),istack(loctab-memdel+1),nwords)
1338 loctab=loctab-memdel
1339 ldval=ldval-memdel
1340 call memory
1341 return
1342 end
1343 integer function nxtevn(n)
1345c.. function returns the smallest value nxtevn greater than or equal to
1346c.. n which is evenly divisible by 'nwd4, nwd8, and nwd16' as defined
1347c.. in setmem
1349 nxtevn=((n+3)/4)*4
1350 return
1351 end
1352 integer function nxtmem(memwds)
1354c.. function returns the in nxtmem the next available memory size
1355c.. (which must be evenly divisible by 'nwd4, nwd8, and nwd16' as
1356c.. defined in setmem
1358 nxtmem=((memwds+1999)/2000)*2000
1359 return
1360 end
1361 subroutine comprs(icode,limit)
1362 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1364c this routine compresses all available memory into a single block.
1365c if *icode* is zero, compression of memory from word 1 to *limit* is
1366c done; otherwise, compression from *ldval* down to *limit* is done.
1368 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1369 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1370 2 nwd8,nwd16
1372c... approximate time required to copy *nwords* real values
1373 if ( go to 100
1374 nblk=numblk
1375 ltab2=loctab
1376 10 ltab1=ltab2
1377 if ( go to 200
1378 if (nblk.eq.1) go to 200
1379 nblk=nblk-1
1380 ltab2=ltab1+ntab
1381 morg=istack(ltab1+1)
1382 msiz=istack(ltab1+2)
1383 muse=istack(ltab1+3)
1384 muse=nxtevn(muse)
1385 if (msiz.eq.muse) go to 10
1386c... move succeeding block down
1387 morg2=istack(ltab2+1)
1388 muse2=istack(ltab2+3)
1389 madr2=istack(ltab2+4)
1390 iwsize=istack(ltab2+5)
1391 if ( go to 15
1392 if (muse2.eq.0) go to 20
1393 15 cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(muse2)
1394 call copy4(istack(nwoff+morg2+1),istack(nwoff+morg+muse+1),muse2)
1395 istack(lorg+madr2)=(morg+muse)/iwsize
1396 20 istack(ltab1+2)=muse
1397 istack(ltab2+1)=morg+muse
1398 istack(ltab2+2)=istack(ltab2+2)+(msiz-muse)
1399 go to 10
1402 100 nblk=numblk
1403 ltab2=ldval-ntab
1404 110 ltab1=ltab2
1405 if (ltab1.le.limit) go to 200
1406 if (nblk.eq.1) go to 200
1407 nblk=nblk-1
1408 ltab2=ltab1-ntab
1409 morg=istack(ltab1+1)
1410 msiz=istack(ltab1+2)
1411 muse=istack(ltab1+3)
1412 muse=nxtevn(muse)
1413 madr=istack(ltab1+4)
1414 iwsize=istack(ltab1+5)
1415 mspc=msiz-muse
1416 if (mspc.eq.0) go to 110
1417 cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(muse)
1418 call copy4(istack(nwoff+morg+1),istack(nwoff+morg+mspc+1),muse)
1419 istack(ltab1+1)=morg+mspc
1420 istack(ltab1+2)=muse
1421 istack(ltab2+2)=istack(ltab2+2)+mspc
1422 if (madr.eq.0) go to 110
1423 istack(lorg+madr)=(morg+mspc)/iwsize
1424 go to 110
1425c... all done
1426 200 return
1427 end
1428 logical function memptr(ipntr)
1429 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1431c this routine checks whether *ipntr* is a valid block pointer.
1432c if it is valid, *ltab* is set to point to the corresponding entry in
1433c the block table.
1435c... ipntr is an array to avoid 'call by value' problems (see setmem)
1436 dimension ipntr(1)
1437 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1438 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1439 2 nwd8,nwd16
1441 memptr=.false.
1442 ltab=loctab
1443 locpnt=locf(ipntr(1))
1444 do 20 i=1,numblk
1445 if ( go to 10
1446 if (ipntr(1)*istack(ltab+5).ne.istack(ltab+1)) go to 10
1447 memptr=.true.
1448 go to 30
1449 10 ltab=ltab+ntab
1450 20 continue
1451 30 return
1452 end
1453 subroutine dmpmem(ipntr)
1454 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1456c this routine prints out the current memory allocation map.
