date and time created 88/07/21 17:33:21 by marc
[unix-history] / usr / src / local / toolchest / ksh / substring
1# substring function
2# this function should be equivalent to the substring built-in which was
3# eliminated after the 06/29/84 version
4function substring
6 typeset lpat flag str #local variables
7 set -o noglob #no file name generation
8 case $1 in
9 -l|-L)
10 flag=$1
11 lpat=$2
12 shift 2
13 ;;
14 esac
15 # test for too few or too many arguments
16 if [ x"$1" = x -o $# -gt 2 ]
17 then print -u2 'substring: bad argument count'
18 return 1
19 fi
20 str=$1
21 if [ x"$flag" = x-l ] #substring -l lpat
22 then str=${str#$lpat}
23 elif [ x"$flag" = x-L ]
24 then str=${str##$lpat} #substring -L lpat
25 fi
26 if [ x"$2" != x ]
27 then echo ${str%$2}
28 else echo $str
29 fi
30 return 0