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[unix-history] / usr / src / old / yacc / yaccnews
2A new version of Yacc has been installed which contains some new
3features relating to error recovery, detection of funny conditions in the
4grammar, and strong typing. Existing grammars should continue to work,
5with the possible exception of somewhat better error recovery behavior.
6More details follow:
8*** Ratfor and EFL Yacc are dead. Long live C!
10*** The file now uses the # line feature to reflect
11 most error conditions in actions, etc., back to the yacc source
12 file, rather than the file. As always with such features,
13 lookahead may cause the line number to be one too large
14 occasionally.
16*** The error recovery algorithm has been changed to cause the
17 parser never to reduce on a state where there is a shift
18 on the special token `error'. This has the effect of causing
19 the error recovery action to take place somewhat closer to the
20 location of the error than previously. It does not affect the
21 behavior of the parser in the absence of errors. The parse
22 tables may be 1-2% larger as a result of this change.
24*** Yacc now detects the existence of nonterminals in the grammar
25 which can never derive any strings of tokens (even the empty string).
26 The simplest example is the grammar:
27 %%
28 s : s 'a' ;
29 Here, one must reduce `s' in order to reduce `s': the
30 parser would always report error. If such nonterminals are
31 present, Yacc reports all such, then terminates.
33*** There is a new reserved word, %start. When used in the declarations
34 section, it may be used to declare the start symbol of the grammar.
35 If %start does not appear, the start symbol is, as at present, the
36 first nonterminal symbol encountered.
38*** Yacc produced parsers are notorious for producing many many
39 comments from lint. The problem is the value stack of the
40 parser, which typically may contain integers, pointers, and
41 possibly even floating point, etc., values. The lack
42 of tight specification of this stack leads to potential
43 nonportability, and considerable loss of the diagnostic power
44 of lint. Thus, some new features have been added which make use
45 of the new structure and union facilities of C. In effect,
46 the user of Yacc may `honestly' declare the value stack, as
47 well as the lexical interface variable, yylval, to be unions
48 of all the types desired. Yacc will keep track of the types
49 declared for all terminals and nonterminals, and automatically
50 insert the appropriate union tag for all constructions such
51 as $1, $$, etc. It is up to the user to supply the appropriate
52 union declaration, and to declare the type of all the terminal
53 and nonterminal symbols which will have values. If the type
54 declaration feature is used at all, it must be used correctly;
55 if it is not used, the default values are integers, as at present.
56 The new type declaration features are described below:
58*** There is a new keyword, %union. A construction such as
59 %union {
60 int inttag;
61 float floattag;
62 struct mumble *ptrtag;
63 }
64 can be used, in the declarations section, to declare
65 the type of the yacc stack. The declaration is
66 effectively copied to the file, and, if the -d
67 option is present, to the file as well. The
68 declaration is used to declare the typedef YYSTYPE, which is the
69 type of the value stack. If the -d option is present,
70 the declaration
71 extern YYSTYPE yylval;
72 is also placed onto the file. Note that the lexical
73 analyzer must be changed to use the appropriate union tag when
74 assigning values. It is not necessary that the %union
75 mechanism be used, as long as there is a union type YYSTYPE
76 defined in the declarations section.
78*** The %token, %left, %right, and %nonassoc declarations now
79 accept a union tag, enclosed in angle brackets (<...>), immediately
80 after the keyword. All tokens mentioned in that declaration are
81 taken to have the appropriate type.
83*** There is a new keyword, %type, also followed by a union tag
84 in angle brackets, which may be used in the declarations section to
85 declare nonterminal symbols to have a particular type.
87 In both cases, whenever a $$ or $n is encountered in an action,
88 the appropriate union tag is supplied by Yacc. Once any type is
89 declared, it is an error to use a $$ or $n whose type is unknown.
90 It is also illegal to have a grammar rule whose LHS has a type,
91 but the rule has no action and the default action { $$ = $1; }
92 would be inapplicable because $1 had a different type.
94*** There are occasional times when the type of something is
95 not known (for example, when an action within a rule returns a
96 value). In this case, the $$ and $n syntax is extended
97 to permit the declaration of the type: the syntax is
98 $<tag>$
99 and
100 $<tag>n
101 respectively. This rather strange syntax is necessitated by the
102 need to distinguish the <> surrounding the tag from the < and >
103 operators of C in the action. It is anticipated that the usage
104 will be rare.
106*** As always, report gripes, bugs, suggestions to SCJ ***
109A newer version of Yacc has been installed which copies the actions directly
110into the parser, rather than gathering them into a separate routine.
111The advantages include
1121. It's faster
1132. You can return a value from yyparse (and stop parsing...) by
114 saying `return(x);' in an action
1153. There are macros which simulate various interesting parsing
116 actions:
117 YYERROR causes the parser to behave as if a syntax
118 error had been encountered (i.e., do error recovery)
119 YYACCEPT causes a return from yyparse with a value of 0
120 YYABORT causes a return from yyparse with a value of 1
122The repositioning of the actions may cause scope problems
123for some people who include lexical analyzers in funny places.
124This can probably be avoided by using another
125new feature: the `-d' option.
126Invoking Yacc with the -d option causes the #defines
127generated by Yacc to be written out onto a file
128called "". This can then be included as desired
129in lexical analyzers, etc.
132A new version of Yacc has been installed which permits actions within
133rules. For such actions, $$ and $1, $2, etc. continue to have their
134usual meanings. An error message is returned if any $n refers to
135a value lying to the right of the action in the rule.
137These internal actions are assumed to return a value, which is accessed
138through the $n mechanism.
140In the y.output file, the actions are referred to by created nonterminal
141names of the form $$nnn.
143All actions within rules are assumed to be distinct. If some actions
144are the same, Yacc might report reduce/reduce conflicts which could
145be resolved by explicitly identifying identical actions; does anyone
146have a good idea for a syntax to do this?
148In the new Yacc, the = sign may now be omitted in action constructions
149of the form ={ ... }