1457c *ipntr* is the table pointer of the current memory manager call
1459 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
1460 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
1461 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
1462 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
1463 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
1464 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
1465 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1466 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1467 2 nwd8,nwd16
1468c... ipntr is an array to avoid 'call by value' problems
1469 dimension ipntr(1)
1470 dimension aptr(61)
1471 data aptr /6hielmnt,6hisbckt,6hnsbckt,6hiunsat,6hnunsat,6hitemps,
1472 1 6hnumtem,6hisens ,6hnsens ,6hifour ,6hnfour ,6hifield,
1473 2 6hicode ,6hidelim,6hicolum,6hinsize,
1474 3 6hjunode,6hlsbkpt,6hnumbkp,6hiorder,6hjmnode,
1475 4 6hiur ,6hiuc ,6hilc ,6hilr ,6hnumoff,6hisr ,
1476 5 6hnmoffc,6hiseq ,6hiseq1 ,6hneqn ,6hnodevs,
1477 6 6hndiag ,6hiswap ,6hiequa ,6hmacins,6hlvnim1,
1478 7 6hlx0 ,6hlvn ,6hlynl ,6hlyu ,6hlyl ,
1479 8 6hlx1 ,6hlx2 ,6hlx3 ,6hlx4 ,6hlx5 ,6hlx6 ,
1480 9 6hlx7 ,6hld0 ,6hld1 ,6hltd ,6himynl ,6himvn ,6hloutpt,
1481 * 6hnsnod ,6hnsmat ,6hnsval ,6hicnod ,6hicmat ,6hicval /
1482 data ablnk /1h /
1483 iaddr=locf(ielmnt)-1
1484 itemp=locf(ipntr(1))-iaddr
1485 anam=ablnk
1486 if( anam=aptr(itemp)
1487 iadr=locf(ipntr(1))
1488 write (6,5) anam,iadr,icore,maxmem,memavl,ldval
1489 5 format('0current pointer 'a6,'@ = z',z6,/' corsiz=',i7,
1490 1 /' maxmem=',i7,/' avlspc=',i7,/' ldval=',i7,
1491 2 /1h0,24x,'memory allocation map'/14x,'blknum memorg memsiz',
1492 3 ' memuse usrptr addr name')
1493 ltab1=loctab
1494 do 20 i=1,numblk
1495 morg=istack(ltab1+1)
1496 msiz=istack(ltab1+2)
1497 muse=istack(ltab1+3)
1498 madr=istack(ltab1+4)
1499 anam=ablnk
1500 ndex=madr-iaddr
1501 if( anam=aptr(ndex)
1502 jptr=0
1503 if ( jptr=istack(lorg+madr)
1504 write (6,11) i,morg,msiz,muse,jptr,madr,anam
1505 11 format(13x,5i7,3x,z7,'z',1x,a6)
1506 ltab1=ltab1+ntab
1507 20 continue
1508 write (6,21)
1509 21 format(1h0,24x,'end of allocation map'/)
1510 return
1511 end
1512 subroutine memory
1513 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1514 common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl,
1515 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4,
1516 2 nwd8,nwd16
1517 if(icore.le.maxmem) go to 10
1518 memerr=4
1519 return
1520 10 continue
1521 return
1522 end
1523 subroutine magphs(cvar,xmag,xphs)
1524 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1526c this routine computes the magnitude and phase of its complex arg-
1527c ument cvar, storing the results in xmag and xphs.
1529 common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok,
1530 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox
1531 complex*16 cvar
1534 xreal=dreal(cvar)
1535 ximag=dimag(cvar)
1536 xmag=dsqrt(xreal*xreal+ximag*ximag)
1537 if ( go to 10
1538 xmag=1.0d-20
1539 xphs=0.0d0
1540 return
1541 10 xphs=rad*datan2(ximag,xreal)
1542 return
1543 end
1544 integer function xxor(a,b)
1545 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1547c this routine computes a single-precision integer result which is
1548c the result of exclusive-or*ing the two real-valued arguments a and b
1549c together.
1551 xxor=1
1552 if(a.eq.b) xxor=0
1553 return
1554 end
1555 subroutine outnam(loc,ktype,string,ipos)
1556 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1558c this routine constructs the 'name' for the output variable indi-
1559c cated by loc, adding the characters to the character array 'string',
1560c beginning with the position marked by ipos.
