BSD 4_3 development
[unix-history] / usr / lib / lisp / loop.l
1(setq rcs-loop-
2 "$Header: /usr/lib/lisp/loop.l,v 1.1 83/01/29 18:38:49 jkf Exp $")
4;;; LOOP -*- Mode:LISP; Package:System-Internals; Base:8; Lowercase:T -*-
5;;; **********************************************************************
6;;; ****** Universal ******** LOOP Iteration Macro ***********************
7;;; **********************************************************************
9;;; ******** THIS IS A READ-ONLY FILE! (ALL WRITES RESERVED) *************
10;;; **********************************************************************
12;;;; LOOP Iteration Macro
14;The master copy of this file is on ML:LSB1;LOOP >
15;The current Lisp machine copy is on AI:LISPM2;LOOP >
16;The FASL and QFASL should also be accessible from LIBLSP; on all machines.
17;(Is this necessary anymore? LOOP is now in the Lisp Machine system and
18; is accessible on LISP; and distributed with PDP10 Maclisp.)
19;Duplicate source is usually also maintained on MC:LSB1;LOOP >
20;Printed documentation is available as MIT-LCS Technical Memo 169,
21; "LOOP Iteration Macro", from:
22; Publications
23; MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
24; 545 Technology Square
25; Cambridge, MA 02139
26; the text of which appears in only slightly modified form in the Lisp
27; Machine manual.
29; Bugs/complaints/suggestions/solicitations-for-documentation to BUG-LOOP
30; at any ITS site (MIT-ML preferred).
33; **********************************************************************
34; *************************** NOTE WELL ********************************
35; **********************************************************************
36;Incremental compiling of things in this file will generate wrong code
37; unless you first evaluate the 'feature' stuff on the next page
38; ("readtime environment setup"). (This mainly of Lispm interest.)
39;This source sincerely believes that it can run compatibly, WITHOUT ANY
40; TEXTUAL MODIFICATIONS AT ALL, in PDP-10 Maclisp, Multics Maclisp, Lisp
41; Machine Lisp (Zetalisp), VAX NIL, and Franz Lisp. PLEASE do not make
42; changes to this file (the master copy) if you are in any way unsure
43; of the implications in a dialect you are not very familiar with; let
44; a LOOP maintainer take the responsibility for breaking the master copy
45; and maintaining some semblance of sanity among the disparities. Note
46; in particular that LOOP also runs in the PDP10 Maclisp -> Vax NIL
47; cross-compiler; that environment requires LOOP to produce code which
48; can at the same time be interpreted in Maclisp, and compiled for NIL.
51; Bootstrap up our basic primitive environment.
52; This includes backquote, sharpsign, defmacro, let.
54(eval-when (eval compile)
55 (cond ((status feature Multics)
56 (defun include-for-multics macro (x)
57 (cons '%include (cdr x))))
58 ('t #-Franz (macro include-for-multics (x) ())
59 #+Franz (defmacro include-for-multics (x) nil))))
61(include-for-multics lisp_prelude)
62(include-for-multics lisp_dcls)
64#+Franz (environment-maclisp)
67;;;; Readtime Environment Setup
69;Now set up the readtime conditionalization environment. This won't work
70; in any compiler that reads the whole file before compiling anything.
71; It is a good idea to pretend that case matters in ALL contexts.
72; This is in fact true in Franz at the present. Case matters to Multics
73; in symbols, except for <frob> in (status feature <frob>).
74(eval-when (eval compile)
75 #+NIL (progn
76 (defmacro loop-featurep (f)
77 `(featurep ',f target-features))
78 (defmacro loop-nofeaturep (f)
79 `(nofeaturep ',f target-features))
80 (defmacro loop-set-feature (f)
81 `(set-feature ',f target-features))
82 (defmacro loop-set-nofeature (f)
83 `(set-nofeature ',f target-features))
84 )
85 #-NIL (progn
86 (defmacro loop-featurep (f)
87 `(status feature ,f))
88 (defmacro loop-nofeaturep (f)
89 ; Multics doesn't have (status nofeature)...
90 `(not (status feature ,f)))
91 (defmacro loop-set-feature (f)
92 `(sstatus feature ,f))
93 (defmacro loop-set-nofeature (f)
94 ; Does this work on Multics??? I think not but we don't use.
95 `(sstatus nofeature ,f))
96 )
97 ;Note: NEVER in this file is "PDP-10" a valid feature or substring of
98 ; a feature. It is NEVER hyphenated. Keep it that way. (This because
99 ; of continuous lossage with not setting up one or the other of the
100 ; hyphenated/non-hyphenated one.)
101 (cond ((and (loop-featurep PDP10)
102 (loop-featurep NILAID))
103 ;Compiling a PDP10 -> NIL cross-compiling LOOP.
104 ; We check the PDP10 feature first sort of gratuitously so that
105 ; other implementations don't think we are asking about an undefined
106 ; feature name. (Vax-NIL specifically.)
107 (loop-set-feature For-NIL)
108 (loop-set-nofeature For-Maclisp)
109 (loop-set-nofeature For-PDP10)
110 (loop-set-feature Run-in-Maclisp)
111 (loop-set-feature Run-on-PDP10)
112 (loop-set-nofeature Franz))
113 ((and (loop-featurep Maclisp) (loop-nofeaturep For-NIL))
114 ; Standard in-Maclisp for-Maclisp.
115 (loop-set-feature For-Maclisp)
116 (loop-set-feature Run-In-Maclisp)
117 (cond ((loop-nofeaturep Multics)
118 (loop-set-feature For-PDP10)
119 (loop-set-feature PDP10)
120 (loop-set-feature Run-on-PDP10))))
121 ((loop-featurep NIL)
122 ; Real NIL
123 (loop-set-nofeature PDP10)
124 (loop-set-nofeature Multics)
125 (loop-set-nofeature Run-on-PDP10)
126 (loop-set-nofeature For-PDP10)
127 (loop-set-nofeature Run-In-Maclisp)
128 (loop-set-nofeature For-Maclisp))
129 ((loop-featurep Lispm))
130 ((loop-featurep franz)
131 ;The "natural" case of features in franz is all lower.
132 ; Since that is unlike the others used in here, we synonymize
133 ; the obvious other choice.
134 (loop-set-feature Franz))
135 ('t (break loop-implementation-unknown)))
136 (cond ((or (loop-featurep Lispm) (loop-featurep For-PDP10))
137 (loop-set-feature Hairy-Collection))
138 ('t (loop-set-nofeature Hairy-Collection)))
139 (cond ((or (loop-featurep For-NIL) (loop-featurep For-PDP10))
140 (loop-set-feature System-Destructuring))
141 ('t (loop-set-nofeature System-Destructuring)))
142 (cond ((or (loop-featurep For-NIL) (loop-featurep Lispm))
143 (loop-set-feature Named-PROGs))
144 ('t (loop-set-nofeature Named-PROGs)))
145 ;In the following two features, "Local" means the Lisp LOOP will be
146 ; running in, not the one it is being compiled in. "Targeted" means
147 ; the Lisp it will be producing code for. (All from the point of view
148 ; of the running LOOP, you see.)
149 (cond ((or (loop-featurep For-NIL) (loop-featurep Lispm))
150 (loop-set-feature Targeted-Lisp-has-Packages))
151 ('t (loop-set-nofeature Targeted-Lisp-has-Packages)))
152 (cond ((or (loop-featurep Franz) (loop-featurep Run-in-Maclisp))
153 (loop-set-nofeature Local-Lisp-has-Packages))
154 ('t (loop-set-feature Local-Lisp-has-Packages)))
155 (cond ((loop-featurep For-NIL) (loop-set-feature Vector-Destructuring))
156 ('t (loop-set-nofeature Vector-Destructuring)))
157 ;Meaningful-Type-Declarations means that the declarations are (1)
158 ; implemented by the compiler and (2) used for something.
159 ; Assume minimally maclisp-like FIXNUM and FLONUM dcls, for local
160 ; variables or function results.
161 (cond ((loop-featurep Run-in-Maclisp)
162 (loop-set-feature Meaningful-Type-Declarations))
163 ('t (loop-set-nofeature Meaningful-Type-Declarations)))
164 ;Hair for 3600 cross-compilation?
165 (cond ((and (loop-featurep Lispm) (not (loop-featurep 3600.)))
166 (loop-set-feature Loop-Small-Floatp))
167 ('t (loop-set-nofeature Loop-Small-Floatp)))
168 ; -> insert more conditionals here <-
169 ())
172(eval-when (eval compile)
173 (setsyntax #// 143.) ; Make slash be slash
174 (setsyntax #/\ 2.) ; make backslash alphabetic
175 )
179(eval-when (compile)
180 ;Note this hack used when compiled only.
181 ;Its purpose in life is to save a bit of space in the load-time environment,
182 ; since loop doesn't actually need the PDP10 Maclisp doublequoted crocks
183 ; to remember their origin as "strings".
184 (setsyntax #/" 'macro
185 '(lambda ()
186 (do ((ch (tyi) (tyi)) (l () (cons ch l)))
187 ((= ch #/")
188 (list squid (list 'quote (implode (nreverse l)))))
189 (and (= ch #//) (setq ch (tyi)))))))
192;;;; Other basic header stuff
195; Following isn't needed on Lispm, as loop is installed there (ie, these
196; symbols are already in GLOBAL).
197#+(and Targeted-Lisp-has-Packages (not Lispm))
198(mapc 'globalize
199 '("LOOP" ; Major macro
200 "LOOP-FINISH" ; Handy macro
202 "DEFINE-LOOP-PATH" ; for users to define paths
204 ))
206#+(or For-NIL For-PDP10)
207(herald LOOP)
210;;;; Macro Environment Setup
212;Wrapper for putting around DEFMACRO etc. forms to determine whether
213; they are defined in the compiled output file or not. (It is assumed
214; that DEFMACRO forms will be.) Making loop-macro-progn output for loading
215; is convenient if loop will have incremental-recompilation done on it.
216; (Note, of course, that the readtime environment is NOT set up.)
219(defmacro loop-macro-progn (&rest forms)
220 `(progn 'compile ,@forms))
222(eval-when (eval compile)
223 (defmacro loop-macro-progn (&rest forms)
224 `(eval-when (eval compile) ,@forms)))
227; Hack up the stuff for data-types. DATA-TYPE? will always be a macro
228; so that it will not require the data-type package at run time if
229; all uses of the other routines are conditionalized upon that value.
230(eval-when (eval compile)
231 ; Crock for DATA-TYPE? derives from DTDCL. We just copy it rather
232 ; than load it in, which requires knowing where it comes from (sigh).
233 ;
234 #-Local-Lisp-has-Packages
235 (defmacro data-type? (x) `(get ,x ':data-type))
236 #+Local-Lisp-has-Packages
237 (defmacro data-type? (frob)
238 (let ((foo (gensym)))
239 `((lambda (,foo)
240 ; NIL croaks if () given to GET...
241 (and #+NIL (symbolp ,foo) #-NIL 't
242 (or (get ,foo ':data-type)
243 (and (setq ,foo (intern-soft (get-pname ,foo) ""))
244 (get ,foo ':data-type)))))
245 ,frob))))
247(declare (*lexpr variable-declarations)
248 ; Multics defaults to free-functional-variable since it is declared
249 ; special & used as function before it is defined:
250 (*expr loop-when-it-variable)
251 (*expr initial-value primitive-type)
252 #+(or Maclisp Franz) (macros t) ; Defmacro dependency
253 #+Run-in-Maclisp
254 (muzzled t) ; I know what i'm doing
255 )
258(declare (mapex ())
259 (genprefix loop/|-)
260 (special squid)
261 #+(and Run-in-Maclisp For-NIL) ; patch it up
262 (*expr stringp vectorp vref vector-length)
263 )
267 #+Lispm (setq open-code-map-switch t)
268 #+Run-in-Maclisp (mapex t)
269 #+Run-in-Maclisp (genprefix loop-iteration/|-))
272(mapc '(lambda (x)
273 (or (getl x '(subr lsubr fsubr macro fexpr expr autoload))
274 ; This dtdcl will sort of work for NIL code generation,
275 ; if declarations will ignored.
