BSD 4_3_Tahoe development
[unix-history] / usr / src / ucb / lisp / lisplib / hash.l
1(setq rcs-hash-
2 "$Header: hash.l,v 1.2 85/03/24 11:36:16 sklower Exp $")
4; Aug 5, 1982
5; (c) copyright 1982, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
7; Hash tables are basically just fast property lists. There are much the
8; same access functions: puthash, gethash, and remhash. The syntax is
9; different though. For small lists property lists are probably what you
10; want but when the lists start to become large hash tables become
11; infinitely better than property lists.
13;; Current bugs: hash-table-rehash and the equal version need to be
14;; rewritten. There is no reason to write the array twice.
16; Note very carefully that the syntax is <puthash key value hash-table>,
17; <gethash key hash-table>, and <remhash key hash-table>.
19; Before hash tables are used they have to be made i.e. you first do
20; (setq myhash (make-hash-table)) then (puthash 'name 'joe myhash).
21; Make-hash-table takes several alternating keywords and arguments
22; the only one of which you will probably use is :size. So
23; (setq otherhash (make-hash-table ':size 20)) will make otherhash a
24; hash table of length 20. If you know what the length of the hash table
25; will be and it is greater than about 20 it is a good idea to specify
26; the length so that hash-table-rehash will not need to be called.
27; This will speed up puthashing considerably especially when the hash
28; table is very large.
29; Keys must be eq, equal will not work.
31#+Franz (environment-maclisp)
33(defstruct (hash-table (:constructor make-hash-table-internal)
34 :named)
35 (real-hash-table (new-vector 17)) ;where entries are stored
36 (hash-table-fullness 0) ; how many entries in table
37 (rehash-after-n-misses 4) ; when puthashing you rehash the table
38 ; if you miss this many times
39 (hash-table-size 17) ; how big the vector is
40 (hash-table-rehash-size 1.5) ; factor to multiply by current size
41 ; to the get new size of the vector
42 (hash-table-rehash-function 'hash-table-rehash))
44; Make-hash-table makes a hash table. The vector that all the information
45; is stored in is made nmiss larger than the apparent size of the hash
46; table so that if you hash to a number close to the size of the table
47; you do not miss right off the table. So that for example if you
48; hash to the last element of the table and miss you are not aff the table.
50(defun make-hash-table (&rest options &aux (size 8) (rhf 'hash-table-rehash)
51 (rhs 1.5) (nmisses 4))
52 (loop for (key option) on options by #'cddr
53 do (selectq key
54 (:size (setq size option))
55 (:rehash-function (setq rhf option))
56 (:rehash-size (setq rhs option))
57 (otherwise
58 (ferror () "~S is not a valid hash table option"
59 key))))
60 (setq size (hash-table-good-size (* size 2)))
61 (make-hash-table-internal
62 real-hash-table (new-vector (+ size nmisses))
63 hash-table-size size
64 rehash-after-n-misses nmisses
65 hash-table-rehash-size rhs
66 hash-table-rehash-function rhf))
68(defun hash-table-good-size (size)
69 (setq size (max (fix size) 17)) ;minimum size is 17
70 (or (oddp size) (setq size (1+ size))) ; make it odd
71 (do ()
72 ((and (not (zerop (\ size 3))) ; make it a semi-prime number
73 (not (zerop (\ size 5)))
74 (not (zerop (\ size 7))))
75 size)
76 (setq size (+ size 2))))
78;; Using conses instead of putting increasing the size of the data table
79;; by a factor of two, decreases the amount of storage required for a
80;; partially full hash table but can adversely affect the paging and
81;; caching behavior of the hash table. Sometime, should meter this
82;; difference. (A compactifying garbage collector could help.)
84(defmacro make-hash-element (key value) ; creates a hash element
85 `(cons ,key ,value))
87(defmacro hash-key (element) ; the key given a hash element
88 `(car ,element))
90(defmacro hash-value (element) ; the value of a hash element
91 `(cdr ,element))
93(defmacro si:hash-code (hash-table key) ;hash code for key
94 `(\ (maknum ,key) (hash-table-size ,hash-table)))
96; Gethash either returns the value associated with that key in that
97; hash table or nil if there is none.