1562 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
1563 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
1564 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
1565 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
1566 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
1567 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
1568 common /blank/ value(50000)
1569 integer nodplc(64)
1570 complex*16 cvalue(32)
1571 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
1573 dimension string(1)
1574 dimension aout(19),lenout(19),aopt(5),lenopt(5)
1575 data aout / 6hv , 6hvm , 6hvr , 6hvi , 6hvp ,
1576 1 6hvdb , 6hi , 6him , 6hir , 6hii ,
1577 2 6hip , 6hidb , 6honoise, 6hinoise, 6hhd2 ,
1578 1 6hhd3 , 6hdim2 , 6hsim2 , 6hdim3 /
1579 data lenout / 1,2,2,2,2,3,1,2,2,2,2,3,6,6,3,3,4,4,4 /
1580 data aopt / 5hmag , 5hreal , 5himag , 5hphase, 5hdb /
1581 data lenopt / 3,4,4,5,2 /
1582 data alprn, acomma, arprn, ablnk / 1h(, 1h,, 1h), 1h /
1585 ioutyp=nodplc(loc+5)
1586 if ( go to 10
1587 lout=ktype+ioutyp*6
1588 go to 20
1589 10 lout=ioutyp+11
1590 20 call move(string,ipos,aout(lout),1,lenout(lout))
1591 ipos=ipos+lenout(lout)
1592 if ( go to 200
1593 call move(string,ipos,alprn,1,1)
1594 ipos=ipos+1
1595 if ( go to 100
1596 node1=nodplc(loc+2)
1597 call alfnum(nodplc(junode+node1),string,ipos)
1598 node2=nodplc(loc+3)
1599 if (node2.eq.1) go to 30
1600 call move(string,ipos,acomma,1,1)
1601 ipos=ipos+1
1602 call alfnum(nodplc(junode+node2),string,ipos)
1603 30 call move(string,ipos,arprn,1,1)
1604 ipos=ipos+1
1605 go to 1000
1607 100 locv=nodplc(loc+1)
1608 anam=value(locv)
1609 achar=ablnk
1610 do 110 i=1,8
1611 call move(achar,1,anam,i,1)
1612 if (achar.eq.ablnk) go to 120
1613 call move(string,ipos,achar,1,1)
1614 ipos=ipos+1
1615 110 continue
1616 120 call move(string,ipos,arprn,1,1)
1617 ipos=ipos+1
1618 go to 1000
1620 200 if (ktype.eq.1) go to 1000
1621 call move(string,ipos,alprn,1,1)
1622 ipos=ipos+1
1623 call move(string,ipos,aopt(ktype-1),1,lenopt(ktype-1))
1624 ipos=ipos+lenopt(ktype-1)
1625 call move(string,ipos,arprn,1,1)
1626 ipos=ipos+1
1628c finished
1630 1000 return
1631 end
1632 subroutine alfnum(number,string,ipos)
1633 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1635c this routine converts number into character form, storing the
1636c characters in the character array string, beginning with the position
1637c indicated by ipos.
1639c **** note that the 'ipos' variable is changed to indicate the position
1640c of the next unwritten character. this could clobber constants if
1641c ipos is not a variable in the calling program
1643 dimension string(1)
1644 dimension adigit(10)
1645 data adigit / 1h0,1h1,1h2,1h3,1h4,1h5,1h6,1h7,1h8,1h9 /
1646 data aminus / 1h- /
1649 num=number
1651c check for number < 0
1653 if ( go to 10
1654 num=-num
1655c... negative number: insert minus sign
1656 call move(string,ipos,aminus,1,1)
1657 ipos=ipos+1
1659c convert number one digit at a time, in reverse order
1661 10 istart=ipos
1662 20 numtmp=num/10
1663 idigit=num-numtmp*10
1664 call move(string,ipos,adigit(idigit+1),1,1)
1665 ipos=ipos+1
1666 num=numtmp
1667 if ( go to 20
1668 istop=ipos-1
1670c now reverse the order of the digits
1672 30 if (istop.le.istart) go to 40
1673 call move(tmpdgt,1,string,istart,1)
1674 call move(string,istart,string,istop,1)
1675 call move(string,istop,tmpdgt,1,1)
1676 istart=istart+1
1677 istop=istop-1
1678 go to 30
1680c conversion complete
1682 40 return
1683 end
1684 subroutine getcje
1685 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1686 common /cje/ maxtim,itime,icost
1687 call second(xtime)
1688 itime=xtime
1689 icost=xtime*38.3333
1690 return
1691 end
1692 subroutine move(a,iposa,b,iposb,nchar)
1693 character a(1),b(1)
1694 do 10 i=1,nchar
1695 a(iposa+i-1)=b(iposb+i-1)
1696 10 continue
1697 return
1698 end
1699 subroutine copy4(ifrom,ito,nwords)
1700 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1702 dimension ifrom(1),ito(1)
1703c this routine copies a block of #nwords# words (of the appropriate
1704c type) from the array #from# to the array #to#. it determines from
1705c which end of the block to transfer first, to prevent over-stores which
1706c might over-write the data.