276 (putprop x '((lisp) dtdcl fasl) 'autoload)))
277 '(data-type? variable-declarations initial-value primitive-type))
280 (defmacro loop-copylist* (l)
281 #+Lispm `(copylist* ,l)
282 #-Lispm `(append ,l ())))
285;;;; Random Macros
287; Error macro. Note that in the PDP10 version we call LOOP-DIE rather
288; than ERROR -- there are so many occurences of it in this source that
289; it is worth breaking off that function, since calling the lsubr ERROR
290; takes more inline code.
292 (defmacro loop-simple-error (unquoted-message &optional (datum () datump))
293 #+(and Run-In-Maclisp (not Multics))
294 (progn (cond ((symbolp unquoted-message))
295 ((and (not (atom unquoted-message))
296 compiler-state
297 (eq (car unquoted-message) squid)
298 (not (atom (setq unquoted-message
299 (cadr unquoted-message))))
300 (eq (car unquoted-message) 'quote)
301 (symbolp (cadr unquoted-message)))
302 (setq unquoted-message (cadr unquoted-message)))
303 ('t (error '|Uloze -- LOOP-SIMPLE-ERROR|
304 (list 'loop-simple-error
305 unquoted-message datum))))
306 (cond (datump `(loop-die ',unquoted-message ,datum))
307 ('t `(error ',unquoted-message))))
308 #+(or Franz Multics)
309 (progn (or (memq (typep unquoted-message) '(string symbol))
310 (error '|Uloze -- | (list 'loop-simple-error
311 unquoted-message datum)))
312 `(error ,(let ((l (list "lisp: " unquoted-message
313 (if datump " -- " ""))))
314 #+Franz (get_pname (apply 'uconcat l))
315 #-Franz (apply 'catenate l))
316 . ,(and datump (list datum))))
317 #-(or Run-In-Maclisp Franz)
318 `(ferror () ,(if datump (string-append "~S " unquoted-message)
319 unquoted-message)
320 . ,(and datump (list datum)))))
323#+(and Run-in-Maclisp (not Multics))
324(defun loop-die (arg1 arg2)
325 (error arg1 arg2))
328; This is a KLUDGE. But it apparently saves an average of two inline
329; instructions per call in the PDP10 version... The ACS prop is
330; fairly gratuitous.
333(progn 'compile
334 (lap-a-list
335 '((lap loop-pop-source subr)
336 (args loop-pop-source (() . 0))
337 (hlrz a @ (special loop-source-code))
338 (hrrz b @ (special loop-source-code))
339 (movem b (special loop-source-code))
340 (popj p)
341 nil))
342 (eval-when (compile)
343 (defprop loop-pop-source 2 acs)
344 ))
348 (defmacro loop-pop-source () '(pop loop-source-code)))
351 (defmacro object-that-cares-p (x)
352 #+Lispm `(listp ,x)
353 #+(or NIL PDP10) `(pairp ,x)
354 #-(or Lispm NIL PDP10) `(eq (typep ,x) 'list)))
357;;;; Variable defining macros
359;There is some confusion among lisps as to whether or not a file containing
360; a DEFVAR will declare the variable when the compiled file is loaded
361; into a compiler. LOOP assumes that DEFVAR does so (this is needed for
362; various user-accessible variables). DEFIVAR is for "private" variables.
363; Note that this is moot for Lispm due to incremental-recompilation support
364; anyway.
365;Multics lcp has some bug whereby DECLARE and (EVAL-WHEN (COMPILE) ...)
366; don't get hacked properly inside of more than one level of
367; (PROGN 'COMPILE ...). Thus we hack around DEFVAR and DEFIVAR to bypass
368; this lossage.
369;Franz DEFVAR does not make the declaration on loading, so we redefine it.
371#+(or Multics Franz)
373 (defmacro defvar (name &optional (init nil initp) documentation
374 &aux (dclform `(and #+Franz (getd 'special)
375 #-Franz (status feature compiler)
376 (special ,name))))
377 ; For some obscure reason, (DECLARE ...) doesn't take effect within 2
378 ; (PROGN 'COMPILE ...)s, but (EVAL-WHEN (COMPILE) ...) does, on Multics.
379 (eval dclform) ; sigh
380 (cond ((not initp) dclform)
381 (t `(progn 'compile
382 ,dclform
383 (or (boundp ',name) (setq ,name ,init)))))))
386 ; A DEFVAR alternative - "DEFine Internal VARiable".
387 (defmacro defivar (name &optional (init () initp))
388 ; The Lispm choice here is based on likelihood of incremental compilation.
389 #+Lispm `(defvar ,name ,@(and initp `(,init)))
390 #+Multics (progn (apply 'special (list name))
391 (if initp `(or (boundp ',name) (setq ,name ,init))
392 `(progn 'compile)))
393 #-(or Lispm Multics)
394 `(progn 'compile
395 (declare (special ,name))
396 . ,(and initp `((or (boundp ',name) (setq ,name ,init)))))))
399;Defconst is like defvar but always initializes.
400; It happens in this case that we really don't care about the global
401; declaration on loading, so actually treat it more like DEFIVAR.
402; (This is now in Multics and PDP10 Maclisp, thanks to Maclisp Extensions
403; Manual.)
405 (defmacro defconst (name init &optional documentation)
406 `(progn 'compile (declare (special ,name)) (setq ,name ,init))))
410;;;; Setq Hackery
412; Note: LOOP-MAKE-PSETQ is NOT flushable depending on the existence
413; of PSETQ, unless PSETQ handles destructuring. Even then it is
414; preferable for the code LOOP produces to not contain intermediate
415; macros, especially in the PDP10 version.
417(defun loop-make-psetq (frobs)
418 (and frobs
419 (loop-make-setq
420 (list (car frobs)
421 (if (null (cddr frobs)) (cadr frobs)
422 `(prog1 ,(cadr frobs)
423 ,(loop-make-psetq (cddr frobs))))))))
426(progn 'compile
428(defvar si:loop-use-system-destructuring?
429 ())
431(defivar loop-desetq-temporary)
433; Do we want this??? It is, admittedly, useful...
434;(defmacro loop-desetq (&rest x)
435; (let ((loop-desetq-temporary ()))
436; (let ((setq-form (loop-make-desetq x)))
437; (if loop-desetq-temporary
438; `((lambda (,loop-desetq-temporary) ,setq-form) ())
439; setq-form))))
442(defun loop-make-desetq (x)
443 (if si:loop-use-system-destructuring?
444 (cons (do ((l x (cddr l))) ((null l) 'setq)
445 (or (and (not (null (car l))) (symbolp (car l)))
446 (return 'desetq)))
447 x)
448 (do ((x x (cddr x)) (r ()) (var) (val))
449 ((null x) (and r (cons 'setq r)))
450 (setq var (car x) val (cadr x))
451 (cond ((and (not (atom var))
452 (not (atom val))
453 (not (and (memq (car val)
454 '(car cdr cadr cddr caar cdar))
455 (atom (cadr val)))))
456 (setq x (list* (or loop-desetq-temporary
457 (setq loop-desetq-temporary (gensym)))
458 val var loop-desetq-temporary (cddr x)))))
459 (setq r (nconc r (loop-desetq-internal (car x) (cadr x)))))))
461(defun loop-desetq-internal (var val)
462 (cond ((null var) ())
463 ((atom var) (list var val))
464 ('t (nconc (loop-desetq-internal (car var) `(car ,val))
465 (loop-desetq-internal (cdr var) `(cdr ,val))))))
466); End desetq hackery for #-System-Destructuring
469(defun loop-make-setq (pairs)
470 (and pairs
471 #-System-Destructuring
472 (loop-make-desetq pairs)
473 #+System-Destructuring
474 (cons (do ((l pairs (cddr l))) ((null l) 'setq)
475 (or (and (car l) (symbolp (car l))) (return 'desetq)))
476 pairs)))
479(defconst loop-keyword-alist ;clause introducers
480 '(
481 #+Named-PROGs
482 (named loop-do-named)
483 (initially loop-do-initially)
484 (finally loop-do-finally)
485 (nodeclare loop-nodeclare)
486 (do loop-do-do)
487 (doing loop-do-do)
488 (return loop-do-return)
489 (collect loop-do-collect list)
490 (collecting loop-do-collect list)
491 (append loop-do-collect append)
492 (appending loop-do-collect append)
493 (nconc loop-do-collect nconc)
494 (nconcing loop-do-collect nconc)
495 (count loop-do-collect count)
496 (counting loop-do-collect count)
497 (sum loop-do-collect sum)
498 (summing loop-do-collect sum)
499 (maximize loop-do-collect max)
500 (minimize loop-do-collect min)
501 (always loop-do-always or)
502 (never loop-do-always and)
503 (thereis loop-do-thereis)
504 (while loop-do-while or while)
505 (until loop-do-while and until)
506 (when loop-do-when ())
507 (if loop-do-when ())
508 (unless loop-do-when t)
509 (with loop-do-with)))
512(defconst loop-iteration-keyword-alist
513 `((for loop-do-for)
514 (as loop-do-for)
515 (repeat loop-do-repeat)))
518(defconst loop-for-keyword-alist ;Types of FOR
519 '( (= loop-for-equals)
520 (first loop-for-first)
521 (in loop-list-stepper car)
522 (on loop-list-stepper ())
523 (from loop-for-arithmetic from)
524 (downfrom loop-for-arithmetic downfrom)
525 (upfrom loop-for-arithmetic upfrom)
526 (below loop-for-arithmetic below)
527 (to loop-for-arithmetic to)
528 (being loop-for-being)))
531(defivar loop-prog-names)
533(defvar loop-path-keyword-alist ()) ; PATH functions
534(defivar loop-named-variables) ; see SI:LOOP-NAMED-VARIABLE
535(defivar loop-collection-crocks) ; see LOOP-DO-COLLECT etc
536(defivar loop-variables) ;Variables local to the loop
537(defivar loop-declarations) ; Local dcls for above
538(defivar loop-nodeclare) ; but don't declare these
539(defivar loop-variable-stack)
540(defivar loop-declaration-stack)
542(defivar loop-desetq-crocks) ; see loop-make-variable
544(defivar loop-desetq-stack) ; and loop-translate-1
545(defivar loop-prologue) ;List of forms in reverse order
546(defivar loop-before-loop)
547(defivar loop-body) ;..
548(defivar loop-after-body) ;.. for FOR steppers
549(defivar loop-epilogue) ;..
550(defivar loop-after-epilogue) ;So COLLECT's RETURN comes after FINALLY
551(defivar loop-conditionals) ;If non-NIL, condition for next form in body
552 ;The above is actually a list of entries of the form
553 ;(cond (condition forms...))
554 ;When it is output, each successive condition will get
555 ;nested inside the previous one, but it is not built up
556 ;that way because you wouldn't be able to tell a WHEN-generated
557 ;COND from a user-generated COND.
558 ;When ELSE is used, each cond can get a second clause
560(defivar loop-when-it-variable) ;See LOOP-DO-WHEN
561(defivar loop-never-stepped-variable) ; see LOOP-FOR-FIRST
562(defivar loop-emitted-body?) ; see LOOP-EMIT-BODY,
563 ; and LOOP-DO-FOR
564(defivar loop-iteration-variables) ; LOOP-MAKE-ITERATION-VARIABLE
565(defivar loop-iteration-variablep) ; ditto
566(defivar loop-collect-cruft) ; for multiple COLLECTs (etc)
567(defivar loop-source-code)
568(defvar loop-duplicate-code ()) ; see LOOP-OPTIMIZE-DUPLICATED-CODE-ETC
571;;;; Token Hackery
573;Compare two "tokens". The first is the frob out of LOOP-SOURCE-CODE,
574;the second a symbol to check against.
576; Consider having case-independent comparison on Multics.