99(defun gethash (key hash-table &aux position-value)
100 (do ((try-position (si:hash-code hash-table key) (1+ try-position))
101 (n (rehash-after-n-misses hash-table) (1- n))
102 (real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table)))
103 ((zerop n) nil) ;it is not there so just return nil
104 (cond ((eq key
105 (hash-key (setq position-value
106 (vref real-hash-table try-position))))
107 (return (hash-value position-value))))))
109(eval-when (compile load eval)
110 (defsetf gethash (e v) `(puthash ,(cadr e) ,v ,(caddr e))))
112; Puthash inserts a hash-element for the given key and value in the
113; hash table that is passed to it. If the key already exists in the hash
114; table the value of that key is replaced by the new value. If it finds an
115; empty space it adds a hash-element for that key and value into that
116; space and increments hash-table-fullness by one. If it cannot find
117; the key or an empty space in four tries then it calls rehash on the
118; hash table and tries again.
120(declare (localf puthash-internal))
122(defun puthash (key value hash-table)
123 (puthash-internal key value hash-table nil))
125(defun swaphash (key value hash-table)
126 (puthash-internal key value hash-table t))
128(defun puthash-internal (key value hash-table swap?)
129 (do ((try-position (si:hash-code hash-table key) (1+ try-position))
130 (n (rehash-after-n-misses hash-table) (1- n))
131 (real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table)))
132 ((zerop n) ;if cannot find a place in n tries then rehash
133 (funcall (hash-table-rehash-function hash-table)
134 hash-table (hash-table-rehash-size hash-table))
135 (puthash key value hash-table))
136 (cond ((or (eq (hash-key (vref real-hash-table try-position))
137 key)
138 (and (null (vref real-hash-table try-position))
139 (setf (hash-table-fullness hash-table)
140 (1+ (hash-table-fullness hash-table)))))
141 (return
142 (prog1 (if swap? (hash-value (vref real-hash-table try-position))
143 value)
144 (setf (vref real-hash-table try-position)
145 (make-hash-element key value))))))))
147; Remhash removes the hash-element associated with the given key from
148; the hash table that is passed to it. If it finds the element and removes
149; it then it returns the key. If it cannot find the element then it returns
150; nil.
152(defun remhash (key hash-table)
153 (do ((try-position (si:hash-code hash-table key) (1+ try-position))
154 (n (rehash-after-n-misses hash-table) (1- n))
155 (real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table)))
156 ((zerop n) nil) ;not in the hash table return nil
157 (cond ((eq (hash-key (vref real-hash-table try-position)) key)
158 (setf (vref real-hash-table try-position) nil)
159 (return key))))) ;return the key if found and removed
161; Hash-table-rehash first saves the contents of the current hash table
162; in a temporary vector then puthashes the elements of this temporary vector
163; into the original hash-table after making it larger by a factor of
164; the variable grow.
166(defun hash-table-rehash (hash-table grow)
167 (let* ((real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table))
168 (nmisses (rehash-after-n-misses hash-table))
169 (new-size (+ nmisses
170 (hash-table-good-size (times grow
171 (hash-table-size hash-table)))))
172 (j 0)
173 (temp-array (new-vector new-size)))
174 (do ((current-position 0 (1+ current-position))
175 (old-size (+ (hash-table-size hash-table) nmisses)))
176 ((>= current-position old-size))
177 (let ((current-hash-element (vref real-hash-table current-position)))
178 (cond ((null current-hash-element))
179 (t (setf (vref temp-array j) current-hash-element)
180 (setq j (1+ j))))))
181 (cond ((not (= grow 1)) ;if the hash table has grown
182 (setf (real-hash-table hash-table) (new-vector new-size))