1708 if (nwords.eq.0) return
1709 if (locf(ifrom(1)).lt.locf(ito(1))) go to 20
1710c... locf() returns as its value the address of its argument
1711 do 10 i=1,nwords
1712 ito(i)=ifrom(i)
1713 10 continue
1714 return
1716 20 i=nwords
1717 30 ito(i)=ifrom(i)
1718 i=i-1
1719 if ( go to 30
1720 return
1723 end
1724 subroutine copy8(rfrom,rto,nwords)
1725 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1727 dimension rfrom(1),rto(1)
1728 if (nwords.eq.0) return
1729 if (locf(rfrom(1)).lt.locf(rto(1))) go to 120
1730 do 110 i=1,nwords
1731 rto(i)=rfrom(i)
1732 110 continue
1733 return
1735 120 i=nwords
1736 130 rto(i)=rfrom(i)
1737 i=i-1
1738 if ( go to 130
1739 return
1742 end
1743 subroutine copy16(cfrom,cto,nwords)
1744 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1746 complex*16 cfrom(1),cto(1)
1747 if (nwords.eq.0) return
1748 if (locf(cfrom(1)).lt.locf(cto(1))) go to 220
1749 do 210 i=1,nwords
1750 cto(i)=cfrom(i)
1751 210 continue
1752 return
1754 220 i=nwords
1755 230 cto(i)=cfrom(i)
1756 i=i-1
1757 if ( go to 230
1758 return
1759 end
1760 subroutine zero4(iarray,length)
1761 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1763 dimension iarray(1)
1764c this routine zeroes the memory locations indicated by array(1)
1765c through array(length).
1767 if (length.eq.0) return
1768 do 10 i=1,length
1769 iarray(i)=0
1770 10 continue
1771 return
1772 end
1773 subroutine zero8(array,length)
1774 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1776 dimension array(1)
1777c this routine zeroes the memory locations indicated by array(1)
1778c through array(length).
1780 if (length.eq.0) return
1781 do 10 i=1,length
1782 array(i)=0.0d0
1783 10 continue
1784 return
1785 end
1786 subroutine zero16(carray,length)
1787 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1788 complex*16 carray(1)
1790c this routine zeroes the memory locations indicated by array(1)
1791c through array(length).
1793 if (length.eq.0) return
1794 do 10 i=1,length
1795 carray(i)=dcmplx(0.0d0,0.0d0)
1796 10 continue
1797 return
1801 end
1802 integer function locf(ivar)
1803 iabsa=loc(ivar)
1804 locf=iabsa/4
1805 if(iabsa.eq.locf*4) return
1806 write(6,100) iabsa
1807 100 format('0*error*: system 370 error..address ',t10,
1808 1 ' is not on a 4-byte boundary')
1809 stop
1810 end
1811 subroutine mdate(anam)
1812 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1813 call date(anam)
1814 return
1815 end
1816 subroutine mclock(anam)
1817 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1818 call todalf(anam)
1819 100 return
1820 end
1821 subroutine second(t1)
1822 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1823 dimension ibuff(4)
1824 real*8 t1
1825 call times (ibuff)
1826 t1 = dfloat (ibuff(1)) / 60.d0
1827 return
1828 end
1829 subroutine todalf(anam)
1830 double precision anam
1831 anam=0.0d0
1832 return
1833 end
1834 double precision function cpusec(time)
1835 cpusec=0.0d0
1836 return
1837 end
1838 subroutine date(anam)
1839 double precision anam
1840 anam=1.0d0
1841 return
1842 end
1844 COMPLEX*16 X
1845 DREAL = REAL (X)
1847 END
1848cunix FUNCTION DIMAG ( X )
1849cunix COMPLEX*16 X
1850cunix DIMAG = AIMAG (X)
1851cunix RETURN
1852cunix END
1854cunix DCMPLX = CMPLX ( X , Y )
1855cunix RETURN
1856cunix END
1858cunix COMPLEX*16 X
1859cunix DCONJG = CONJG ( X )
1860cunix RETURN
1861cunix END
1863 IFIXD = IFIX ( X )
1865 END