577#+(or Multics Franz)
578(progn 'compile
579 (defmacro si:loop-tequal (x1 x2)
580 `(eq ,x1 ,x2))
581 (defmacro si:loop-tmember (x l)
582 `(memq ,x ,l))
583 (defmacro si:loop-tassoc (x l)
584 `(assq ,x ,l)))
588(progn 'compile
589 (defun si:loop-tequal (x1 x2)
590 (and (symbolp x1) (string-equal x1 x2)))
591 (defun si:loop-tassoc (kwd alist)
592 (and (symbolp kwd) (ass #'string-equal kwd alist)))
593 (defun si:loop-tmember (kwd list)
594 (and (symbolp kwd) (mem #'string-equal kwd list))))
598(progn 'compile
599 #+For-NIL
600 (defun si:loop-tequal (x1 x2)
601 (eq x1 x2))
602 #-For-NIL
603 (progn 'compile
604 (eval-when (load compile)
605 (cond ((status feature complr)
606 ; Gross me out!
607 (setq macrolist
608 (cons '(si:loop-tequal
609 . (lambda (x) (cons 'eq (cdr x))))
610 (delq (assq 'si:loop-tequal macrolist)
611 macrolist)))
612 (*expr si:loop-tmember si:loop-tassoc))))
613 (defun si:loop-tequal (x1 x2)
614 (eq x1 x2)))
615 (defun si:loop-tmember (kwd list)
616 (memq kwd list))
617 (defun si:loop-tassoc (kwd alist)
618 (assq kwd alist))
619 )
621#+(and For-NIL (not Run-in-Maclisp))
622(progn 'compile
623 ; STRING-EQUAL only accepts strings. GET-PNAME can be open-coded
624 ; however.
625 (defun si:loop-tequal (kwd1 kwd2)
626 (and (symbolp kwd1) (string-equal (get-pname kwd1) (get-pname kwd2))))
627 (defun si:loop-tassoc (kwd alist)
628 (cond ((symbolp kwd)
629 (setq kwd (get-pname kwd))
630 (do ((l alist (cdr l))) ((null l) ())
631 (and (string-equal kwd (get-pname (caar l)))
632 (return (car l)))))))
633 (defun si:loop-tmember (token list)
634 (cond ((symbolp token)
635 (setq token (get-pname token))
636 (do ((l list (cdr l))) ((null l))
637 (and (string-equal token (get-pname (car l)))
638 (return l)))))))
641#+(or For-PDP10 For-NIL)
642(eval-when (eval compile) (setq defmacro-displace-call ()))
644(defmacro define-loop-macro (keyword)
645 (or (eq keyword 'loop)
646 (si:loop-tassoc keyword loop-keyword-alist)
647 (si:loop-tassoc keyword loop-iteration-keyword-alist)
648 (loop-simple-error "not a loop keyword - define-loop-macro" keyword))
649 (subst keyword 'keyword
650 '(eval-when (compile load eval)
651 #+(or For-NIL Run-on-PDP10)
652 (progn (flush-macromemos 'keyword ())
653 (flush-macromemos 'loop ()))
654 #-Run-in-Maclisp
655 (progn
656 #+Franz
657 (putd 'keyword
658 '(macro (macroarg) (loop-translate macroarg)))
659 #-Franz
660 (fset-carefully 'keyword '(macro . loop-translate)))
661 #+Run-in-Maclisp
662 (progn (defprop keyword loop-translate macro))
663 )))
665#+(or For-PDP10 For-NIL)
666(eval-when (eval compile) (setq defmacro-displace-call 't))
668(define-loop-macro loop)
671(defun (loop-finish macro) (form)
672 ;This definition solves two problems:
673 ; (1) wasted address space
674 ; (2) displacing of a form which might tend to be pure.
675 ; There is little point in macro-memoizing a constant anyway.
676 (and (cdr form) (loop-simple-error "Wrong number of args" form))
677 '(go end-loop))
680(defmacro loop-finish ()
681 '(go end-loop))
684(defun loop-translate (x)
685 #-(or For-NIL Run-on-PDP10) (displace x (loop-translate-1 x))
686 #+(or For-NIL Run-on-PDP10)
687 (or (macrofetch x) (macromemo x (loop-translate-1 x) 'loop)))
690(defun loop-end-testify (list-of-forms)
691 (if (null list-of-forms) ()
692 `(and ,(if (null (cdr (setq list-of-forms (nreverse list-of-forms))))
693 (car list-of-forms)
694 (cons 'or list-of-forms))
695 (go end-loop))))
697(defun loop-optimize-duplicated-code-etc (&aux before after groupa groupb a b
698 lastdiff)
699 (do ((l1 (nreverse loop-before-loop) (cdr l1))
700 (l2 (nreverse loop-after-body) (cdr l2)))
701 ((equal l1 l2)
702 (setq loop-body (nconc (delq '() l1) (nreverse loop-body))))
703 (push (car l1) before) (push (car l2) after))
704 (cond ((not (null loop-duplicate-code))
705 (setq loop-before-loop (nreverse (delq () before))
706 loop-after-body (nreverse (delq () after))))
707 ('t (setq loop-before-loop () loop-after-body ()
708 before (nreverse before) after (nreverse after))
709 (do ((bb before (cdr bb)) (aa after (cdr aa)))
710 ((null aa))
711 (cond ((not (equal (car aa) (car bb))) (setq lastdiff aa))
712 ((not (si:loop-simplep (car aa))) ;Mustn't duplicate
713 (return ()))))
714 (cond (lastdiff ;Down through lastdiff should be duplicated
715 (do () (())
716 (and (car before) (push (car before) loop-before-loop))
717 (and (car after) (push (car after) loop-after-body))
718 (setq before (cdr before) after (cdr after))
719 (and (eq after (cdr lastdiff)) (return ())))
720 (setq loop-before-loop (nreverse loop-before-loop)
721 loop-after-body (nreverse loop-after-body))))
722 (do ((bb (nreverse before) (cdr bb))
723 (aa (nreverse after) (cdr aa)))
724 ((null aa))
725 (setq a (car aa) b (car bb))
726 (cond ((and (null a) (null b)))
727 ((equal a b)
728 (loop-output-group groupb groupa)
729 (push a loop-body)
730 (setq groupb () groupa ()))
731 ('t (and a (push a groupa)) (and b (push b groupb)))))
732 (loop-output-group groupb groupa)))
733 (and loop-never-stepped-variable
734 (push `(setq ,loop-never-stepped-variable ()) loop-after-body))
735 ())
738(defun loop-output-group (before after)
739 (and (or after before)
740 (let ((v (or loop-never-stepped-variable
741 (setq loop-never-stepped-variable
742 (loop-make-variable (gensym) ''t ())))))
743 (push (cond ((not before) `(or ,v (progn . ,after)))
744 ((not after) `(and ,v (progn . ,before)))
745 ('t `(cond (,v . ,before) ('t . ,after))))
746 loop-body))))
749(defun loop-translate-1 (loop-source-code)
750 (and (eq (car loop-source-code) 'loop)
751 (setq loop-source-code (cdr loop-source-code)))
752 (do ((loop-iteration-variables ())
753 (loop-iteration-variablep ())
754 (loop-variables ())
755 (loop-nodeclare ())
756 (loop-named-variables ())
757 (loop-declarations ())
758 #-System-Destructuring
759 (loop-desetq-crocks ())
760 (loop-variable-stack ())
761 (loop-declaration-stack ())
762 #-System-destructuring
763 (loop-desetq-stack ())
764 (loop-prologue ())
765 (loop-before-loop ())
766 (loop-body ())
767 (loop-emitted-body? ())
768 (loop-after-body ())
769 (loop-epilogue ())
770 (loop-after-epilogue ())
771 (loop-conditionals ())
772 (loop-when-it-variable ())
773 (loop-never-stepped-variable ())
774 #-System-Destructuring
775 (loop-desetq-temporary ())
776 #+Named-PROGs
777 (loop-prog-names ())
778 (loop-collect-cruft ())
779 (loop-collection-crocks ())
780 (keyword)
781 (tem)
782 (progvars))
783 ((null loop-source-code)
784 (and loop-conditionals
785 (loop-simple-error "Hanging conditional in loop macro"
786 (caadar loop-conditionals)))
787 (loop-optimize-duplicated-code-etc)
788 (loop-bind-block)
789 (setq progvars loop-collection-crocks)
790 #-System-Destructuring
791 (and loop-desetq-temporary (push loop-desetq-temporary progvars))
792 (setq tem `(prog #+Named-PROGs ,.loop-prog-names
793 ,progvars
794 #+Hairy-Collection
795 ,.(do ((l loop-collection-crocks (cddr l))
796 (v () (cons `(loop-collect-init
797 ,(cadr l) ,(car l))
798 v)))
799 ((null l) v))
800 ,.(nreverse loop-prologue)
801 ,.loop-before-loop
802 next-loop
803 ,.loop-body
804 ,.loop-after-body
805 (go next-loop)
806 ; Multics complr notices when end-loop is not gone
807 ; to. So we put in a dummy go. This does not generate
808 ; extra code, at least in the simple example i tried,
809 ; but it does keep it from complaining about unused
810 ; go tag.
811 #+Multics (go end-loop)
812 end-loop
813 ,.(nreverse loop-epilogue)
814 ,.(nreverse loop-after-epilogue)))
815 (do ((vars) (dcls) #-System-Destructuring (crocks))
816 ((null loop-variable-stack))
817 (setq vars (car loop-variable-stack)
818 loop-variable-stack (cdr loop-variable-stack)
819 dcls (car loop-declaration-stack)
820 loop-declaration-stack (cdr loop-declaration-stack)
821 tem (ncons tem))
822 #-System-Destructuring
823 (and (setq crocks (pop loop-desetq-stack))
824 (push (loop-make-desetq crocks) tem))
825 (and dcls (push (cons 'declare dcls) tem))
826 (cond ((do ((l vars (cdr l))) ((null l) ())
827 (and (not (atom (car l)))
828 (or (null (caar l)) (not (symbolp (caar l))))
829 (return 't)))
830 (setq tem `(let ,(nreverse vars) ,.tem)))
831 ('t (let ((lambda-vars ()) (lambda-vals ()))
832 (do ((l vars (cdr l)) (v)) ((null l))
833 (cond ((atom (setq v (car l)))
834 (push v lambda-vars)
835 (push () lambda-vals))
836 ('t (push (car v) lambda-vars)
837 (push (cadr v) lambda-vals))))
838 (setq tem `((lambda ,lambda-vars ,.tem)
839 ,.lambda-vals))))))
840 tem)
841 (if (symbolp (setq keyword (loop-pop-source)))
842 (if (setq tem (si:loop-tassoc keyword loop-keyword-alist))
843 (apply (cadr tem) (cddr tem))
844 (if (setq tem (si:loop-tassoc
845 keyword loop-iteration-keyword-alist))
846 (loop-hack-iteration tem)
847 (if (si:loop-tmember keyword '(and else))
848 ; Alternative is to ignore it, ie let it go around to the
849 ; next keyword...
850 (loop-simple-error
851 "secondary clause misplaced at top level in LOOP macro"
852 (list keyword (car loop-source-code)
853 (cadr loop-source-code)))
854 (loop-simple-error
855 "unknown keyword in LOOP macro" keyword))))
856 (loop-simple-error
857 "found where keyword expected in LOOP macro" keyword))))
860(defun loop-bind-block ()
861 (cond ((not (null loop-variables))
862 (push loop-variables loop-variable-stack)
863 (push loop-declarations loop-declaration-stack)
864 (setq loop-variables () loop-declarations ())
865 #-System-Destructuring
866 (progn (push loop-desetq-crocks loop-desetq-stack)
867 (setq loop-desetq-crocks ())))))
870;Get FORM argument to a keyword. Read up to atom. PROGNify if necessary.
871(defun loop-get-form ()
872 (do ((forms (ncons (loop-pop-source)) (cons (loop-pop-source) forms))
873 (nextform (car loop-source-code) (car loop-source-code)))
874 ((atom nextform)
875 (if (null (cdr forms)) (car forms)
876 (cons 'progn (nreverse forms))))))
879;Note that this function is not absolutely general. For instance, in Maclisp,
880; the functions < and > can only take 2 args, whereas greaterp and lessp
881; may take any number. Also, certain of the generic functions behave
882; differently from the type-specific ones in "degenerate" cases, like
883; QUOTIENT or DIFFERENCE of one arg.