183 (setf (hash-table-fullness hash-table) 0)
184 (setf (hash-table-size hash-table) (- new-size nmisses))))
185 (do ((position 0 (1+ position))) ;add old values to new table
186 ((= position j))
187 (puthash (hash-key (vref temp-array position))
188 (hash-value (vref temp-array position))
189 hash-table))))
191(defun si:lookhash (hash-table)
192 (let ((real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table)))
193 (loop for num from 0 to (1- (vsize real-hash-table))
194 collect (vref real-hash-table num))))
196(defun maphash (func hash-table)
197 (let ((real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table)))
198 (loop for num from 0 to (1- (vsize real-hash-table))
199 with keyword and value
200 do (setq keyword (vref real-hash-table num))
201 unless (null keyword)
202 do (progn (setq value (cdr keyword)
203 keyword (car keyword))
204 (funcall func keyword value)))))
206;; SXHASH
207;; Sigh, this also comes from the LISP machine
209(defun sxhash (x)
210 (cond ((symbolp x)
211 (sxhash-string (get_pname x)))
212 ((stringp x)
213 (sxhash-string x))
214 ((eq (typep x) 'fixnum)
215 (if (minusp x)
216 (logxor x #o-1777777777)
217 x))
218 ((dtpr x)
219 (do ((rot 4)
220 (hash 0)
221 (y))
222 ((atom x)
223 (if (not (null x))
224 (setq hash (logxor (rot (sxhash x) (- rot 4)) hash)))
225 (if (minusp hash)
226 (logxor hash #o-1777777777)
227 hash))
228 (setq y (pop x))
229 (if (>= (setq rot (+ rot 7)) 24)
230 (setq rot (- rot 24)))
231 (setq hash (logxor (rot (cond ((symbolp y)
232 (sxhash-string (get_pname y)))
233 ((stringp y)
234 (sxhash-string y))
235 ((eq (typep y) 'fixnum)
236 y)
237 (t (sxhash y)))
238 rot)
239 hash))))
240 ((bigp x)
241 (sxhash (bignum-to-list x)))
242 ((floatp x)
243 (fix x))
244 (t 0)))
246(defun sxhash-string (string)
247 (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
248 (n (flatc string))
249 (hash 0))
250 ((> i n)
251 (if (minusp hash)
252 (logxor hash #o-1777777777)
253 hash))
254 (setq hash (rot (logxor (getcharn string i) #o177) 7))))
256;; Equal hash tables
258;; Notice the slots are exactly the same as in hash-table so we use the same
259;; macros.
261(defstruct (equal-hash-table (:constructor make-equal-hash-table-internal)
262 :named)
263 (real-hash-table (new-vector 17)) ;where entries are stored
264 (hash-table-fullness 0) ; how many entries in table
265 (rehash-after-n-misses 4) ; when puthashing you rehash the table
266 ; if you miss this many times
267 (hash-table-size 17) ; how big the vector is
268 (hash-table-rehash-size 1.5) ; factor to multiply by current size
269 ; to the get new size of the vector
270 (hash-table-rehash-function 'equal-hash-table-rehash))
272; Make-hash-table makes a hash table. The vector that all the information
273; is stored in is made nmiss larger than the apparent size of the hash
274; table so that if you hash to a number close to the size of the table
275; you do not miss right off the table. So that for example if you
276; hash to the last element of the table and miss you are not aff the table.
278(defun make-equal-hash-table (&rest options &aux (size 8)
279 (rhf 'hash-table-rehash)
280 (rhs 1.5) (nmisses 4))
281 (loop for (key option) on options by #'cddr
282 do (selectq key
283 (:size (setq size option))
284 (:rehash-function (setq rhf option))
285 (:rehash-size (setq rhs option))
286 (otherwise
287 (ferror () "~S is not a valid hash table option"
288 key))))
289 (setq size (hash-table-good-size (* size 2)))
290 (make-equal-hash-table-internal
291 real-hash-table (new-vector (+ size nmisses))
292 hash-table-size size
293 rehash-after-n-misses nmisses
294 hash-table-rehash-size rhs
295 hash-table-rehash-function rhf))
297; Gethash-equal either returns the value associated with that key in that
298; hash table or nil if there is none.
