BSD 4_3_Tahoe development
[unix-history] / usr / src / ucb / lisp / lisplib / syntax.l
1(setq rcs-syntax-
2 "$Header: /usr/lib/lisp/syntax.l,v 1.1 83/01/29 18:40:24 jkf Exp $")
5;; syntax.l -[Sat Jan 29 18:28:58 1983 by jkf]-
7;; contains the user callable setsyntax function
11;--- setsyntax :: new version of setsyntax
12; this version allows symbolic syntax codes.
15 (special syntax:symbolic-to-old-fixnum ;; for upward compatibility
16 ; use this to map from old
17 ; fixnums to symbolic names
18 syntax:symbolic-bits-to-fixnum ;; bit definitions of symbolic
19 ;bits. see h/chars.h
20 syntax:code-to-bits ;; used at runtime to
21 ; interpret symbolic names
22 readtable ;; current readtable
23 ))
26(def setsyntax
27 (lexpr (n)
28 (cond ((not (or (equal n 2) (equal n 3)))
29 (error "setsyntax: 2 or 3 args required, not " n)))
30 ; determine the correct code
31 (prog (given ch number)
32 (setq given (arg 2)
33 ch (arg 1))
34 (cond ((and (not (numberp ch))
35 (not (symbolp ch)))
36 (error "setsyntax: first arg must be a number or symbol: "
37 ch)))
38 (cond ((numberp given)
39 ; using the old fixnum values (we suppose)
40 (cond ((setq number
41 (rassq given syntax:symbolic-to-old-fixnum))
42 (setq given (car number))) ; use symbolic name
43 (t (error "setsyntax: fixnum code is not defined: "
44 given)))))
45 (cond ((symbolp given)
46 ; convert from common names to our symbolic names
47 (cond ((eq 'macro given)
48 (setq given 'vmacro))
49 ((eq 'splicing given)
50 (setq given 'vsplicing-macro)))
51 ; now see if the symbolic name is defined
52 (cond ((setq number (assq given syntax:code-to-bits))
53 (setq number (cdr number)))
54 (t (error "setsyntax: unknown symbolic code: "
55 given))))
56 (t (error "setsyntax: second arg not symbol or fixnum: "
57 given)))
58 ; now call the low level code to set the value.
59 (int:setsyntax (arg 1) number) ;;; change to *
60 ; the final argument is placed on the property list of the
61 ; first argument, with the indicator being the current readtable,
62 ; thus you can have more than one macro function for each
63 ; character for each readtable.
64 (cond ((equal n 3)
65 (cond ((numberp ch) (setq ch (ascii ch)))) ; need symbol
66 (putprop ch (arg 3) readtable))))
67 t))
70(def getsyntax
71 (lambda (ch)
72 (let ((res (int:getsyntax ch)) ; this will be modified too
73 (symb))
74 (cond ((setq symb (rassq res syntax:code-to-bits))
75 (car symb))
76 (t (error "getsyntax: no symbolic code corresponds to: "
77 res))))))
80;--- add-syntax-class : add a new symbolic syntax class
81; name is the name which we will use to refer to it.
82; bits are a list of symbolic bit names for it.
83; modifies global variable: syntax:code-to-bits
85(def add-syntax-class
86 (lambda (name bits)
87 (cond ((not (symbolp name))
88 (error "add-syntax-class: illegal name: " name)))
89 (cond ((not (dtpr bits))
90 (error "add-syntax-class: illegal bits: " bits)))
91 (do ((xx bits (cdr xx))
92 (this 0)
93 (num 0))
94 ((null xx)
95 (cond ((setq this (assq name syntax:code-to-bits))
96 (rplacd this num)) ; replace old value
97 (t (setq syntax:code-to-bits (cons (cons name num)
98 syntax:code-to-bits)))))
99 (cond ((setq this (assq (car xx) syntax:symbolic-bits-to-fixnum))
100 ;(format t "num:~d, oth:~a, comb:~d~%"
101 ; num (cdr this) (apply 'boole `(7 ,num ,(cdr this))))
102 (setq num (boole 7 num (cdr this)))
103 ;(format t "res: ~d~%" num)
104 ) ; logical or
105 (t (error "illegal syntax code " (car xx)))))
106 name))
108(setq syntax:symbolic-to-old-fixnum
109 '((vnumber . 0) (vsign . 1) (vcharacter . 2)
110 (vsingle-character-symbol . 66.)
111 (vleft-paren . 195.) (vright-paren . 196.)
112 (vperiod . 133.)
113 (vleft-bracket . 198.) (vright-bracket . 199.) (veof . 200.)
114 (vsingle-quote . 201.) (vsymbol-delimiter . 138.)
115 (vstring-delimiter . 137.)
116 (villegal . 203.) (vseparator . 204.)
117 (vsplicing-macro . 205.) (vmacro . 206.)
118 (vescape . 143.))
119 syntax:symbolic-bits-to-fixnum
120 '(; character classes
121 (cnumber . 0) (csign . 1) (ccharacter . 2)
122 (cleft-paren . 3)
123 (cright-paren . 4) (cperiod . 5) (cleft-bracket . 6)
124 (cright-bracket . 7)
125 (csingle-quote . 9.) (csymbol-delimiter . 10.) (cillegal . 11.)
126 (cseparator . 12.) (csplicing-macro . 13.)
127 (cmacro . 14.) (cescape . 15.) (csingle-character-symbol . 16.)
128 (cstring-delimiter . 17.)
129 (csingle-macro . 18.) (csingle-splicing-macro . 19.)
130 (cinfix-macro . 20.)
131 (csingle-infix-macro . 21.)
132 ; escape bits
133 (escape-when-unique . 64.)
134 (escape-when-first . 128.)
135 (escape-always . 192.)
136 ; separator
137 (separator . 32.))
138 syntax:code-to-bits nil)
140(add-syntax-class 'vnumber '(cnumber))
141(add-syntax-class 'vsign '(csign))
142(add-syntax-class 'vcharacter '(ccharacter))
143(add-syntax-class 'vleft-paren '(cleft-paren escape-always separator))
144(add-syntax-class 'vright-paren '(cright-paren escape-always separator))
145(add-syntax-class 'vperiod '(cperiod escape-when-unique))
146(add-syntax-class 'vleft-bracket '(cleft-bracket escape-always separator))
147(add-syntax-class 'vright-bracket '(cright-bracket escape-always separator))
148(add-syntax-class 'vsingle-quote '(csingle-quote escape-always separator))
149(add-syntax-class 'vsymbol-delimiter '(csymbol-delimiter escape-always))
150(add-syntax-class 'villegal '(cillegal escape-always separator))
151(add-syntax-class 'vseparator '(cseparator escape-always separator))
152(add-syntax-class 'vsplicing-macro '(csplicing-macro escape-always separator))
153(add-syntax-class 'vmacro '(cmacro escape-always separator))
154(add-syntax-class 'vescape '(cescape escape-always))
155(add-syntax-class 'vsingle-character-symbol
156 '(csingle-character-symbol separator))
157(add-syntax-class 'vstring-delimiter '(cstring-delimiter escape-always))
158(add-syntax-class 'vsingle-macro '(csingle-macro escape-when-unique))
159(add-syntax-class 'vsingle-splicing-macro
160 '(csingle-splicing-macro escape-when-unique))
161(add-syntax-class 'vinfix-macro '(cinfix-macro escape-always separator))
162(add-syntax-class 'vsingle-infix-macro
163 '(csingle-infix-macro escape-when-unique))