884;And of course one always must be careful doing textual substitution.
885(defun loop-typed-arith (substitutable-expression data-type)
886 #-(or Lispm Franz)
887 (if (setq data-type (car (si:loop-tmember (if (data-type? data-type)
888 (primitive-type data-type)
889 data-type)
890 '(fixnum flonum))))
891 (sublis (cond ((eq data-type 'fixnum)
892 #+For-NIL
893 '((plus . +&) (add1 . 1+&)
894 (difference . -&) (sub1 . 1-&)
895 (quotient . //&) (remainder . \&) (times . *&)
896 (zerop . 0p) (plusp . +p) (minusp . -p)
897 (greaterp . >&) (lessp . <&)
898 (min . min&) (max . max&))
899 #-For-NIL
900 '((plus . +) (add1 . 1+)
901 (difference . -) (sub1 . 1-)
902 (quotient . //) (remainder . \) (times . *)
903 (greaterp . >) (lessp . <)))
904 ('t #+For-NIL
905 '((plus . +$) (difference . -$)
906 (add1 . 1+$) (sub1 . 1-$)
907 (quotient . //$) (times . *$)
908 (greaterp . >$) (lessp . <$)
909 (max . max$) (min . min$))
910 #-For-NIL
911 '((plus . +$) (difference . -$)
912 (add1 . 1+$) (sub1 . 1-$)
913 (quotient . //$) (times . *$)
914 (greaterp . >) (lessp . <))))
915 substitutable-expression)
916 substitutable-expression)
917 #+Lispm
918 (progn data-type substitutable-expression)
919 #+Franz
920 (if (si:loop-tequal data-type 'fixnum)
921 (sublis '((add1 . 1+) (sub1 . 1-) (plus . +) (difference . -)
922 (times . *) (quotient . //) (remainder . \))
923 substitutable-expression)
924 substitutable-expression)
925 )
928(defun loop-typed-init (data-type)
929 (cond ((data-type? data-type) (initial-value data-type))
930 ((setq data-type (car (si:loop-tmember
931 data-type '(fixnum flonum integer number
932 #+Loop-Small-Floatp
933 small-flonum))))
934 (cond ((eq data-type 'flonum) 0.0)
935 #+Loop-Small-Floatp
936 ((eq data-type 'small-flonum)
937 #.(and (loop-featurep Loop-Small-Floatp)
938 (small-float 0)))
939 ('t 0)))))
942(defun loop-make-variable (name initialization dtype)
943 (cond ((null name)
944 (cond ((not (null initialization))
945 (push (list #+Lispm 'ignore
946 #+Multics (setq name (gensym))
947 #-(or Lispm Multics) ()
948 initialization)
949 loop-variables)
950 #+Multics (push `(progn ,name) loop-prologue))))
951 (#-Vector-Destructuring (atom name)
952 #+Vector-Destructuring (symbolp name)
953 (cond (loop-iteration-variablep
954 (if (memq name loop-iteration-variables)
955 (loop-simple-error
956 "Duplicated iteration variable somewhere in LOOP"
957 name)
958 (push name loop-iteration-variables)))
959 ((assq name loop-variables)
960 (loop-simple-error
961 "Duplicated var in LOOP bind block" name)))
962 #-Vector-Destructuring
963 (or (symbolp name)
964 (loop-simple-error "Bad variable somewhere in LOOP" name))
965 (loop-declare-variable name dtype)
966 ; We use ASSQ on this list to check for duplications (above),
967 ; so don't optimize out this list:
968 (push (list name (or initialization (loop-typed-init dtype)))
969 loop-variables))
970 (initialization
971 #+System-Destructuring
972 (progn (loop-declare-variable name dtype)
973 (push (list name initialization) loop-variables))
974 #-System-Destructuring
975 (cond (si:loop-use-system-destructuring?
976 (loop-declare-variable name dtype)
977 (push (list name initialization) loop-variables))
978 ('t (let ((newvar (gensym)))
979 (push (list newvar initialization) loop-variables)
980 ; LOOP-DESETQ-CROCKS gathered in reverse order.
981 (setq loop-desetq-crocks
982 (list* name newvar loop-desetq-crocks))
983 (loop-make-variable name () dtype)))))
984 ('t
985 #-Vector-Destructuring
986 (let ((tcar) (tcdr))
987 (if (atom dtype) (setq tcar (setq tcdr dtype))
988 (setq tcar (car dtype) tcdr (cdr dtype)))
989 (loop-make-variable (car name) () tcar)
990 (loop-make-variable (cdr name) () tcdr))
991 #+Vector-Destructuring
992 (cond ((object-that-cares-p name)
993 (let ((tcar) (tcdr))
994 (if (object-that-cares-p dtype)
995 (setq tcar (car dtype) tcdr (cdr dtype))
996 (setq tcar (setq tcdr dtype)))
997 (loop-make-variable (car name) () tcar)
998 (loop-make-variable (cdr name) () tcdr)))
999 ((vectorp name)
1000 (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
1001 (n (vector-length name))
1002 (dti 0 (1+ dti))
1003 (dtn (and (vectorp dtype) (vector-length dtype))))
1004 ((= i n))
1005 #+Run-in-Maclisp (declare (fixnum i n dti))
1006 (loop-make-variable
1007 (vref name i) ()
1008 (if (null dtn) dtype
1009 (and (< dti dtn) (vref dtype dti))))))
1010 ('t (loop-simple-error
1011 "bad variable somewhere in LOOP" name)))
1012 ))
1013 name)
1016(defun loop-make-iteration-variable (name initialization dtype)
1017 (let ((loop-iteration-variablep 't))
1018 (loop-make-variable name initialization dtype)))
1021(defun loop-declare-variable (name dtype)
1022 (cond ((or (null name) (null dtype)) ())
1023 ((symbolp name)
1024 (cond ((memq name loop-nodeclare))
1025 #+Multics
1026 ; local type dcls of specials lose. This doesn't work
1027 ; for locally-declared specials.
1028 ((get name 'special))
1029 ((data-type? dtype)
1030 (setq loop-declarations
1031 (append (variable-declarations dtype name)
1032 loop-declarations)))
1033 #+Meaningful-Type-Declarations
1034 ((si:loop-tmember dtype '(fixnum flonum))
1035 (push `(,dtype ,name) loop-declarations))))
1036 ((object-that-cares-p name)
1037 (cond ((object-that-cares-p dtype)
1038 (loop-declare-variable (car name) (car dtype))
1039 (loop-declare-variable (cdr name) (cdr dtype)))
1040 ('t (loop-declare-variable (car name) dtype)
1041 (loop-declare-variable (cdr name) dtype))))
1042 #+Vector-Destructuring
1043 ((vectorp name)
1044 (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
1045 (n (vector-length name))
1046 (dtn (and (vectorp dtype) (vector-length dtype)))
1047 (dti 0 (1+ dti)))
1048 ((= i n))
1049 #+Meaningful-Type-Declarations (declare (fixnum i n dti))
1050 (loop-declare-variable
1051 (vref name i)
1052 (if (null dtn) dtype (and (< dti dtn) (vref dtype dti))))))
1053 ('t (loop-simple-error "can't hack this"
1054 (list 'loop-declare-variable name dtype)))))
1058(declare (special squid))
1060(defun loop-constantp (form)
1061 (or (numberp form)
1062 #+For-NIL (or (null form) (vectorp form))
1063 #-For-NIL (memq form '(t ()))
1064 #-For-PDP10 (stringp form)
1065 (and (not (atom form))
1066 #-Run-on-PDP10 (eq (car form) 'quote)
1067 #+Run-on-PDP10 (or (eq (car form) 'quote)
1068 ; SQUID implies quoting.
1069 (and compiler-state (eq (car form) squid))))
1070 ))
1072(defun loop-maybe-bind-form (form data-type?)
1073 ; Consider implementations which will not keep EQ quoted constants
1074 ; EQ after compilation & loading.
1075 ; Note FUNCTION is not hacked, multiple occurences might cause the
1076 ; compiler to break the function off multiple times!
1077 ; Hacking it probably isn't too important here anyway. The ones that
1078 ; matter are the ones that use it as a stepper (or whatever), which
1079 ; handle it specially.
1080 (if (loop-constantp form) form
1081 (loop-make-variable (gensym) form data-type?)))
1084(defun loop-optional-type ()
1085 (let ((token (car loop-source-code)))
1086 (and (not (null token))
1087 (or (not (atom token))
1088 (data-type? token)
1089 (si:loop-tmember token '(fixnum flonum integer number notype
1090 #+Loop-Small-Floatp small-flonum)))
1091 (loop-pop-source))))
1094;Incorporates conditional if necessary
1095(defun loop-make-conditionalization (form)
1096 (cond ((not (null loop-conditionals))
1097 (rplacd (last (car (last (car (last loop-conditionals)))))
1098 (ncons form))
1099 (cond ((si:loop-tequal (car loop-source-code) 'and)
1100 (loop-pop-source)
1101 ())
1102 ((si:loop-tequal (car loop-source-code) 'else)
1103 (loop-pop-source)
1104 ;; If we are already inside an else clause, close it off
1105 ;; and nest it inside the containing when clause
1106 (let ((innermost (car (last loop-conditionals))))
1107 (cond ((null (cddr innermost))) ;Now in a WHEN clause, OK
1108 ((null (cdr loop-conditionals))
1109 (loop-simple-error "More ELSEs than WHENs"
1110 (list 'else (car loop-source-code)
1111 (cadr loop-source-code))))
1112 ('t (setq loop-conditionals (cdr (nreverse loop-conditionals)))
1113 (rplacd (last (car (last (car loop-conditionals))))
1114 (ncons innermost))
1115 (setq loop-conditionals (nreverse loop-conditionals)))))
1116 ;; Start a new else clause
1117 (rplacd (last (car (last loop-conditionals)))
1118 (ncons (ncons ''t)))
1119 ())
1120 ('t ;Nest up the conditionals and output them
1121 (do ((prev (car loop-conditionals) (car l))
1122 (l (cdr loop-conditionals) (cdr l)))
1123 ((null l))
1124 (rplacd (last (car (last prev))) (ncons (car l))))
1125 (prog1 (car loop-conditionals)
1126 (setq loop-conditionals ())))))
1127 ('t form)))
1129(defun loop-pseudo-body (form &aux (z (loop-make-conditionalization form)))
1130 (cond ((not (null z))
1131 (cond (loop-emitted-body? (push z loop-body))
1132 ('t (push z loop-before-loop) (push z loop-after-body))))))
1134(defun loop-emit-body (form)
1135 (setq loop-emitted-body? 't)
1136 (loop-pseudo-body form))
1140(defun loop-do-named ()
1141 (let ((name (loop-pop-source)))
1142 (or (and name (symbolp name))
1143 (loop-simple-error "Bad name for your loop construct" name))
1144 (and (cdr (setq loop-prog-names (cons name loop-prog-names)))
1145 (loop-simple-error "Too many names for your loop construct"
1146 loop-prog-names))))
1148(defun loop-do-initially ()
1149 (push (loop-get-form) loop-prologue))
1151(defun loop-nodeclare (&aux (varlist (loop-pop-source)))
1152 (or (and varlist (eq (typep varlist) 'list))
1153 (loop-simple-error "Bad varlist to nodeclare loop clause" varlist))
1154 (setq loop-nodeclare (append varlist loop-nodeclare)))
1156(defun loop-do-finally ()
1157 (push (loop-get-form) loop-epilogue))
1159(defun loop-do-do ()
1160 (loop-emit-body (loop-get-form)))
1162(defun loop-do-return ()
1163 (loop-pseudo-body `(return ,(loop-get-form))))
1166;;;; List Collection
1168; The way we collect (list-collect) things is to bind two variables.