300(defun gethash-equal (key hash-table &aux position-value)
301 (do ((try-position (remainder (sxhash key) (hash-table-size hash-table))
302 (1+ try-position))
303 (n (rehash-after-n-misses hash-table) (1- n))
304 (real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table)))
305 ((zerop n) nil) ;it is not there so just return nil
306 (cond ((equal key
307 (hash-key (setq position-value
308 (vref real-hash-table try-position))))
309 (return (hash-value position-value))))))
311(eval-when (eval compile load)
312 (defsetf gethash-equal (e v) `(puthash-equal ,(cadr e) v ,(caddr e))))
314; Puthash inserts a hash-element for the given key and value in the
315; hash table that is passed to it. If the key already exists in the hash
316; table the value of that key is replaced by the new value. If it finds an
317; empty space it adds a hash-element for that key and value into that
318; space and increments hash-table-fullness by one. If it cannot find
319; the key or an empty space in four tries then it calls rehash on the
320; hash table and tries again.
322(declare (localf puthash-equal-internal))
324(defun puthash-equal (key value hash-table)
325 (puthash-equal-internal key value hash-table nil))
327(defun swaphash-equal (key value hash-table)
328 (puthash-equal-internal key value hash-table t))
330(defun puthash-equal-internal (key value hash-table swap?)
331 (do ((try-position (remainder (sxhash key) (hash-table-size hash-table))
332 (1+ try-position))
333 (n (rehash-after-n-misses hash-table) (1- n))
334 (real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table)))
335 ((zerop n) ;if cannot find a place in n tries then rehash
336 (funcall (hash-table-rehash-function hash-table)
337 hash-table (hash-table-rehash-size hash-table))
338 (puthash-equal key value hash-table))
340 (cond ((or (equal (hash-key (vref real-hash-table try-position))
341 key)
342 (and (null (vref real-hash-table try-position))
343 (setf (hash-table-fullness hash-table)
344 (1+ (hash-table-fullness hash-table)))))
345 (return
346 (prog1 (if swap? (hash-value
347 (vref real-hash-table try-position))
348 value)
349 (setf (vref real-hash-table try-position)
350 (make-hash-element key value))))))))
353; Remhash removes the hash-element associated with the given key from
354; the hash table that is passed to it. If it finds the element and removes
355; it then it returns the key. If it cannot find the element then it returns
356; nil.
358(defun remhash-equal (key hash-table)
359 (do ((try-position (remainder (sxhash key) (hash-table-size hash-table))
360 (1+ try-position))
361 (n (rehash-after-n-misses hash-table) (1- n))
362 (real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table)))
363 ((zerop n) nil) ;not in the hash table return nil
364 (cond ((equal (hash-key (vref real-hash-table try-position)) key)
365 (setf (vref real-hash-table try-position) nil)
366 (return key))))) ;return the key if found and removed
369; Hash-table-rehash first saves the contents of the current hash table
370; in a temporary vector then puthashes the elements of this temporary vector
371; into the original hash-table after making it larger by a factor of
372; the variable grow.
374(defun equal-hash-table-rehash (hash-table grow)
375 (let* ((real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table))
376 (nmisses (rehash-after-n-misses hash-table))
377 (new-size (+ nmisses
378 (hash-table-good-size (times grow
379 (hash-table-size hash-table)))))
380 (j 0)
381 (temp-array (new-vector new-size)))
382 (do ((current-position 0 (1+ current-position))
383 (old-size (+ (hash-table-size hash-table) nmisses)))
384 ((>= current-position old-size))
385 (let ((current-hash-element (vref real-hash-table current-position)))
386 (cond ((null current-hash-element))
387 (t (setf (vref temp-array j) current-hash-element)
388 (setq j (1+ j))))))
389 (cond ((not (= grow 1)) ;if the hash table has grown
390 (setf (real-hash-table hash-table) (new-vector new-size))
391 (setf (hash-table-fullness hash-table) 0)
392 (setf (hash-table-size hash-table) (- new-size nmisses))))
393 (do ((position 0 (1+ position))) ;add old values to new table
394 ((= position j))
395 (puthash (hash-key (vref temp-array position))
396 (hash-value (vref temp-array position))
397 hash-table))))
399(defun maphash-equal (func hash-table)
400 (let ((real-hash-table (real-hash-table hash-table)))
401 (loop for num from 0 to (1- (vsize real-hash-table))
402 with keyword and value
403 do (setq keyword (vref real-hash-table num))
404 unless (null keyword)
405 do (progn (setq value (cdr keyword)
406 keyword (car keyword))
407 (funcall func keyword value)))))
409(sstatus feature hash-tables)