BSD 1 development
[unix-history] / tests / t02.p
1program graph1(output);
3 d = 0.0625;
4 s = 32;
5 h = 34;
6 c = 6.28318;
8 x,y: real;
9 i,n: integer;
10procedure rdr(var f: text; var x: real);
12 t48 = 281474976710656;
13 limit = 56294995342131;
14 z = 27;
15 lim1 = 322;
16 lim2 = -292;
18 posint = 0..323;
20 ch: char;
21 y: real;
22 a, i, e: integer;
23 s, ss: boolean;
25function ten(e: posint): real;
27 i: integer;
28 t: real;
30 i := 0;
31 t := 1.0;
32 repeat
33 if odd(e) then
34 case i of
35 0: t := t*1.0e1;
36 1: t := t*1.0e2;
37 2: t := t*1.0e4;
38 3: t := t*1.0e8;
39 4: t := t*1.0e16;
40 5: t := t*1.0e32;
41 6: t := t*1.0e64;
42 7: t := t*1.0e128;
43 8: t := t*1.0e256
44 end ;
45 e := e div 2;
46 i := i+1;
47 until e = 0;
48 ten := t
49end ;
52 if eof(f) then
53 begin
54 message('**tried to read past eos/eof');
55 halt
56 end ;
57 while (f^ = ' ') and (not eof(f)) do
58 get(f);
59 if not eof(f) then
60 begin
61 ch := f^;
62 if ch = '-' then
63 begin
64 s := true;
65 get(f);
66 ch := f^;
67 end else
68 begin
69 s := false;
70 if ch = '+' then
71 begin
72 get(f);
73 ch := f^;
74 end
75 end ;
76 if not (ch in ['0'..'9']) then
77 begin
78 message('**digit expected');
79 halt
80 end ;
81 a := 0;
82 e := 0;
83 repeat
84 if a < limit then
85 a := 10*a + ord(ch)-z else
86 e := e+1;
87 get(f);
88 ch := f^;
89 until not (ch in ['0'..'9']);
90 if ch = '.' then
91 begin
92 get(f);
93 ch := f^;
94 while ch in ['0'..'9'] do
95 begin
96 if a < limit then
97 begin
98 a := 10*a+ord(ch)-z;
99 e := e-1;
100 end ;
101 get(f);
102 ch := f^;
103 end
104 end;
105 if ch = 'e' then
106 begin
107 get(f);
108 ch := f^;
109 i := 0;
110 if ch = '-' then
111 begin
112 ss := true;
113 get(f);
114 ch := f^;
115 end else
116 begin
117 ss := false;
118 if ch = '+' then
119 begin
120 get(f);
121 ch := f^;
122 end
123 end;
124 if ch in ['0'..'9'] then
125 begin
126 i := ord(ch)-z;
127 get(f);
128 ch := f^;
129 while ch in ['0'..'9'] do
130 begin
131 if i < limit then
132 i := 10*i + ord(ch)-z;
133 get(f);
134 ch := f^;
135 end
136 end else
137 begin
138 message(' digit expected');
139 halt
140 end ;
141 if ss then
142 e := e-i else
143 e := e+i;
144 end;
145 if e < lim2 then
146 begin
147 a := 0;
148 e := 0;
149 end else
150 if e > lim1 then
151 begin
152 message('**number too large');
153 halt
154 end;
155 if a >= t48 then
156 y := ((a+1) div 2) * 2.0 else
157 y := a;
158 if s then
159 y := -y;
160 if e < 0 then
161 x := y/ten(-e) else
162 if e <> 0 then
163 x := y*ten(e) else
164 x := y;
165 end;
168 for i := 0 to lim do
169 begin
170 x := d*i;
171 y := exp(-x)*sin(c*x);
172 n := round(s*y) + h;
173 repeat
174 write(blank);
175 n := n-1;
176 until n=0;
177 write(aster)
178 end