1169; One is the final result, and is accessible for value during the
1170; loop compuation. The second is the "tail". In implementations where
1171; we can do so, the tail var is initialized to a locative of the first,
1172; such that it can be updated with RPLACD. In other implementations,
1173; the update must be conditionalized (on whether or not the tail is NIL).
1175; For PDP10 Maclisp:
1176; The "value cell" of a special variable is a (pseudo) list cell, the CDR
1177; of which is the value. Hence the abovementioned tail variable gets
1178; initialized to this. (It happens to be the CDAR of the symbol.)
1179; For local variables in compiled code, the Maclisp compiler implements
1180; a (undocumented private) form of the
1181; "(setq tail (variable-location var))" construct; specifically, it
1182; is of the form (#.gofoo var tail). This construct must appear in
1183; the binding environment those variables are bound in, currently.
1184; Note that this hack only currently works for local variables, so loop
1185; has to check to see if the variable is special. It is anticipated,
1186; however, that the compiler will be able to do this all by itself
1187; at some point.
1190 (progn 'compile
1191 (cond ((status feature complr)
1192 (setq loop-specvar-hack ((lambda (obarray)
1193 (implode '(s p e c v a r s)))
1194 sobarray))
1195 (defun loop-collect-init-compiler (form)
1196 (cond ((memq compiler-state '(toplevel maklap))
1197 ; We are being "toplevel" macro expanded.
1198 ; We MUST expand into something which can be
1199 ; evaluated without loop, in the interpreter.
1200 `(setq ,(caddr form) (munkam (value-cell-location
1201 ',(cadr form)))))
1202 ((or specials
1203 (get (cadr form) 'special)
1204 (assq (cadr form) (symeval loop-specvar-hack)))
1205 `(setq ,(caddr form) (cdar ',(cadr form))))
1206 (t (cons gofoo (cdr form)))))
1207 (push '(loop-collect-init . loop-collect-init-compiler)
1208 macrolist)))
1209 (defun loop-collect-init fexpr (x)
1210 (set (cadr x) (cdar (car x)))))
1212#+(and Hairy-Collection (not For-PDP10))
1213(defmacro loop-collect-init (var1 var2)
1214 #+Lispm ;***** Remove kludgey fboundp when everyone up-to-date *****
1215 `(setq ,var2 ,(if (fboundp 'variable-location)
1216 `(variable-location ,var1)
1217 `(value-cell-location ',var1)))
1218 #-Lispm `(setq ,var2 (munkam (value-cell-location ',var1))))
1221(defun loop-do-collect (type)
1222 (let ((var) (form) (tem) (tail) (dtype) (cruft) (rvar)
1223 (ctype (cond ((memq type '(max min)) 'maxmin)
1224 ((memq type '(nconc list append)) 'list)
1225 ((memq type '(count sum)) 'sum)
1226 ('t (loop-simple-error
1227 "unrecognized LOOP collecting keyword" type)))))
1228 (setq form (loop-get-form) dtype (loop-optional-type))
1229 (cond ((si:loop-tequal (car loop-source-code) 'into)
1230 (loop-pop-source)
1231 (setq rvar (setq var (loop-pop-source)))))
1232 ; CRUFT will be (varname ctype dtype var tail (optional tem))
1233 (cond ((setq cruft (assq var loop-collect-cruft))
1234 (cond ((not (eq ctype (car (setq cruft (cdr cruft)))))
1235 (loop-simple-error
1236 "incompatible LOOP collection types"
1237 (list ctype (car cruft))))
1238 ((and dtype (not (eq dtype (cadr cruft))))
1239 ;Conditional should be on data-type reality
1240 #+Run-in-Maclisp
1241 (loop-simple-error
1242 "Unequal data types in multiple collections"
1243 (list dtype (cadr cruft) (car cruft)))
1244 #-Run-in-Maclisp
1245 (ferror () "~A and ~A Unequal data types into ~A"
1246 dtype (cadr cruft) (car cruft))))
1247 (setq dtype (car (setq cruft (cdr cruft)))
1248 var (car (setq cruft (cdr cruft)))
1249 tail (car (setq cruft (cdr cruft)))
1250 tem (cadr cruft))
1251 (and (eq ctype 'maxmin)
1252 (not (atom form)) (null tem)
1253 (rplaca (cdr cruft) (setq tem (loop-make-variable
1254 (gensym) () dtype)))))
1255 ('t (and (null dtype)
1256 (setq dtype (cond ((eq type 'count) 'fixnum)
1257 ((memq type '(min max sum)) 'number))))
1258 (or var (push `(return ,(setq var (gensym)))
1259 loop-after-epilogue))
1260 (or (eq ctype 'list) (loop-make-iteration-variable var () dtype))
1261 (setq tail
1262 (cond ((eq ctype 'list)
1263 #-Hairy-Collection
1264 (setq tem (loop-make-variable (gensym) () ()))
1265 (car (setq loop-collection-crocks
1266 (list* (gensym) var
1267 loop-collection-crocks))))
1268 ((eq ctype 'maxmin)
1269 (or (atom form)
1270 (setq tem (loop-make-variable
1271 (gensym) () dtype)))
1272 (loop-make-variable (gensym) ''t ()))))
1273 (push (list rvar ctype dtype var tail tem)
1274 loop-collect-cruft)))
1275 (loop-emit-body
1276 (caseq type
1277 (count (setq tem `(setq ,var (,(loop-typed-arith 'add1 dtype)
1278 ,var)))
1279 (if (member form '(t 't)) tem `(and ,form ,tem)))
1280 (sum `(setq ,var (,(loop-typed-arith 'plus dtype) ,form ,var)))
1281 ((max min)
1282 (let ((forms ()) (arglist ()))
1283 ; TEM is temporary, properly typed.
1284 (and tem (setq forms `((setq ,tem ,form)) form tem))
1285 (setq arglist (list var form))
1286 (push (if (si:loop-tmember dtype '(fixnum flonum
1287 #+Loop-Small-Floatp
1288 small-flonum))
1289 ; no contagious arithmetic
1290 `(and (or ,tail
1291 (,(loop-typed-arith
1292 (if (eq type 'max) 'lessp 'greaterp)
1293 dtype)
1294 . ,arglist))
1295 (setq ,tail () . ,arglist))
1296 ; potentially contagious arithmetic -- must use
1297 ; MAX or MIN so that var will be contaminated
1298 `(setq ,var (cond (,tail (setq ,tail ()) ,form)
1299 ((,type . ,arglist)))))
1300 forms)
1301 (if (cdr forms) (cons 'progn (nreverse forms)) (car forms))))
1302 (t (caseq type
1303 (list (setq form (list 'list form)))
1304 (append (or (and (not (atom form)) (eq (car form) 'list))
1305 (setq form #+Lispm `(copylist* ,form)
1306 #-Lispm `(append ,form ())))))
1307 #+Hairy-Collection
1308 (let ((q `(rplacd ,tail ,form)))
1309 (cond ((and (not (atom form)) (eq (car form) 'list)
1310 (not (null (cdr form))))
1311 ; RPLACD of cdr-coded list:
1312 #+Lispm
1313 (rplaca (cddr q)
1314 (if (cddr form) `(list* ,@(cdr form) ())
1315 `(ncons ,(cadr form))))
1316 `(setq ,tail ,(loop-cdrify (cdr form) q)))
1317 ('t `(and (cdr ,q)
1318 (setq ,tail (last (cdr ,tail)))))))
1319 #-Hairy-Collection
1320 (let ((q `(cond (,tail (cdr (rplacd ,tail ,tem)))
1321 ((setq ,var ,tem)))))
1322 (if (and (not (atom form)) (eq (car form) 'list) (cdr form))
1323 `(setq ,tem ,form ,tail ,(loop-cdrify (cddr form) q))
1324 `(and (setq ,tem ,form) (setq ,tail (last ,q))))))))))
1327(defun loop-cdrify (arglist form)
1328 (do ((size (length arglist) (- size 4)))
1329 ((< size 4)
1330 (if (zerop size) form
1331 (list (cond ((= size 1) 'cdr) ((= size 2) 'cddr) ('t 'cdddr))
1332 form)))
1333 #+Meaningful-Type-Declarations (declare (fixnum size))
1334 (setq form (list 'cddddr form))))
1337(defun loop-do-while (cond kwd &aux (form (loop-get-form)))
1338 (and loop-conditionals (loop-simple-error
1339 "not allowed inside LOOP conditional"
1340 (list kwd form)))
1341 (loop-pseudo-body `(,cond ,form (go end-loop))))
1344(defun loop-do-when (negate?)
1345 (let ((form (loop-get-form)) (cond))
1346 (cond ((si:loop-tequal (cadr loop-source-code) 'it)
1347 ;WHEN foo RETURN IT and the like
1348 (setq cond `(setq ,(loop-when-it-variable) ,form))
1349 (setq loop-source-code ;Plug in variable for IT
1350 (list* (car loop-source-code)
1351 loop-when-it-variable
1352 (cddr loop-source-code))))
1353 ('t (setq cond form)))
1354 (and negate? (setq cond `(not ,cond)))
1355 (setq loop-conditionals (nconc loop-conditionals `((cond (,cond)))))))
1357(defun loop-do-with ()
1358 (do ((var) (equals) (val) (dtype)) (())
1359 (setq var (loop-pop-source) equals (car loop-source-code))
1360 (cond ((si:loop-tequal equals '=)
1361 (loop-pop-source)
1362 (setq val (loop-get-form) dtype ()))
1363 ((or (si:loop-tequal equals 'and)
1364 (si:loop-tassoc equals loop-keyword-alist)
1365 (si:loop-tassoc equals loop-iteration-keyword-alist))
1366 (setq val () dtype ()))
1367 ('t (setq dtype (loop-pop-source) equals (car loop-source-code))
1368 (cond ((si:loop-tequal equals '=)
1369 (loop-pop-source)
1370 (setq val (loop-get-form)))
1371 ((and (not (null loop-source-code))
1372 (not (si:loop-tassoc equals loop-keyword-alist))
1373 (not (si:loop-tassoc
1374 equals loop-iteration-keyword-alist))
1375 (not (si:loop-tequal equals 'and)))
1376 (loop-simple-error "Garbage where = expected" equals))
1377 ('t (setq val ())))))
1378 (loop-make-variable var val dtype)
1379 (if (not (si:loop-tequal (car loop-source-code) 'and)) (return ())
1380 (loop-pop-source)))
1381 (loop-bind-block))
1383(defun loop-do-always (pred)
1384 (let ((form (loop-get-form)))
1385 (loop-emit-body `(,pred ,form (return ())))
1386 (push '(return 't) loop-after-epilogue)))
1388;THEREIS expression
1389;If expression evaluates non-nil, return that value.
1390(defun loop-do-thereis ()
1391 (loop-emit-body `(and (setq ,(loop-when-it-variable) ,(loop-get-form))
1392 (return ,loop-when-it-variable))))
1395;;;; Hacks
1398 (declare (fixnum (loop-simplep-1 notype)))
1400(defun si:loop-simplep (expr)
1401 (if (null expr) 0
1402 (*catch 'si:loop-simplep
1403 (let ((ans (si:loop-simplep-1 expr)))
1404 #+Meaningful-Type-Declarations (declare (fixnum ans))
1405 (and (< ans 20.) ans)))))
1407(defvar si:loop-simplep
1408 (append '(> < greaterp lessp plusp minusp typep zerop
1409 plus difference + - add1 sub1 1+ 1-
1410 +$ -$ 1+$ 1-$ boole rot ash ldb equal atom
1411 setq prog1 prog2 and or =)
1412 #+(or Lispm NIL) '(aref ar-1 ar-2 ar-3)
1413 #+Lispm '#.(and (loop-featurep Lispm)
1414 (mapcar 'ascii '(#/\1c #/\1d #/\1a)))
1415 #+For-NIL '(vref vector-length 1+& 1-& +& -& +p -p 0p *& //& \&
1416 si:xref char string-length)
1417 ))
1419(defun si:loop-simplep-1 (x)
1420 (let ((z 0))
1421 #+Meaningful-Type-Declarations (declare (fixnum z))
1422 (cond ((loop-constantp x) 0)
1423 ((atom x) 1)
1424 ((eq (car x) 'cond)
1425 (do ((cl (cdr x) (cdr cl))) ((null cl))
1426 (do ((f (car cl) (cdr f))) ((null f))
1427 (setq z (+ (si:loop-simplep-1 (car f)) z 1))))
1428 z)
1429 ((symbolp (car x))
1430 (let ((fn (car x)) (tem ()))
1431 (cond ((setq tem (get fn 'si:loop-simplep))
1432 (if (fixp tem) (setq z tem)
1433 (setq z (funcall tem x) x ())))
1434 ((memq fn '(null not eq go return progn)))
1435 (#+Run-on-PDP10
1436 (or (not (minusp (+internal-carcdrp fn)))
1437 (eq fn 'cxr))
1438 #-Run-on-PDP10 (memq fn '(car cdr))
1439 (setq z 1))
1440 #-Run-on-PDP10
1441 ((memq fn '(caar cadr cdar cddr)) (setq z 2))
1442 #-Run-on-PDP10
1443 ((memq fn '(caaar caadr cadar caddr
1444 cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr))
1445 (setq z 3))
1446 #-Run-on-PDP10
1447 ((memq fn '(caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr
1448 cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
1449 cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr
1450 cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr))
1451 (setq z 4))
1452 ((memq fn si:loop-simplep)
1453 (setq z 2))
1454 (#+(or Lispm For-PDP10 For-NIL)
1455 (not (eq (setq tem (macroexpand-1 x)) x))
1456 #+Franz (not (eq (setq tem (macroexpand x)) x))
1457 #+Multics
1458 (setq tem (get (car x) 'macro))
1459 #+Multics (setq tem (funcall tem x))
1460 (setq z (si:loop-simplep-1 tem) x ()))
1461 ('t (*throw 'si:loop-simplep ())))
1462 (do ((l (cdr x) (cdr l))) ((null l))
1463 (setq z (+ (si:loop-simplep-1 (car l)) 1 z)))
1464 z))
1465 ('t (*throw 'si:loop-simplep ())))))
1468;;;; The iteration driver
1469(defun loop-hack-iteration (entry)
1470 (do ((last-entry entry)
1471 (source loop-source-code loop-source-code)
1472 (pre-step-tests ())
1473 (steps ())
1474 (post-step-tests ())
1475 (pseudo-steps ())
1476 (pre-loop-pre-step-tests ())
1477 (pre-loop-steps ())
1478 (pre-loop-post-step-tests ())
1479 (pre-loop-pseudo-steps ())
1480 (tem) (data) (foo) (bar))
1481 (())
1482 ; Note we collect endtests in reverse order, but steps in correct
1483 ; order. LOOP-END-TESTIFY does the nreverse for us.
1484 (setq tem (setq data (apply (cadr entry) (cddr entry))))
1485 (and (car tem) (push (car tem) pre-step-tests))
1486 (setq steps (nconc steps (loop-copylist* (car (setq tem (cdr tem))))))
1487 (and (car (setq tem (cdr tem))) (push (car tem) post-step-tests))
1488 (setq pseudo-steps
1489 (nconc pseudo-steps (loop-copylist* (car (setq tem (cdr tem))))))
1490 (setq tem (cdr tem))
1491 (and (or loop-conditionals loop-emitted-body?)
1492 (or tem pre-step-tests post-step-tests pseudo-steps)
1493 (let ((cruft (list (car entry) (car source)
1494 (cadr source) (caddr source))))
1495 (if loop-emitted-body?
1496 (loop-simple-error
1497 "Iteration is not allowed to follow body code" cruft)
1498 (loop-simple-error
1499 "Iteration starting inside of conditional in LOOP"
1500 cruft))))
1501 (or tem (setq tem data))
1502 (and (car tem) (push (car tem) pre-loop-pre-step-tests))
1503 (setq pre-loop-steps
1504 (nconc pre-loop-steps (loop-copylist* (car (setq tem (cdr tem))))))
1505 (and (car (setq tem (cdr tem))) (push (car tem) pre-loop-post-step-tests))
1506 (setq pre-loop-pseudo-steps
1507 (nconc pre-loop-pseudo-steps (loop-copylist* (cadr tem))))
1508 (cond ((or (not (si:loop-tequal (car loop-source-code) 'and))
1509 (and loop-conditionals
1510 (not (si:loop-tassoc (cadr loop-source-code)
1511 loop-iteration-keyword-alist))))
1512 (setq foo (list (loop-end-testify pre-loop-pre-step-tests)
1513 (loop-make-psetq pre-loop-steps)
1514 (loop-end-testify pre-loop-post-step-tests)
1515 (loop-make-setq pre-loop-pseudo-steps))
1516 bar (list (loop-end-testify pre-step-tests)
1517 (loop-make-psetq steps)
1518 (loop-end-testify post-step-tests)
1519 (loop-make-setq pseudo-steps)))
1520 (cond ((not loop-conditionals)
1521 (setq loop-before-loop (nreconc foo loop-before-loop)
1522 loop-after-body (nreconc bar loop-after-body)))
1523 ('t ((lambda (loop-conditionals)
1524 (push (loop-make-conditionalization
1525 (cons 'progn (delq () foo)))
1526 loop-before-loop))
1527 (mapcar '(lambda (x) ;Copy parts that will get rplacd'ed
1528 (cons (car x)
1529 (mapcar '(lambda (x) (loop-copylist* x)) (cdr x))))
1530 loop-conditionals))
1531 (push (loop-make-conditionalization
1532 (cons 'progn (delq () bar)))
1533 loop-after-body)))
1534 (loop-bind-block)
1535 (return ())))
1536 (loop-pop-source) ; flush the "AND"
1537 (setq entry (cond ((setq tem (si:loop-tassoc
1538 (car loop-source-code)
1539 loop-iteration-keyword-alist))
1540 (loop-pop-source)
1541 (setq last-entry tem))
1542 ('t last-entry)))))
1545;FOR variable keyword ..args..
1546(defun loop-do-for ()
1547 (let ((var (loop-pop-source))
1548 (data-type? (loop-optional-type))
1549 (keyword (loop-pop-source))
1550 (first-arg (loop-get-form))
1551 (tem ()))
1552 (or (setq tem (si:loop-tassoc keyword loop-for-keyword-alist))
1553 (loop-simple-error
1554 "Unknown keyword in FOR or AS clause in LOOP"
1555 (list 'for var keyword)))
1556 (lexpr-funcall (cadr tem) var first-arg data-type? (cddr tem))))
1559(defun loop-do-repeat ()
1560 (let ((var (loop-make-variable (gensym) (loop-get-form) 'fixnum)))
1561 `((not (,(loop-typed-arith 'plusp 'fixnum) ,var))
1562 () ()
1563 (,var (,(loop-typed-arith 'sub1 'fixnum) ,var)))))
1566; Kludge the First
1567(defun loop-when-it-variable ()
1568 (or loop-when-it-variable
1569 (setq loop-when-it-variable
1570 (loop-make-variable (gensym) () ()))))
1574(defun loop-for-equals (var val data-type?)
1575 (cond ((si:loop-tequal (car loop-source-code) 'then)
1576 ;FOR var = first THEN next
1577 (loop-pop-source)
1578 (loop-make-iteration-variable var val data-type?)
1579 `(() (,var ,(loop-get-form)) () ()
1580 () () () ()))
1581 ('t (loop-make-iteration-variable var () data-type?)
1582 (let ((varval (list var val)))
1583 (cond (loop-emitted-body?
1584 (loop-emit-body (loop-make-setq varval))
1585 '(() () () ()))
1586 (`(() ,varval () ())))))))
1588(defun loop-for-first (var val data-type?)
1589 (or (si:loop-tequal (car loop-source-code) 'then)
1590 (loop-simple-error "found where THEN expected in FOR ... FIRST"
1591 (car loop-source-code)))
1592 (loop-pop-source)
1593 (loop-make-iteration-variable var () data-type?)
1594 `(() (,var ,(loop-get-form)) () () () (,var ,val) () ()))
1597(defun loop-list-stepper (var val data-type? fn)
1598 (let ((stepper (cond ((si:loop-tequal (car loop-source-code) 'by)
1599 (loop-pop-source) (loop-get-form))
1600 ('t '(function cdr))))
1601 (var1 ()) (stepvar ()) (step ()) (et ()) (pseudo ()))
1602 (setq step (if (or (atom stepper)
1603 (not (memq (car stepper) '(quote function))))
1604 `(funcall ,(setq stepvar (gensym)))
1605 (list (cadr stepper))))
1606 (cond ((and (atom var)
1607 ;; (eq (car step) 'cdr)
1608 (not fn))
1609 (setq var1 (loop-make-iteration-variable var val data-type?)))
1610 ('t (loop-make-iteration-variable var () data-type?)
1611 (setq var1 (loop-make-variable (gensym) val ()))
1612 (setq pseudo (list var (if fn (list fn var1) var1)))))
1613 (rplacd (last step) (list var1))
1614 (and stepvar (loop-make-variable stepvar stepper ()))
1615 (setq stepper (list var1 step) et `(null ,var1))
1616 (if (not pseudo) `(() ,stepper ,et () () () ,et ())
1617 (if (eq (car step) 'cdr) `(,et ,pseudo () ,stepper)
1618 `((null (setq . ,stepper)) () () ,pseudo ,et () () ,pseudo)))))
1621(defun loop-for-arithmetic (var val data-type? kwd)
1622 ; Args to loop-sequencer:
1623 ; indexv indexv-type variable? vtype? sequencev? sequence-type
1624 ; stephack? default-top? crap prep-phrases
1625 (si:loop-sequencer
1626 var (or data-type? 'fixnum) () () () () () () `(for ,var ,kwd ,val)
1627 (cons (list kwd val)
1628 (loop-gather-preps
1629 '(from upfrom downfrom to upto downto above below by)
1630 ()))))
1633(defun si:loop-named-variable (name)
1634 (let ((tem (si:loop-tassoc name loop-named-variables)))
1635 (cond ((null tem) (gensym))
1636 ('t (setq loop-named-variables (delq tem loop-named-variables))
1637 (cdr tem)))))
1639#+Run-in-Maclisp ;Gross me out
1640(and (status feature #+Multics Compiler #-Multics complr)
1641 (*expr si:loop-named-variable))
1644; Note: path functions are allowed to use loop-make-variable, hack
1645; the prologue, etc.
1646(defun loop-for-being (var val data-type?)
1647 ; FOR var BEING something ... - var = VAR, something = VAL.
1648 ; If what passes syntactically for a pathname isn't, then
1649 ; we trap to the DEFAULT-LOOP-PATH path; the expression which looked like
1650 ; a path is given as an argument to the IN preposition. Thus,
1651 ; by default, FOR var BEING EACH expr OF expr-2
1652 ; ==> FOR var BEING DEFAULT-LOOP-PATH IN expr OF expr-2.
1653 (let ((tem) (inclusive?) (ipps) (each?) (attachment))
1654 (if (or (si:loop-tequal val 'each) (si:loop-tequal val 'the))
1655 (setq each? 't val (car loop-source-code))
1656 (push val loop-source-code))
1657 (cond ((and (setq tem (si:loop-tassoc val loop-path-keyword-alist))
1658 (or each? (not (si:loop-tequal (cadr loop-source-code)
1659 'and))))
1660 ;; FOR var BEING {each} path {prep expr}..., but NOT
1661 ;; FOR var BEING var-which-looks-like-path AND {ITS} ...
1662 (loop-pop-source))
1663 ('t (setq val (loop-get-form))
1664 (cond ((si:loop-tequal (car loop-source-code) 'and)
1665 ;; FOR var BEING value AND ITS path-or-ar
1666 (or (null each?)
1667 (loop-simple-error
1668 "Malformed BEING EACH clause in LOOP" var))
1669 (setq ipps `((of ,val)) inclusive? 't)
1670 (loop-pop-source)
1671 (or (si:loop-tmember (setq tem (loop-pop-source))
1672 '(its his her their each))
1673 (loop-simple-error
1674 "found where ITS or EACH expected in LOOP path"
1675 tem))
1676 (if (setq tem (si:loop-tassoc
1677 (car loop-source-code)
1678 loop-path-keyword-alist))
1679 (loop-pop-source)
1680 (push (setq attachment `(in ,(loop-get-form)))
1681 ipps)))
1682 ((not (setq tem (si:loop-tassoc
1683 (car loop-source-code)
1684 loop-path-keyword-alist)))
1685 ; FOR var BEING {each} a-r ...
1686 (setq ipps (list (setq attachment (list 'in val)))))
1687 ('t ; FOR var BEING {each} pathname ...
1688 ; Here, VAL should be just PATHNAME.
1689 (loop-pop-source)))))
1690 (cond ((not (null tem)))
1691 ((not (setq tem (si:loop-tassoc 'default-loop-path
1692 loop-path-keyword-alist)))
1693 (loop-simple-error "Undefined LOOP iteration path"
1694 (cadr attachment))))
1695 (setq tem (funcall (cadr tem) (car tem) var data-type?
1696 (nreconc ipps (loop-gather-preps (caddr tem) 't))
1697 inclusive? (caddr tem) (cdddr tem)))
1698 (and loop-named-variables
1699 (loop-simple-error "unused USING variables" loop-named-variables))
1700 ; For error continuability (if there is any):
1701 (setq loop-named-variables ())
1702 ;; TEM is now (bindings prologue-forms . stuff-to-pass-back)
1703 (do ((l (car tem) (cdr l)) (x)) ((null l))
1704 (if (atom (setq x (car l)))
1705 (loop-make-iteration-variable x () ())
1706 (loop-make-iteration-variable (car x) (cadr x) (caddr x))))
1707 (setq loop-prologue (nconc (reverse (cadr tem)) loop-prologue))
1708 (cddr tem)))
1711(defun loop-gather-preps (preps-allowed crockp)
1712 (do ((token (car loop-source-code) (car loop-source-code)) (preps ()))
1713 (())
1714 (cond ((si:loop-tmember token preps-allowed)
1715 (push (list (loop-pop-source) (loop-get-form)) preps))
1716 ((si:loop-tequal token 'using)
1717 (loop-pop-source)
1718 (or crockp (loop-simple-error
1719 "USING used in illegal context"
1720 (list 'using (car loop-source-code))))
1721 (do ((z (car loop-source-code) (car loop-source-code)) (tem))
1722 ((atom z))
1723 (and (or (atom (cdr z))
1724 (not (null (cddr z)))
1725 (not (symbolp (car z)))
1726 (and (cadr z) (not (symbolp (cadr z)))))
1727 (loop-simple-error
1728 "bad variable pair in path USING phrase" z))
1729 (cond ((not (null (cadr z)))
1730 (and (setq tem (si:loop-tassoc
1731 (car z) loop-named-variables))
1732 (loop-simple-error
1733 "Duplicated var substitition in USING phrase"
1734 (list tem z)))
1735 (push (cons (car z) (cadr z)) loop-named-variables)))
1736 (loop-pop-source)))
1737 ('t (return (nreverse preps))))))
1739(defun loop-add-path (name data)
1740 (setq loop-path-keyword-alist
1741 (cons (cons name data)
1742 ; Don't change this to use DELASSQ in PDP10, the lsubr
1743 ; calling sequence makes that lose.
1744 (delq (si:loop-tassoc name loop-path-keyword-alist)
1745 loop-path-keyword-alist)))
1746 ())
1749(declare ; Suck my obarray...
1750 (own-symbol define-loop-path define-loop-sequence-path))
1752(defmacro define-loop-path (names &rest cruft)
1753 (setq names (if (atom names) (list names) names))
1754 #-For-Maclisp
1755 (let ((forms (mapcar #'(lambda (name) `(loop-add-path ',name ',cruft))
1756 names)))
1757 `(eval-when (eval load compile)
1758 #+For-NIL (flush-macromemos 'loop ())
1759 ,@forms))
1760 #+For-Maclisp
1761 (subst (do ((l)) ((null names) l)
1762 (setq l (cons `(setq loop-path-keyword-alist
1763 (cons '(,(car names) . ,cruft)
1764 (delq (assq ',(car names)
1765 loop-path-keyword-alist)
1766 loop-path-keyword-alist)))
1767 l)
1768 names (cdr names)))
1769 'progn
1770 '(eval-when (eval load compile)
1771 #-For-PDP10 (or (boundp 'loop-path-keyword-alist)
1772 (setq loop-path-keyword-alist ()))
1773 #+For-PDP10 (and (or (boundp 'loop-path-keyword-alist)
1774 (setq loop-path-keyword-alist ()))
1775 (flush-macromemos 'loop ()))
1776 . progn)))
1779(defun si:loop-sequencer (indexv indexv-type
1780 variable? vtype?
1781 sequencev? sequence-type?
1782 stephack? default-top?
1783 crap prep-phrases)
1784 (let ((endform) (sequencep) (test)
1785 (step ; Gross me out!
1786 (add1 (or (loop-typed-init indexv-type) 0)))
1787 (dir) (inclusive-iteration?) (start-given?) (limit-given?))
1788 (and variable? (loop-make-iteration-variable variable? () vtype?))
1789 (do ((l prep-phrases (cdr l)) (prep) (form) (odir)) ((null l))
1790 (setq prep (caar l) form (cadar l))
1791 (cond ((si:loop-tmember prep '(of in))
1792 (and sequencep (loop-simple-error
1793 "Sequence duplicated in LOOP path"
1794 (list variable? (car l))))
1795 (setq sequencep 't)
1796 (loop-make-variable sequencev? form sequence-type?))
1797 ((si:loop-tmember prep '(from downfrom upfrom))
1798 (and start-given?
1799 (loop-simple-error
1800 "Iteration start redundantly specified in LOOP sequencing"
1801 (append crap l)))
1802 (setq start-given? 't)
1803 (cond ((si:loop-tequal prep 'downfrom) (setq dir 'down))
1804 ((si:loop-tequal prep 'upfrom) (setq dir 'up)))
1805 (loop-make-iteration-variable indexv form indexv-type))
1806 ((cond ((si:loop-tequal prep 'upto)
1807 (setq inclusive-iteration? (setq dir 'up)))
1808 ((si:loop-tequal prep 'to)
1809 (setq inclusive-iteration? 't))
1810 ((si:loop-tequal prep 'downto)
1811 (setq inclusive-iteration? (setq dir 'down)))
1812 ((si:loop-tequal prep 'above) (setq dir 'down))
1813 ((si:loop-tequal prep 'below) (setq dir 'up)))
1814 (and limit-given?
1815 (loop-simple-error
1816 "Endtest redundantly specified in LOOP sequencing path"
1817 (append crap l)))
1818 (setq limit-given? 't)
1819 (setq endform (loop-maybe-bind-form form indexv-type)))
1820 ((si:loop-tequal prep 'by)
1821 (setq step (if (loop-constantp form) form
1822 (loop-make-variable (gensym) form 'fixnum))))
1823 ('t ; This is a fatal internal error...
1824 (loop-simple-error "Illegal prep in sequence path"
1825 (append crap l))))
1826 (and odir dir (not (eq dir odir))
1827 (loop-simple-error
1828 "Conflicting stepping directions in LOOP sequencing path"
1829 (append crap l)))
1830 (setq odir dir))
1831 (and sequencev? (not sequencep)
1832 (loop-simple-error "Missing OF phrase in sequence path" crap))
1833 ; Now fill in the defaults.
1834 (setq step (list indexv step))
1835 (cond ((memq dir '(() up))
1836 (or start-given?
1837 (loop-make-iteration-variable indexv 0 indexv-type))
1838 (and (or limit-given?
1839 (cond (default-top?
1840 (loop-make-variable
1841 (setq endform (gensym)) () indexv-type)
1842 (push `(setq ,endform ,default-top?)
1843 loop-prologue))))
1844 (setq test (if inclusive-iteration? '(greaterp . args)
1845 '(not (lessp . args)))))
1846 (push 'plus step))
1847 ('t (cond ((not start-given?)
1848 (or default-top?
1849 (loop-simple-error
1850 "Don't know where to start stepping"
1851 (append crap prep-phrases)))
1852 (loop-make-iteration-variable indexv 0 indexv-type)
1853 (push `(setq ,indexv
1854 (,(loop-typed-arith 'sub1 indexv-type)
1855 ,default-top?))
1856 loop-prologue)))
1857 (cond ((and default-top? (not endform))
1858 (setq endform (loop-typed-init indexv-type)
1859 inclusive-iteration? 't)))
1860 (and (not (null endform))
1861 (setq test (if inclusive-iteration? '(lessp . args)
1862 '(not (greaterp . args)))))
1863 (push 'difference step)))
1864 (and (member (caddr step)
1865 #+Loop-Small-Floatp
1866 '(1 1.0 #.(and (loop-featurep Loop-Small-Floatp)
1867 (small-float 1)))
1868 #-Loop-Small-Floatp '(1 1.0))
1869 (rplacd (cdr (rplaca step (if (eq (car step) 'plus) 'add1 'sub1)))
1870 ()))
1871 (rplaca step (loop-typed-arith (car step) indexv-type))
1872 (setq step (list indexv step))
1873 (setq test (loop-typed-arith test indexv-type))
1874 (setq test (subst (list indexv endform) 'args test))
1875 (and stephack? (setq stephack? `(,variable? ,stephack?)))
1876 `(() ,step ,test ,stephack?
1877 () () ,test ,stephack?)))
1880; Although this function is no longer documented, the "SI:" is needed
1881; because compiled files may reference it that way (via
1883(defun si:loop-sequence-elements-path (path variable data-type
1884 prep-phrases inclusive?
1885 allowed-preps data)
1886 allowed-preps ; unused
1887 (let ((indexv (si:loop-named-variable 'index))
1888 (sequencev (si:loop-named-variable 'sequence))
1889 (fetchfun ()) (sizefun ()) (type ()) (default-var-type ())
1890 (crap `(for ,variable being the ,path)))
1891 (cond ((not (null inclusive?))
1892 (rplacd (cddr crap) `(,(cadar prep-phrases) and its ,path))
1893 (loop-simple-error "Can't step sequence inclusively" crap)))
1894 (setq fetchfun (car data)
1895 sizefun (car (setq data (cdr data)))
1896 type (car (setq data (cdr data)))
1897 default-var-type (cadr data))
1898 (list* () () ; dummy bindings and prologue
1899 (si:loop-sequencer
1900 indexv 'fixnum
1901 variable (or data-type default-var-type)
1902 sequencev type
1903 `(,fetchfun ,sequencev ,indexv) `(,sizefun ,sequencev)
1904 crap prep-phrases))))
1908(defun (define-loop-sequence-path macro) (x)
1909 `(define-loop-path ,(cadr x) si:loop-sequence-elements-path
1910 (of in from downfrom to downto below above by)
1911 . ,(cddr x)))
1914(defmacro define-loop-sequence-path (path-name-or-names fetchfun sizefun
1915 &optional sequence-type element-type)
1916 `(define-loop-path ,path-name-or-names
1917 si:loop-sequence-elements-path
1918 (of in from downfrom to downto below above by)
1919 ,fetchfun ,sizefun ,sequence-type ,element-type))
1922;;;; NIL interned-symbols path
1925(progn 'compile
1926(defun loop-interned-symbols-path (path variable data-type prep-phrases
1927 inclusive? allowed-preps data
1928 &aux statev1 statev2 statev3
1929 (localp (car data)))
1930 allowed-preps ; unused
1931 (and inclusive? (loop-simple-error
1932 "INTERNED-SYMBOLS path doesn't work inclusively"
1933 variable))
1934 (and (not (null prep-phrases))
1935 (or (cdr prep-phrases)
1936 (not (si:loop-tmember (caar prep-phrases) '(in of))))
1937 (ferror () "Illegal prep phrase(s) in ~A path of ~A - ~A"
1938 path variable prep-phrases))
1939 (loop-make-variable variable () data-type)
1940 (loop-make-variable
1941 (setq statev1 (gensym))
1942 `(loop-find-package
1943 ,@(and prep-phrases `(,(cadar prep-phrases))))
1944 ())
1945 (loop-make-variable (setq statev2 (gensym)) () ())
1946 (loop-make-variable (setq statev3 (gensym)) () ())
1947 (push `(multiple-value (,statev1 ,statev2 ,statev3)
1948 (loop-initialize-mapatoms-state ,statev1 ',localp))
1949 loop-prologue)
1950 `(() () (multiple-value (() ,statev1 ,statev2 ,statev3)
1951 (,(if localp 'loop-test-and-step-mapatoms-local
1952 'loop-test-and-step-mapatoms)
1953 ,statev1 ,statev2 ,statev3))
1954 (,variable (loop-get-mapatoms-symbol ,statev1 ,statev2 ,statev3)) () ()))
1956(defun loop-find-package (&optional (pkg () pkgp))
1957 #+Run-in-Maclisp
1958 (if pkgp pkg obarray)
1959 #-Run-in-Maclisp
1960 (if pkgp (pkg-find-package pkg) package))
1962(defun loop-find-package-translate (form)
1963 ; Note that we can only be compiling for nil-nil, so we only need
1964 ; to consider that. The run-in-maclisp conditionals in the functions
1965 ; are for the benefit of running interpreted code.
1966 (values (if (null (cdr form)) 'package `(pkg-find-package ,(cadr form))) 't))
1968(putprop 'loop-find-package
1969 '(loop-find-package-translate)
1970 'source-trans)
1973(defun loop-initialize-mapatoms-state (pkg localp)
1974 (let* ((symtab (si:package-symbol-table pkg))
1975 (len (vector-length symtab)))
1976 (values pkg len (if localp symtab (cons (ncons pkg) ())))))
1979(defun loop-initialize-mapatoms-state (ob ())
1980 (values ob (ncons nil) 511.))
1983(defun loop-test-and-step-mapatoms (pkg index location &aux val)
1984 (prog (symtab)
1985 (setq symtab (si:package-symbol-table pkg))
1986 lp (cond ((-p (setq index (1-& index)))
1987 ;(do ((l (si:package-super-packages pkg) (cdr l)))
1988 ; ((null l) (cdr location))
1989 ; (or (memq (car l) (car location))
1990 ; (memq (car l) (cdr location))
1991 ; (rplacd location (cons (car l) (cdr location)))))
1992 (let ((p (si:package-super-package pkg)))
1993 (or (memq p (car location))
1994 (memq p (cdr location))
1995 (rplacd location (cons p (cdr location)))))
1996 (or (cdr location) (return (setq val 't)))
1997 (rplacd location
1998 (prog1 (cddr location)
1999 (rplaca location
2000 (rplacd (cdr location)
2001 (car location)))))
2002 (setq pkg (caar location))
2003 (setq symtab (si:package-symbol-table pkg))
2004 (setq index (vector-length symtab))
2005 (go lp))
2006 ((symbolp (vref symtab index)) (return ()))
2007 ('t (go lp))))
2008 (values val pkg index location))
2011(defun loop-test-and-step-mapatoms (ob list index)
2012 (loop-test-and-step-mapatoms-local ob list index))
2015(defun loop-test-and-step-mapatoms-local (pkg index symtab &aux val)
2016 (prog ()
2017 lp (cond ((-p (setq index (1-& index))) (return (setq val 't)))
2018 ((symbolp (vref symtab index)) (return ()))
2019 ('t (go lp))))
2020 (values val pkg index symtab))
2023(defun loop-test-and-step-mapatoms-local (ob list index &aux val)
2024 (declare (fixnum index))
2025 (prog ()
2026 lp (cond ((not (null (cdr list)))
2027 (rplaca list (cadr list))
2028 (rplacd list (cddr list))
2029 (return ()))
2030 ((minusp (setq index (1- index))) (return (setq val 't)))
2031 ('t ; If this is going to run in multics maclisp also the
2032 ; arraycall should be hacked to have type `obarray'.
2033 (rplacd list (arraycall t ob index))
2034 (go lp))))
2035 (values val ob list index))
2038(defun loop-get-mapatoms-symbol (pkg index something-or-other)
2039 ;Note there is a potential bug/timing screw in here. We should be
2040 ; looking in the symbol-table saved initially, not the current one.
2041 ; There just isn't enough state saved (sigh).
2042 (declare (ignore something-or-other))
2043 (vref (si:package-symbol-table pkg) index))
2046(defun loop-get-mapatoms-symbol (ob list index)
2047 (declare (ignore ob index))
2048 (car list))
2050(and #+Run-in-Maclisp (status feature complr)
2051 (*expr loop-get-mapatoms-symbol
2052 loop-initialize-mapatoms-state
2053 loop-test-and-step-mapatoms
2054 loop-test-and-step-mapatoms-local))
2058;;;; Maclisp interned-symbols path
2061(defun loop-interned-symbols-path (path variable data-type prep-phrases
2062 inclusive? allowed-preps data
2063 &aux indexv listv ob)
2064 allowed-preps data ; unused vars
2065 (and inclusive? (loop-simple-error
2066 "INTERNED-SYMBOLS path doesn't work inclusively"
2067 variable))
2068 (and (not (null prep-phrases))
2069 (or (cdr prep-phrases)
2070 (not (si:loop-tmember (caar prep-phrases) '(in of))))
2071 (loop-simple-error
2072 "Illegal prep phrase(s) in INTERNED-SYMBOLS LOOP path"
2073 (list* variable 'being path prep-phrases)))
2074 (loop-make-variable variable () data-type)
2075 (loop-make-variable
2076 (setq ob (gensym)) (if prep-phrases (cadar prep-phrases) 'obarray) ())
2077 ; Multics lisp does not store single-char-obs in the obarray buckets.
2078 ; Thus, we need to iterate over the portion of the obarray
2079 ; containing them also. (511. = (ascii 0))
2080 (loop-make-variable
2081 (setq indexv (gensym)) #+Multics 639. #-Multics 511. 'fixnum)
2082 (loop-make-variable (setq listv (gensym)) () ())
2083 `(() ()
2084 (and #-Multics (null ,listv)
2085 #+Multics (or (> ,indexv 510.) (null ,listv))
2086 (prog ()
2087 lp (cond ((minusp (setq ,indexv (1- ,indexv))) (return t))
2088 ((setq ,listv (arraycall ; The following is the kind of
2089 ; gratuity that pisses me off:
2090 #+Multics obarray #-Multics t
2091 ,ob ,indexv))
2092 (return ()))
2093 ((go lp)))))
2094 (,variable
2095 #+Multics (cond ((> ,indexv 510.) ,listv)
2096 (t (prog2 () (car ,listv) (setq ,listv (cdr ,listv)))))
2097 #-Multics (car ,listv))
2098 ()
2099 #+Multics () #-Multics (,listv (cdr ,listv))))
2102;;;; Lispm interned-symbols path
2105(progn 'compile
2107 (defun loop-interned-symbols-path (path variable data-type prep-phrases
2108 inclusive? allowed-preps data
2109 &aux statev1 statev2 statev3
2110 (localp (car data)))
2111 path data-type allowed-preps ; unused vars
2112 (and inclusive? (loop-simple-error
2113 "INTERNED-SYMBOLS path doesn't work inclusively"
2114 variable))
2115 (and (not (null prep-phrases))
2116 (or (cdr prep-phrases)
2117 (not (si:loop-tmember (caar prep-phrases) '(in of))))
2118 (ferror () "Illegal prep phrase(s) in ~A path of ~A - ~A"
2119 path variable prep-phrases))
2120 (loop-make-variable variable () data-type)
2121 (loop-make-variable
2122 (setq statev1 (gensym))
2123 (if prep-phrases `(pkg-find-package ,(cadar prep-phrases)) 'package)
2124 ())
2125 (loop-make-variable (setq statev2 (gensym)) () ())
2126 (loop-make-variable (setq statev3 (gensym)) () ())
2127 (push `(multiple-value (,statev1 ,statev2 ,statev3)
2128 (loop-initialize-mapatoms-state ,statev1 ,localp))
2129 loop-prologue)
2130 `(() () (multiple-value (nil ,statev1 ,statev2 ,statev3)
2131 (,(if localp 'loop-test-and-step-mapatoms-local
2132 'loop-test-and-step-mapatoms)
2133 ,statev1 ,statev2 ,statev3))
2134 (,variable (loop-get-mapatoms-symbol ,statev1 ,statev2 ,statev3))
2135 () ()))
2137 (defun loop-initialize-mapatoms-state (pkg localp)
2138 ; Return the initial values of the three state variables.
2139 ; This scheme uses them to be:
2140 ; (1) Index into the package (decremented as we go)
2141 ; (2) Temporary (to hold the symbol)
2142 ; (3) the package
2143 localp ; ignored
2144 (prog ()
2145 (return (array-dimension-n 2 pkg) () pkg)))
2147 (defun loop-test-and-step-mapatoms (index temp pkg)
2148 temp ; ignored
2149 (prog ()
2150 lp (cond ((< (setq index (1- index)) 0)
2151 (cond ((setq pkg (pkg-super-package pkg))
2152 (setq index (array-dimension-n 2 pkg))
2153 (go lp))
2154 (t (return t))))
2155 ((numberp (ar-2 pkg 0 index))
2156 (return nil index (ar-2 pkg 1 index) pkg))
2157 (t (go lp)))))
2159 (defun loop-test-and-step-mapatoms-local (index temp pkg)
2160 temp ; ignored
2161 (prog ()
2162 lp (cond ((minusp (setq index (1- index))) (return t))
2163 ((numberp (ar-2 pkg 0 index))
2164 (return () index (ar-2 pkg 1 index) pkg))
2165 (t (go lp)))))
2167 (defun loop-get-mapatoms-symbol (index temp pkg)
2168 index pkg ; ignored
2169 temp)
2170 )
2172; We don't want these defined in the compilation environment because
2173; the appropriate environment hasn't been set up. So, we just bootstrap
2174; them up.
2175(mapc '(lambda (x)
2176 (mapc '(lambda (y)
2177 (setq loop-path-keyword-alist
2178 (cons (cons y (cdr x))
2179 (delq (si:loop-tassoc
2180 y loop-path-keyword-alist)
2181 loop-path-keyword-alist))))
2182 (car x)))
2183 '(
2184 #+(or For-NIL For-Maclisp Lispm)
2185 ((interned-symbols interned-symbol)
2186 loop-interned-symbols-path (in))
2187 #+(or For-NIL Lispm)
2188 ((local-interned-symbols local-interned-symbol)
2189 loop-interned-symbols-path (in) t)
2190 ))
2192#-Multics ; none defined yet
2193(mapc '(lambda (x)
2194 (mapc '(lambda (y)
2195 (setq loop-path-keyword-alist
2196 (cons `(,y si:loop-sequence-elements-path
2197 (of in from downfrom to downto below above by)
2198 . ,(cdr x))
2199 (delq (si:loop-tassoc
2200 y loop-path-keyword-alist)
2201 loop-path-keyword-alist))))
2202 (car x)))
2203 '(#+Lispm
2204 ((array-element array-elements) aref array-active-length)
2205 ; These NIL guys are set up by NILAID in the PDP10 version but no one
2206 ; sets them up on the VAX. Anyway redundancy won't hurt unless i
2207 ; break something.
2208 #+(and For-NIL (not Run-in-Maclisp))
2209 ((vector-element vector-elements) vref vector-length vector)
2210 #+(and For-NIL (not Run-in-Maclisp))
2211 ((bit bits) bit bits-length bits fixnum)
2212 #+(and For-NIL (not Run-in-Maclisp))
2213 ((character characters) char string-length string character)
2214 )
2215 )
2217; Sigh. (c.f. loop-featurep, note macro-expansion lossage.)
2218; Note that we end up doing both in the PDP10 NIL version.
2219#+(or (not For-NIL) Run-in-Maclisp)
2220 (or (status feature loop) (sstatus feature loop))
2222 (set-feature 'loop 'local)